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Bugs! We got 'em!



  • Eric Chadwick
    We've had to switch editing modes, to try to solve the image attachment troubles people are having.

    You're experiencing the side effects of this change. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

    We hope to have things back to normal soon.

  • kadeschui
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    kadeschui greentooth
    @Eric Chadwick OK no worries, I was able to work around it. Just wanted to make sure you were aware ;)
  • zachagreg
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    zachagreg ngon master
    Im getting the same issue that Jordan was getting earlier on the post, gotten it quite a lot earlier today on Chrome running Windows 10. Now at home receiving it pretty often just navigating from page to page on Firefox on Windows 10. On trying to create a new post in the technical talk forum received the same image and error, upon reloading this error appeared at the top of the page.

    { "Code": 404, "Exception": "Draft not found.", "Class": "Gdn_UserException" }

    Edit: The forum post seems to have gone through but while that was happening the code would pop up if I pushed either post submission, save draft, and preview.
  • Eric Chadwick
    zachagreg said:
    { "Code": 404, "Exception": "Draft not found.", "Class": "Gdn_UserException" }
    Thanks for the report. I'm following up with Vanilla support, and will let you know what I find.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    Hey, I must be doing this wrong, but the info thread says that YouTube videos can be embedded pasting a specific URL format; but I can't get this to work. 


    Format appears to match the kind on the info thread. Where am I mucking up?
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator

    So for your vid it would be hxxps://youtu.be/RiQYitn5ock
    FWIW it took me a few edits to figure it out.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Not really a bug but just a suggestion. Would it be possible to get a check box for hiding all the threads that has been "Moved to", or return the brackets, as I personally find skimming the thread titles gets harder because of that text, and if it's actually belong to a different section, we should see it there anyway, so to have an option to hide it would be useful.
  • Eric Chadwick
    We could just delete them. Might make things easier all around. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    On Chrome very often if I try and save an image it'll only let me save as a webP, an issue that seems to be mostly exclusive to polycount. I regularly switch to Firefox just so I can save art in their original format on here.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Webp is being implemented more and more on sites, specifically targeted at Chrome users. Speeds up image delivery quite a bit. Not something we control directly though, that's on Vanilla's end.

    There's a webp loader for Photoshop, and you could also run a batch conversion using something like Image Magick if you wanted.

    Webp's are quite compressed though, so if you want top quality you may be better off using another browser. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    We could just delete them. Might make things easier all around. Thanks for the suggestion!
    On second thought, moderators decided they want to keep these around. Fuckin' moderators. 

    If they're still a bother, you could just visit them to mark them as "read" so they turn gray. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    A couple recent bugs introduced by Vanilla Forums when they updated the platform on November 15:
    1. Passwords have been reset for everyone. See Sticky ⛔ You need to reset your password. This is most likely because...
    2. Extra line breaks are being added. They're aware of this and working on a fix.
    3. Discussion topics are not being marked as "Read". They're aware of this and working on a fix.
    Sorry for the trouble. We'll update you once these have been laid to rest.
  • Eric Chadwick
    1. Passwords thing continues to be an issue for stragglers. Especially those who don't have their original email accounts anymore. Dude, this forum is oooold.

    2. The extra line breaks thing has been fixed.

    3. Marking visited topics as "read" is also fixed.

    Bonus points. Images were not displaying at full width. WAYWO in particular. Fixed this. They were being forced to max height of 400 pixels, so we removed this limit.

    Before, and after:

  • Eric Chadwick
    Wiki is dead! Long live the wiki!

    Sorry about this folks. Working on a fix. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Wiki's all fixed!
  • morphine
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    morphine polycounter lvl 17
    Didn't really read the whole thread, but I found a couple of bugs that I'd like to help squash.

    1) If I'm not logged and I try to access a user's Profile page, I get to a Sign In page, instead of the usual html modal window. There, the Sign In button gets covered by the Footer.
    That's because the <footer> is inside of the <div class=container>. Move it to outside of the container and that'll fix it.

    2) In a thread list page, such as in the index, if you move your cursor to the right of the title of a thread and slightly above, you'll see that it changes to a pointer. That's because the <a> isn't wrapping around the text. If you change its display property in the CSS file to display:inline-block, it solves that problem.

    Not a bug, exactly, but the draft saving feature while I'm typing a quick reply is a bit annoying... It freezes what I'm typing. And ideally it shouldn't.
    Looks like it doesn't happen all the time, though.

    Also, hi! I haven't been here in yeeeears! :D
  • Eric Chadwick
    Thanks for the report!

    The div.container is actually inside the footer, at least here on my desktop. Are you viewing on mobile? Could you let me know which browser you're using?

    Source (left), result.

    And if I change the <a> style to inline-block, the formatting goes a bit nuts. I'm not a web dev by any measure though, so my tweaks are very trial-by-error.

    The auto-save does not seem to prevent me from typing. I'm on a desktop PC, Windows with Chrome. What are you using?
  • morphine
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    morphine polycounter lvl 17
    Oh, I'm talking about the div.container that's right under the div.banner.

    This is the current behavior:

    This is where the footer is located in that page:

    It's inside of div.container:

    And it should be here:

    I'll check for a better solution for the <a>...

    I'm using Chrome on Win7.
  • morphine
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    morphine polycounter lvl 17
    It's just the behavior for the ".DataTable tbody .EntryLink" <a> that should be changed, that won't affect the username links.
    You could change it either on the style.css or rev[date here...].css.

    .DataTable tbody .EntryLink {
    display: inline-block;

    The a.AuthorLink does have an odd behavior on :hover, though, currently, without any changes:

    That happens because the .DataTable tbody .AuthorLink has both a set padding and a negative margin to compensate for that... for some reason, and a background color on hover.
    If you remove these two lines, that'll fix it:

    .DataTable tbody .AuthorLink {
    display: block;
    /* padding: 8px; */
    /* margin: -8px; */
    border-radius: 2px;

    I don't know if it will affect any other part of the forum, though. I guess it won't.
  • birb
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    birb interpolator
    The search button icon is currently broken.

    It's happening because the code in the input value is escaped. To fix it just replace it with either the correct code or the "" unicode character.

    1. <input type="submit" id="Form_Go" name="" aria-label="Search" class="Button" value="&amp;#xE1D5;">

    1. <input type="submit" id="Form_Go" name="" aria-label="Search" class="Button" value="&#xE1D5;">
    1. <input type="submit" id="Form_Go" name="" aria-label="Search" class="Button" value="">
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Looks to be an issue with the frontpage right now, no problem a couple of hours ago:

  • Eric Chadwick
    Thanks, looking into it with Vanilla Forums support.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Should be all fixed now.
  • onionhead_o
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    onionhead_o polycounter lvl 17
    im having issues with using the code style paragraph? is there a specific way
  • Lucaus
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    Lucaus polycounter lvl 6
    Dose the website on mobile look like this for anyone else? There's a lot of elements that aren't sized and centered correctly.
    I'm on Android, chrome Version 84.0.4147.111 but it also happens on opera

  • birb
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    birb interpolator
    Lucaus said:

    Dose the website on mobile look like this for anyone else? There's a lot of elements that aren't sized and centered correctly.
    I'm on Android, chrome Version 84.0.4147.111 but it also happens on opera


    It's also happening on the mobile versions of Firefox and Vivaldi. At first everything looks okay, yet there's a huge empty area on the right accessible through scrolling sideways.

    After peeking at the code I can't assure this will fully fix the issue as some things only get properly applied if loading the page with them and I'm editing the code after the fact through devtools, but... adding these css rules to the mobile version of the <html> and <body> should fix it.

    1. html {
    2. overflow: auto;
    3. }
    4. body {
    5. width: 100vw;
    6. overflow: auto;
    7. }

    The page already has the correct meta tag defining width for mobile but the body container has nothing explicitly telling it to use that width. Elements with calculated width must also fully wrap the children to work, something that can be forced through overflow.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    idk if this one is mentioned, notifications: somehow right clicking (for me) gives me a random thread and not the thread the notification came from.  Its kind of fun but also annoying, idk how it happens perhaps it clicks the random banner threads that load and loads those instead of the notification thread link.  I have explorer at half the screen size and on the alternative side another explorer as an example of how this issue happens.
  • Eric Chadwick
    DavidCruz said:
    idk if this one is mentioned, notifications: somehow right clicking (for me) gives me a random thread and not the thread the notification came from.  Its kind of fun but also annoying, idk how it happens perhaps it clicks the random banner threads that load and loads those instead of the notification thread link.  I have explorer at half the screen size and on the alternative side another explorer as an example of how this issue happens.
    on Windows? Why use right click? To open in a new window? It doesn't work that way. Ctrl Left Click will do a new tab though, at least Windows/Chrome.
  • m4dcow
    Offline / Send Message
    m4dcow interpolator
    on Windows? Why use right click? To open in a new window? It doesn't work that way. Ctrl Left Click will do a new tab though, at least Windows/Chrome.
    MMB also does the same thing.
  • birb
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    birb interpolator
    On Vivaldi right-clicking notification entries just closes the dropdown. The links seem to point to the correct threads anyway. Now I'm curious about how people end up being sent to random threads! =)

    In any case, I'm experiencing a very minor oddity lately: Avatars won't load. If I keep refreshing they'll start to gradually load, always from top to bottom, until I can see everything—only to vanish again a few pages later.

    It's reminiscent of a connectivity issue between here and an assets server, but the almost cyclic dynamic is weird. I'm getting no lag otherwise and no other assets like scripts fail to load. And there are no errors in the console or failed loading attempts for images, so I can't be sure it's a timeout or 403.

    I've tested it on Vivaldi and Chrome, logged in and as a guest. Ad blocker is disabled for polycount.
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
     Ctrl Left Click will do . works, a non-issue for me now.
    Though this last week have also been getting birb's issue.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter

    birb said: 
    I'm experiencing a very minor oddity lately: Avatars won't load. If I keep refreshing they'll start to gradually load, always from top to bottom, until I can see everything—only to vanish again a few pages later.

    It's reminiscent of a connectivity issue between here and an assets server, but the almost cyclic dynamic is weird. I'm getting no lag otherwise and no other assets like scripts fail to load. And there are no errors in the console or failed loading attempts for images, so I can't be sure it's a timeout or 403.
    Yeah, same here. it's been an intermittent annoyance, over the past week.

    I'm on firefox btw and initially thought was an ISP issue or since I'm still running a PC WIN7 OS Home version, some piece of malware got through but meh! I think it's nothing insidious just an itinerant 'glitch' that'll tend too popup every once in a while.
  • Eric Chadwick
    it's all just April Fools, August edition.
  • birb
    Offline / Send Message
    birb interpolator
    Thanks @sacboi@DavidCruz for the confirmation it's not something on my end!

    April, A...ugust. It's an understandable mistake! :p

    Oh, extra information that could or not be useful: When avatars start to load again and I'm on a page like the forum home where you can see many at once usually the avatars below the fold are the ones that won't load.

    It's a wild guess, but this make me think it's a lazy image loader gone wary. An image replacement script silently quitting doing its job would explain the lack of warnings and 404. The missing images can't 404 when they never got requested from the server.

  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    I don't know if this is something you can easily fix on your end, but the Marmoset subforum doesn't seem to be included in the "Recent" view. At first I thought it was intentional, but other brand/product specific subforums do show up so.., :#
  • Eric Chadwick
    An easy fix, thanks for pointing this out!
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I've just noticed that every single link posted now goes to a "You are now leaving polycount. Click the link to continue to: " page, which is terrible for things like the Retro 3D Art FAQ thread (https://polycount.com/discussion/226167/retro-3d-art-faq-everything-you-need-to-know-to-create-ps1-n64-dreamcast-etc-3d-art#latest) where links are used for all the example images and and videos.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Very odd! If you edit the post, and enter html mode </> how are the links formatted?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Ok, I'm finding Vanilla forced this via a recent update. I'm working with them to disable this; I'll let you know when we have a solution.
  • Ruslan_Ahmatnurov
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    Ruslan_Ahmatnurov polycounter lvl 4
    Hello! I have a problem with PC version of website. When I open any page I can see only black screen and up menu. But If I open it from smartphone it's working ok as usual. Do you know why it's could happening? Thanks!
  • Eric Chadwick
    What OS, browser, browser plugins?
  • Ruslan_Ahmatnurov
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    Ruslan_Ahmatnurov polycounter lvl 4
    Everything became ok, when I deleted cookie files, history, etc. Thanks
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    one thing that keeps bugging me, i often edit my messages thanks to typos

    if you could do something about how ctrl + arrowkeys work, that would be so great!
    atm it jumps to the beginning of the line, not through words as it should

  • Eric Chadwick
    I noticed that too, but only in Firefox. In Chrome it still seems to work fine?
  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    hm no idea, havent used chrome in years. by now its only a backup solution for me in very rare cases.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Which browser are you using?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Yep, I can repro in Firefox. Reported the bug to Vanilla.
  • Neox
    Offline / Send Message
    Neox godlike master sticky
    yeah firefox, everything else i just use in case i have multiple accounts on the same platform (say my own and a company one), or also google meet/hangout just works better natively on chrome
  • Eric Chadwick

    OK, new text editor, which is Vanilla Forums' solution. Let me know if this helps.

    BTW, trying to colorize the formatting popup for the backwards-P on the left there. A work in progress...

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