Iniside you would greatly benefit from dropping a few subdivision levels to some much simpler geometry in order to correct your proportions. There are also some anatomical problems you have to overcome on this character suhch as the clavicles, breasts, and shoulders. You also need to lengthen the fingers, legs and arms. Even if you are attempting realism, on a character like this exaggeration can really add to the character. So I'd try adding certain aspects of the character that stand out such as the length of the arms, size of the head, and overall petite body type, so you should slim down that waistline, make the breasts smaller, and make those arms lengthwise long enough to reach about the middle of her thighs. However, don't make any of these changes until you drop some subdivision levels and fix the anatomy and proportions first.
I can agree about all other problems, but make arms and legs longer ? That would look odd. I've been trying all day to get the general proportions as close as possible to photo. I think I'm going to stick to the 1:1 proportions without exaggeration. In any case there is not that many polys.
I think I will make armor and see how it look. It easier to visualise end effect if there something on in. Well hey, the character won't be naked anyway .
Here's the video for the fur. By the way the Hair was done the exact same way too. Hope anyone may find it useful
Also it was my first time making a video in zbrush so sorry for the camera crappyness. It's hard as hell to get something that won't make people vomit for the turning and not boring at the same time
CopyPasta from the video descrption.
The first part is about creating the base for the shoulderpad (mask, Polygroup then Panel Loop) and the reference for the fur (Curve Tube using Stroke>Curve Functions>Frame Mesh). Then up to around 0.57 is the testing for the brush and blocking the flow for the shape.
Then it's dam_Standard brush with low intensity (< 20~) and large radius (about the size of the fur strand) for detailing it.
Since the Curve Tube brush automatically creates new polygroups the the geometry it adds the Mask by Polygroup option in the Brush > Auto Masking palette is really useful for working this way.
Sorry for that, I was kind of overexcited that thing started and that so many people are already in. Despite the fact that it's the holidays and that this is the first run ever, you are rocking this thread guys! Thank you all!
I also started a basemesh using BradMyers82orthos (thanks dude!) Yeah i know I'm a cheaty bastard! (Or am I?)
Anyway, started from a simple box in blender and then after a bunch of extrudes and knife cuts here and there I got this:
It was a good start but I had the feeling that the proportions weren't exact. So I made a really quick setup with a cam and a background image to check things in perspective from the original concept and this happened:
And there goes the tweaked mesh with proportion that I tried to match as close as I could ( and yes there's still the deformation from the FOV and the camera angle factor but I did my best to match it... well at least the angle).
As you can see I got the torso and pretty mush all the upper bogy part way too big with my first try. The tweaked version looks better when viewed in perspective matching the concept, at least in my opinion.
Now I'm working on the head, trying to block things out and get the main shape as well as the ears proportions right.
Fnitrox, thanks for the video, i enjoyed the little slime insert meshes crawling around.
Terminator2: You have a nice start there! I think is you make your shoulders more angular and increase the hips/shoulder ratio (more hips less shoulders) you'll get better results. The hands may be a little small at the moment too. Check with the concept on top of your sculpt and tweak from there. Good work though!
Good start guys. Fnitrox Thanks for the tip. It will come in handy; I think that clothing is probably the thing i hate most about character modeling. Terminator2 maybe make the torso longer and the legs shorter. I think the side profile looks ok maybe make the nose more cute. The side profile is similar to my sculpt. The jaw is hidden by the hair so i dont think it matters that much.
As usual i started with Scott Eaton's female base mesh because its nice low-res and easy to handle.
topgunpl, I think you got the rough general shapes there. gyarados, longer forearms and bigger hands ?
More times on her hair and ears. Also tried coloring her face for visualizing.
Not sure what to think of my attempt at the furs I can spend more time on it to refine what I have, but not sure if I'm just shooting myself in the foot or not, lawl.
Thewildhunt. Her legs are more slender in the calf and her stomach and ribs are smaller as well. He face is a bit wider as well. I believe someone said she was six heads tall but when I measure I found a bout 7 1/4 to the top of her hair and just a tad over eight to the tip of her ears. This mig be why everyone's looks so squat right now. Shee is actually of heroic proportions! Cheers
Now interestingly, like Dimfist said, she could be 8 head tall. Though I suspect she's maybe a bit less due to perspective of the drawing.
If you have so many polygons that it makes working though you should rethink how you approch modelling. You don't have to use so many polies to sculpt. You can subdivide before baking but after modelling. Using low subd levels efficiently is really important. You can also use dynamic solo mode in Zbrush if your machine chugs.
You can go down to the lowest subd with every other subtool you are not working on with subtool master.
Also guys... slow down! I didn't have time to work on it and you all are working like crazy! How am I suppose to catch up?
Also guys... slow down! I didn't have time to work on it and you all are working like crazy! How am I suppose to catch up?
haha, man, we haven't even gotten into January yet and you have until the end of that month. You have plenty of time to catch up. Keep at it! :thumbup:
I am super excited to see all this work. It goes to show that this will be a successful challenge and hopefully a staple of the P&P thread.
PyrZern - I really like the face you have but the hair doesn't match the concept currently. As for the shoulder pad, I think you have too many small clumps of fur. In the concept they're actually pretty big and right now yours feel somewhat flat and wispy.
TheWildHunt - I like your modeling but it feels really realistic. I think it's mainly the sharp angles you're incorporating into the face. Also, be careful on the ears. The bottom of the ear matches up with the eye line it looks like and yours come in a bit low. Also, the ear should slope off the back into a smooth transition with the head and right now yours are kind of a thin abrupt change.
This is where I am at currently. Still so much blockout to do :poly122:
@ Dimfist Thanks. That observation seems to be correct it seems my previous wip was short one head.
PyrZern Just use z-remesher if the polygon count gets out of hand :poly122::poly121:
praetus Nice start, eyes too big maybe. I like how you did the arms and hands though.
Finsished blockout for proportions. I Will continue the body and clothes after my exams, for now though Iam probably just going work on the weapon a little until that time passes.
edit: I am going to make the forearms a little longer
Update time! now with 80% more clothes and 100% more Huge Badass Swords!
Broken symmetry on the ears and added the earring...face is almost where I'd like it to be...need some minor inflating below the eyes (and anything you guys come up with)
Spent the day blocking in the clothes (curve strap snap brush is AWESOME)
aaaand finally the sword is complete (or almost anyway).
No time for crits this time since I'm dead tired and still need to pack since i'm leaving tomorrow...that means I won't be able to work on the model till january 3rd or something : /, which is too bad since I'm loving this thing!
I think I am going for the 16k triangles and 1024 to help reign in my love of adding polys everywhere.
Playing around with base mesh - bum and breasts need to be tidied up a lot. Hope to do head and hair/clothes tomorrow. Be kind! I haven't made many characters before.
@Fnitrox - looking loverly - great polypaint! Only thing that really jumps out is I think her eyes are a bit too big but that might be what you are going for. Thanks for the vid - very insightful.
@Praetus - lovely hands!!! Nose might be a little too big for the concept atm.
@Thewildhunt - also looking lovely although I am a bit concerned at how low her loincloth is falling
@Kapoff - can you explain how you managed to set up the perspective camera? I was trying something similar but it just wasn't working.
praetus Watch out for her eyes. They look a bit too wide to me. I think you nailed down her lips though. gyarados Her cranium seems quite small. Neck maybe a tad too long. Fnitrox Nice update there !! Like, OMG. I will have to try curve strap snap brush sometimes now. AllyAlbon Great thighs Not sure if her torso is that skinny.
Fnitrox interesting style, unlike me your changing it a lot from the original, can't think of any crits. great job o far, wonder how you're gonna do that hair. TheWildHunt this look really awesome, but I think her shoes are a bit small Kapoff that's a great start! I'm doing it in similar way, trying to mach the concept as much as possible. although I think those "breasts" are unnecessary.
Finally had time to start working on this, having a lot of fun so far.
Started work on the body today, will start to face tomorrow, first time sculpting a female so everything taking a little longer then I'm used to but getting there.
jeebs - Looking awesome, proportions are spot on, can't wait to see where you take this
Fnitrox - Looking good so far, will have to give that brush a try myself.
Sorry I don't have more constructive feedback, dead tired, will put on some better feedback with my next update.
Ok, here we go! Two pages of comments and crits coming your way, you have been warned.
Pyriern, MrOneTwo, Iniside: Thank you guys, you have no idea how hard i struggled to make it look like that xD
Fnitrox: thanks man, I like your progress shots, its coming along great, that sword looks just like the concept! I struggled a lot with the fur, trying to sculpt it normally, but eventually just gave up and did it your way =P I think your legs are a bit short though, they should be a really powerful and dominant part of the character.
Jeebs: nice basemesh, I like where its going, the ears and the face looks a bit lowpoly though. I recommend stripping some loops from the arms or legs, and then add some on the ears, the head should have the most density, not the limbs.
TheWildHunt: looking good, but the anatomy on the torso is really stretched out, her hips should be much higher up on the body. That overall part of the body should be squashed down, in the concept her legs are almost twice the length of her upper body.
Gyarados: wow, you really made a great looking face there, I'm kind of jealous
Terminator2: looking good, you really nailed the proportions!
Kapoff: that lowpoly looks awesome, she might be leaning a bit forward in the front view, looks like she is gonna fall.
TheDarkKnight: really nice, It kind of shows this is your first female sculpt though, be careful with the anatomy, dont overdo it. I find that female sculpt looks better the fewer things you define, only showing the super important stuff. I usually sculpt in detail like always and then go crazy with the smoothing brush until its almost gone.
Ok, so Ive been working on the face and the hair since my last post, and it has been really...I mean really frustrating.
Im kinda at a stage where im not ashamed of showing it, but this is my 3rd take on the hair and the 5th time Ive re sculpted the face. I feel like this now:
so that was a lot of text, here is an image instead:
am trying to figure out how to do the chip in the ear it's difficult for me lol body 50% done should post pics later
easy if it's done with zbrush : you disable the symetry with "x" touch and then start masking a triangle with lasso masking, once done, convert it as polygroup with "polygroup per mask" and finally, you can hide it and delete from the option "del hidden" then click the "collapse hole and finally, re-dynamesh it, it should work fine normally.
well, what i explain there is purely from memory because i'm kinda lazy to open it and since it's over 2am, it's time to sleep XD;
Tweak tweak. I've altered quite a bit but I still don't feel like it's where it needs to be yet. Toned down the bridge of the nose so it blends with the face, took the eyes in a bit (as well as altered them in general) and added some length to the legs. I feel now though that the arms are a little too pencil thin. I may try to push them out a bit while trying to keep hold of the smoothness and not bulking them up.
lotet - you're a damn monster. The only real critique I have is on the fur. I think right now it looks like a bunch of the same subtool repeating. The breaks are too obvious. I think if you were to have a few less pieces (resize the ones left to be a bit larger to compensate) and then dynamesh them together it would look pretty sweet.
Jeebs - I feel like where the ears meet the head could be a bit wider. The way it tapers inward seems somewhat odd to me.
TheDarkKnight - I think it's a good start but be careful on some of your hard edges. Right now the definition around the hips seems a bit mannish. The cut on the pelvis is seen pretty often in fit men, but with woman it is much softer and tends to blend in. The torso read well as female , but from the pelvis down and the arms read to me as being male. Just my thoughts.
lotet I like how it is coming along. She might need a bit bigger eyes maybe ? praetus Gonna need to see her ears to visualize this. Check for duckface though.
Got to put in a bit more time on this. (was watching Pacific Rim ) Mostly adjusting her ears, I will work on her hair more later. I also reworked the furs, and the general shape of the shoulderpad itself. Still have to tweak around her shoes-furs some more.
Had to testure face twice because deleted first try by accident... Still testing messing around. Just checked If I'm able to pull it off with modelling (no zbrush) and handpainting textures.
PyrZern - work on those edges of the clothes. Too sharp. Doesn't read like clothes.
Tweaked the duck face down so hopefully that looks better now. I added some length to the torso, applied a slight inflate to the arms and made the ears. I think I'm going to keep them as a separate subtool, at least for now. The hair is going to cover where they connect to the head and if I need to make any sweeping adjustments, I'll be able to.
MrOneTwo - I wouldn't start on your texturing yet. Your mesh has a good start to the blockout but you need to work on your topology/proportions. The hands feel very boxy right now and could use some work. I'm also noticing what looks like twisting on the legs and forearms.
Yeah I will fix the twisting. The texturing was just testing. She is pretty symetrical so I will probably mirror the uvs. For now she has unique uvs on both sides of the face. Was trying out Modos paint functions. It's not bad .
Damn, you guys are fast! @Dimfist I think your neck is a little bit too long and shoulders a little too wide there. Nice start though!
Here's my base mesh
It's freaking HOT in Melbourne today, so I gotta go sit downstairs where it's cool and play some PS4 while I wait for the sun to go down.
Alex: You might want to double check the proportions, the legs are far too short.
Jsyles3d: Base mesh looks really cool, topology looks squared out enough to sculpt on, be wary of the hands though, the depth of the palm is still relatively natural despite the spindly fingers.
Dimfist: Be sure to double check the relationship of the hips and shoulders, she's looking a bit wide in the shoulders and losing a that cutesy effeminate look.
Everything is looking cool guys, this is turning out to be the highlight of my days after work.
Alex: You might want to double check the proportions, the legs are far too short.
Jsyles3d: Base mesh looks really cool, topology looks squared out enough to sculpt on, be wary of the hands though, the depth of the palm is still relatively natural despite the spindly fingers.
Dimfist: Be sure to double check the relationship of the hips and shoulders, she's looking a bit wide in the shoulders and losing a that cutesy effeminate look.
Everything is looking cool guys, this is turning out to be the highlight of my days after work.
Are you sure? I thought it was looking pretty good.
Maybe you should check your refs?
I may have taken some artistic liberty in the groin area but other than that looks solid.
Just a bit of general advice for the dudes on higher sub-d's right now. Try to really avoid a lot of major details and focus on getting smooth forms in there. I think it will also help visualize is you use a skin shader with a decent amount of ambient so you don't get harsh transitions (like a skin shader or something). Lighting up shadows with renders also helps. Make sure no areas look pinched also. Good job everyone!
Pyrzern: Double check the girth of her arms and legs, they look a bit on the thick side.
Bacn: Looks like a good start to me. Check her facial proportions, she has a very wide jaw in the concept. Less of the pointy elfin chin, the silhouette of the mandible is going to be almost rectangular from the front.
Spent some time softening up the facial features, and fixing the pose of the ears. Also went back in and refined the proportions and silhouette of the upper arms, calves, and the trunk to be more in line with the concept.
TheWildHunt - That is looking loads better in the face. I like how you've taken out some of the sharper edges. One small thing though for your rendering - render on something other than a pure black background. It's making some of your edges really hard to read on the arms and boots as I can't tell where one ends.
PyrZern: Looking solid! I would taper her muscles a bit more they seem a bit fat near the ankles and forth.
WildHunt that is looking good man! The face is definitely a lot more improved.
Bacn: I think you may need to work at a lower sub d so that you can get the landmark locked in first.
Small update for me with some clothes and the gauge earring.
There's some really nice work going on here, I may try next months challenge if my FMP for college doesn't take up too much of my time.
I've never done a full character sculpt but seeing all these people ranging from intermediate to newbies really makes me want to join in the fun.
What would be really nice is if some of the people with experience in this area could post some of techniques they find extremely valuable to help the lesser experienced Polycounters out.
@Mossbros, so far I think there's one technique about making furs. We might need more technique when it comes to texturing or doing topology, or rigging/posing character. Now we are pretty much just blocking out the stuff...
@iniside, stick to concept
I'm sticking. In general ;p.
I can agree about all other problems, but make arms and legs longer ? That would look odd. I've been trying all day to get the general proportions as close as possible to photo. I think I'm going to stick to the 1:1 proportions without exaggeration. In any case there is not that many polys.
I think I will make armor and see how it look. It easier to visualise end effect if there something on in. Well hey, the character won't be naked anyway
Also it was my first time making a video in zbrush so sorry for the camera crappyness. It's hard as hell to get something that won't make people vomit for the turning and not boring at the same time
CopyPasta from the video descrption.
The first part is about creating the base for the shoulderpad (mask, Polygroup then Panel Loop) and the reference for the fur (Curve Tube using Stroke>Curve Functions>Frame Mesh). Then up to around 0.57 is the testing for the brush and blocking the flow for the shape.
The technique is based around the Curve Tube brush with some modified settings (which can be found here: to create strands of fur.
Then it's dam_Standard brush with low intensity (< 20~) and large radius (about the size of the fur strand) for detailing it.
Since the Curve Tube brush automatically creates new polygroups the the geometry it adds the Mask by Polygroup option in the Brush > Auto Masking palette is really useful for working this way.
Sorry for that, I was kind of overexcited that thing started and that so many people are already in. Despite the fact that it's the holidays and that this is the first run ever, you are rocking this thread guys! Thank you all!
I also started a basemesh using BradMyers82 orthos (thanks dude!) Yeah i know I'm a cheaty bastard! (Or am I?)
Anyway, started from a simple box in blender and then after a bunch of extrudes and knife cuts here and there I got this:
It was a good start but I had the feeling that the proportions weren't exact. So I made a really quick setup with a cam and a background image to check things in perspective from the original concept and this happened:
And there goes the tweaked mesh with proportion that I tried to match as close as I could ( and yes there's still the deformation from the FOV and the camera angle factor but I did my best to match it... well at least the angle).
As you can see I got the torso and pretty mush all the upper bogy part way too big with my first try. The tweaked version looks better when viewed in perspective matching the concept, at least in my opinion.
Now I'm working on the head, trying to block things out and get the main shape as well as the ears proportions right.
Keep the good work fellas!
Fnitrox thanks for sharing your methods!
Guys have a nice Christmas and take a break so I don't fall behind. :P
here's where Im at, trying to get the shape of the body right although I'm not very happy with the profile at the moment.
any suggestions?
Terminator2: You have a nice start there! I think is you make your shoulders more angular and increase the hips/shoulder ratio (more hips less shoulders) you'll get better results. The hands may be a little small at the moment too. Check with the concept on top of your sculpt and tweak from there. Good work though!
Fnitrox Thanks for the tip. It will come in handy; I think that clothing is probably the thing i hate most about character modeling.
maybe make the torso longer and the legs shorter. I think the side profile looks ok maybe make the nose more cute. The side profile is similar to my sculpt. The jaw is hidden by the hair so i dont think it matters that much.
As usual i started with Scott Eaton's female base mesh because its nice low-res and easy to handle.
gyarados, longer forearms and bigger hands ?
More times on her hair and ears. Also tried coloring her face for visualizing.
Not sure what to think of my attempt at the furs
Spent the later half of the day working on this dynamesh blockout. Next step is retopo and project everything so I can really get jiggy with it.
Gotta say guys, I thought I was going to hate this concept. I was so dead wrong.
Everyones progress is looking cool! I can't wait to see how everything turns out.
Now interestingly, like Dimfist said, she could be 8 head tall. Though I suspect she's maybe a bit less due to perspective of the drawing.
Armor blockout.
I'm leaving it for now. I still have enviro challenge to finish this month.
If you have so many polygons that it makes working though you should rethink how you approch modelling. You don't have to use so many polies to sculpt. You can subdivide before baking but after modelling. Using low subd levels efficiently is really important. You can also use dynamic solo mode in Zbrush if your machine chugs.
You can go down to the lowest subd with every other subtool you are not working on with subtool master.
Also guys... slow down! I didn't have time to work on it and you all are working like crazy! How am I suppose to catch up?
haha, man, we haven't even gotten into January yet and you have until the end of that month. You have plenty of time to catch up. Keep at it!
I am super excited to see all this work. It goes to show that this will be a successful challenge and hopefully a staple of the P&P thread.
PyrZern - I really like the face you have but the hair doesn't match the concept currently. As for the shoulder pad, I think you have too many small clumps of fur. In the concept they're actually pretty big and right now yours feel somewhat flat and wispy.
TheWildHunt - I like your modeling but it feels really realistic. I think it's mainly the sharp angles you're incorporating into the face. Also, be careful on the ears. The bottom of the ear matches up with the eye line it looks like and yours come in a bit low. Also, the ear should slope off the back into a smooth transition with the head and right now yours are kind of a thin abrupt change.
This is where I am at currently. Still so much blockout to do :poly122:
PyrZern Just use z-remesher if the polygon count gets out of hand :poly122::poly121:
praetus Nice start, eyes too big maybe. I like how you did the arms and hands though.
Finsished blockout for proportions. I Will continue the body and clothes after my exams, for now though Iam probably just going work on the weapon a little until that time passes.
edit: I am going to make the forearms a little longer
Broken symmetry on the ears and added the earring...face is almost where I'd like it to be...need some minor inflating below the eyes (and anything you guys come up with)
Spent the day blocking in the clothes (curve strap snap brush is AWESOME)
aaaand finally the sword is complete (or almost anyway).
No time for crits this time since I'm dead tired and still need to pack since i'm leaving tomorrow...that means I won't be able to work on the model till january 3rd or something : /, which is too bad since I'm loving this thing!
Playing around with base mesh - bum and breasts need to be tidied up a lot. Hope to do head and hair/clothes tomorrow. Be kind! I haven't made many characters before.
@Fnitrox - looking loverly - great polypaint! Only thing that really jumps out is I think her eyes are a bit too big but that might be what you are going for. Thanks for the vid - very insightful.
@Praetus - lovely hands!!! Nose might be a little too big for the concept atm.
@Thewildhunt - also looking lovely although I am a bit concerned at how low her loincloth is falling
@Kapoff - can you explain how you managed to set up the perspective camera? I was trying something similar but it just wasn't working.
gyarados Her cranium seems quite small. Neck maybe a tad too long.
Fnitrox Nice update there !! Like, OMG. I will have to try curve strap snap brush sometimes now.
AllyAlbon Great thighs
Fnitrox interesting style, unlike me your changing it a lot from the original, can't think of any crits. great job o far, wonder how you're gonna do that hair.
TheWildHunt this look really awesome, but I think her shoes are a bit small
Kapoff that's a great start! I'm doing it in similar way, trying to mach the concept as much as possible. although I think those "breasts" are unnecessary.
Gonna show my first update:
Finally had time to start working on this, having a lot of fun so far.
Started work on the body today, will start to face tomorrow, first time sculpting a female so everything taking a little longer then I'm used to but getting there.
jeebs - Looking awesome, proportions are spot on, can't wait to see where you take this
Fnitrox - Looking good so far, will have to give that brush a try myself.
Sorry I don't have more constructive feedback, dead tired, will put on some better feedback with my next update.
Not taking part in the competition, just wanted to drop in and say thanks for the mini-tutorial on the brush, that's a really cool technique!
Pyriern, MrOneTwo, Iniside: Thank you guys, you have no idea how hard i struggled to make it look like that xD
Fnitrox: thanks man, I like your progress shots, its coming along great, that sword looks just like the concept! I struggled a lot with the fur, trying to sculpt it normally, but eventually just gave up and did it your way =P I think your legs are a bit short though, they should be a really powerful and dominant part of the character.
Jeebs: nice basemesh, I like where its going, the ears and the face looks a bit lowpoly though. I recommend stripping some loops from the arms or legs, and then add some on the ears, the head should have the most density, not the limbs.
TheWildHunt: looking good, but the anatomy on the torso is really stretched out, her hips should be much higher up on the body. That overall part of the body should be squashed down, in the concept her legs are almost twice the length of her upper body.
Gyarados: wow, you really made a great looking face there, I'm kind of jealous
Terminator2: looking good, you really nailed the proportions!
Kapoff: that lowpoly looks awesome, she might be leaning a bit forward in the front view, looks like she is gonna fall.
TheDarkKnight: really nice, It kind of shows this is your first female sculpt though, be careful with the anatomy, dont overdo it. I find that female sculpt looks better the fewer things you define, only showing the super important stuff. I usually sculpt in detail like always and then go crazy with the smoothing brush until its almost gone.
Ok, so Ive been working on the face and the hair since my last post, and it has been really...I mean really frustrating.
Im kinda at a stage where im not ashamed of showing it, but this is my 3rd take on the hair and the 5th time Ive re sculpted the face. I feel like this now:
so that was a lot of text, here is an image instead:
easy if it's done with zbrush : you disable the symetry with "x" touch and then start masking a triangle with lasso masking, once done, convert it as polygroup with "polygroup per mask" and finally, you can hide it and delete from the option "del hidden" then click the "collapse hole and finally, re-dynamesh it, it should work fine normally.
well, what i explain there is purely from memory because i'm kinda lazy to open it and since it's over 2am, it's time to sleep XD;
lotet - you're a damn monster. The only real critique I have is on the fur. I think right now it looks like a bunch of the same subtool repeating. The breaks are too obvious. I think if you were to have a few less pieces (resize the ones left to be a bit larger to compensate) and then dynamesh them together it would look pretty sweet.
Jeebs - I feel like where the ears meet the head could be a bit wider. The way it tapers inward seems somewhat odd to me.
TheDarkKnight - I think it's a good start but be careful on some of your hard edges. Right now the definition around the hips seems a bit mannish. The cut on the pelvis is seen pretty often in fit men, but with woman it is much softer and tends to blend in. The torso read well as female , but from the pelvis down and the arms read to me as being male. Just my thoughts.
praetus Gonna need to see her ears to visualize this. Check for duckface though.
Got to put in a bit more time on this. (was watching Pacific Rim
Had to testure face twice because deleted first try by accident... Still testing messing around. Just checked If I'm able to pull it off with modelling (no zbrush) and handpainting textures.
PyrZern - work on those edges of the clothes. Too sharp. Doesn't read like clothes.
TheDarkKnight - work on that pelvis.
Great progress you all. Make me envy.
Tweaked the duck face down so hopefully that looks better now. I added some length to the torso, applied a slight inflate to the arms and made the ears. I think I'm going to keep them as a separate subtool, at least for now. The hair is going to cover where they connect to the head and if I need to make any sweeping adjustments, I'll be able to.
MrOneTwo - I wouldn't start on your texturing yet. Your mesh has a good start to the blockout but you need to work on your topology/proportions. The hands feel very boxy right now and could use some work. I'm also noticing what looks like twisting on the legs and forearms.
@Dimfist I think your neck is a little bit too long and shoulders a little too wide there. Nice start though!
Here's my base mesh
It's freaking HOT in Melbourne today, so I gotta go sit downstairs where it's cool and play some PS4 while I wait for the sun to go down.
Alex: You might want to double check the proportions, the legs are far too short.
Jsyles3d: Base mesh looks really cool, topology looks squared out enough to sculpt on, be wary of the hands though, the depth of the palm is still relatively natural despite the spindly fingers.
Dimfist: Be sure to double check the relationship of the hips and shoulders, she's looking a bit wide in the shoulders and losing a that cutesy effeminate look.
Everything is looking cool guys, this is turning out to be the highlight of my days after work.
Are you sure? I thought it was looking pretty good.
Maybe you should check your refs?
I may have taken some artistic liberty in the groin area but other than that looks solid.
Is that what people mean when they call a dick move. I just never thought it would be that literally.
Portfolio piece!
Face feels.... off. Will probably redo it later.
Just a bit of general advice for the dudes on higher sub-d's right now. Try to really avoid a lot of major details and focus on getting smooth forms in there. I think it will also help visualize is you use a skin shader with a decent amount of ambient so you don't get harsh transitions (like a skin shader or something). Lighting up shadows with renders also helps. Make sure no areas look pinched also. Good job everyone!
Worked some more on her hair. Need to work more on her boots.
Bacn: Looks like a good start to me. Check her facial proportions, she has a very wide jaw in the concept. Less of the pointy elfin chin, the silhouette of the mandible is going to be almost rectangular from the front.
Spent some time softening up the facial features, and fixing the pose of the ears. Also went back in and refined the proportions and silhouette of the upper arms, calves, and the trunk to be more in line with the concept.
Blocked out her sword. Fk yeah. I think it's still a little too small.
WildHunt that is looking good man! The face is definitely a lot more improved.
Bacn: I think you may need to work at a lower sub d so that you can get the landmark locked in first.
Small update for me with some clothes and the gauge earring.
I've never done a full character sculpt but seeing all these people ranging from intermediate to newbies really makes me want to join in the fun.
What would be really nice is if some of the people with experience in this area could post some of techniques they find extremely valuable to help the lesser experienced Polycounters out.