Easing into 2008 with some 2D environment textures.
First up, it's a knackered-up metal sign for a (sort of) well-known fast food joint, post-apocalypse style.
I'm pretty happy with the rusty bits at the bottom, but the grime at the top doesn't look right. Looks more like wrinkled paper than filthy, weather-beaten painted metal.
Any suggestions for improving this?
Ah Noisey a fellow scouser, thought I was the only one here.
Anyway, the sign could use more dirt etc in the open white'ish areas for a start. Add a few scratches and alike, might help give you a better look for the dirt at the top.
I agree about the paper look... The rust looks good, but I'm not sure why it would rust on bottom, but not on top. Also, fade out and abuse the text some. It looks to pristine for that much damage.
caseyjones: thanks man! your right about the brush strokes, it's not really that i don't know how to smooth them out, it's just that i didn't do it because i wanted to get the overall texture first (this one was done in 2 hours, and after that i didn't feel like working on it anymore :P)
for blending i use hard brushes with dynamic opacity, then if i want to blend something i select the color that is somewhere in between and draw something with that, then between the new colours etc.. i don't really like the smudge tool 'cause it has screwed up a lot of texture work for me in the past.
nice sword chai!
ferg: thanks a lot! i'll work on that soon!
Waiting for free time so I can fix the shoulders... and it's totally for fun at this point so before anyone gets too serious with their comments. Constructive comments still very welcome tho
pior: looks nice.. I'd do something about the shadows though, maybe more samples? You could always just render out a shadow pass seperately and blur/smudge out the shadows in photoshop/compositing package.
Yeah Slum it's quite grainy in there. I am not familiar with these advanced render settings at all - I simply used the numbers provided in the StitchMan2008 thread :P I guess grainy shadows make the render much faster... I don't know if trading this with speed is worth it really. But yeah I could very well go in and tweak this by hand. I actually did something similar in some places of this render, adding some slight hue shift to make it look less CGish!
chai- the normal map on your swords blade edge makes it look like a toy its blunt like a plastic sword. id paint the edge by hand and add a scratched normal. also brighten up the spec and col on thedge to sell it.
other than the edge its nice
chai- the normal map on your swords blade edge makes it look like a toy its blunt like a plastic sword. id paint the edge by hand and add a scratched normal. also brighten up the spec and col on thedge to sell it.
other than the edge its nice
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks SHEPEIRO ! will definetly use these crits for the next blade
I didn't understand what you meant by the scratches on the sharp edge though, could you please elaborate on those ?
just a few sctratches and nicks, the rest of the blade looks slightly battered while the buisness end is clean. it would have been even more worn then sharpened back up again so it needs to reflect that process. also darken the corners of the indent as these wouldnt get as clean and will add pop
Soccarman18: Other than those ones, no I'm lazy...
Sa7en: Why yes, Henning, I am planning on painting him! Glad you like.
Madman: Painting, yes. I might ask later if MoP would make some nicer lit photos of him so I can show them off appropriately in my portfolio. He's the one with the tripod and nice camera, ya see. I've always been rubbish at photography!
Darksun: Thanks! It can certainly be tough to actually finish stuff. For me it's lucky enough that I have absolutely no room to leave unfinished artwork lying around for long periods of time, I have to finish things or end up with crap everywhere
Ultra: Thanks!
AdamLewis: Thanks, and yep, it was nowhere near done at that point. It's way more finished in these next ones I think you'd agree
Sculpting's done and painting's begun (rhyming!)
3rd one is with about 45 minutes more work done on it than the other two. Half the teeth are glued in, bit more painting.
you have got to be Fucking Kidding Me. Tully that is awesome... so good that it fills me with the desire to do some maquette sculpting for myself. Awesome work man, tons of detail, and it's got a badass attitude. Everything from the overlayed muscles and tendons to the rocky pedestal look great. Well done.
Tully: I love the color, of course the model itself is great, but the paint is really breathing life into it. Better post some high res pics somewhere when it's done!
Tully that's cool!! I reckon you paint in very thin layers, one after the other? I am quite curious about the material contrast between the black, shiny part on top as opposed to the dryer looking red hands, it looks great. Is this intentional? If so I wonder how you got these two different material properties out of the same paint. Maybe the hands are painted in a thicker manner, hence the original plastic shows more through the black parts?
Also I have a suggestion about the pose - even if it's way too late now :P I would love to see it's hands clenched and resting on the floor gorilla-like, like if it was just about to leave it's base to run around the place!
yep i read it and already built the cellshader and understand it, kind of xD
however, i have to change the method from an if-node to something different, because the if-node is just, if-then now inbetweens, so only hard shading, but i want it to be soft.
I really don't know how to create a Gradient that goes from light to shadow. i played around with the light vector and stuff, but i don't seam to find a way how to ramp the shading, been trying for like 3 nights to get to a point but i didn't get there.
I also searched for more information about materials but it seems that only hourences site has good informations about that.
@vahl: nice head,. but you should give the lips a bit more form, right now they are a little too straight i guess
@ Tully
That looks alive! ...Would be hard for him to hold his balance in that pose.
@ SEKNeox
I have no idea how that celshader works but im not into that UE3 Material system anyway. I really would like to see a screen of that celshader applied to your model.
Ferg: That's a funny thing I've noticed about decent maquettes: they have the weird ability to make other people want to make their own maquettes. I'm a victim of Smellybug, you can be a victim of ME. Spread like zombies, we do
Pior: Good idea for the pose! He has turned out fairly gorilla-y. I have to say I didn't put a whole lot of thought into his pose--mostly because I wasn't 100% sure what I wanted him to be. There are pros and cons to this method, obviously, but I think it's the funnest one
That is the way I'm going about painting it. Started with the nice gray base coat. The look you're describing actually isn't intentional at this point, but a bi-product of the paint quality (it ain't the best). Though I'm glad you like it! The hands have very little work done on them and the red (which is mixed with white and a little bit of blue--and has lost a lot of its vibrancy because of the poor pigment quality) is drybrushed on more opaquely over grey (rather than glazed over white, which is the case with some of the rest of the colour and leads to a brighter result), which has led to the thicker look.
Though I'm planning on keeping them mostly the same with a bit of a brighter red, sharp detail and veiny translucency. After the colour part is done, I've got some gloss varnish that will shiny up some areas. I've got a bit on the eyes, but there will be even more inside the mouth and stuff. It's pretty much as simple as that though
Hobodactyl: Will do! I'm considering a base for him at the moment (though I'm not convinced he needs it
Shepeiro, Rooster, Soccerman18, Vahl, tokidokizenzen, Davision3D: Thanks, glad you guys like it
you have any pointers? or tutorials you looked at? what materials/tools used. all that stuff? ive been thinking about sculpting for a while, just not sure where to start. thanks!
Tully: You start realizing spending the extra couple of bucks on good paints is definitely worth it when you're spending so much time on a piece, makes working with them so much easier. Of course it still looks fantastic, it's really mostly for your own benefit
no specular, rim and other stuff applied, just the cellshader to play around with the shading
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks cool! Btw, I did the cel shading technique on Hourences' website the first day I messed with UE3. ;D
Too bad I have no PC that could handle it atm, so I just guess... You could make a dot product of light vector and normal (should give you the gradiant) and power it up (should/could make the shadowing look more dramatic) or something. I'll give it a go when I get my new PC.
3 days of searching and testing and some times i was almost there but made some mistakes, but now the base works
ok now i can start working on the other parts.
hey aevirex thanks for posting
yes i found out that it was your technique, but your site is dead and i so muched hoped to learn more about the material editor, i'm very new to this node based stuff, and don't know shit about math, so i had to do it the good old trial and error way
Soft ramp is sweet! How did you do it now? Did you try Transmission yet?
Yeah... I paid so much for the webspace and domain yet I don't use it. But something is in the works.
Also I plan to write a few tutorials/make a material library or something as soon as I have a new PC. Hopefully that will happen quite soon.
Ok sag bescheid wenn die Seite steht, den shader kannst dann haben wenn du magst
Erm right now i only did it with the diffuse channel.
I used a dotproduct out of a lightvector and the normal (but i kinda prefer a plain blue 3vector in some cases, so i have to take a look if i could wash out the details of my normal a bit to make it smoother) as texture coordinates for a 1d texture (256x1 pixels wide) with a ramped gradient on it.
Next step will be the add of a cubemap to the ramped shading, is there actually a way to get the cube map out of the level or do i hav to create a generic one? For the test i'll use a generic one representing the colors of the world, reddisch ground, greenish surrounding and blueish sky, very blurry stuff i guess.
and then i'll go for rim and specular and maybe even reflection for the metal parts.
@uly: yeah i prefer the soft ramp too, but i guess i'll have to tweak the ramp anyways when i have an environment to play around with.
still a lot of stuff to tweak but its the first version.
i think i could add a even harder edge deeper in the shadows. Spec and Reflection still missing
still needs work but kinda happy with it atm.
and a 20 min speed sculpt of Oro
hope you guys don't mind these bein thrown up here.
First up, it's a knackered-up metal sign for a (sort of) well-known fast food joint, post-apocalypse style.
I'm pretty happy with the rusty bits at the bottom, but the grime at the top doesn't look right. Looks more like wrinkled paper than filthy, weather-beaten painted metal.
Any suggestions for improving this?
Anyway, the sign could use more dirt etc in the open white'ish areas for a start. Add a few scratches and alike, might help give you a better look for the dirt at the top.
for blending i use hard brushes with dynamic opacity, then if i want to blend something i select the color that is somewhere in between and draw something with that, then between the new colours etc.. i don't really like the smudge tool 'cause it has screwed up a lot of texture work for me in the past.
nice sword chai!
ferg: thanks a lot! i'll work on that soon!
Waiting for free time so I can fix the shoulders... and it's totally for fun at this point so before anyone gets too serious with their comments. Constructive comments still very welcome tho
Great characters nonetheless, love the old school scuba guy. The air tubes might need more groove tho...
other than the edge its nice
chai- the normal map on your swords blade edge makes it look like a toy its blunt like a plastic sword. id paint the edge by hand and add a scratched normal. also brighten up the spec and col on thedge to sell it.
other than the edge its nice
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks SHEPEIRO ! will definetly use these crits for the next blade
I didn't understand what you meant by the scratches on the sharp edge though, could you please elaborate on those ?
Sa7en: Why yes, Henning, I am planning on painting him!
Madman: Painting, yes. I might ask later if MoP would make some nicer lit photos of him so I can show them off appropriately in my portfolio. He's the one with the tripod and nice camera, ya see. I've always been rubbish at photography!
Darksun: Thanks! It can certainly be tough to actually finish stuff. For me it's lucky enough that I have absolutely no room to leave unfinished artwork lying around for long periods of time, I have to finish things or end up with crap everywhere
Ultra: Thanks!
AdamLewis: Thanks, and yep, it was nowhere near done at that point. It's way more finished in these next ones I think you'd agree
Sculpting's done and painting's begun (rhyming!)
3rd one is with about 45 minutes more work done on it than the other two. Half the teeth are glued in, bit more painting.
Hawkin: I love that 4th guy
which app did you bake it in......... crap that sounded so funny in my head
click to view spinny .gif
Also I have a suggestion about the pose - even if it's way too late now :P I would love to see it's hands clenched and resting on the floor gorilla-like, like if it was just about to leave it's base to run around the place!
couldn't do anything the past few days, so tonight I loaded my base male head in mud and did this, 'bout 2 hours of work
still some work on it, neck and ears are untouched.
@ Neox
Great colors
here is something about CelShadeing in UE3: http://www.hourences.com/book/tutorialsue3mated3.htm
[/ QUOTE ]
yep i read it and already built the cellshader and understand it, kind of xD
however, i have to change the method from an if-node to something different, because the if-node is just, if-then now inbetweens, so only hard shading, but i want it to be soft.
I really don't know how to create a Gradient that goes from light to shadow. i played around with the light vector and stuff, but i don't seam to find a way how to ramp the shading, been trying for like 3 nights to get to a point but i didn't get there.
I also searched for more information about materials but it seems that only hourences site has good informations about that.
@vahl: nice head,. but you should give the lips a bit more form, right now they are a little too straight i guess
That looks alive! ...Would be hard for him to hold his balance in that pose.
@ SEKNeox
I have no idea how that celshader works but im not into that UE3 Material system anyway. I really would like to see a screen of that celshader applied to your model.
Pior: Good idea for the pose! He has turned out fairly gorilla-y. I have to say I didn't put a whole lot of thought into his pose--mostly because I wasn't 100% sure what I wanted him to be. There are pros and cons to this method, obviously, but I think it's the funnest one
That is the way I'm going about painting it. Started with the nice gray base coat. The look you're describing actually isn't intentional at this point, but a bi-product of the paint quality (it ain't the best). Though I'm glad you like it! The hands have very little work done on them and the red (which is mixed with white and a little bit of blue--and has lost a lot of its vibrancy because of the poor pigment quality) is drybrushed on more opaquely over grey (rather than glazed over white, which is the case with some of the rest of the colour and leads to a brighter result), which has led to the thicker look.
Though I'm planning on keeping them mostly the same with a bit of a brighter red, sharp detail and veiny translucency. After the colour part is done, I've got some gloss varnish that will shiny up some areas. I've got a bit on the eyes, but there will be even more inside the mouth and stuff. It's pretty much as simple as that though
Hobodactyl: Will do! I'm considering a base for him at the moment (though I'm not convinced he needs it
Shepeiro, Rooster, Soccerman18, Vahl, tokidokizenzen, Davision3D: Thanks, glad you guys like it
something slighty bugs me about them , but great face structure anyway.
you have any pointers? or tutorials you looked at? what materials/tools used. all that stuff? ive been thinking about sculpting for a while, just not sure where to start. thanks!
no specular, rim and other stuff applied, just the cellshader to play around with the shading
Building a spaceship for my 12th grade art class final project, I will probably present it in my art exam as well. Lots of work to be done.
no specular, rim and other stuff applied, just the cellshader to play around with the shading
[/ QUOTE ]
Looks cool! Btw, I did the cel shading technique on Hourences' website the first day I messed with UE3. ;D
Too bad I have no PC that could handle it atm, so I just guess... You could make a dot product of light vector and normal (should give you the gradiant) and power it up (should/could make the shadowing look more dramatic) or something. I'll give it a go when I get my new PC.
3 days of searching and testing and some times i was almost there but made some mistakes, but now the base works
ok now i can start working on the other parts.
hey aevirex thanks for posting
yes i found out that it was your technique, but your site is dead and i so muched hoped to learn more about the material editor, i'm very new to this node based stuff, and don't know shit about math, so i had to do it the good old trial and error way
Yeah... I paid so much for the webspace and domain yet I don't use it. But something is in the works.
Also I plan to write a few tutorials/make a material library or something as soon as I have a new PC. Hopefully that will happen quite soon.
Erm right now i only did it with the diffuse channel.
I used a dotproduct out of a lightvector and the normal (but i kinda prefer a plain blue 3vector in some cases, so i have to take a look if i could wash out the details of my normal a bit to make it smoother) as texture coordinates for a 1d texture (256x1 pixels wide) with a ramped gradient on it.
Next step will be the add of a cubemap to the ramped shading, is there actually a way to get the cube map out of the level or do i hav to create a generic one? For the test i'll use a generic one representing the colors of the world, reddisch ground, greenish surrounding and blueish sky, very blurry stuff i guess.
and then i'll go for rim and specular and maybe even reflection for the metal parts.
@uly: yeah i prefer the soft ramp too, but i guess i'll have to tweak the ramp anyways when i have an environment to play around with.
The Soft ramp is looking very good, allready reminds of the TF2 Shader.
i think i could add a even harder edge deeper in the shadows. Spec and Reflection still missing
and a shot without the ramp, for comparison