Home 3D Art Showcase & Critiques

Monthly Noob Challenge 3



  • rockguy
    Here is the second texture I painted, still in work

  • TazN
    Had no time what so ever to do this but I managed to get a LOD done. I'd normally do a unique/repeatable object list/image as well but plenty of these on here so I'll use one of those to save me some time.

    I'm going to try this a little different to everyone else and keep it low detailed in a vague attempt to stop my modelling time running over. textures we'll have to see, I'm useless at them so will take me ages regardless.


    Project time 15mins.
  • rockguy
    Is anybody still having the mouse stuck issue in udk , it just started again in my computer
  • TazN
    Just a little LOD paint over to keep me on track. I'm going for a quick and simple build as I've started late and not got much time over the christmas period.


    Project time 15 mins
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    shabba wrote: »
    @Notes: Why not just make a spline > enable in viewport > generate mapping coords and save all the other steps?

    I've always had trouble lining up the splines to curve around walls and difficult turns
  • 4evra
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    4evra polycounter lvl 4
    Rockguy,looks awesome,just fine tune those connection parts,its very noticable that u painted it with hand,possibly a shaky one :)

    Here's mine texture of the floor.
    I didn't do it as tileable because i didn't know how could i make it so the same picture fits onto tiles of different size,with added variations.So i just made a 1 piece plane>poly and textured it.
    This is literatelly my first hand painted texture,hell,i'm actually first timer in mostly whole 3D process.
    I'll learn and do tileable for walls for sure,since it has no variations on itself.

    SS from UDK

    I applied a normal map i generated with nDo,thought it doesnt gives any depth illusion inside UDK.But still,i'm satisfied with this one for a start.
  • tkfxity
    @rockguy i just recently started having that exact problem and I cant figure out why. Interesting that Im not the only one having that problem.

    @passerby - my normals for the wall consist of 3 different normal textures all combined using the "add" node in the material editor. The First normal is the one that shows the actual brick depth. Second one is another normal that I masked using the height map so the cracks of the walls are given more detail. And the third pass is another normal of some noise which I can scale up or down to my preference. At the moment the 3rd pass normal is scaled down quite a bit so ill have to go in there and scale it even more.
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    rockguy wrote: »
    Is anybody still having the mouse stuck issue in udk , it just started again in my computer
    Is your mouse getting stuck after exiting from playing your level? If so just hit the windows key or hit "play in editor" when playing your level (the green arrow) not play in viewport (blue arrow). It was a bug in the older versions...Im using July 2012 UDK and they fixed this issue.

    4evra if you're looking for variations I would suggest that you paint your tile texture so that it's tileable like @rockguy.... then make a separate tpage with cracks and use UDKs "decal" feature to apply variations to your tiles.

    Looking good guys
  • rockguy
    4evra: Thanks for the feedback , yes painted is something i wanted to practice with this challenge

    tkfxity, Notes : It seems to happen , in viewport when I using top down view.
  • tkfxity
    So after thinking over the wall last night, I woke up and made some changes to my height map. Making it less perfect and adding imperfections along the line, which in turn made my normal map the same. Also got rid of the double line thing that was causing a double wall normal look to it(in my last pictures). I toned down the color on the spec so it isnt as bright, that way it doesnt look "wet". Also toned down the noise in the middle of the wall. In my picture is the height map, normal map, the wall so far, and the UDK material network that made the wall look like it does now.

  • rockguy
    tkfxity : hey man , a quick question are you inverting the green channel in your normal map before exporting to udk?
  • tkfxity
    rockguy wrote: »
    tkfxity : hey man , a quick question are you inverting the green channel in your normal map before exporting to udk?

    Hmmm seems like I did have the Y inverted during my normal map generation process. I just flipped it back and the normals on the top edges of the brick seem to pop out more.

    Thanks for asking! :D
  • rockguy
  • KennyTies
    Hey all here is my blockout so far.
  • perrivince
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    perrivince polycounter lvl 11
    Small update: This is the first time I've attempted to hand paint textures
    Still WIP


    [3ds max viewport]

  • RobRoy
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    RobRoy polycounter lvl 5
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    RobRoy wrote: »


    Looking good man! .. I think that the stairs are a bit to wide
    Also the door glass needs reflection :)
  • tkfxity
    Well just spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to do the concrete floor. At first I was going to try and mimic the picture exactly, but then I realized that it will take longer then I actual want it to take for a floor texture. Instead I just took the tileable approach. Picture file includes the texture I used to make the material in UDK, along with my UDK network.

    -Note- Im including all my info on one picture so the forum wont get cluttered up with my pictures :D

  • 4evra
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    4evra polycounter lvl 4
    Is that a height map right of normal?
    I'm not into those,i saw that nDo can create height map too.
    Is there any point in using a height map?From what i've read(not much :)),it does similar thing like normal map does,bumps simulation?
    Is it worth using it with normal map?

    Even more importantly,how do u implement the height map in UDK material ? :D
    I dont see the displacement slot,so it must be places via some layers and stuff.
    Any input on that one from experienced ones, since my UDK knowledge isn't enough for that damn default cube removal : )
  • RobRoy
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    RobRoy polycounter lvl 5
    Alphavader wrote: »
    Looking good man! .. I think that the stairs are a bit to wide
    Also the door glass needs reflection :)

    There are reflection on the glass. But on a static image can not see it.
  • Kubajaniak
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    Kubajaniak polycounter lvl 8
    I didn't have much time, so i made only textures for box and door today

  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    RobRoy wrote: »


    Good work.
    I think the green channel of your normal map for the wall is flipped. I would flip it back.
    I think the stairs are too wide, you should definitely change it.
    Also for the door, I would work on that sculpt a bit more. Look at reference, and sculpt until you get something that looks realistic.
  • jamiemurphy
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    jamiemurphy polycounter lvl 8
    hey, i've modelled my stairs and uv mapped it, before i go into painting it i'd like to know if i'm going about it the right way,using a 2048* texture.
    Should i have kept the stairs/small repeated panels seperate?stairs_mesh.JPG
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Kubajaniak you might want to take more time with the door texture, maybe place the paint scratches realistically, not just all over.

    you might want to remove that strong darkness around your tiles, if you really want to push your skills I would not go for the quickest route.
    hey, i've modelled my stairs and uv mapped it, before i go into painting it i'd like to know if i'm going about it the right way,using a 2048* texture.
    Should i have kept the stairs/small repeated panels seperate?
    Unless you are baking the AO into the vertex color, I don't see why you are uniquely unwrapping a lot of that, I would do that for 3 stairs, then use tileables on pretty much everything else.
  • Notes
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    Notes polycounter lvl 4
    Kubajaniak wrote: »
    I think your door has too much scratches/dents on it making it too busy looking; not giving the eye a place to rest...your box next to it has just the right amount of scratches. Just a few here and there where it normally would occur. If the door has that many scratches then the wall would be just as tore up.
    Im sure your just following the concept but realistically the mesh inside the safety glass is alot smaller.
    Hope that helps
  • ScribbleHead
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    ScribbleHead polycounter lvl 13
    Kubajaniak you might want to take more time with the door texture, maybe place the paint scratches realistically, not just all over.

    you might want to remove that strong darkness around your tiles, if you really want to push your skills I would not go for the quickest route.

    Unless you are baking the AO into the vertex color, I don't see why you are uniquely unwrapping a lot of that, I would do that for 3 stairs, then use tileables on pretty much everything else.

    Its a unique asset so its fine actually, using tileables will mean more drawcalls with this object (since its pointing to maybe 3 or 4 materials in the end)...I say go for the unique texture.
  • TazN
    Quick block out for size/positioning. I've spent too long on the roof joists as I screwed up and had to restart it. I'm also not happy with the amount of polys so will see about reducing it to bare minimum.

    Stand-in lighting to work with, I'm bad at texturing but even worse at lighting :/

    Now working on floor textures, 256x256 tileable.


    Project time 60mins
  • akh
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    akh polycounter lvl 11
    RobRoy wrote: »
    I like your pipes :D

    Thx !

    I've just finished my modulars pipes:

  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    akh wrote: »
    Thx !

    I've just finished my modulars pipes:


    The models look good but you might wanna stop using Ddo. The point is to learn and what are you going to learn if you're not texturing it yourself?
  • AA3D
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    AA3D polycounter lvl 3
    im still blocking out actually :S
    cant keep the pace with u guys

  • ScribbleHead
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    ScribbleHead polycounter lvl 13
    Working on the electric box...meh :S

  • hulkspidy51
    So I just learned about this last night, so I'm going to try to see this project through. Here's what I have so far.
  • akh
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    akh polycounter lvl 11
    The models look good but you might wanna stop using Ddo. The point is to learn and what are you going to learn if you're not texturing it yourself?

    Let's say I'm trying to learn to master DDO.
    Making textures by hand would not be problematic. Here is an example that I made by hand and I want to integrate in the scene:
    My goal is to reproduce the scene, using only the DDO tool for learn and make my own Materials / Enviro . More if I'm not mistaken I think it is possible to share presets DDO, which could be useful to other people.
    Obviously used presets with origins is not really useful, but in my case I make my own presets.
    And in this scene, the wood effect is really hard with ddo and it's a nice challenge for me :)

    (excuse my english)
  • tkfxity

    To get my main normal map I need to use a height map to generate from. Also I use the height map in my diffusee to darken up the cracks that the normal map won't do if say the light was above the material. It mimics the dirt in cracks look. No matter how you put light on a crack it will still be a dark color.

    Another use for a height map in udk is to makle a vertex painting material where the height map controls wherre the second material is applied to the frist. You can have the second material start to grow from the cracks of the height map instead of just appear from no where.

    @alex I was trying for a subtle darkness around the edges but I probably over did it again, I'll tone it down a bit so it isn't as noticble but its there.
  • Bertmac
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    Bertmac polycounter lvl 17
    Removed Post

    Edit ok i had a rant about the dDo users.
    but removed it.
    so lets just say it like this
    please dont let dDo over take your texture proces. Or that people can see that u used it (to much).
    just learn the basics of texturing first, before using the wonder button.

    thank you
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I agree with Bert.

    I have been lazy these past few days. Whatever, the floor is obviously not what the floor will be. I'm sculpting the floor chunks now. I also sculpted some wood planks for the wooden boxes laying around.
  • wirrexx
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    wirrexx quad damage
    hey guys, sorry for no updates at all, im still learning to work with Zbrush and learning the process of texturing. hopefully i'll show you my new progress soon.

    Have a nice Holiday!

  • darkchief117
    First post here!



    Work in Progress Mesh:

  • biofrost
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    biofrost polycounter lvl 12
    I agree with Bert.

    I have been lazy these past few days. Whatever, the floor is obviously not what the floor will be. I'm sculpting the floor chunks now. I also sculpted some wood planks for the wooden boxes laying around.

    Really liking the bricks, only thing I would change so far is the line where it go's from dirty to clean is kinda jarring.

    Best example I could find was this mold.jpg
    the dirt and grime gets lighter as it go's up
  • M1KES
    akh wrote: »
    Let's say I'm trying to learn to master DDO.
    Making textures by hand would not be problematic. Here is an example that I made by hand and I want to integrate in the scene:

    My goal is to reproduce the scene, using only the DDO tool for learn and make my own Materials / Enviro . More if I'm not mistaken I think it is possible to share presets DDO, which could be useful to other people.
    Obviously used presets with origins is not really useful, but in my case I make my own presets.
    And in this scene, the wood effect is really hard with ddo and it's a nice challenge for me :)

    (excuse my english)

    What is DDO?
  • Shudrum
  • ScribbleHead
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    ScribbleHead polycounter lvl 13
    Staircase WIP...

  • Jowens
    Current Progress


    The columns need something but I'm not sure what... it looks like the wall material is on top of some bricks the column is made out of, in the concept so that is what that is.

    Most of the dirt and grunge im going to add I wanna do with decals, figured that would be the "cleanest" way to add that.

    Painted block texture is just a black and white mask, which was just a test to see if my plan for that texture worked with my master material.

    Hardest part so far was the rafters (is that what theyre called) all alligned on the ceiling, figuring out how they fit together and how to make them work with my scene.

    Things to do:

    Texture Fixes
    Material Tweaks
    Lighting Adjustments
    Grunge Decals

    Crits pretty please.
  • ScribbleHead
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    ScribbleHead polycounter lvl 13
    Jowens wrote: »
    Current Progress

    The columns need something but I'm not sure what... it looks like the wall material is on top of some bricks the column is made out of, in the concept so that is what that is.

    Most of the dirt and grunge im going to add I wanna do with decals, figured that would be the "cleanest" way to add that.

    Painted block texture is just a black and white mask, which was just a test to see if my plan for that texture worked with my master material.

    Hardest part so far was the rafters (is that what theyre called) all alligned on the ceiling, figuring out how they fit together and how to make them work with my scene.

    Things to do:

    Texture Fixes
    Material Tweaks
    Lighting Adjustments
    Grunge Decals

    Crits pretty please.

    Kinda hard to critique anything from this view, materials look good....the painted cinder block wall looks a bit weird though with the wavy border at the bottom.
  • Hellfire
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    Hellfire polycounter lvl 15
    Hi guys, i start today with my base modelling

  • 4evra
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    4evra polycounter lvl 4
    Mine handmade wall texture

    Tiles pretty much good for my first tileable,on closeup u cant notice the seam,but if i go back with camera a line pops out.Especcialy with normal map assigned.But ill stick to if,can't stay too long on it
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    biofrost wrote: »
    Really liking the bricks, only thing I would change so far is the line where it go's from dirty to clean is kinda jarring.

    Best example I could find was this mold.jpg
    the dirt and grime gets lighter as it go's up

    Well it's painted bricks, so I imagined it chipping off or something like that. Is it not reading correctly or did you think it wasn't supposed to be painted? Serious question, cause I wanna get it right.
    I pictured it like the bricks at my old Highschool, painted pretty thick.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    @ alex - your pieces are looking nice but really clean and shiny. Could use some love in the gloss/spec to make it look like them floors get walked on and scuffed or scratched.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    reverendK wrote: »
    @ alex - you're pieces are looking nice but really clean and shiny. Could use some love in the gloss/spec to make it look like them floors get walked on and scuffed or scratched.

    Okay, I'm not posting anything until I get the floors done because everyone think's that's my floor texture:P I am going to sculpt out some cement slabs for the floor. I just didn't like the red REPLACE me or some default texture.
  • rockguy
    So I started cheking the texture in udk with some of the props


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