Hi everyone! I've decided to work on stuff that I couldn't have finished for a long time. I hope that I will gradually post progress on old unfinished works in this thread
So stomp games folded yesterday, here is the rest of my unreleased work from that project:
So these were always done in quite a rush I had on average about 2 weeks to do an entire enemy set from start to finish with some pretty tight tech restrictions. I was given about 9 bones of animation to work with and every 2 characters had to share a large amount of parts/textures. Thankfully we had a rigging genius on the team who made this stuff work!
Woogity- Oh yea man everything is alright. I was a part of the first round of layoffs months ago. I am currently at direwolf out in Denver, CO at the moment. This stuff is just all old I didn't get to post way back at the time.
Just a Character I'm working on for fun over break
Its based on the Iron monster concept from Retrovenus
check out his CGHub http://retrovenus.cghub.com/
hes got alotta cool stuff
I've been reworking my previous wip quite a bit lately after playing through metro last light, last of us and seeing the division demo I wanted to go for something a bit more rugged than I had before; I'm slowly moving away from my original idea but honestly I prefer where it's going now.
I've also learnt quite a bit since I started this guy originally back in march / april, and because of that I'm gonna be reworking and keeping some elements, the folds on the trousers are just ugly, blarg!
Also testing out some ways of presenting my high polys, anyone got any thoughts on this? Super simple but I kinda like that.
delko - THRILLHO! skullface - she turned out great! teriyakistyle - It's a keyshot render with photoshop painting ontop of it. Also, did you use marvelous designer for that guy?
Recent freelance tilset for http://Mod.it
Like the Turtle, maybe a light glow for the puddle on the ground?
Texture Update in my Thread
So these were always done in quite a rush I had on average about 2 weeks to do an entire enemy set from start to finish with some pretty tight tech restrictions. I was given about 9 bones of animation to work with and every 2 characters had to share a large amount of parts/textures. Thankfully we had a rigging genius on the team who made this stuff work!
u did a great job here! that turtle is awesome
@ Rayph - daaamn good job right here, I am definitely gonna make one of ur monsta in 3D for fun and practice, keep it up
Why did you post it all in waywo? Make a thread please?
Anyways cross post for my current project.
looking good so far muzz
shameless crosspost from my wiptopic
based on concept by Hethe Srodawa
HighPoly of the armor
Take a look at my thread for more stuff!
My Mistral sculpt in Zbrush. I did for fun and at the same time learned how to sculpt hard surface.
-Really liking how my model is coming along so far, hopefully I can keep it up
Its based on the Iron monster concept from Retrovenus
check out his CGHub http://retrovenus.cghub.com/
hes got alotta cool stuff
I've been reworking my previous wip quite a bit lately after playing through metro last light, last of us and seeing the division demo I wanted to go for something a bit more rugged than I had before; I'm slowly moving away from my original idea but honestly I prefer where it's going now.
I've also learnt quite a bit since I started this guy originally back in march / april, and because of that I'm gonna be reworking and keeping some elements, the folds on the trousers are just ugly, blarg!
Also testing out some ways of presenting my high polys, anyone got any thoughts on this? Super simple but I kinda like that.
skullface - she turned out great!
teriyakistyle - It's a keyshot render with photoshop painting ontop of it. Also, did you use marvelous designer for that guy?
Finishing this up for now and taking a break, lots of stuff learnt, cheers for the feedback to all those who gave it, onto the next project!
Just learned Zbrush hard surface?! I wish my first attempts at hs modeling in zbrush had turned out that clean! ( It's still not that clean XD )
Here's a rough wip for me. Cheers!
this is for the Mixamo Adventurer contest
I was able to do it a bit of justice with a fresh coat of paint in Le Photoshop.
Figured I'd finally make a proper character page for this guy..
swordy (View in 3D)
Sweet! Really need to go back and texture my HEMTT
I must add that I wasn't going for photorealistic look this time.
Instead I was trying to create the best looking texture in shortest possible time.
Took me 4 hours to make
You are great !
Is that from lake Winnie?