Beloved Polycounters!
I'm beyond nervous to release this, but...
dDo is OUT! dDo is a tool for speeding up everything repetitive about texturing, to enable a greater focus on design, polish and things that really matter. The idea is to provide a tool that pops into the standard texturing workflow, enabling automation without taking away control. Everything about dDo should always be customizable down to the detail!
There's now an open beta for everyone to play with! It'll last for little over two months -- or more, if everything turns out to be super broken

Bear with me!
[ame=""]dDo Beta is OUT! - YouTube[/ame]
I really hope you have alot of fun with this tool! There's so much left to add and bugs to kill, but this should at least get you going -- more to come, let's keep it at that

Some links to get you started:
dDo site
Feature overview (good ol' text)
Support forum
Lastly, a major shoutout to the following people who all helped make dDo into what it is:
Ryan Hawkins for all the support and in-your-face honesty.
Tor Frick for the awesome art.
Pior Oberson for all feature suggestions and exemplary bug reports.
Paul MoP Greveson for providing constant feedback in the early stages of development.
Patrik MAD Karlsson for being there from the start with god-sent feedback.
Sebastian Lindorff for the never-ending stream of valuable input.
Alvar Pernroth for the endless discussions that ended up completely changing dDo.

Let the good times roll

- Teddy @ Quixel
This looks really interesting. Is it designed primarily for characters or can it be useful for environment assets, as well?
Here it is on my M16 model. :P
(previewer only shows a cube for me too even though mesh was showing as loaded in the automation hub)
it appears to be doing that from the texture flat sample by Drew++
In the default detail layers you get from a preset yes. if you add extra ones you can change the angle bias.
Me: A vid about a new tool from those people who made that PS addon nDo.
G: Oh.. what's it do?
Me: .... Magic...
Thanks a ton guys
can you have multiple dirt angles inside one element ? or is it a global setting ?
Need to download this wizardry..... and contact Agent 47.....
I need a tutorial for a better understanding of the workflow.
Loaded up the Normal, Spec and Diffuse and played a bit with the controller.
Hope this helps!
Afai can tell right now you can add as many as you like. they are separate elements
I used it to generate some wear for my Beaufighter
Interesting you say that, even if you don't give it much to work with I'm finding it's pretty good, for my Beaufighter rework above all I used was the normal map, generated all my wear, and then added my previous textures to the psd, and it worked great.
You can add you diffuse inside dDo before starting the process as well, so you can tweak with it visible
Same goes for spec.
Normals are being exported.
Kinda like those old 3dsmax photographic metal textures that used to appear on absolutely everything back in the day.
What will the future of art competitions be for the texture side of things ? I can see entries just using this to create their textures....
Gonna try it tonight.. Got it working on my work pc, which is a bit crappy. The 3d previewer crashing with OBJ probably because the vid card sucks.
Very awesome tool tho!
Not to mention when word spreads enough management will be like okay quicker production, tighter deadlines, no excuses.
Going to see what all the fuss is about, looks great as for as application is concerned but I would have to agree with Haz. Otherwise I expect to see some amazing artwork being made including this into peoples work flow as long as it isn't just this and no effort then what's the point anymore?
I am grateful and if I run into some sort of profit I'll share it with you lovely gents for providing a nice piece of software.
Huge congrats on the release.
just tried it and got the following.
Error$8 : file or folder does not exist
-> ~include contstants.jsx
Is this a cs2 problem?
Anyone can make a mini tutorial making a example please? honestly i don't understand the workflow of Ddo.
Don't do this plz . don't release the final version .
I mean it . don't do it .
We've created a feature overview here:
Hope that clears it up a bit.
oh I know! I just added them in manually after the initial wear generation phase, because I was having problems with it crashing with my flat diffuse (had a lot of soft colour boundaries etc, and so created a 3gb file).
Either way, I'm happy with the end result
I will buy it and suffer through windows to use it, but definitely please consider Mac at some point!
Will post results when I experiment as well!
For enviro art, props etc it can have really big impact, judging from that I saw so far... Can't say much about characters.
As for concerns of Hazardous. I can't see anything wrong in using this for competitions. It won't do everything for you, especially concepting and modelling and polish, just some tedious work off your back. If there are people trying to shove in infinished product - who cares? Their entries will drown anyway.
One artist can use dDo and nDo to create a few custom material presets, then get down to modelling the envronment and its many peices, knowing he/she can just run them all through the presets to get great looking, consistent textures across the board. Now you have the luxury of being able to focus on what part of the environment as a whole needs a little more loving.
For small teams, this means quicker development, straight as. for large or AAA teams it means two things: Artists can go firther with the important models in the same time, and they can knock out quick passes for small environment props that would otherwise get no love or time spent on them.
I think this is fantastic, and I think the possible downside seeing similar looking quick dDo work on the forums is of no importance compared to the massive upside of letting everyone spend more time working on the important parts of a piece that really matter.