Darksun: Nice start, though be careful and resist the urge to go into the higher levels too early. You can push the lower forms a lot further.
Took a break from my main stuff to do a simple head study.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I see what you mean.... I imported a previous low poly model I did as a base mesh. I'm beginning to see how building the base mesh in a certain way makes a big impact..
currently I think I need to re-topologize it because there are some parts I can't work with very well, never mind fix..
after I do that I wanna go in and hit the lower levels..
btw, your "simple head study" made me explode.. how often do you use masks when modeling? (if at all)
Darksun: Thanks. I find that the best way to construct a base mesh it to only create topology when it's absolutely necessary, such as a hand where there are multiple lengthy extrusions that would be impractical and inefficient to extract for a more simple form such as a cube. It's a lot faster, creative, and as a result more fun to model this way, and thanks to new retopology tools like Topogun also very practical. To give you an example, here's the base mesh I used to sculpt the head I posted above:
And also, regarding your question about masks. I don't really use them that much aside from when I want to move around a complex shape without distorting it (like say, if I wanted to adjust the position of a mouth on a face, I can mask off the mouth and then use the move tool to adjust the entire form without distorting it).
hey guys just throwing something in here :P working on my own mod right now 2 man mod actually with a coder friend ofmine im in charge of the models,levels and mostly everything of the art side and hes in charge of coding one of the first things ive completed is the healthpack for the main character he is pre-teens so he cant really use med kits so the way he gets his health back is from these lunchboxes:
[/ QUOTE ]
Also I'd flip all the writting because when it sits up straight like a briefcase all lunchboxes are that way so they are right side up?
hey guys just throwing something in here :P working on my own mod right now 2 man mod actually with a coder friend ofmine im in charge of the models,levels and mostly everything of the art side and hes in charge of coding one of the first things ive completed is the healthpack for the main character he is pre-teens so he cant really use med kits so the way he gets his health back is from these lunchboxes:
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd love to see a portal on the front of it that looks like the other side is inside the lunchbox...
I finally had the chance yesterday to sit down and play with sculpting for the first time. I'm really enjoying the hell outta it so far. Any crits would be great, as this sucker still has a lonng way to go. Spent about 4 hours on it now which feels like a good speed to get comfortable with zbrush and take my time doing so.
lol away at the absolute shit presentation.. I haven't figured out how any of the rendering stuff works yet
Davision, looks cool, but boo on using the texture on the hand that is just that single brush in ZB.
Animeboyz...that is looking mighty harsh. Tone that normal map down a bit, it's popping out way too much, it almost hurts the eyes. Maybe render it with some anti-aliasing aswell.
Kovac, it's a nice start but the collar bone looks wonky, for some strange reason you have it forming into the deltoid, when it really should be faded off in to the skin before the deltoid starts.
I'll assume I was seeing it that way because his hands are up on his hips??
I've also made a lot of tweaks to the shape of the cranium, deemphasized the that thick neck muscle (the front sterno one) and scaled up the ears based on some critiques a friend had.
@ DH_
Put the axes on her lower arm instead, then she could also use them. Or put them on her boobs.
@ IronHawk
Looking good, you could make the whole Turret with simple primitives first and then its much easy to figure out the scales.
... with primitives... just like conte did
@ Neo_God
To make things clear, i used a modified giraffe pattern texture as a stencil for that.
Im trying to make something that makes his skin look hard.
Loooong time reader and first time poster. I've always been a little intimidated by the abundance of skillz around here :P
It's based off the concept that Spitty posted in this thread a couple of months back.
Still some heavy bleeding at the seams due to the mip-mapping of such a large texture, and the eyes will be added later - they're handled by a shader :P
Neat Talon, but I think your proportions are way off. The original concept capture the lanky feel of Gordon Freeman where as you're guy looks like he is trying to match the Heavy.
I'm still getting the hang of zbrush and my mesh is ugly (not to mention beginning to get in the way) this is more of an experiment.
Crits are welcome.
a meet the free man movie would be kind of funny with a mute character. i guess gordon could hold up signs like wile e coyote.
its cool to see someone working on this character, i was too lazy to do it myself. its looking really good, but i tend to agree with ape.of.god's paintover.
MoP: The TF2 characters are about 13-15k tris each and the ones I first looked at had 2048x1024 textures, but on further study (ofc, after I had modeled mine to that polycount) I noticed that they've got stuff like modeled teeth and other small but detailed bits. Meaning my model is, as you said, needlessly high poly compared to the TF2 ones. I'm kinda split at the moment between going back and redistributing the polys or just rigging him and moving on to my next project.
Ape.of.Gods: Thanks for the paintover(ish)! His proportions are as close to the concept as I could make it, but I think you're right - he does look better after being made more lanky. I'll play around with making him thinner.
Spent way too long on this... but luckily its taught me a few lessons. This is the xnormal output, looks bit different in UE3. Spec/Diffuse/Normals/Emissive
Need a bit of help
See the top left corner? Thats how I want it. I want the brown medicine jar full of glowing liquid. I've got it modelled (smaller cylinder inside larger) and mapped but I cannot get opacity.
xNormal was no help and I thought I'd got it in UE3, but the bloody thing didnt seem to take DXT5 (my dds file I mean) so I got a bit stuck. Used .tga 32 bit but no avail either.
further edit: still getting some bloody shading errors on the flat plane, fix it later. and the remarkably flat cog
wondering if it could do with some nuts and bolts?
Spent way too long on this... but luckily its taught me a few lessons. This is the xnormal output, looks bit different in UE3. Spec/Diffuse/Normals/Emissive
Need a bit of help
See the top left corner? Thats how I want it. I want the brown medicine jar full of glowing liquid. I've got it modelled (smaller cylinder inside larger) and mapped but I cannot get opacity.
xNormal was no help and I thought I'd got it in UE3, but the bloody thing didnt seem to take DXT5 (my dds file I mean) so I got a bit stuck. Used .tga 32 bit but no avail either.
further edit: still getting some bloody shading errors on the flat plane, fix it later. and the remarkably flat cog
wondering if it could do with some nuts and bolts?
[/ QUOTE ]
This is one of the limitations of UE3 depending on how you are drawing that object, in my experience it doesn't handle partial opacity on things that are dynamically lit.
You could get opacity on it if you gave it it's own material ID and shader, but that part of the mesh would always be fullbright.
One of the epic guys that post here might know more.
Darksun: Nice start, though be careful and resist the urge to go into the higher levels too early. You can push the lower forms a lot further.
Took a break from my main stuff to do a simple head study.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I see what you mean.... I imported a previous low poly model I did as a base mesh. I'm beginning to see how building the base mesh in a certain way makes a big impact..
currently I think I need to re-topologize it because there are some parts I can't work with very well, never mind fix..
after I do that I wanna go in and hit the lower levels..
btw, your "simple head study" made me explode..
And also, regarding your question about masks. I don't really use them that much aside from when I want to move around a complex shape without distorting it (like say, if I wanted to adjust the position of a mouth on a face, I can mask off the mouth and then use the move tool to adjust the entire form without distorting it).
the painting process has begun...
Figured out where all the buttons are in the end, after some serious hit and miss rendering, here's the final materials:
you'd all better vote for me. i don't want to win on actual merit!
I need to make something better for the neck.
1500 tris; 512 x 512 maps
hey guys just throwing something in here :P working on my own mod right now 2 man mod actually with a coder friend ofmine im in charge of the models,levels and mostly everything of the art side and hes in charge of coding one of the first things ive completed is the healthpack for the main character he is pre-teens so he cant really use med kits so the way he gets his health back is from these lunchboxes:
[/ QUOTE ]
Also I'd flip all the writting because when it sits up straight like a briefcase all lunchboxes are that way so they are right side up?
Some cloth, feet, and leg skin left... I want to die <_<
hey guys just throwing something in here :P working on my own mod right now 2 man mod actually with a coder friend ofmine im in charge of the models,levels and mostly everything of the art side and hes in charge of coding one of the first things ive completed is the healthpack for the main character he is pre-teens so he cant really use med kits so the way he gets his health back is from these lunchboxes:
[/ QUOTE ]
I'd love to see a portal on the front of it that looks like the other side is inside the lunchbox...
lol away at the absolute shit presentation.. I haven't figured out how any of the rendering stuff works yet
obvious basebust props to arsh
the texturing is sweet
more progress on the turret. Have some scale issues to work out still but having a good time with this.
Animeboyz...that is looking mighty harsh. Tone that normal map down a bit, it's popping out way too much, it almost hurts the eyes. Maybe render it with some anti-aliasing aswell.
Kovac, it's a nice start but the collar bone looks wonky, for some strange reason you have it forming into the deltoid, when it really should be faded off in to the skin before the deltoid starts.
doing some much-needed zbrush anatomy studies with a coworker...
I was going off of a few reference images in addition and was confused by that part.
I'll assume I was seeing it that way because his hands are up on his hips??
I've also made a lot of tweaks to the shape of the cranium, deemphasized the that thick neck muscle (the front sterno one) and scaled up the ears based on some critiques a friend had.
i called him- "3dsmax guy of primitives"
More on this old model. Probably won't finish it before Dominance War III, but should get fairly far on it I hope.
*edit* This is based on my WoW character as it was a year or so ago - http://www.horribledeath.com/images/wip/Barflez_wip_ref.jpg
I'm slightly redesigning certain elements on it, but overall that's the design I'm using (It's been my favorite warrior raid armor put in the game).
but those axes can hurt herself, in the battle.
dangerous lady for sure.
Put the axes on her lower arm instead, then she could also use them. Or put them on her boobs.
@ IronHawk
Looking good, you could make the whole Turret with simple primitives first and then its much easy to figure out the scales.
... with primitives... just like conte did
@ Neo_God
To make things clear, i used a modified giraffe pattern texture as a stencil for that.
Im trying to make something that makes his skin look hard.
It's based off the concept that Spitty posted in this thread a couple of months back.
Still some heavy bleeding at the seams due to the mip-mapping of such a large texture, and the eyes will be added later - they're handled by a shader :P
TF2 Freeman Liquify
Although, why 13,000 triangles? I don't really see a need for it ... and I thought the TF2 guys were much lower poly than that?
- BoBo
He deserves his own Meet the Free Man video, haha
I'm still getting the hang of zbrush and my mesh is ugly (not to mention beginning to get in the way) this is more of an experiment.
Crits are welcome.
its cool to see someone working on this character, i was too lazy to do it myself. its looking really good, but i tend to agree with ape.of.god's paintover.
done working on this, but thought I'd post it here in addition to the WIP thread.
MoP: The TF2 characters are about 13-15k tris each and the ones I first looked at had 2048x1024 textures, but on further study (ofc, after I had modeled mine to that polycount) I noticed that they've got stuff like modeled teeth and other small but detailed bits. Meaning my model is, as you said, needlessly high poly compared to the TF2 ones. I'm kinda split at the moment between going back and redistributing the polys or just rigging him and moving on to my next project.
Ape.of.Gods: Thanks for the paintover(ish)! His proportions are as close to the concept as I could make it, but I think you're right - he does look better after being made more lanky. I'll play around with making him thinner.
Need a bit of help
See the top left corner? Thats how I want it. I want the brown medicine jar full of glowing liquid. I've got it modelled (smaller cylinder inside larger) and mapped but I cannot get opacity.
xNormal was no help and I thought I'd got it in UE3, but the bloody thing didnt seem to take DXT5 (my dds file I mean) so I got a bit stuck. Used .tga 32 bit but no avail either.
further edit: still getting some bloody shading errors on the flat plane, fix it later. and the remarkably flat cog
wondering if it could do with some nuts and bolts?
A Beta can be downloaded here:
Spent way too long on this... but luckily its taught me a few lessons. This is the xnormal output, looks bit different in UE3. Spec/Diffuse/Normals/Emissive
Need a bit of help
See the top left corner? Thats how I want it. I want the brown medicine jar full of glowing liquid. I've got it modelled (smaller cylinder inside larger) and mapped but I cannot get opacity.
xNormal was no help and I thought I'd got it in UE3, but the bloody thing didnt seem to take DXT5 (my dds file I mean) so I got a bit stuck. Used .tga 32 bit but no avail either.
further edit: still getting some bloody shading errors on the flat plane, fix it later. and the remarkably flat cog
wondering if it could do with some nuts and bolts?
[/ QUOTE ]
This is one of the limitations of UE3 depending on how you are drawing that object, in my experience it doesn't handle partial opacity on things that are dynamically lit.
You could get opacity on it if you gave it it's own material ID and shader, but that part of the mesh would always be fullbright.
One of the epic guys that post here might know more.