ATTENTION: THE CHALLENGE NOW ENDS ON THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH STARTING THIS MONTH, SO JANUARY 31st Thank you for your time, I hope to see more finished stuff with this new deadline extension. Sorry for the capslock, it had to be done.
This month's concept:
This may seem like it's pretty complicated, and if you are starting out it can be overwhelming, so take it piece by piece. This can be broken down into a segments. Think about what will be unique, what will be tiled, what kinda textures you'll need to make, just plan before you go.
All that matters is that you learn and give and get advice and are willing to be critiqued.
So here are the rules:
Must make your own textures, no stealing, we can't keep you from it, but the goal is to learn, even tileables, I mean you can take someone else's image and make it tileable, that's fine.
You must use a game engine OBVIOUSLY. UDK or Cryengine will probably be the most used.
You must try your best and finish as much as you can in this month.
Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique and we don't have 1000 disjointed parts all over.
Well that's about it, if you think the rules should be changed let us know.
I would strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel, but it must stay very close to the concept, if not super close.
Have fun!
PS: I am extremely familiar with Cryengine and can answer probably any question you happen to have when using it.
PSS: There will be a small prize for completion/best scene, not sure what it is yet, but it will be a steam game.
Thanks for your hard work Alex and Cdeniz, good luck everyone, I'ma start tomorrow morning, night y'all.
Won't be starting on this much later than that! Looking at previous threads it looks to generate a lot of really good and hard work not to mention the amount of help that is given and knowledge that is passed on to others. I can't wait!
Okay so I am definantly joining in on this and well i went ahead and blocked this out myself *PLEASE NOTE* in no way shape or form is this me blocking it out to explain for everyone this is just for myself wait for a block out from Alex or Cdeniz.
but basicly i blocked it out by levels of detail. for example the greys oranges greens and reds are all level one of detail since they consist of the floors and walls and main structural details next up the blues both light and dark i see as level two so first phase of props that are bigger and could get in someones way. then finally in yellow and purple i have the lights and wiring which i see as final details to make the area seem more believable.
now my blocking out is just looking at the project from a modeling aspect. I am not a good or proficient texture artist however I am working on it. so later I will add some sketches of my proposed floor plan for the project.
*EDIT*Okay so I came to a conclusion that the concept image is a bit ambiguous so in order to create a nice atmosphere im going to attempt to make this a serial killer basement so the section of the basement that isnt visible in the concept image ill transform into the killers domain.
Whatever engine you want.
I feel I got the scale perfect in game, except that door, the concept has a few wierd things about it.
This concept has some weird errors. Like where the stairs meet the roof.
I tried to plan this out.
Also I hope you like my abstract art.
is there any limits for the polycount or textures size ?
I still need to check if there more light sources
This a quick blockout I did to start getting some dimensions I will fix it after some rest , those stairs are huge.
I will sleep for a while its almost 3 am around here. see ya guys
Here is the basic block out of the scene that I have done in Max. It's fairly rough but I have read up on basic UDK measurements and I have attempted at doing some modular work here! Lemme know if you think anything is off?
I really want to dive in the world of environmental design but I'm coming from almost lvl 0 so I guess it will teaches me a lot.
First I tried to do a plan of how I was feeling the proportions, something I can refer on while I'm modeling this.
Then I'll start the blockout when I'll come home.
This is basically the top and front view done in illustrator for the main objects I will start with.
Hi Guys,
This is my first time doing anything like this. I have modeled a basic layout of the scene. I plan to make it into a brewery cellar or a Dexter kill room? Let me know what you think =]
I will attempt this same as the last two months
Week 1: Modelling
Week 2: Texturing
Week 3: In the engine
Week 4: Touch up, improvements
If you stick to one part too long you tent to get bored and the progress slows down, at least for me anyway.
yellowish parts represent unique assets
Here's a little look at how I will modulate the scene will try to get a block out done by the end of the night
If you look the stairs end at the top in line with where the floor ends at the bottom. Its really confusing my vision lol :S
cool exercise.
There is a lot of really weird stuff and the perspective is off a small bit.
This is a great work schedule and I think its going to be the way I tackle this months challenge.
yeah i stopped while blocking out at the stairs part
it appears that the stairs are 45 degrees ?
but when i make it 45 it doesn't match with the picture ?
i also tried making the stairs 30 degrees but still feels odd
good thing we have the option to alter it a little bit
i like were this is going tho :poly142:
Will start with blocking out in maya probably today....
Nice progress all. Man you guys are fast. :P
Great breakdowns all-around, i'm struggling with finding a good size for the modular system 256 in height feels too 'big' for a basement.
My feeble attempt at organizing this room, gawd it's gonna be hard not overthinking this, and some of the perspective is kinda wonky (which doesnt help, but i guess thats why its open to interpretation
Added a Blockout & Ingame view from Unity
Also, sorry for the larger pic (height).
Speaking of it, i wanted to asked earlier and forgot, can we take a tad more cartoonish approach, or does it have to be realistic? Somewhat half-cartoonish could be a nice exercise....
Honestly the style came across as mostly realistic to me, but it also has a super slight borderlands feel in the lines somehow. As long as it's not over the top cartoony why not.
Just make sure you're not doing anything to make it easier than sticking to the concept.
here's my breakdown so far.
Heres the color blockout:
And a 3D blockout:
Like all of you are telling, the proportions are a bit weird.
Yeah, I saw it too, but the problem is if I shrink it, then the space between the colums dont match the concept, it was quick, still have to work in it a bit, thank you.
This is my blockout. I'm going to try my luck here. Hopefully learn a thing or two. Downloading UDK at the moment. Yep, noob of the noobs!