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Bugs! We got 'em!


Please post all your bug reports here. Anything wrong with the forums, we want to know about it. 

We think you want to be informed about what's going on with the forums. In that spirit, here's a list of all the problems we know about (so far!) with the new forum software. We'll update this list as we find new ones.

We are actively working on fixes, and plan to have these solved in due time. But here they are so at least you can avoid stepping in poop. It's also to let you know WE know, and that we care. Awwww... <3

Bugs we know about so far, in no particular order:
  1. BBCode parser is not working.Vanilla website says BBCode should be automatically converted into their markup. It's not working here on Polycount. (Won't fix. We would have to switch to BBCode mode, which is just too broken to use. WYSIWIG editor mode, even though it has a few quirks, is the best option right now.)
  2. PNG file size increases when using the "Attach image/file" image button (in the formatting bar above the text field). (Won't fix. Uploaded images must be stripped for security reasons.)
  3. If an image is larger than 1024 pixels wide, the left side is cropped off, when attaching it via the "Attach a file" link, which is below the text editing field. (button removed)
  4. Drag-n-dropped images sometimes cause a persistent blue upload bar. After the upload is complete the blue upload bar stays visible at the top of the text field. When you click Post Reply, the blue bar remains persistent above the Quick Reply area. Only a force refresh (Ctrl F5) clears the blue bar. (fixed)
  5. Drag-n-dropped JPGs are re-compressed smaller than the originals... 264kb original becomes 87kb when downloaded, and 192kb original becomes 143kb when downloaded. (won't fix, ask if you want all the gory details)
  6. When creating a Warn message, text cannot be formatted using the formatting bar above the text field. Bold, Italic, inserting URLs, nothing works. Blockquotes are not preserved either. However, it does work if you paste raw html formatting in non-html mode. (fixed)
  7. Sketchfab embed in the News page only shows "model" text, not a thumbnail of the embed.
  8. Duplicate posts from spam filter. When a member is Not Verified, and their post is caught by the spam filter, they see a small warning similar to "This post is being moderated". Often these members try to re-post their original thread. This causes multiple copies of the same post to appear in the Spam Queue. When the member is finally Verified by a moderator via the Queue, all their duplicate posts then appear in the forum.
  9. Social connect buttons in Profile are broken. Edit Profile > Social > Connect. The three buttons for connecting Facebook, Google+, and Twitter are broken. Each creates an error message. (fixed 5/31)
  10. CSS errors for small width browsers. Several webpage formatting errors. Can be seen especially on mobile, but also on desktop when resizing the browser window:
    1. "Advertisement" not next to banner ad. (fixed 6/10)
    2. Banner ad cut off. (fixed 6/10)
    3. Bookmarks, Messages, and Notifications are inaccessible. (fixed 6/10)
    4. Post formatting tools are missing. 
    5. Fixes in progress, see Forum layout updates.
  11. Sketchfab button puts embed in wrong post. When editing a post, the sketchfab button will embed the content in the Reply field, instead of in the post you are editing. (fixed 6/16)
  12. Sketchfab doesn't embed in Send Message. The embed turns into a text link "model". (fixed 6/16)
  13. Right-click in Reply field after using Quote. After pressing the Quote button, every right-click in the Reply field invokes another Undo in the Reply field. (fixed 5/31)
  14. Sketchfab embed removed by post Edit. If you embed a Sketchfab in a new post, the embed works fine. However if you Edit a post with a Sketchfab embed in it, the embed is removed and cannot be re-embedded. (fixed 6/16)
  15. Notification emails are sometimes sent with a forum link using https instead of http. Opening the https link causes an error message in the browser.
  16. @ mentions are broken by line returns. If you start a post with the @ symbol and a username (a mention) and press the Enter key to autocomplete the username, the forum adds a space character and a semicolon. The space character breaks the mention because it is added onto the end of the username. (fixed 5/31)
  17. Code paragraphs are badly formatted.
    1. At symbol @  should be escaped.
    2. Pound symbol #  should be escaped.
    3. Text should not be so dark.
    4. Syntax coloring should be supported.
    5. Scroll bars (vertical and horizontal) would be helpful. (fixed 6/4)
  18. Editing is not WYSIWYG. Post formatting appears differently in new post vs. edit post. They should look the same, and should both be WYSIWYG. Same with editing Signatures, posting Private Messages, Warning a member, etc. Anywhere you can format text, it should be WYSIWYG. For example, spoilers don't appear in Edit mode... Type some text, press the Spoiler button, and the formatting does not appear, even though it is present. There's no way to edit where it starts/ends. Users think the Spoiler button doesnt work, because there's no visual feedback. We can use the Preview button, but that makes editing very difficult.
  19. Drafts are not saved for Conversation replies. I am writing a reply but Vanilla is not saving a draft of my post. No draft means if I accidentally follow a link in the same tab I lose my text. Drafts also allow editing a reply on another device.
  20. Smilies/emoji force a line break. See the heart above. It should be inline instead. (fixed 9/18)
  21. (same as # 18)
  22. Youtube embed causes a lightbox error when the video is clicked on to start playback. Lightbox covers the video with a semi-transparent black box which says "The image could not be loaded." The video starts playing in the background. Clicking outside the lightbox closes the lightbox and the video keeps playing.  (fixed 6/16)
  23. Embed a Sketchfab model after some text and press "post reply": the embed is rearranged to before the text and on the same line.  (fixed 6/16)
  24. Smiley popup keeps nagging the user, if there is a colon preceded by a space character. Example: http://i.imgur.com/cfhJdBA.gif (fixed 6/17)
  25. Ranks are missing in some users' post headings. (fixed 6/20, solution here)
  26. Poll in a closed thread should not be vote-able.
  27. User Title is showing old rank titles in some users' Profiles, which looks like a duplicate rank. (fixed 8/10)
  28. Main forum list shows broken thumbnails. (fixed 7/5)
  29. Online/offline status is broken in posts, always shows Offline.  (fixed 6/16)
  30. (same as # 20)
  31. Spoiler removes ordered/unordered lists.
  32. Missing icon for Sketchfab embed button at far right end of editing toolbar. (fixed 8/10)
  33. Quote doesn't notify the person being quoted. Should have an option to enable/disable this in Notification preferences.
  34. Quote doesn't create a valid link to the person's Profile.

Sept 18 2016, fix for 20.
August 12 2016, updates for 1 & 2, fixes for 27 & 32.
July 5 2016, fix for 28.
June 20 2016, fix for 25.
June 17 2016, fix for 24.
June 16 2016, fix for 11, 12, 14, 22, 23, 29.
June 11 2016, added 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.
June 10 2016, fix for 10.
June 7 2016, fix for 17.
June 5 2016, added 26.
June 4 2016, added 25.
May 31 2016, fixes posted.
May 5 2016, added 24.
April 30 2016, added 23.
April 25 2016, added more info to 21.
April 7 2016, added 22.
April 6 2016, added 21.


  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I believe it might be related to 17-18, but wanted to mention it anyway in case it wasn't. The difference between what you see in the editor for when you create a new post and edit a post, is not matching. The formatting is different when you edit the post. Gonna use this post as example. The space between lines is especially annoying.


  • Eric Chadwick
    Great one, thank you!

    # 15 just happened again today. I only seem to get these https links when notified about a reply from you, McGreed. No other users' replies generate https links, very strange. You're not sending them yourself, it's a system generated message, so how could the forum be treating you differently than any other user? Maybe you're forcing your browser to use https mode?
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Hmm, that's weird, all though I do know I'm a special little boy, I don't do anything specific. I am using https://polycount.com/ when browsing polycount , but not forcing it to do anything special.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Ah ok that helps. I bet that's why it's sending the notification this way.

    Chrome is warning me since the https certificate is issued by vanilla.com not polycount.com.
  • slipsius
    While not so much a bug, I find it strange that when you get a PM, it also shows up in your notifications. The inbox icon is literally right beside the notifications. Do we need both? I'd personally rather see them separate. 

    Ive also noticed that sometimes I press play on videos and the image viewer box will pop up saying it cant find file or whatever that message is, while the video is playing in the thread, behind that imagine viewer. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yeah, having a notification list (the bell icon) is weird. The inbox is right there already! And it's not like you're getting thread reply notifications in that list or anything, only messages. Waste of space and time. Will add this to the wishlist.

    The video thing I've seen too. Will add to the buglist. Thanks for this.
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, the notification list would also be more useful if it only showed one entry, instead of several for the same thread, maybe show it with new reply count and the names of the two posters and a "and more" instead. Currently, getting the quick look over which threads has been replied on, require you to actually click the "All Notifications", because some threads just drowns all others out.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Not sure I understand your suggestion McGreed.

    When I click on the bell icon (Notifications), I get a list of messages people have sent me. I don't get notifications for replies to threads I've bookmarked. Only message notifications. It's true they could be stacked though.

    The Inbox button shows new and old messages. Not sure if it stacks these?

    The star button (Favorites) does put them in a stack already. See the "2 new" under the first one.

    But maybe you're talking about the thread list in a sub-forum? However this already shows the number of unread replies.

  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    No I was talking about when you click the bell icon, that if 7 people had replied on a thread I had replied in, I get all 7 showing there, instead as said stacked. The way you see it in some of your screenshots is what I would like it to be, so the notifications works like the favorites. It's especially annoying when its a real populary thread, because if you then click on the first entry in your notifications, you don't go to the first unread post of the thread, but directly to that post, which is the last one, so have to go up to find the first unread post.
    Hope that makes more sense.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Oh interesting. Can you share a screenshot of the list that appears when you click the bell icon? Also could you screenshot your Notification settings? Here's my settings. My bell icon never shows thread replies, it only shows private messages. Also, feel free to use Send Message if you don't want your screenshots public.

  • Eric Chadwick
    Yeah, a known issue, that's # 10 in the list above.
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Here you go, got three notice for new posts in this thread in the screenshot. Note that I haven't favorited anything, this is just from posting in a thread. And better mention that I'm using Windows 7, Firefox 45.0.1 :

    And this is my settings, and yes I can see you have notifications disabled for replies on threads you been in:

  • Eric Chadwick
    OK, thanks for this. This is really helpful for tracking things down, much appreciated.
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    Hi guys thanks for asking, I would like to be able to use the favorites feature but I cant because I seem to have 71 pages of favorites and I dont know why. Did the forums just automatically add every thread Ive ever posted on to favorites? Is this just me or a wierd anomaly rather than a bug?

    I also cant tell which threads Ive posted on in the forums, are they supposed to be highlighted or something? every thread just says new.
  • Eric Chadwick
    That's weird. I have to manually click on the empty star icon (in the thread list) or on the big button Add To Favorites (inside the thread) to add it to my favorites. Can you screenshot your Notification prefs and post it here, or PM it to me?

    For a list of threads you've posted in, go to your profile and click on Replies. So for you Ged it's here.
  • McGreed
    Offline / Send Message
    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    I think its the same issue I have with threads I have replied on, you automatic gets a notification for it. Of course you can disable those notifications in options, however they are nice to have, however they do need to stacked.
  • Brygelsmack
    Offline / Send Message
    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    I don't know where else to ask, but how the heck do I add custom texts for links? 
    Why change so much on an already perfectly functional site. :|

    Edit: No way to preview signature changes? 
  • Eric Chadwick
    I don't know where else to ask, but how the heck do I add custom texts for links? 
    Why change so much on an already perfectly functional site. :|

    Edit: No way to preview signature changes? 
    Custom links... Type some text. Select it. Click the button that looks like three links of a chain. Paste your URL in there (be sure to replace the existing http:// ... another bug to solve). Click the OK button. For example, here's a link to your portfolio.

    Why change? Back in November we migrated everything to a completely different forum software. The existing UBB system was very difficult to use, from a website architecture standpoint. Very difficult to adjust things, add new features, make a News page, share things, etc. This new system has it share of small problems, but overall it's a good system, and allows us to expand what we can do in the site.

    Signature preview... that's a bug, and it's been logged. The editor should be WYSIWYG but it's not. Same for new posts, editing existing posts, private messaging, etc. Sorry about the inconvenience, hoping to have this solved soon.
  • Brygelsmack
    Offline / Send Message
    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Alright, thanks for the help & info. I just feel like the old Polycount was more user friendly, it worked on mobile and readability was better without the large spaces between elements on the site (like forum view etc). 
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Why change? Back in November we migrated everything to a completely different forum software. The existing UBB system was very difficult to use, from a website architecture standpoint. 

    To be fair, when people are discussing/questioning the change they are mostly talking about the layout change, and not so much about the underlying system. Two very different things, and I believe that many of the issues with the update probably come from the fact that both have been rolled out at the same time. We never got to see a "raw", barebones version of the Vanilla update.

    Back to bugs : The quick reply box definitely has a refresh problem. I still haven't identified what causes this to happen on my system but it is definitely slower than regular web-based text fields. This is probably linked to the overall slow feeling of the new design. It's very subtle, but there is definitely something going on here. For instance I just checked with FRAPS and if I scroll up and down a thread using page up/page down the framerate in Chrome sometimes drops down to 45 as opposed to a steady 60 on more simple forums, that's a 25% performance drop. (Now I am aware that I do have many extensions running, including Deluminate which is a graphical tweak but in a way that's kinda the point :) )

     Maybe there are too many plugins being used for overlays/popups ? Custom scrolling curves maybe ? Even the header unnecessarily being on a separate topmost layer could cause a slowdown. For maximum rendering speed I think it is always best to have as little of this kind of stuff as possible.

  • Eric Chadwick
    I see the slowdown too. Could be the wysiwyg code, taking time to parse the input. Blah. And not doing it properly either.

    Layout change was made with the best intentions. But we do listen closely to our members; the layout has been mentioned many times.

    We hear you, and we're working on it.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Gotcha - if there is anything I can do to help identifying what is causing the slowdown don't hesitate to let me know.
  • Brygelsmack
    Offline / Send Message
    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    We hear you, and we're working on it.
    \o/ Awesome!
  • PanzerWolf
    Offline / Send Message
    PanzerWolf polycounter lvl 3
    Something's seriously broken for me atm. Every thread i open and scroll down there's more than the height of the actual page of these debug trace notices.

    The first and last one are different, but the rest couple dozen or so are the same "Only variables should be passed by reference" ones.

    Tested on chrome 51.0.2704.19 and firefox 45.0.1

    Edit: and now ten minutes later i'm not getting those anymore
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yeah we're seeing all kinds of mischief. News page was down overnight, among other things. Vanilla is apparently rolling out updates, but breaking various things. Fun. We're talking with them to resolve these, sorry for the trouble people.
  • Eric Chadwick
    New bugs: 1. No post formatting tools, except a Sketchfab button. 2. When you press Quote, it comes up in html mode, and the editing box is tiny. 3. All moderation buttons are inactive. Can anyone edit their own posts?
  • Eric Chadwick
    OK, those recent bugs should be all fixed now. If you see something though, please let us know.
  • SmallPoly
    Offline / Send Message
    SmallPoly polycounter lvl 8
    One I don't see here yet - When trying to embed a Skechfab model after some text and pressing "post reply", the post became rearranged so the model was both before the text and on the same line. This got me to try to edit, which caused me to then come across the edit bug that makes it turn into the text "model", noted above, which led me here.

    I love the way images smoothly resize when the window gets skinny, and the large user pictures in the upper right at the beginning of threads.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Oh that's an interesting one. Thanks for reporting this! I'll add it.
  • xvampire
    Offline / Send Message
    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    *update nvm it works after she removed  some word... which is a bit weird  hehehehe

    hi guys, my teamate trying to post   something 
    here, but it appear that her post got deleted some how


    we trying to repeat the same step and it said the comment going to be approved first... which is the very same bug that I had before 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Haha omfg make it stop! 

    This is the way the spam filter works. It flags potential spam according to its heuristics, then removes them from the forum, and puts them into a queue for our review.

    We clear this queue at least once a day. At that point whoever is not a spammer gets their account marked as Verified, which means the spam filter ignores them thereafter. And the actual spammers get banned.

    We do need to change the warning message though, to help prevent multiple posts like this. :(
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Not sure if this has been reported already : the automatic smiley system sometimes gets out of hand. It sometimes behaves as expected but it tends to pop up the smiley selection box way too often, and even when it works as intended it can be mildly frustrating as the box doesn't disappear until the user hits escape. It would be great to have the option to turn off this system altogether as it is definitely causing time to be wasted for the user.

    This is what I am getting : 

    I hope this helps !
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, I see that too. Looks like it's being triggered by a colon (:) with a space character before it. If you put the colon immediately after a regular character, it doesn't happen. This is definitely a bug though. Thanks Pior.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah - and if there is a column anywhere in a paragraph it then happens every time spacebar is hit.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Wait, you mean "colon" not "column" I think? For me the bug does not happen if I put the colon next to a letter.

    For example: this sentence doesn't cause it.

    But : this sentence does cause it.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Indeed, the second one causes it - but that is indeed problematic as it is considered by some to be the proper way to use the symbol (one space before and one after). Of course that's not a hard rule, but anyone used to typing this way will run into the problem over and over again ...
  • Eric Chadwick
    To be clear, I'm not arguing whether it's a bug or not, or good grammar or not. I only want to clarify when it occurs, which then makes it easier to track down and fix.
  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Totally :)

    So yeah, the way to reproduce it is to put a space before and space after. It then causes the smiley box to show up each time spacebar is pressed, and after canceling the box it then shows up for every key stroke. Which then cause smileys to be inserted when hitting enter or shift enter.
  • RobStites
    Offline / Send Message
    RobStites polycounter lvl 8
    The page selector appears to be broken for me on all of the forums, I can only see page 1 and there is no way to change pages. Works fine in threads, this is just in the forums. @Eric Chadwick
    Edit: It appears to have started working again immediately after me posting this...
  • D4N005H
    Offline / Send Message
    D4N005H polycounter lvl 10
    When replying, sometimes texts are not bold in the editor but when I click "post reply" the texts are shown as expected. Also sometimes  here are lots of line spaces in the editor. I'm using FF latest version.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Thanks for the info D4N005H. This sounds like bug # 18 and # 21.
  • szili6boy
    Offline / Send Message
    szili6boy vertex

    I found a bug on the website: http://take.ms/0ZXnE

    On-hover inspection for the preview gets over-layed by the page selector number.
    I'd suggest taking off the "position: relative;" css style from the active page-selector number's anchor, and giving it "position: initial;".

    That should solve the trick

  • Eric Chadwick
    When using Code formatting, we see several problems:
    • @ symbol should be escaped.
    • # symbol should be escaped.
    • Text should not be so dark.
    • Syntax coloring should be supported.
    • Scroll bars (vertical and horizontal) would be helpful.
    2. -- This structure wraps operations specific to the Procedural Content feature
    3. struct ProceduralContentOps
    4. (
    5. private
    6. -- Loads the assemblies (DLLs) needed by the procedural content code
    7. fn LoadAssemblies =
    8. (
    9. -- Load the PC-3dsMax bridge assembly
    10. local bridgePath = (symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$max") + @\Viper3dsMaxBridge.dll
    11. dotNet.loadAssembly bridgePath
    12. -- Load the MaxPlus assembly
    13. local maxPlusPath = (symbolicPaths.getPathValue "$max") + @\MaxPlusDotNet.dll
    14. dotNet.loadAssembly maxPlusPath
    15. ),
    16. -- Creates the user profile folder if not existent and copies the CSS file
    17. fn SetupUserProfileFolder =
    18. (
    19. local bridge = dotNetClass "Viper3dsMaxBridge.Main"
    20. bridge.CopyProceduralContentToUserProfile()
    21. ),
    22. -- Compiles and registers the standard (built-in) operators, all compounds, and all tools
    23. -- to make them available to the current user
    24. fn ReloadOperatorsAndCompileTools =
    25. (
    26. local bridge = dotNetClass "Viper3dsMaxBridge.Main"
    27. -- Loads all compounds from the users profile folder and exports the operators.
    28. bridge.ReloadOperators()
    29. -- Compile all procedural content graphs from all the folders where 3ds Max expects them to be
    30. bridge.CompileAllToolGraphs()
    31. ),
    33. -- Adds directories from the specified section of the ini file to the list of directory
    34. fn AddDirs dirList iniFile iniSection =
    35. (
    36. if (hasINISetting iniFile iniSection) then
    37. (
    38. local iniKeys = iniFile iniSection
    39. for key in iniKeys do
    40. (
    41. local dir = getINISetting iniFile iniSection key
    42. dirList.Add dir
    43. )
    44. )
    45. ),
    47. -- Registers with Viper the custom graph directories specified in the startup ini file
    48. fn RegisterCustomGraphPaths =
    49. (
    50. local iniFile = getMAXIniFile()
    51. local settings = dotNetClass "Viper3dsMaxBridge.Settings"
    52. -- If any directories are specified in the INI file they will override the default directory paths.
    53. AddDirs settings.CompoundDirectories iniFile "MCG Compound Directories"
    54. AddDirs settings.ToolDirectories iniFile "MCG Compound Directories"
    55. AddDirs settings.AssemblyDirectories iniFile "MCG Assembly Directories"
    56. ),
    57. -- Register a call back on file open
    58. fn RegisterForPreLoadMaxFile =
    59. (
    60. callbacks.removeScripts id:#pcPreFileOpen
    61. callbacks.addScript #filePreOpenProcess "ProceduralContentOps.OnPreFileOpen()" id:#pcPreFileOpen
    62. ),
    64. public
    65. -- Call back registered for file opens
    66. fn OnPreFileOpen =
    67. (
    68. -- This callback is effective only when Max is in network rendering mode
    69. if (IsNetServer()) then
    70. (
    71. local np = callbacks.notificationParam()
    72. --format "CompileProceduralContentGraphs: param1=%, param2=%\n" (np[1]) (np[2])
    73. local path = (getFilenamePath np[2])
    74. local bridge = dotNetClass "Viper3dsMaxBridge.Main"
    75. local replaceExistentCompounds = true
    76. -- Load the compounds from the folder where the Max file is loaded from
    77. -- Any new compounds that have the same name as already registered ones will overwrite them
    78. bridge.LoadViperCompounds path replaceExistentCompounds
    79. -- Load and compile the tools from the folder where the Max file is loaded from
    80. local loadToolsFromSubFolders = true
    81. bridge.CompileToolGraphs path loadToolsFromSubFolders
    82. )
    83. ),
    85. -- This sets up the user currently logged in and running 3ds Max to use
    86. -- the Procedural Content features. It registers built in operators,
    87. -- loads and registers compounds and tools
    88. fn SetUpCurrentUser =
    89. (
    90. LoadAssemblies()
    91. SetupUserProfileFolder()
    92. RegisterCustomGraphPaths()
    93. ReloadOperatorsAndCompileTools()
    94. RegisterForPreLoadMaxFile()
    95. )
    96. )
    98. -- A helper function for generating a MaxPlus INode from a MAXScript node
    99. fn MaxPlusINodeFromNode n =
    100. (
    101. if not (IsValidNode n) do return undefined
    102. local maxPlusINodeClass = dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.MaxPlus.INode"
    103. if (maxPlusINodeClass == undefined) then (
    104. format "Error: failed to load Autodesk.Max.MaxPlus.INode\n"
    105. return undefined
    106. )
    107. return maxPlusINodeClass._CreateWrapper n
    108. )
    110. -- Create the procedural content structure
    111. thePcOps = ProceduralContentOps()
    113. -- The main entry function
    114. thePcOps.SetUpCurrentUser()

  • pior
    Offline / Send Message
    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Is there any progress on the topic of "your comments needs to be approved" ?

    I see that the sticky about it is gone but the problem still occurs. As a matter of fact I just ran into it today when updating a post in a contest thread, which is worrisome since there is a deadline involved ...
  • Eric Chadwick
    There is progress. We are working with Vanilla on the buglist. That one is actually our top priority bug. We're probably still a couple weeks from a solution.

    FYI, it has the potential to hit each user only once. When we clear the queue and mark you as Verified you aren't hit again, at least in theory, never seen anything otherwise at least.

    Still a crappy bug though, needs fixing. And the duplicate posts are a PITA.

    The thread wasn't ever a sticky. Sounds like we should make it so, will do.
  • C86G
    Offline / Send Message
    C86G greentooth
    After every ":" I do the smiley/emote dropdown drops... down and wnats me to hit one of them Can´t get rid of it and need to chose one and delete it.

    edit: WIn7 / firefox
  • Eric Chadwick
    C86G said:
    After every ":" I do the smiley/emote dropdown drops... down and wnats me to hit one of them Can´t get rid of it and need to chose one and delete it.

    edit: WIn7 / firefox
  • Foxyjoe
    I edited my topic 15 Minutes ago, i pressed save and it disappeared completely!
    Is it possible just to have 1 Active topic at once?
    Any link related to it won't work anymore, all it says is:

    Topic not found.

    The discussion you were looking for could not be found.

    Since i need the Topic for the "CSGO Weapon Contest" it's quite important for me to find/get it!

    The topic name was:
    PC-CSGO | M4A4 Arcade Dominator

    Direct workshop link:

    Any help is appreciated.

  • Eric Chadwick
  • Foxyjoe
    Many thanks, that saved me a lot of work. What was the issue?
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