Hi all, I am a beginner modeler, decided to lay a club (hammer?)
P.S.I am looking for concepts)
beginner or not, you are not allowed to use "google concepts" without the artist's approval. I've seen that axe before and it was 90% the same, unfortunately I don't have enough time to do the digging.
beginner or not, you are not allowed to use "google concepts" without the artist's approval. I've seen that axe before and it was 90% the same, unfortunately I don't have enough time to do the digging.
@Vlad, thats amazing dude! Thanks a lot for the effort!
@Vidotto, well said about the PA subject. People must keep creating and posting their work here, even if its good or not. We as just like any other polycounter are not better than anyone, and if possible, we should help them find their way on design, or technical issues.
@KOT2897, thats terrible, you suck, go home, beginner... j/k, really looking great mate! I wish I had your skills when I started
@Gumbata, Awesome! However, the link to the workshop seems to be broken here
Congrats for those who got their items in this week, it's interesting to see how Valve releases set by their primary attributes. Does that mean we're getting an INT set chests? Hmmm we'll see..
I haven't been active in the forums recently, rough times are rough. However, I got myself in the right mood to redesign my Lich set (again). Here presenting Shiva Lich, version 3!
As you can see, my love for Hindu mythology is endless. This design is free for grabs, please let me know if you're interested, I really love to see this happen!
I'm having an issue with skinning my LC sword(just testing the form in-game with no texture at the moment).
It's 100% skinned to weapon_0 as her workshop page says it should be and I'm making sure it is perfectly placed along the placement of her stock weapon before I attach it to the bone. The thing is that it looks like it is attached to her bones in-game because when she changes animations the sword shifts 90 degrees and doesn't move at all(in other words even if she is running it does not bob up and down) so it looks like it's attached but stuck on the floor in a single position. Does anyone know what could be the issue here?
I'm having an issue with skinning my LC sword(just testing the form in-game with no texture at the moment).
It's 100% skinned to weapon_0 as her workshop page says it should be and I'm making sure it is perfectly placed along the placement of her stock weapon before I attach it to the bone. The thing is that it looks like it is attached to her bones in-game because when she changes animations the sword shifts 90 degrees and doesn't move at all(in other words even if she is running it does not bob up and down) so it looks like it's attached but stuck on the floor in a single position. Does anyone know what could be the issue here?
I'm pretty sure its just not properly rigg. Rig the weapon a 2nd time with a new bone and try again. If that doesn't work. It may be how you exported the file.
I'm pretty sure its just not properly rigg. Rig the weapon a 2nd time with a new bone and try again. If that doesn't work. It may be how you exported the file.
I've re-rigged it several more times since you wrote this and nothing yet.
It's so frustrating because rigging an entire weapon to one bone should be the easiest thing going.
Try deleting the temporary folders where the importer puts the compiled files
(that would be dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\nameofthehero\0x0XXXXXXX)
, and also try giving a new name to the item on import (in the first text input field of the item importer). You might have fixed the issue in your smd/fbx already, but the game might just be loading an old one instead ...
I'm making a venomancer set. Now for venomancer the ward slot doesn't come in "ability" section it actually comes in "wearable items" and has it's own bones and stuff, but when I import it, this is what happens:
and when I test it in-game, the ward is still the default one:
as far as i have seen the other veno sets had the same problems as u. nobody did provide an ingame shot of the wards, they only displayed marmoset renders
The same thing happens when you try to upload the True Form for Lone Druid, as it is also a "wearable item". It also happens when you try to test the Summon, the bear, with the rest of the set by adding it to the "additional items" when testing. No clue why.
@Reza I do belive there is easy fix for this. You need to check where are located default models/materials for Veno ward and what are the names. Than you need to compile your ward under the same name IN GAME as usual and than move its files from dota/models/items/venomancer/^&*^121/ward_name to dota/models/heroes/venomancer. Same for materials and you should be golden
@Shock True. Thanks for pointing it out. I completely forgot about mentioning this. Anyway Reza please report if that helped in any way, because there is also other way to manually compile the ward model but that I believe will not be necessary.
Try deleting the temporary folders where the importer puts the compiled files
(that would be dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\nameofthehero\0x0XXXXXXX)
, and also try giving a new name to the item on import (in the first text input field of the item importer). You might have fixed the issue in your smd/fbx already, but the game might just be loading an old one instead ...
Just tried this and still no luck... thanks anyways
I guess I'll play around with export options? I tried exporting in both smd and fbx and neither worked, which one should I be doing?
Edit: I just tried something. With the bones from the official model download from the dota workshop I re-skinned the stock weapon that it came with and it did this as well...
So I'm guessing it's either related to the bone or skinning it...
Edit2: GOT IT I think!
Even though the stock weapon was only tied to weapon_0 and thats the only bone the workshop specifies, I also had to attach it to root_0 bone with no weight. Weird stuff :P
Well, they do say weapon_0 should be the 'primary' bone.
All items need attached to root, because all bones are attached to root. It gives a link between start and end point.
Even in TF2 I got to the point where I add all bones to the rigged item and only weight the needed ones.
Source film maker is prime example. The root 0's out position same as the model, then the chain of bones to the required bone keeps all coords in synch.
Well, they do say weapon_0 should be the 'primary' bone.
All items need attached to root, because all bones are attached to root. It gives a link between start and end point.
Even in TF2 I got to the point where I add all bones to the rigged item and only weight the needed ones.
Source film maker is prime example. The root 0's out position same as the model, then the chain of bones to the required bone keeps all coords in synch.
I find it best sometimes to decompile models added to the game when possibel, decompile a cust weapon, and have exactly the bones you need :thumbup:
Well, they do say weapon_0 should be the 'primary' bone.
All items need attached to root, because all bones are attached to root. It gives a link between start and end point.
Even in TF2 I got to the point where I add all bones to the rigged item and only weight the needed ones.
Source film maker is prime example. The root 0's out position same as the model, then the chain of bones to the required bone keeps all coords in synch.
That makes sense though I guess I don't recall doing it for many of my past items... Also, the stock weapon came skinned ONLY to weapon_0, so you can see how it would be confusing.
@Shock True. Thanks for pointing it out. I completely forgot about mentioning this. Anyway Reza please report if that helped in any way, because there is also other way to manually compile the ward model but that I believe will not be necessary.
Well it now comes correctly in preview tab with no animation or overlay and when I check it in game, still the default wards show up:
[IMG]u also have to add: -override_vpk to ur dota start options[/IMG]
@Reza this commands told Dota 2 to load all content first from the game folders and later from vpk files. So If you put your compiled ward with same name for files as default Veno ward it will be replaced and you will be able to see it in normal Dota2 game or practice game after using Veno skill
@Reza this commands told Dota 2 to load all content first from the game folders and later from vpk files. So If you put your compiled ward with same name for files as default Veno ward it will be replaced and you will be able to see it in normal Dota2 game or practice game after using Veno skill
For preview purposes, I got mine to work with animations by uploading it in lycan wolves ability uploader. I then went in the in game files copied the lycan mdl files, vtx etc and replaced them with the venomancer stock ward files.
restarted game and it worked.
For more acurate animations, I also tried importing it under the shadow shaman wards.. which share all the same animations, but for some reason the model appears red and transparent when i replace the files, i dont know how to get rid of that.
Would suggest the first one, since the gradient is supposed to follow the body, not each item itself. The reason you need the gradient is because of the top light there is in dota, so you have the gradient for it to make sense composed with the lightning.
I feel a mixture of both would be optimal. You should definitely have the brightest parts towards the top & most important aspects of the hero, I would say pretty much 60% of #2 40% of number 1. If that makes sense.
however, it is hard to say anything definitive without seeing the actual textures.
I dig the staff! With the right shading that would be sweet. The fur might be a bit small and look noisy. Try to match the size of the fur on her legs. I know fur is timeconsuming, but i hope you have the motivation to go over it.
@rezza if you wanted a kinda double gradient like what you have going with #2 (which could be quite nice) just make sure the value of the lightest part on the shoulders isn't as bright as the tips of the poison things at the top of your model like you have in #2. So overall you still have the light to dark gradient from top to bottom but you get to push it a bit more to make some parts pop a bit more. It's a balancing act...
Boonta, I know what you mean. Morphs eyes are super far apart to begin with. I might move them.
I shrunk the back eye a bit. Thanks!
Also if anyone cares, I uploaded a decimated obj of the highpoly sculpt. You guys can do whatever you want with it. http://dropcanvas.com/#0AUHNCwnGh6fWw
Boonta, I know what you mean. Morphs eyes are super far apart to begin with. I might move them.
I shrunk the back eye a bit. Thanks!
Also if anyone cares, I uploaded a decimated obj of the highpoly sculpt. You guys can do whatever you want with it. http://dropcanvas.com/#0AUHNCwnGh6fWw
Oh wow, that is actually super cool of you! I'm definitely going to look into it to see some of your sculpting, which was freaking sweet last time I saw it on stream. Thank you!
If you can get the eye on the back animated to be looking around it would really push the design even further, really love how this one is turning out. :thumbup:
Here's a Clockwerk set I finished with Drysocket this week! The other head is the "default", but I'm linking to the other one cause we like it better v:
This one was kind of a beatdown on some parts, not totally sure why, but designing for the Keen Folk heroes is by far the most fun for me.
Technically great but it loses A LOT of clock's original color palette from game view. I think if you made the helmet red, it would go a long way towards solving that.
Hi guys, just an idea prosition for Any creative blocked concept artist. Try to picture kunkka with Crosbow on his back, Albatros around his neck and beaten and bruised from to many days floating on the sea
>beginner modeler
For one beginner modeler, that looks pretty rad!
Thanks @Tvidotto I totally agree with you! I wish I could come up with such great designs but the concept was made by Noblebatterfly
beginner or not, you are not allowed to use "google concepts" without the artist's approval. I've seen that axe before and it was 90% the same, unfortunately I don't have enough time to do the digging.
@Vidotto, well said about the PA subject. People must keep creating and posting their work here, even if its good or not. We as just like any other polycounter are not better than anyone, and if possible, we should help them find their way on design, or technical issues.
@KOT2897, thats terrible, you suck, go home, beginner...
@Gumbata, Awesome! However, the link to the workshop seems to be broken here
I haven't been active in the forums recently, rough times are rough. However, I got myself in the right mood to redesign my Lich set (again). Here presenting Shiva Lich, version 3!
As you can see, my love for Hindu mythology is endless. This design is free for grabs, please let me know if you're interested, I really love to see this happen!
It's 100% skinned to weapon_0 as her workshop page says it should be and I'm making sure it is perfectly placed along the placement of her stock weapon before I attach it to the bone. The thing is that it looks like it is attached to her bones in-game because when she changes animations the sword shifts 90 degrees and doesn't move at all(in other words even if she is running it does not bob up and down) so it looks like it's attached but stuck on the floor in a single position. Does anyone know what could be the issue here?
I'm pretty sure its just not properly rigg. Rig the weapon a 2nd time with a new bone and try again. If that doesn't work. It may be how you exported the file.
I've re-rigged it several more times since you wrote this and nothing yet.
It's so frustrating because rigging an entire weapon to one bone should be the easiest thing going.
(that would be dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\nameofthehero\0x0XXXXXXX)
, and also try giving a new name to the item on import (in the first text input field of the item importer). You might have fixed the issue in your smd/fbx already, but the game might just be loading an old one instead ...
I'm making a venomancer set. Now for venomancer the ward slot doesn't come in "ability" section it actually comes in "wearable items" and has it's own bones and stuff, but when I import it, this is what happens:
and when I test it in-game, the ward is still the default one:
What am I doing wrong and how can I fix it?
I guess I'll play around with export options? I tried exporting in both smd and fbx and neither worked, which one should I be doing?
Edit: I just tried something. With the bones from the official model download from the dota workshop I re-skinned the stock weapon that it came with and it did this as well...
So I'm guessing it's either related to the bone or skinning it...
Edit2: GOT IT I think!
Even though the stock weapon was only tied to weapon_0 and thats the only bone the workshop specifies, I also had to attach it to root_0 bone with no weight. Weird stuff :P
All items need attached to root, because all bones are attached to root. It gives a link between start and end point.
Even in TF2 I got to the point where I add all bones to the rigged item and only weight the needed ones.
Source film maker is prime example. The root 0's out position same as the model, then the chain of bones to the required bone keeps all coords in synch.
I find it best sometimes to decompile models added to the game when possibel, decompile a cust weapon, and have exactly the bones you need :thumbup:
That makes sense though I guess I don't recall doing it for many of my past items... Also, the stock weapon came skinned ONLY to weapon_0, so you can see how it would be confusing.
Well it now comes correctly in preview tab with no animation or overlay and when I check it in game, still the default wards show up:
[IMG]u also have to add: -override_vpk to ur dota start options[/IMG]
I did it, but what does it do exactly?
Thanks for your help guys
I see but why can't I see that now?
The problem was that I chose a different name and copied the folder instead of the files.
restarted game and it worked.
For more acurate animations, I also tried importing it under the shadow shaman wards.. which share all the same animations, but for some reason the model appears red and transparent when i replace the files, i dont know how to get rid of that.
however, it is hard to say anything definitive without seeing the actual textures.
Also here is a test with them in the game.
Just gotta finish the skinning and lods! http://www.gfycat.com/FriendlyOrganicAfricanaugurbuzzard
Dayum! 10/10 would buy. Only suggestions I have is to make eye slightly smaller.
I shrunk the back eye a bit. Thanks!
Also if anyone cares, I uploaded a decimated obj of the highpoly sculpt. You guys can do whatever you want with it.
Oh wow, that is actually super cool of you! I'm definitely going to look into it to see some of your sculpting, which was freaking sweet last time I saw it on stream. Thank you!
If you can get the eye on the back animated to be looking around it would really push the design even further, really love how this one is turning out. :thumbup:
This one was kind of a beatdown on some parts, not totally sure why, but designing for the Keen Folk heroes is by far the most fun for me.
Here's a turnaround and high-poly: