Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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@arvinmoses: Your grass is killer! I really admire your commitment to make these "hand painted" textures.
Straight to the inspiration folder :poly142:
Any C&C are so welcome!
Another One
@ayhankin Nice environment!
@fwap & darkmag
Thanks guys! Yea really a trip trying to develop it in SD, but lots of fun. I think it could be pretty useful if I can pull it off with more mats.
It can't. he manually added them by doubling the model, inverting it, moving it outward based on normals, and setting the whole thing to a black UV space.
@Gungriffon Geona: Really smart technique! It's the same used on borderlands, right?
Borderlands more than likely has a shader for handling it, but it's technically the same method whatever way you do it. It just depends on how sophisticated you want the 'lines' to be in motion or at angles.
@YBourykina wow, painting your model after making the pose really sells it
darkmag07, awwww thank you so much, and no problem, i'm really glad it's a bit helpful
iadagraca, thank you! i'm pretty obbessive about UVs, those could have been a bit better (i accidentally flipped the stomach
pigart, thank you! ^_^
ayhankin, nice job on the texturing, for a second i seriously thought this was from WoW XD
chemotoledo, great job on Blueberry, i left you a small suggestion in WAYWO, you don't have to follow it or anything, it looks great either way
Megacorpse, thank you, i first painted it normally, but the lighting wasn't matching up as well as i wanted and my friend suggested just to fix it, so i went over it in the pose...the hair will forever have to stay in the wind XD
@chemotoledo I really loved your stuff
i recently made a walkthrough of how i created my Paladin Alyonushka for Sketchfab so i wanted to share a few of the images from the article
walkthrough process:
this was the final high poly, it's about 2 years old and *super* rough since i was testing my ability to get this done fast, and only used for diffuse only baking maps
and this is the grey low, what it looked like with AO, Skylight, and the Matcap bake, and then with that and base colors, and then the final
i would like to make a current process/tutorial/walkthrough sometime soon, is there anything you guys would be intrested in hearing me talk about more?
Sort of Outbacky valley diorama thing wot I did recently.
ayhankin- your environment looks so awesome. makes me want to take a crack at one.
Ybourykina- your archer is very inspiring. great work!
Here's a little something i've been working on. would love a critique on it
chemotoledo, sick work, really like the creature.
YBourykina, DAMN!
It's not yet tiled, and I'm not quite used to hand-painting my normals, but I think the results show some degree of promise. I'd like some advice on how "readable" the texture should be. The painterly style I'm chasing uses a lot of vaguery to imply details where there are none. Inspiration
Dam that looks very promising!
She's tiled. I'll try this with a bunch of materials, and see how well it translates. The texture's really noisy, but I think painting the mip-maps by hand should alleviate that when you're not right next to it. The normals should also be much sharper, with bigger shapes so that the light scatters across the scales more evenly.
C&C welcome!
Ventress by iznvm on Sketchfab
Aaand to see in full 3D (and get the actual context for these blobs of paint)
I just finished part 2 of the Space Golem Bust series. I'll be going over my process for hand painting textures for various materials such as rock, metal, glows and plastic in 3DCoat. Thanks for checking it out!
my latest test on older sculpt study, deer
Awesome thread and amazing work so far!!
First hand painted study!
For any CC or elaboration:
First Hand painted texture thread!
I'm here to bombard you with more stuff from Churbles!
This is my first ever post of my work, and I'm working on this hand painted scythe so I was wondering if the model is ok before I start painting it, I mean if it's too high poly for a weapon model or if it still needs shading corrected?! It will be bent like a real scythe after I unwrap it but I wanted to be sure everything is good before that happens. And when I am asking for the poly count I'm referring more like, what platform/config would this amount of polys be used on? Is it ok for mobile? How high-res should I go with the texture even if I scale it down? Any scaling tips? PS: It's just a practice model for my portfolio. Thanks in advance!
Also, all styling suggestions are welcome before I start painting because I want to add something like acid or glow on the blade with an emission map but I have no idea how, never managed to find an emission map tutorial, can I paint emission?? Can anyone help me with some core tutorials for effects on props like fire and stuff, I don't even know what to search for regarding this, do you use particles or animated textures or what @_@ ?? Loving this forum so far