The beta expires January 28 -- it's the regular trial that has expired. You can easily generate a beta license by logging into/creating your account here. When logged in, just click the dDo tab and press the "Generate beta license" button and you're good for another month and a half!
I was also curious about when the next set of videos was coming out. To be honest I don't mind waiting longer if these awesome updates keep coming out . There is so much awesome coming out of Quixel!
Teddy: Just tried to update from 4.0 to 4.1 with the auto-update in the x64 version (which is the version I have have been using). The auto-update failed again, so I opened up the x86 version and within 2 seconds of opening it popped up an update window. So maybe just the x64 bit version auto-update is broken at least for me. Did the exact same thing for both tests.
Anyone else having an issue with the x64 bit version auto-updating?
I've only installed the x64, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When I say didn't work I mean the update dialog never appeared, I haven't had it fail to connect/download or crash or anything like that.
Bek: I did the exact same thing and I am having the same exact problem. I initially installed both versions, and the auto-updater worked once and from then on it has ceased to work at all for the past 3 or so versions.
I just downloaded the 4.1 version and I noticed something weird. dDo will loose focus and "disappear" behind Photoshop. I'll click the icon in the taskbar, it will pop back up, then will disappear again. Using the x64 version.
In order to upgrade from 4.0 to 4.1 I had to install the x86 version as well of 4.0 even from a raw install. Otherwise it said there was an error installing "quick and dirty".
Never even got a prompt for auto-update on either x86 or x64
- Patterns type 1: Patterns like layer styles (can be used for "details" effects within the alphas that are generated by Ddo. For example a custom grunge or scratch texture used as a fill for the Ddo detail. I believe these are being implemented in an upcoming version.
- Patterns type 2: (Patterns that fill the whole "material") So for example fabric patterns that fill a color map slot. You should be able to supply a custom DM, NM and maybe even an AO map for these patterns. These patterns should be combined with the base NM and AO map before the Ddo effects are added. This means that Ddo effects will also take these patterns into account.
- Custom Layers: Custom layers should also have the ability to have a custom DM, NM and AO. For example stitches, or small details you create in a 3Dprogram and render out a DM, NM and AO map (Like bolts, logo's and Decals).
Feature request : When no color map is included yet the standards reflectance material preset is selected, should dDo offer a clickable color map which would fill the color slot automatically? This presumes that textures in question are single material.
Teddy: Been testing so stuff again today noticed that when I tweak the Base AO and Cavity stuff (under the Maps tab) the sliders work and update the maps correctly. But entering in values and then hitting enter does not do anything. Not sure if that is suppose to be working like that or not. If not could you implement that? This is in the x64 version. I know I have been building a list of bugs haha I promise to slow my roll .
Edit: Just tested and it seems that all value input boxes in x64 version are broken. By broken I mean you input a value hit enter and nothing changes, only sliders are working.
I'm also getting this with the quick and dirty preset. Any ideas?
Also, I've been meaning to ask this for a while now. Are you planning on addressing the issue of seams? For example, a cylindrical object like a barrel would pose a pretty noticeable seam down the middle and it would be counter-productive to have to paint the seam out of every layer dDo generates.
Finally got a chance to sit down with this program and updated my old work from spring of 2011...
this one was the before with only an AO overlayed on top of a few base textures
This one is with the help Ddo...
Granted the textures weren't right out of Ddo, but it was a GREAT starting point.
Small nitpick, the New Features list in the update window doesn't scroll, and text is cut off at the bottom. I managed to crash tring to click and drag.
Bigger nitpick: I'm updating from 3.2, opted to update via dDo's update menu. After the download is complete, 7-zip auto opens a dD0_40.rar (located on my desktop?), and nothing is installed or updated.
I renamed the extension to .exe so I could run it myself in the meantime.
Getting this when starting a new project, will edit post if I figure out what's going on (The filename in the dialog isn't always the same file)
sneaky restart didn't fix it so I'm now out if ideas. Was using ts + os + dif + colour + lowpoly. Trying just ts + low poly gave me a general 'script error'. Using cs6.
edit: I thought it might be because I was using nonsquare images (2:1) but still does it if I scale them down to 1:1.
Has anyone actually used dDo for their character assets yet? I would love to see/hear about some work they've done for defining materials like linen, etc. and creating maps like a specular pass with the tool. Seems like a lot of hard surface stuff have been shown, which I guess is what its best for, but still
My mesh previewer was working great until I updated to 4.0. now it wont load anything at all(even meshes that worked great before). Anyone know what I should try?
EDIT: Had to use run as administrator again after updating. Everything seems to be working fine now.
Computron: Sorry about letting you wait this long! We decided we wanted to do something more indepth for these tutorials, and so we went ahead and built a proper scene that we'll be using to demo a bunch of different concepts of dDo. We'll release all source assets for people to play around with -- you'll find the latest tut [ame=""]HERE [/ame]and the source meshes/bakes HERE. Next up we'll dive deeper into full customization & batching/prototyping.
Assassin0323, Bek & Grimm_Wrecking: Thank you both for letting me know. Did you experience the same auto-update issues with 4.1 > 4.2? A few of the non-working auto-updates in the past have been due to me screwing up (bad changelog xml formatting once, forgetting to upload the changelog once).
commador: This sounds pretty serious. Have you tried previous versions of dDo, or was 4.1 your first go? This COULD be explained if you're using 2 screens: by default, dDo is set to fade away whenever PS is not the active application. So, if you have PS & dDo on one screen, and interact with another window/application on the other screen, this would fade dDo out since PS is no longer the active app. Could this be what happened? It's possible to turn this behaviour off nonetheless by toggling Edit>Preferences>General UI>Fade when PS is inactive.
OccultMonk: Great suggestion all the way through. Will be implemented!
TSM: If I got your request right, this is now partly available: whenever no color map is selected, a single material group will be created anyways, containing the first material of the selected preset. When your project is set up, it will then simply be a matter of clicking the materials tab, and changing the Quick-reflectance dropdown to your preferred material. All materials that are part of the standard reflectance preset are available as quick-reflectance options.
Assassin0323: Thanks for the text boxes bug report. Will make sure to fix.
C86G: This is definitely a bug, a very strange one. Although I haven't been able to reproduce it yet,
I'm still on the hunt. Would you mind sending me a repro to with the source files and the settings that have been used for generation? I'll fix this immediately.
Karaoke_Warrior: dDo will for the most part keep clear of generating dirt in UV seams when it comes to edge accumulated details. However when generating big, random, all-over-the-place dirt, this could result in some notable seams for non-tiling UV layouts. In this sense PS is fairly blunt as it cannot take UV curvature into account, meaning such seams need to be cleaned in post.
throttlekitty: The Auto-update feature turned out to be broken in version 3.2, thus the hassle. It was solved in 3.3 and up (this also applies to the feature list scroll). My apologies!
Shudrum: This is actually not a bug! This is simply so that you can utilize all available evironmental presets on a per-material basis. The environmental preset browser contains not only scene-specific details, but also single materials and detail collections for dirts, scratches, rusts, leakages etc, to be used in both the environmental and material tabs.
artquest: This is a missing feature -- right now the detail will be previewed all over the texture, even if you're ultimately adding it just for one specific material. This will be addressed eventually!
Bek: Seems this is an issue with the file name (contains a '). I still haven't been able to properly kill this bug, but a fix is in the works. Thanks for the report!
Torch: Character tutorials are to come! dDo works just as good with organics as it does with hard-surface -- we'll start providing learning material on organics as soon as we're done with the current HS focus!
Skillmister: Do you mean alphas as in transparency support, namely for masking out certain parts of the diffuse? Then, this is not currently supported. If you mean alpha support in the sense of storing say the specular map as the alpha of the diffuse, this is in!
Zepic: Just like nDo2, dDo is in itself really light-weight. This means speed is completely dependent on the performance of Photoshop. From a PS perspective, SSD does make a difference in speed, and can result in drastic improvements if you're low on RAM (<16GB). When memory is full, PS will do a lot of scratch disk operations. If your scratch disk is an SSD the difference is night and day.
Added filter search function in Custom Detail Creator
New special AO & OS filters in Custom Detail Creator
Added TIFF support in exporter
Plastic, painted plastic & old skin presets
Also, the Custom Detail Creator now comes with support for adding custom ambient occlusion and object space effects anywhere in the effect chain. This can make a huge difference when designing more organic details. To try this new feature out, we played around to create a yucky, aged skin preset (big thanks to Leslie Van Den Broeck for providing the mesh):
This preset is highly experimental and quite specifically tailored to work for old men in 4K resolution with object space maps. If applied on anything else, it'd probably look really odd! We included it nonetheless in the build for those who'd like to fool around
As Disting mentioned, a new tutorial is out, and as always, let us know what you'd like to know more about in the next ones and we'll make sure to provide.
Skillmister: Do you mean alphas as in transparency support, namely for masking out certain parts of the diffuse? Then, this is not currently supported. If you mean alpha support in the sense of storing say the specular map as the alpha of the diffuse, this is in!
Yes pretty much.
I'm keeping my transparency map in the alpha channel of the dDo PSD, and the way for it to currently get exported within the diffuse map is by manually going > save as. It would be nice to click 'export diffuse' and have an option to take the alpha channel with it.
Assassin0323, Bek & Grimm_Wrecking: Thank you both for letting me know. Did you experience the same auto-update issues with 4.1 > 4.2? A few of the non-working auto-updates in the past have been due to me screwing up (bad changelog xml formatting once, forgetting to upload the changelog once).
Seems this is an issue with the file name (contains a '). I still haven't been able to properly kill this bug, but a fix is in the works. Thanks for the report!
Ah, should've guessed that since I was sure it had something to do with my files. Thanks!
Hey Teddy, it would happen just after clicking any button on Ddo. I do have three screens though. Photoshop cs5 x64 is what I'm using along with the x64 version of dDo. However, the 4.2 update seems to have fixed the problem so I've got no complaints.
Even when I try and load the .OBJ mesh Teddy provided in the last post of the wall panels from the video, 3do will just sit there and stick with the rounded cube:
Even when I try and load the .OBJ mesh Teddy provided in the last post of the wall panels from the video, 3do will just sit there and stick with the rounded cube:
I had this problem as well. Try running both ps and dDo as admin.
Shouldn't there also be support for multiple AO / Baked lighting maps. I frequently use a baked lighting map (for example 3DSMax Light Tracer or XNormal with a groundplane) in combination with a AO map and Dirt map. I also use a separate AO map where all objects are attached (and cast AO on each other). Now I have to manually combine these maps and input them into Ddo, while for example the baked lighting map should not influence the details of DDo (much).
Havent seen much so far in this thread for how to bake out a flat color map in 3ds max to use in ddo. Only Maya is disscussed.
I loaded up the fbx and applied the material to one of my meshes and then baked out a diffuse map in RTT renderer but it comes out with lighting info that makes the ddo process useless.Too many gradients etc...
I have read that I can use textools 4.10 but it appears it only works up to max 2010 and not work in 2013 ?
I suppose I could generate the color map using the color swatch provided in photoshop on a black and white mask based upon the uv's. But I really want a solution for 3ds max 2013 that I might have overlooked ?
Definately will buy this before the christmas offer expires. I just want to get over this color map problem first. Thank you in advance for any answers.
Havent seen much so far in this thread for how to bake out a flat color map in 3ds max to use in ddo. Only Maya is disscussed.
I loaded up the fbx and applied the material to one of my meshes and then baked out a diffuse map in RTT renderer but it comes out with lighting info that makes the ddo process useless.Too many gradients etc...
I have read that I can use textools 4.10 but it appears it only works up to max 2010 and not work in 2013 ?
I suppose I could generate the color map using the color swatch provided in photoshop on a black and white mask based upon the uv's. But I really want a solution for 3ds max 2013 that I might have overlooked ?
Definately will buy this before the christmas offer expires. I just want to get over this color map problem first. Thank you in advance for any answers.
Thank you for the link. Looking over it there stills seems no easy way of doing it in max unless you use textools so Ill look at that. Some of those maps it puts out looks quite handy to have.
I'll also try xnormal since i use that too.
Ive had good results so far from using just masks rendered out from max and use the color swatch but wouldve liked to have something easier in max that is quick like maya does.
Need more standardisation in 3d packages instead of using 20 programs to do 1 task.
I'm running windows 8 and trying to get Ddo to work with CS6. When i load DDO it just runs photoshop, the Ddo icon stays in my tray but displays nothing. Any ideas?
dDo really hates it when I open a PSD it worked on previously (that it created).
If I hit refresh on a re-opened project, it detects everything but gives me some error. And then I notice all the material info in the material Tab is void.
The beta expires January 28 -- it's the regular trial that has expired. You can easily generate a beta license by logging into/creating your account here. When logged in, just click the dDo tab and press the "Generate beta license" button and you're good for another month and a half!
- Teddy
So whats the deal with these?
Btw that 4.1 link in the above post doesn't work!
Anyone else having an issue with the x64 bit version auto-updating?
Edit: Meaning for the 64x version.
Never even got a prompt for auto-update on either x86 or x64
- Patterns type 1: Patterns like layer styles (can be used for "details" effects within the alphas that are generated by Ddo. For example a custom grunge or scratch texture used as a fill for the Ddo detail. I believe these are being implemented in an upcoming version.
- Patterns type 2: (Patterns that fill the whole "material") So for example fabric patterns that fill a color map slot. You should be able to supply a custom DM, NM and maybe even an AO map for these patterns. These patterns should be combined with the base NM and AO map before the Ddo effects are added. This means that Ddo effects will also take these patterns into account.
- Custom Layers: Custom layers should also have the ability to have a custom DM, NM and AO. For example stitches, or small details you create in a 3Dprogram and render out a DM, NM and AO map (Like bolts, logo's and Decals).
Edit: Just tested and it seems that all value input boxes in x64 version are broken. By broken I mean you input a value hit enter and nothing changes, only sliders are working.
I'm not a graphist (a developper) and it help me a loooooot to make my game.
Just a little problem, when I use a cavity map, I lost the diffuse generated map. This one be only on a grayscale. Maybe it is just me, I'll see that.
Thank you !
Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
I'm also getting this with the quick and dirty preset. Any ideas?
Also, I've been meaning to ask this for a while now. Are you planning on addressing the issue of seams? For example, a cylindrical object like a barrel would pose a pretty noticeable seam down the middle and it would be counter-productive to have to paint the seam out of every layer dDo generates.
Awesome tool nonetheless.
this one was the before with only an AO overlayed on top of a few base textures
This one is with the help Ddo...
Granted the textures weren't right out of Ddo, but it was a GREAT starting point.
This softs is great, i'm seriously thinking in buying a license for both Ndo2 and Ddo
Bigger nitpick: I'm updating from 3.2, opted to update via dDo's update menu. After the download is complete, 7-zip auto opens a dD0_40.rar (located on my desktop?), and nothing is installed or updated.
I renamed the extension to .exe so I could run it myself in the meantime.
But I think I haven't understand how to export / import materials, and how to manage / change the matching color with the color map.
When I clic on load on the material tab, I can load my environment export ... is it a bug ?
Can we manage the matching color or is it only the color of the material creation ?
Thanks !
also since updating to the latest version dDo wont load my obj models anymore
sneaky restart didn't fix it so I'm now out if ideas. Was using ts + os + dif + colour + lowpoly. Trying just ts + low poly gave me a general 'script error'. Using cs6.
edit: I thought it might be because I was using nonsquare images (2:1) but still does it if I scale them down to 1:1.
Check it out here: [ame="
EDIT: Had to use run as administrator again after updating. Everything seems to be working fine now.
Yes, exactly.
Assassin0323, Bek & Grimm_Wrecking: Thank you both for letting me know. Did you experience the same auto-update issues with 4.1 > 4.2? A few of the non-working auto-updates in the past have been due to me screwing up (bad changelog xml formatting once, forgetting to upload the changelog once).
commador: This sounds pretty serious. Have you tried previous versions of dDo, or was 4.1 your first go? This COULD be explained if you're using 2 screens: by default, dDo is set to fade away whenever PS is not the active application. So, if you have PS & dDo on one screen, and interact with another window/application on the other screen, this would fade dDo out since PS is no longer the active app. Could this be what happened? It's possible to turn this behaviour off nonetheless by toggling Edit>Preferences>General UI>Fade when PS is inactive.
OccultMonk: Great suggestion all the way through. Will be implemented!
TSM: If I got your request right, this is now partly available: whenever no color map is selected, a single material group will be created anyways, containing the first material of the selected preset. When your project is set up, it will then simply be a matter of clicking the materials tab, and changing the Quick-reflectance dropdown to your preferred material. All materials that are part of the standard reflectance preset are available as quick-reflectance options.
Assassin0323: Thanks for the text boxes bug report. Will make sure to fix.
C86G: This is definitely a bug, a very strange one. Although I haven't been able to reproduce it yet,
I'm still on the hunt. Would you mind sending me a repro to with the source files and the settings that have been used for generation? I'll fix this immediately.
Karaoke_Warrior: dDo will for the most part keep clear of generating dirt in UV seams when it comes to edge accumulated details. However when generating big, random, all-over-the-place dirt, this could result in some notable seams for non-tiling UV layouts. In this sense PS is fairly blunt as it cannot take UV curvature into account, meaning such seams need to be cleaned in post.
throttlekitty: The Auto-update feature turned out to be broken in version 3.2, thus the hassle. It was solved in 3.3 and up (this also applies to the feature list scroll). My apologies!
Shudrum: This is actually not a bug! This is simply so that you can utilize all available evironmental presets on a per-material basis. The environmental preset browser contains not only scene-specific details, but also single materials and detail collections for dirts, scratches, rusts, leakages etc, to be used in both the environmental and material tabs.
artquest: This is a missing feature -- right now the detail will be previewed all over the texture, even if you're ultimately adding it just for one specific material. This will be addressed eventually!
Bek: Seems this is an issue with the file name (contains a '). I still haven't been able to properly kill this bug, but a fix is in the works. Thanks for the report!
Torch: Character tutorials are to come! dDo works just as good with organics as it does with hard-surface -- we'll start providing learning material on organics as soon as we're done with the current HS focus!
Skillmister: Do you mean alphas as in transparency support, namely for masking out certain parts of the diffuse? Then, this is not currently supported. If you mean alpha support in the sense of storing say the specular map as the alpha of the diffuse, this is in!
Zepic: Just like nDo2, dDo is in itself really light-weight. This means speed is completely dependent on the performance of Photoshop. From a PS perspective, SSD does make a difference in speed, and can result in drastic improvements if you're low on RAM (<16GB). When memory is full, PS will do a lot of scratch disk operations. If your scratch disk is an SSD the difference is night and day.
In case you missed it, dDo 4.2 was just released:
Also, the Custom Detail Creator now comes with support for adding custom ambient occlusion and object space effects anywhere in the effect chain. This can make a huge difference when designing more organic details. To try this new feature out, we played around to create a yucky, aged skin preset (big thanks to Leslie Van Den Broeck for providing the mesh):
This preset is highly experimental and quite specifically tailored to work for old men in 4K resolution with object space maps. If applied on anything else, it'd probably look really odd! We included it nonetheless in the build for those who'd like to fool around
As Disting mentioned, a new tutorial is out, and as always, let us know what you'd like to know more about in the next ones and we'll make sure to provide.
- Teddy
Yes pretty much.
I'm keeping my transparency map in the alpha channel of the dDo PSD, and the way for it to currently get exported within the diffuse map is by manually going > save as. It would be nice to click 'export diffuse' and have an option to take the alpha channel with it.
Ah, should've guessed that since I was sure it had something to do with my files. Thanks!
Even when I try and load the .OBJ mesh Teddy provided in the last post of the wall panels from the video, 3do will just sit there and stick with the rounded cube:
I had this problem as well. Try running both ps and dDo as admin.
Thanks, I can confirm that this works. I just tested running both as admin and it worked:
Something to look into for the next release perhaps.
I loaded up the fbx and applied the material to one of my meshes and then baked out a diffuse map in RTT renderer but it comes out with lighting info that makes the ddo process useless.Too many gradients etc...
I have read that I can use textools 4.10 but it appears it only works up to max 2010 and not work in 2013 ?
I suppose I could generate the color map using the color swatch provided in photoshop on a black and white mask based upon the uv's. But I really want a solution for 3ds max 2013 that I might have overlooked ?
Definately will buy this before the christmas offer expires. I just want to get over this color map problem first. Thank you in advance for any answers.
maybe you could use xnormal?
Thank you for the link. Looking over it there stills seems no easy way of doing it in max unless you use textools so Ill look at that. Some of those maps it puts out looks quite handy to have.
I'll also try xnormal since i use that too.
Ive had good results so far from using just masks rendered out from max and use the color swatch but wouldve liked to have something easier in max that is quick like maya does.
Need more standardisation in 3d packages instead of using 20 programs to do 1 task.
If I hit refresh on a re-opened project, it detects everything but gives me some error. And then I notice all the material info in the material Tab is void.