Foxclover, if you didn't knew you can always search in google for additional info. Here is quote from some web-site to you:
"Sourdough: The name originally came from the Gold Rush of 1898 era when prospectors and other wanderers carried a lump of fermented starter dough for making bread in pouch around their neck. The fermented dough was kept close the body, to stay warm. A sourdough pouch hanging around a miner's neck was a clear sign of experience in survival. So, the term came to be associated with an old timer or someone who has been in the north country a long time."* *Text from Learn to Speak Alaskan
Quite right, and i did right after posting. I still hold that your set doesn't seem to bear that name to fruition though. North country? Seasoned? Your tidehunter looks more pacific islander than north country to me. I just don't see it. That's all.
Sumers> I liked the load screen better when the light spackles on the floor of the area was more distinct; it carried through the underwater vibe better, which is something your final kind of lacks. You could simultaneously also introduce more atmosphere, since ocean water tends to me kind of murky, with lots of particulates in it. We really shouldn't be able to see the columns in the back as well as we can. Either way, gorgeous set. I just think you can push the 'she's actually in water' tab just a bit more.
Just put up my very first set on the workshop, Workin' Wear of the Gardenmancer! It's a Meepo set aiming to be a little more lighthearted in tone without seeming out of place in dota's universe. Please let me know what you think!
I know, those tris limits make me want to cry
But we'll see, I shall try my best and maybe a miracle will happen
Some alpha magic is probably in order.
pls help me guys,,i try to import my mesh and texture file which is .TGA in dota 2. I got this error Texture error Cannot find a matching .TGA file with the following suffix: _normal
pls help me guys,,i try to import my mesh and texture file which is .TGA in dota 2. I got this error Texture error Cannot find a matching .TGA file with the following suffix: _normal
need help
that means your texture aren't named properly
it has to be
hey vertical! ur sven looks RLY interessting. i think its rly worth to go for this!.
just one little thing: i would change the belt. this one looks a littlebit weird
I'm doing some bracers for brewmaster for the monthly competition but I don't know how to rig things with more than one bone
This is what I found out after looking at the default files. Brew's arm slot is split up into 3 sections for each hand. Bicep, Elbow, and Wrist. There is very little to bicep, a little more on elbow, while the majority is on the wrist.
How do I actually rig this thing? How do I know which verts go where?
@GhostDetector: There is no real guide. You have to decide for yourself and test it multiple times to see if it works in motion. Though for your item I guess you could just skin it to the elbow and be done with it.
@GhostDetector: There is no real guide. You have to decide for yourself and test it multiple times to see if it works in motion. Though for your item I guess you could just skin it to the elbow and be done with it.
Yeah, this bracer should be weighted 100% to the elbow bone. Easy slot
Really just the elbow? well the under part of the bracer is fabric so what do i do with that? Should I just bind the vertices to the wrist? I noticed in the default item, that parts of it was rigged to the bicep but I don't really understand why. Can anyone explain why those vertices were rigged to the bicep instead of purely being rigged to the elbow?
Depends on the item, yours isn't exactly like the original one so it won't need the exact same rigging..
The rigs are just like the human body.
Bend your elbow and your forearm moves. Your item is mostly forearm so...
Rig it 100% to the elbow joint. Now select the elbow joint and bend it. (don't forget to ctrl-z to return it to origin).
Do any verts clip into the bicep that shouldn't?Is it noticable? There's almost always some clipping in most items. If so add some weight to those verts so they will not clip. (not the wood, you don't want it to bend- but you also don't want your cloth clipping through the wood).
A system restart or full dota reinstall doesn't seem to fix it. I only got it working again recently because it seems like a new version came through. After 3-4 compiles it broke again. Any ideas you all might have would be appreciated.
Has anyone else experienced any problems with the new model viewer? For the most part, it looks amazing in places such as your profile and loadout customization, but the workshop previews are pretty wonky for me. Omniknight's face doesn't even enter the portrait viewport, just the top of his head. :poly124:
Sumers> I liked the load screen better when the light spackles on the floor of the area was more distinct; it carried through the underwater vibe better, which is something your final kind of lacks. You could simultaneously also introduce more atmosphere, since ocean water tends to me kind of murky, with lots of particulates in it. We really shouldn't be able to see the columns in the back as well as we can. Either way, gorgeous set.
Great new items from everyone!
Ahh, now me and cm are hairstyle twins!
really cute, i love it
Workshop link:
Thanks and keep up the inspiring work everyone! :thumbup:
Working on a TB set.
Some WIPs, crits are very appreciated
(everything is not final)
But we'll see, I shall try my best and maybe a miracle will happen
Some alpha magic is probably in order.
need help
that means your texture aren't named properly
it has to be
just one little thing: i would change the belt. this one looks a littlebit weird
Axe Spirit Skins Set and 2 Loading Screens
This is what I found out after looking at the default files. Brew's arm slot is split up into 3 sections for each hand. Bicep, Elbow, and Wrist. There is very little to bicep, a little more on elbow, while the majority is on the wrist.
How do I actually rig this thing? How do I know which verts go where?
Yeah, this bracer should be weighted 100% to the elbow bone. Easy slot
The rigs are just like the human body.
Bend your elbow and your forearm moves. Your item is mostly forearm so...
Rig it 100% to the elbow joint. Now select the elbow joint and bend it. (don't forget to ctrl-z to return it to origin).
Do any verts clip into the bicep that shouldn't?Is it noticable? There's almost always some clipping in most items. If so add some weight to those verts so they will not clip. (not the wood, you don't want it to bend- but you also don't want your cloth clipping through the wood).
If OK, then do the same with hand (wrist joint).
I really like the idea for the hat . Storm do really looks like genie
I dont think this concept will suit Pudge. A very similar weapon was created for Slark.
The mask is really cool, but why Magnus
green one was older idea, golden one is current what i can think of.
base on stag beetle.
silhouette breaking nyx set alpha v2 stage... ( head was thinking put 2 style, horn and hornless)
1) will golden shell looks nice with nyx? (i tried to follow ancient egypt bling bling fashion)
2) misc slot tri limit is 200... i was planned draw 2 big horn for that... not even sure it will fit or not.
3) if horn move to body slot, i wonder still enough budget or not...
Me and a buddy just added our first set to the store, this thread has been such a great source for info and inspiration.
Thx for running it guys, keep up the awesome work!
The exe works fine for a while, but at some point it gives up and gives me a ton of errors like this:
A system restart or full dota reinstall doesn't seem to fix it. I only got it working again recently because it seems like a new version came through. After 3-4 compiles it broke again. Any ideas you all might have would be appreciated.
That looks like mace for Bristleback that Sharc and I made.
The design was not lifted from yours, if that's what you're implying. -_-