Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
- 1 embed maximum (1 image, or 1 video, or 1 Sketchfab, etc.)
- Anim GIFs must be less than 2 mb
- Externally-hosted images must be less than 500 kb
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- Breaking these rules may cause merciless editing by a Moderator
- Why these rules? See WAYWO Usage.
@YBourykina: You too! I love your design for her so much even from the roughs back then.
My first project in Zbrush, my first every poly-paint maps were harmed in the making of this guy. Materials painted on too at the same time (which I probably wouldn't recommend now after doing it!)
Cheers for looking and for more on him and my creative journey have a look at my thread:
this is my first project with handpainted textures so there is a lot to learn....
This is the reference that I want to achieve:
Here are the first textures I made on my blockout
Has anybody some good tutorials for me to learn the workflow of handpainted textures?
Here is also a link to the topic of me:
Hope you all can help me to imrpove
The concept is by the talented Carlos Ruiz and be found here:
Apologies for the second post, but the sketchfab embedder on here is very buggy and ended up not displaying correctly in the initial post.
@YBourykina She come out really cool, love the shapes.
@Dvolution That is some sweet painting!
I've got an on-going thread up now where I'm planning to update with some break-downs and wips stuff for my new personal painted projects. Feel free to check it out if you'll find it helpful:
i like that you took the extra step to provide the chroma pack for it, i think the variants are a lot of fun. i do wish that they had as much love in them as the default, though. they're very monochromatic and are missing the color play in the shadows and highlights the base has.
regardless, great work!
Feel Free To Give some feedback.
I did this scene. Hope you like it
Concept :
been working on some handpainted texture for another project of mine. Used a sculpt as a base. It's doesnt really help with color, but the shading is definetely a lot easier. The sculpt itself looks pretty digusting. I'm always kinda suprised something descent comes out when using this techinque. anyway, critique is always welcome!
@global99 Hey man, saw you wanted some feedback. Think it looks pretty good, but theres a couple things to work on. I'm by no means an expert, but just made a paintover in Ps , with some of my thoughts on it. Hope it helps, and keep doing what you do.
(really really rough paintover) ->
Check my WIP page to leave some feedback or get updates on the progress.
I'm posting here a tribute to Telltale's The Walking Dead series I just finished. It was my first try at this specific handpainted style. Was really fun to do.
I would appreciate criticism on it, if you have a few seconds for it.
I also posted it in WAYWO and in my own thread, so I'm just posting one image here to not spam. You can see more shots and Marmoset viewer at and
Handpainted Spaceship, open to any critiques, suggestions on the texture
And even made a breakdown image HERE
diffuse: 1024x1024
triangles: 4.6k
Also some texture step gif on my artstation
Nice ZugZug! I do miss a bit of lighting on this. Some areas could benefit from some ambient occlusion. Also the top part of the helm like shape could potentially be a bit lighter than the bottom half.
Been working on a little Dwarven blacksmith's house. Background is temp, need to paint it up
Check out the Sketchfab!
I've been working on some plants and stuff. Plannaing on making a bunch more, and then start on stuff like trees and rocks. Want to make a zone similar to the undead starting zone in WoW.
Hey man im glad you like it! For this project I have only done sculpting for the cobblestone path. The rest is just painted in PS. Right now all the textures are still a WIP. When I do sculpt and bake thou my process is just as you described, layering my baked out maps on top of grey and useing a gad map, then paintng over top. You textures and plants are looking really great by the way!
Hope you like it