This is what I have so far. There are a few neatness issues I cant seem to get right and I'm not 100% sure I like the area around the grip But I think I am getting close to the retopology stage.
Any critique would be great.
I think its looking really good perhaps a larger or chunkier bottom to the handle may help with the handle look
Top looks awesome. The hilt looks unfinished though.
1: part right under handle looks like bottle cap.. details just don't fit imo.
2: The U shaped part... Maybe keep that but have a tooth sticking out the bottom.
I guess it would be better to make a handle little longer.
Nice ! Be careful with small details, you can just lose them because of the low resolution of textures in game.
My little cotribution to this challenge
i'm planning to add some pilot goggles (still have no idea how they will look like ) also i'll add eyebrows if it will be necessary, and some webbing to the hat.
i'm planning to add some pilot goggles (still have no idea how they will look like ) also i'll add eyebrows if it will be necessary, and some webbing to the hat.
Shown here: a quick Max render of half of the blade and skull, with normal maps and AO slotted into Diffuse. Also shown: a particularly off-putting seam down the middle of the skull. So that needs fixing.
I'll be sculpting the handle fairly soon to keep things fresh, and am hoping to improve the overall 'sharpness' of the blade when it comes to texturing.
(Edit: Normals and AO were baked out with xNormal.)
Hey, after a moment of inspiration I drew this weapon for Legion Commander. It's based on ancient Japanese pole-arms and the traditional Japanese demons. I'm not really proficient with modelling and stuff, so it's up for grabs if anyone's interested.
@Magno: I suggest you to play with the handle but the rest is awesome.
And here is some progress on LC weapon. Done the low poly so take a look and dont forget to feedback.
I guess it would be better to make a handle little longer.
Nice ! Be careful with small details, you can just lose them because of the low resolution of textures in game.
My little cotribution to this challenge
i'm planning to add some pilot goggles (still have no idea how they will look like ) also i'll add eyebrows if it will be necessary, and some webbing to the hat.
try to make it stand a little more from the body, right now it looks like an extenstion of it. A hed piece should help you to be forced to look at it. The googles will probably help but you could try something different, like some detail on sews on the cloth, maybe some hanging things.
i completely changed my idea on the sacred relic sword. Im not going to complete it, im going to make it broken as the concept on the international and try to complete the sword with PARTICLES!! ok, i never made it but i have some time to learn particles
here is ho its looking now,
i started the handle from a sphere on zbrush to show some guys on my stream how to do it, so if anyone here is interested here is the video
takes 2 hours, its on the real time, need some patience to follow
@Mango: love the design. Though it has similarities to the one drawn by Multi. Though it does have with own unique elements..
@Tvi_dotto: how did you achieve that red eye with orb effect? I wwould guess it is a matcap. CCare to share. PS: The request is pending for weeks. Please decide.
@Mango: love the design. Though it has similarities to the one drawn by Multi. Though it does have with own unique elements..
@Tvi_dotto: how did you achieve that red eye with orb effect? I wwould guess it is a matcap. CCare to share. PS: The request is pending for weeks. Please decide.
@Mango: love the design. Though it has similarities to the one drawn by Multi. Though it does have with own unique elements..
@Tvi_dotto: how did you achieve that red eye with orb effect? I wwould guess it is a matcap. CCare to share. PS: The request is pending for weeks. Please decide.
Rocket is right, is the jelly bean
request accepted, sorry for the delay, im not often online on steam these days
@Magno: I suggest you to play with the handle but the rest is awesome.
And here is some progress on LC weapon. Done the low poly so take a look and dont forget to feedback.
I think if you bevel the edges some on the spine of the blade it might look better. Give you a little more volume and shape. It just gives such a thin shadow line there .
I was working on a LC weapon, that evolves by winning duels. But I just saw the new video from dotacinema...
Should I even bother finishing this? (I know the concept looks crappy, but I didn't even intend to post this until I saw that dotacinema LC weapon...)
@polarbear - its whatever you want, if you don't want to do the item, nobody can make you. Their idea is not new, a member of polycount had an idea for having lion horns evolve depending on kills. Robo made(not sure) a radiance for spectre that changes color scheme when a radiance is in the inventory. Everything goes back to valve it seems like valve wants to limit how far people can go.
I don't really think that dota 2 cinema would even be able to get those items ingame because frankly, the weapon has too much blood. China > Gore = $$Valve$$
@Baddcog - Basically itslighting. You lighting is coming from the left and right while the gradiant from light brown to dark brown is going from bottom to top
I think if you bevel the edges some on the spine of the blade it might look better. Give you a little more volume and shape. It just gives such a thin shadow line there .
Thx for replying it been a while with no reply.
Actually ı didnt touch the sword it is just lod0 I only touched spear as you can see in the pic. But I will definitly bevel the edges when ı start to work on sword.
Thx again.
Hi all, I decided I'm going to give this a shot this month.
I've decided to work on Wraith King, & am only doing a single item submission.
I did a whole lot of silhouettes & settled on these 3
Then chose the 3rd & have done a first pass paint for my concept.
Ethereal Edge of the Dominator. Any crits & advice are encouraged!
I really want to work on strong solid but simple forms, which is why I chose the third option. Option 1 is very simple & basic, whihc translates to boring, & option 2 is a bit noisy.
@Vayne - It looks really cool! Only thing is I can't help but feel like it looks waaay too heavy for her. Does it look natural when she swings it to attack?
Edit: I guess the only thing that might look weird is late game when she attacks super fast... Could look fine though, just need to see it in motion.
@darkkyo: I understand your concern. Keep in mind that Sven at late game also swings his uber swords so fast too. Added, she is Legion Commander. She can handle it. Non technical justifications aside, we have other plans to address that.
Thanks, that's true
I tweaked the masks and texture but I think the normals are fine
P.S. Somewhere I read that shadow blade is out of stone not metal, that's why it's not really reflective.
Guys I'm getting a very weird error
just 2-3 seconds of the beginning of the game the blade is on the ground
I placed my low poly exactly where the default blade is positioned...
Recently, I looked into other types of polearm weapons, and what caught my eye in particular was a variation called the Morning Star, a type of mace used to pierce armour in combat. So I had a mess around in 3DS Max to come up with a design that could be used by LC, keeping in mind the dimensions of the default weapon.
This is what I have so far:
I think I'm going to be putting my focus into developing this idea for a while. Once I'm happy with the base mesh I'll be able to sculpt in some other details - mostly battle damage, but some surface work along the pole could prove beneficial.
This is where I went with my LC weapon. I think this is my best work by far. This ia only the color map I am triying to learn about cavity and other maps as well as learn how to merge them into an awesomeness. I still need to do lod1 by hand.
Feel free to feedback.
I like it all except the long straight blade I think it needs more shape to it
I like the shape of the blade, not sure about the handle
Top looks awesome. The hilt looks unfinished though.
1: part right under handle looks like bottle cap.. details just don't fit imo.
2: The U shaped part... Maybe keep that but have a tooth sticking out the bottom.
Thank you I really appreciate your feedback ^_^ I will certainly be reworking the handle area to give is some stronger (and more consistent) shapes.
You get Like from me, nice one !
I guess it would be better to make a handle little longer.
Nice ! Be careful with small details, you can just lose them because of the low resolution of textures in game.
My little cotribution to this challenge
i'm planning to add some pilot goggles (still have no idea how they will look like
Hey friend, I know it's not the same, but I thought I should show you this:
Maybe if you keep your colors, and put the goggles on his eyes (instead of his forehead), it may look different.
Anyway, good luck
Shown here: a quick Max render of half of the blade and skull, with normal maps and AO slotted into Diffuse. Also shown: a particularly off-putting seam down the middle of the skull. So that needs fixing.
I'll be sculpting the handle fairly soon to keep things fresh, and am hoping to improve the overall 'sharpness' of the blade when it comes to texturing.
(Edit: Normals and AO were baked out with xNormal.)
Damn just like i thought, someone already did something similar
Here's my sketch for WK sword:
Any critiques so far, beside the colours?
Edit: What am I, a page-starter? Hah :P
And here is some progress on LC weapon. Done the low poly so take a look and dont forget to feedback.
I think I'm in love with this
Ooooh I really like that!
Should be finished with these three entries within a week.
try to make it stand a little more from the body, right now it looks like an extenstion of it. A hed piece should help you to be forced to look at it. The googles will probably help but you could try something different, like some detail on sews on the cloth, maybe some hanging things.
looking great! go for it!
bronto non stop on the single items =] you will still have time to team up with someone to come with others!
here is ho its looking now,
i started the handle from a sphere on zbrush to show some guys on my stream how to do it, so if anyone here is interested here is the video
takes 2 hours, its on the real time, need some patience to follow
@Tvi_dotto: how did you achieve that red eye with orb effect? I wwould guess it is a matcap. CCare to share. PS: The request is pending for weeks. Please decide.
its a standart mat
Rocket is right, is the jelly bean
request accepted, sorry for the delay, im not often online on steam these days
I think if you bevel the edges some on the spine of the blade it might look better. Give you a little more volume and shape. It just gives such a thin shadow line there .
Crits welcome.
Should I even bother finishing this? (I know the concept looks crappy, but I didn't even intend to post this until I saw that dotacinema LC weapon...)
(my scale is a little off, mainly the handle is too big, but I can take care of that in 3d)
Could use crits:
I don't really think that dota 2 cinema would even be able to get those items ingame because frankly, the weapon has too much blood. China > Gore = $$Valve$$
@Baddcog - Basically itslighting. You lighting is coming from the left and right while the gradiant from light brown to dark brown is going from bottom to top
Actually ı didnt touch the sword it is just lod0 I only touched spear as you can see in the pic. But I will definitly bevel the edges when ı start to work on sword.
Thx again.
I've decided to work on Wraith King, & am only doing a single item submission.
I did a whole lot of silhouettes & settled on these 3
Then chose the 3rd & have done a first pass paint for my concept.
Ethereal Edge of the Dominator. Any crits & advice are encouraged!
I really want to work on strong solid but simple forms, which is why I chose the third option. Option 1 is very simple & basic, whihc translates to boring, & option 2 is a bit noisy.
Edit: I guess the only thing that might look weird is late game when she attacks super fast... Could look fine though, just need to see it in motion.
Your normal or masks are messed up... you have almost no highlights on the weapon, or its super weak. Compare your weapon to her armor.
I tweaked the masks and texture but I think the normals are fine
P.S. Somewhere I read that shadow blade is out of stone not metal, that's why it's not really reflective.
just 2-3 seconds of the beginning of the game the blade is on the ground
I placed my low poly exactly where the default blade is positioned...
any crits on the weapon?
This is what I have so far:
I think I'm going to be putting my focus into developing this idea for a while. Once I'm happy with the base mesh I'll be able to sculpt in some other details - mostly battle damage, but some surface work along the pole could prove beneficial.
Feel free to feedback.