davidson3d: check how the head of the lion has a lot of forms, very curvy, but the body not so much. start with the big ones all around and bring finish to equal levels
So this is my first time posting, but I have been a long time fan of the forum. I finally mustered up enough courage to show some of the stuff I have been working on.
I heard about the upcoming Dominance War nad have been counting the days until I can start. To pass the time I figured I would do a warm up. here's what came out:
It still has the high-res maps on it -- going to re-arrange UV's and down-res once the whole thing is finished. Mouth can open and is designed to be highly animatable. Body & effects to come
I figured I'd combine a few bullpup weapons into 1 to get something hopefully cool and unique looking... unlike some of the weapons out there now. It started as a polish sniper rifle code named "Alex" and I grabbed the barrel shroud, barrel and trigger group off my g36c model. Just wondering if it looks like a design you would actually expect to see in life?
here's a low res wire of it so far... it's messy... I'll get to cleaning it later.. if that.. I just wanted to design it in 3d to get a feel for the silhouette ... easier than drawing lines on paper :P
That looks great Blaizer, I think the arms and legs could use some more work though, they don't feel dynamic enough or quite up to par with the rest of the awesomeness you have going on the in bust.
Slum & WhiteEagle, yeah it's the perspective that's making his legs look very short. I think I had the FOV set oddly in ZBrush hehe
Pior, thanks. Yeah, I was never a fan of the red wax material in ZBrush, and I've stopped using it completely.
ironbearxl, that's very cool. I love how stylised it looks, and that haircut is very creative
Jumping from my ninja-ish char, to Detective MacKenzie, which I'm about to finish up low poly-wise, because thanks to Santy I finally managed to bake the normal maps without holes Will add a detective's badge, plus perhaps a revolver he can hold in his hand behind his back. Might have to tweak his biceps, they look too short from the front.....
Ruz don't you feel like sculpting big fat assault boots like this and yours is like the coolest thing to do in a scultping app ? Maybe it's because of that screenshot of a white trainer that was posted just before Mudbox got released and also because of the crazy Rainbow Six all-zbrush gear stuf that Sebcesoir did... Don't know why, but it's always fun to do somehow.
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I was loathe to use this technique even though I knew a lot fo folks worked this way. But I am kind of surprised how easy and fun it is to work like this.
I normally do the base sculpt in zbrush and add the details in pshop, but then you are relying on a perfect uv map for your base which is quite time consuming.
Painting fun in Zbrush:
will make the details in PS.
Its for my UT3 rodents factions.
@ gavku
Very cool, the facial features are great!
@ East
Nice character
The wrinkles in the crotch area looking strange and your lightning setup needs shadows because the bright light in the face is unrealistic.
Hawken - don't change the name of the big ass burger - that is what makes it work. It is realistic and funny that a restaurant chain calls a pathetic burger "big ass"
took a stab at dead eye's jacket on my two days off from school He's a zombie killing cowboy so I caked it up with blood and grime. The screen grabs don't really do it justice, but I inlayed a sweet pattern on the liner via normals and added stitching. 744 tris, 2 2k maps (gonna down-res later). Having a horrible issue with alphas artifacting my mesh, so no alphas T.T
P.S. if anyone else is / had a problem with alphas artifacting meshes in the viewport (in HQ mode only), I would be more than grateful to hear your thoughts on the subject. Video drivers, maybe? A long lost setting I accidentally clicked and forgot about?
KITE! good to see stuff from you. I like this guy, but I think he would look better in a double breasted spacesuit. You know, some asymmetry. Oh, and I hope that thing is made out of leather.
Awesome guys!
davidson3d: check how the head of the lion has a lot of forms, very curvy, but the body not so much. start with the big ones all around and bring finish to equal levels
Woah East that'a a nice one! Also it's quite nice to see a tasty zbrush render, man I am so sick of that red wax thing!
Adding some Leyendecker pants... hope to have the bust done by tonight.
Yay for one legged spacemarines! Thanks for the kind words Indianboy.
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Because only manly spacemarines can wear pants carved out of stone! Just kidding, I know that was a style choice.
Thanks Cholden.
took out mid-legs, added some grabbers for foodstuffs.
So this is my first time posting, but I have been a long time fan of the forum. I finally mustered up enough courage to show some of the stuff I have been working on.
I heard about the upcoming Dominance War nad have been counting the days until I can start. To pass the time I figured I would do a warm up. here's what came out:
It still has the high-res maps on it -- going to re-arrange UV's and down-res once the whole thing is finished. Mouth can open and is designed to be highly animatable. Body & effects to come
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diggs it
Yes, it's from Arshlevon's base, as usual. If you've got a problem with it, try Vagisil.
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East > Good work and good advice, nice sculpting man.
Agree with Slum about the proportions of the legs and feet, could be the perspective though.
I figured I'd combine a few bullpup weapons into 1 to get something hopefully cool and unique looking... unlike some of the weapons out there now. It started as a polish sniper rifle code named "Alex" and I grabbed the barrel shroud, barrel and trigger group off my g36c model. Just wondering if it looks like a design you would actually expect to see in life?
here's a low res wire of it so far... it's messy... I'll get to cleaning it later.. if that.. I just wanted to design it in 3d to get a feel for the silhouette ... easier than drawing lines on paper :P
More images here: http://www.blog.whiteblaizer.com/?p=137#more-137
Frick that's awesome Blaizer!
Pior, what program are you using to build the mechanical parts?
I would expect the big ass burger to be bigger than that...what a let down.
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What you fail to notice my friend... is that the fries and soda are shown actual size
More fun in silo:
Pior, how are the boots coming?
Pior, thanks. Yeah, I was never a fan of the red wax material in ZBrush, and I've stopped using it completely.
ironbearxl, that's very cool. I love how stylised it looks, and that haircut is very creative
Jumping from my ninja-ish char, to Detective MacKenzie, which I'm about to finish up low poly-wise, because thanks to Santy I finally managed to bake the normal maps without holes
I would expect the big ass burger to be bigger than that...what a let down.
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What you fail to notice my friend... is that the fries and soda are shown actual size
[/ QUOTE ]
true true
I actually took those photos myself (!)
Names have been changed now.
Ruz don't you feel like sculpting big fat assault boots like this and yours is like the coolest thing to do in a scultping app ? Maybe it's because of that screenshot of a white trainer that was posted just before Mudbox got released and also because of the crazy Rainbow Six all-zbrush gear stuf that Sebcesoir did... Don't know why, but it's always fun to do somehow.
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I was loathe to use this technique even though I knew a lot fo folks worked this way. But I am kind of surprised how easy and fun it is to work like this.
I normally do the base sculpt in zbrush and add the details in pshop, but then you are relying on a perfect uv map for your base which is quite time consuming.
will make the details in PS.
Its for my UT3 rodents factions.
@ gavku
Very cool, the facial features are great!
@ East
Nice character
The wrinkles in the crotch area looking strange and your lightning setup needs shadows because the bright light in the face is unrealistic.
I would expect the big ass burger to be bigger than that...what a let down.
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What you fail to notice my friend... is that the fries and soda are shown actual size
[/ QUOTE ]
true true
I actually took those photos myself (!)
Names have been changed now.
[/ QUOTE ]
In that case, my life long dream of building burger/fry house can now be realized...the future looks bright indeed.
Bitch's angry cause she doesn't have any legs or eyes.
bah... i need real modeling of real models...
P.S. if anyone else is / had a problem with alphas artifacting meshes in the viewport (in HQ mode only), I would be more than grateful to hear your thoughts on the subject. Video drivers, maybe? A long lost setting I accidentally clicked and forgot about?
Trying to expand my High poly work. Wondering how you constructed some of the areas.
Im lovin modo. Great app.
Cool gun chia. Curious. Can I see a wireshot?
Trying to expand my High poly work. Wondering how you constructed some of the areas.
Im lovin modo. Great app.
[/ QUOTE ]
cheers, though I reckon there's too many polys to make any sense there
also made a lil' tutorial at http://www.svartberg.com/tutorials/videos/Subd_puzzle_lvl2.avi, you need the tscc codec for that.