okay my fault, my "similarity" search engine set too high till i look at things i will judge on basic shape first instead of element/theme of the item.
Because i'm headache for thinking a unique shape hook for pudge set...
and being a little tension when reading the Prosomogy's recent post about similarity weapon design.
and thanks again andrew for the inspiration source you post (though i know your sarcasm point there, but i still think it is very similar with first glance for the shape)
At the end of the day day it shouldn't make a difference. It doesn't matter if someone copies your idea because it's not like any idea on the workshop is original. There is always something an idea pulls inspiration from.
In my own experiences, when I first posted the Chicken courier to the workshop back in the day, after it's success and rising on the workshop collecting lots of votes, a week later another individual posted his version of the same idea. I didn't get all defensive and throw accusations or even bother asking him to not do it or pull it down. I simply used it as a driving force to say, well, a chicken is a solid idea, now I have competition, I can only strive to make it better so if a situation did arise where valve were to choose, they would have no choice but to choose mine. That drive eventually made the chicken into what it is today.
My point is, if someone is to take your idea, use it as a weapon against them to push yourself further. This goes for anyone that has ever made any sort of accusation like this in the past.
At the end of the day day it shouldn't make a difference. It doesn't matter if someone copies your idea because it's not like any idea on the workshop is original. There is always something an idea pulls inspiration from.
In my own experiences, when I first posted the Chicken courier to the workshop back in the day, after it's success and rising on the workshop collecting lots of votes, a week later another individual posted his version of the same idea. I didn't get all defensive and throw accusations or even bother asking him to not do it or pull it down. I simply used it as a driving force to say, well, a chicken is a solid idea, now I have competition, I can only strive to make it better so if a situation did arise where valve were to choose, they would have no choice but to choose mine. That drive eventually made the chicken into what it is today.
My point is, if someone is to take your idea, use it as a weapon against them to push yourself further. This goes for anyone that has ever made any sort of accusation like this in the past.
i get your point, i was paranoid and sounds very harsh in the previous post in hte recent prosomogy recent design. my bad. i already alter the post and put suggestion.
and i got told i'm doing same thing for magno's void set (he advise me to change to looks not same, not saying copying each other, just inspired from same anime) http://i.imgur.com/tksffKk.png
but from that time i start become paranoid and wanted to cut all the similarity "connection" in workshops.
agito666, V shape is common for armor Horns on back is expectable solution for lightning dudes + horns themselfes are quite different
Idk bout faces, just wanted to put them there :0
PS, didnt check workshop submissions for razor when I drew :]
well we know that V shape flow at abdomen is common, i actually mean i'm afraid people will say you "copying" his idea because your back horn shape really similar with that submission... just in case...:)
(maybe it is just me, well i'm being paranoid again)
guy, please take those things on a less agressive stance
Agito made a rushed statement and he already apologized for that, now we have a lot of posts with sarcasm and jokes and not a single feedback for the riki set Nerdyiam posted.
@Nerdyan the shape is clean and visible which is great for an small character like riki, as you said that you are starting you are already starting really well.
I would suggest you to work more on the contrast of the materials, they look all the same now.
You could also try to make it look sharpier, there is a lot of good tutorials on shaders here on polycount but you can also study other guys work, just go back some pages and see the work in progress of other weapons
and a suggestion, try to give other guys your feedback too, there is no need to be an professional to give feedback, you may help people that are looking for some critiques to improve their work
when you pass days or weeks on the same project you kind of get blind to some things, new and fresh eyes can help a lot =]
thanks for the for the feedback. welp time to look for some tutorials. @Tvidotto
i`ts okay I want people to call me out if I have too similar of a design to something else, we don`t want another issue like the void mace a while back. also I found the sailor moon bit funny.:)
thanks for the for the feedback. welp time to look for some tutorials. @Tvidotto
i`ts okay I want people to call me out if I have too similar of a design to something else, we don`t want another issue like the void mace a while back. also I found the sailor moon bit funny.:)
Well, the fact is there are MANY similair items, etc.. on the workshop and someone will always 'rip' good ideas if they can. Polycounters or not. But generally Polycounters tend to be better about trying not to than random Steam community members.
And you can never avoid it entirely. When I make items I tend to look at items that are in game and try not to waste time on something similar. I also try to avoid making something if I have seen it done.
However, With TF2 there are literally hundreds of pages of submissions for each character. If you search the workshop you are in danger of two things:
1- never making anything good because someone else has made something vaguely familiar and you don't want to 'step on toes'. You can spend hours and hours just checking to see if someone has made something similar to an idea you have. And just because someone made a chicken hat doesn't mean you can't.
2- being saturated with a bunch of ideas from other peoples work.
Aside from that...
Your statement about your item not being good because you use Blender and Gimp is a cop out imo. Those programs are perfectly good programs to use for items. And many items in game have been made with them. (MS paint on the other hand...)
To me your item mainly lacks in detail above all else. It's a silver blade and blu handle. It's a nice basic shape but you need to add gradients, straps on handle, etc... Compare the wraps on his tail to your handle.
As i'm almost ready to submit to the workshop... I have quick question about promotional artwork. Do you uplaod the PSD for the promo image with each item in the set, or just choose one item to package it with?
here's my promo art so far, any feedback is appreciated!
Hi guys, i need 3d artist for make together sets and all other fot Dota 2 Workshiop.
Who will cooperete with me add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imfirsthope/
Or write me latter: dnuryazov@mail.ru
P.S. Im Russian but i well done know English Language)
Bye bye, i wait you're latter and offer)
"Tidehunter, Sourdough of the Tide" set... hope you'll like it. After saving for web textures looks soft... but they are not like that. Maybe somebody may say to me, how to improve quality of pictures at uploading, so I can show pictures to you at 1:1 quality. Thanks!
"Tidehunter, Sourdough of the Tide" set... hope you'll like it. After saving for web textures looks soft... but they are not like that. Maybe somebody may say to me, how to improve quality of pictures at uploading, so I can show pictures to you at 1:1 quality. Thanks!
The items looks nice but the textures doesn't fit in the Dota 2 universe. It's too realistic and have many small details and won't be seen from the top perspective.
The items looks nice but the textures doesn't fit in the Dota 2 universe. It's too realistic and have many small details and won't be seen from the top perspective.
The items looks nice but the textures doesn't fit in the Dota 2 universe. It's too realistic and have many small details and won't be seen from the top perspective.
I'm also wracking my brains trying to figure out how baking is at all relevant to tidehunter, or whether sourdough has another different meaning that I wasn't aware of. o__o
Finally it is finished. My first set ever (and Foxclover's first too!). Special thanks to Stefco for assisting in the final stages. Also special thanks to Motenai for his Marmoset walkthrough. Most of all, thanks for this awesome community who helped me reach this far!
Finally it is finished. My first set ever (and Foxclover's first too!). Special thanks to Stefco for assisting in the final stages. Also special thanks to Motenai for his Marmoset walkthrough. Most of all, thanks for this awesome community who helped me reach this far!
You're welcome man, and nice job on completing it! Turned out awesome!
Thanks guys! If I wasn't so MANLY, I would have shed a tear by now! With that said, I would have seriously not made it this far without this community. You just made an artist out of me (I can call myself that right? Artist?)
It has been about 2 weeks that every time I use workshop importer after the model is imported (about 2-3 seconds later) dota crashes and closes.This happens about the time when I try to rotate the preview model. Has anyone been facing this?
Finally it is finished. My first set ever (and Foxclover's first too!). Special thanks to Stefco for assisting in the final stages. Also special thanks to Motenai for his Marmoset walkthrough. Most of all, thanks for this awesome community who helped me reach this far!
So Thank you and kindly vote!
Thumbs up and favorited. Hope this will be in game soon. Good job.
It has been about 2 weeks that every time I use workshop importer after the model is imported (about 2-3 seconds later) dota crashes and closes.This happens about the time when I try to rotate the preview model. Has anyone been facing this?
I'm also wracking my brains trying to figure out how baking is at all relevant to tidehunter, or whether sourdough has another different meaning that I wasn't aware of. o__o
Foxclover, if you didn't knew you can always search in google for additional info. Here is quote from some web-site to you:
"Sourdough: The name originally came from the Gold Rush of 1898 era when prospectors and other wanderers carried a lump of fermented starter dough for making bread in pouch around their neck. The fermented dough was kept close the body, to stay warm. A sourdough pouch hanging around a miner's neck was a clear sign of experience in survival. So, the term came to be associated with an old timer or someone who has been in the north country a long time."* *Text from Learn to Speak Alaskan
Nice work but the textures come out a bit flat in-game making the whole thing look very even from a topdown view. Also, what matcap are you using in Zbrush?
cverhoolen : as spudnik said , you gotta add some gradients to make it less flat , and add some volumes to the shapes .
As of now , its a bit dark and a flat , wich is too bad couse the sculpt is awsome .
thanks to riki's loadout animation, everyone will make a dagger with that. (include me) :poly142:
okay my fault, my "similarity" search engine set too high till i look at things i will judge on basic shape first instead of element/theme of the item.
Because i'm headache for thinking a unique shape hook for pudge set...
and being a little tension when reading the Prosomogy's recent post about similarity weapon design.
and thanks again andrew for the inspiration source you post (though i know your sarcasm point there, but i still think it is very similar with first glance for the shape)
In my own experiences, when I first posted the Chicken courier to the workshop back in the day, after it's success and rising on the workshop collecting lots of votes, a week later another individual posted his version of the same idea. I didn't get all defensive and throw accusations or even bother asking him to not do it or pull it down. I simply used it as a driving force to say, well, a chicken is a solid idea, now I have competition, I can only strive to make it better so if a situation did arise where valve were to choose, they would have no choice but to choose mine. That drive eventually made the chicken into what it is today.
My point is, if someone is to take your idea, use it as a weapon against them to push yourself further. This goes for anyone that has ever made any sort of accusation like this in the past.
i get your point, i was paranoid and sounds very harsh in the previous post in hte recent prosomogy recent design. my bad. i already alter the post and put suggestion.
also because that time when i first draw void's set ver.1 (i think it is quite unique) http://i.imgur.com/MklUXHI.png
and i got told i'm doing same thing for magno's void set (he advise me to change to looks not same, not saying copying each other, just inspired from same anime)
but from that time i start become paranoid and wanted to cut all the similarity "connection" in workshops.
my point is, ya, my fault...
well we know that V shape flow at abdomen is common, i actually mean i'm afraid people will say you "copying" his idea because your back horn shape really similar with that submission... just in case...:)
(maybe it is just me, well i'm being paranoid again)
Ganking mid by moonlight
farming creeps by daylight
never runs from A TEAM FIGHT
he's the one named rikimaru
Original concept do not steal
In the name of the moon, I will assassinate you!
sorry again if my previos posts getting your nerve, i'm sorry for my kiddo behaviour.
i blame Steve Job for the pattern war :poly142:
Agito made a rushed statement and he already apologized for that, now we have a lot of posts with sarcasm and jokes and not a single feedback for the riki set Nerdyiam posted.
@Nerdyan the shape is clean and visible which is great for an small character like riki, as you said that you are starting you are already starting really well.
I would suggest you to work more on the contrast of the materials, they look all the same now.
You could also try to make it look sharpier, there is a lot of good tutorials on shaders here on polycount but you can also study other guys work, just go back some pages and see the work in progress of other weapons
and a suggestion, try to give other guys your feedback too, there is no need to be an professional to give feedback, you may help people that are looking for some critiques to improve their work
when you pass days or weeks on the same project you kind of get blind to some things, new and fresh eyes can help a lot =]
i`ts okay I want people to call me out if I have too similar of a design to something else, we don`t want another issue like the void mace a while back. also I found the sailor moon bit funny.:)
Well, the fact is there are MANY similair items, etc.. on the workshop and someone will always 'rip' good ideas if they can. Polycounters or not. But generally Polycounters tend to be better about trying not to than random Steam community members.
And you can never avoid it entirely. When I make items I tend to look at items that are in game and try not to waste time on something similar. I also try to avoid making something if I have seen it done.
However, With TF2 there are literally hundreds of pages of submissions for each character. If you search the workshop you are in danger of two things:
1- never making anything good because someone else has made something vaguely familiar and you don't want to 'step on toes'. You can spend hours and hours just checking to see if someone has made something similar to an idea you have. And just because someone made a chicken hat doesn't mean you can't.
2- being saturated with a bunch of ideas from other peoples work.
Aside from that...
Your statement about your item not being good because you use Blender and Gimp is a cop out imo. Those programs are perfectly good programs to use for items. And many items in game have been made with them. (MS paint on the other hand...)
To me your item mainly lacks in detail above all else. It's a silver blade and blu handle. It's a nice basic shape but you need to add gradients, straps on handle, etc... Compare the wraps on his tail to your handle.
It's a decent start you just need more detail.
here's my promo art so far, any feedback is appreciated!
Who will cooperete with me add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/imfirsthope/
Or write me latter: dnuryazov@mail.ru
P.S. Im Russian but i well done know English Language)
Bye bye, i wait you're latter and offer)
The items looks nice but the textures doesn't fit in the Dota 2 universe. It's too realistic and have many small details and won't be seen from the top perspective.
Quoting this for emphasis.
also the head piece maybe is the big reason looks "different"...
So Thank you and kindly vote!
You're welcome man, and nice job on completing it! Turned out awesome!
Special thx Yuri for help me with masks : )
Impressive work!
Thumbs up and favorited. Hope this will be in game soon. Good job.
I have, but it just seemed to resolve itself.
Foxclover, if you didn't knew you can always search in google for additional info. Here is quote from some web-site to you:
"Sourdough: The name originally came from the Gold Rush of 1898 era when prospectors and other wanderers carried a lump of fermented starter dough for making bread in pouch around their neck. The fermented dough was kept close the body, to stay warm. A sourdough pouch hanging around a miner's neck was a clear sign of experience in survival. So, the term came to be associated with an old timer or someone who has been in the north country a long time."*
*Text from Learn to Speak Alaskan
Nice work but the textures come out a bit flat in-game making the whole thing look very even from a topdown view. Also, what matcap are you using in Zbrush?
here is also loadingscreen creation gif:
As of now , its a bit dark and a flat , wich is too bad couse the sculpt is awsome .
Crustaceans's Claw by GhostDetector
Demon's Tongue by GhostDetector and KOT2897