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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread


  • ChiZ
    Finally finished my Omniknight set! Armor of the Stalwart Soul.


    There was a strange issue with my submissions being visible in the workshop before everything had been finalized, though. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's a new feature, I don't know. Just a heads up, I guess.

    Alpha transparency also renders with white outlines in the new model viewer. Not really something to complain about given how well everything else renders in there, and I don't think alpha transparency is used a lot in general.
  • FudgieWudgie
    daanngg, such a great set!
  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 14
    ChiZ wrote: »
    Finally finished my Omniknight set! Armor of the Stalwart Soul.


    There was a strange issue with my submissions being visible in the workshop before everything had been finalized, though. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's a new feature, I don't know. Just a heads up, I guess.

    Alpha transparency also renders with white outlines in the new model viewer. Not really something to complain about given how well everything else renders in there, and I don't think alpha transparency is used a lot in general.

    Omniknight was in need of a set like this, good job!
    About the alpha, I'm having this exact same problem with Slark, but it doesn't happen in-game though.
  • Aris Atherton
    I'm also having the alpha issue. Does anyone know if it'll have the same issue in the loadout when submitted? Anyway, I fixed the issue that I was having with not being able to compile my model to a .mdl a while back. Apparently, I just had to rename all of the .smds, becuase they had "ACT_" in front of them. Apparently, that made the compiler think that they were actions, not .smds, and therefore had to have a number after them, not "loop" or "fps". Thanks to everyone who helped on that, it was much appreciated. Now I have another problem x). The model in question was a spirit bear for lone druid. I want to test it in dota 2, so that I can test my custom detail map. I can't just upload another item in the set and then upload the bear as an "additional item" because there's a bug with that that doesn't let the bear work when tested. How can I just upload the .mdl I compiled with studiomdl? I also tried to substitute the default files for my files in Dota 2 test, as described in this tut by vlad http://www.workshophatemachine.com/2013/01/14/previewing-cosmetics/ but test was really glitchy and nothing worked. I don't think I'll make another set after this, the amount of time I've spent learning this stuff will outweigh the amount of money the set will make, in the highly unlikely event that it gets accepted in the first place. As always, any help is much appreciated.
  • motenai
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    motenai polycounter lvl 18
    WOW Chiz, best Omni i've seen! Congratulations!
  • vikk0
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    vikk0 polycounter lvl 6
    OMG, Awesome set, Chiz!!! :)
  • Gumbata
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    Gumbata polycounter lvl 7
    ChiZ wrote: »
    Finally finished my Omniknight set! Armor of the Stalwart Soul.


    There was a strange issue with my submissions being visible in the workshop before everything had been finalized, though. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's a new feature, I don't know. Just a heads up, I guess.

    Alpha transparency also renders with white outlines in the new model viewer. Not really something to complain about given how well everything else renders in there, and I don't think alpha transparency is used a lot in general.

    Where is the link for the submission. I want to Like and Favorite it! Absolutely amazing work. Great set and awesome presentation!
  • CataFa
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    CataFa polycounter lvl 11
    Great Omni set, very good job!

    @Nemozini: I actually never tried without that piece because I thought it was working quite ok with the rest of the armor.
  • ChiZ
    Thanks everyone, I'm glad it's getting such a warm acceptance!

    @Aris Atherton: I think that alpha transparency is going to look like this in the loadout from now on, probably a part of how the new rendering is done (I admit I don't know or understand exactly what they changed). Everything looks really good in the viewer aside from that, though, it's just a bit unsightly when you really stare at it.

    @Gumbata: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275497459 is the link to the set, and thank you!
  • bounchfx
    Chiz that Omni is one of the best sets I've seen yet, fantastic work man. I have no doubt we'll be seeing that in game soon!
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Digging the set, but I wish you would turn up the saturation and contrast by maybe 10 or 20 percent for your diffuse textures. You have very nice, complex shapes going on but they kind of blend together because the contrast isn't high enough to allow us to separate them by value and the saturation isn't high enough to allow us to separate them by color. The problem areas are mostly the metal plates though the rest would definitely also benefit from a bit more vibrant colors. As it stands right now, the set feels like it's in an MMO because there you can look at and appreciate the armor detail closely, but for Dota, I think you have to guide the eye a bit more.
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Digging the set, but I wish you would turn up the saturation and contrast by maybe 10 or 20 percent for your diffuse textures. You have very nice, complex shapes going on but they kind of blend together because the contrast isn't high enough to allow us to separate them by value and the saturation isn't high enough to allow us to separate them by color. The problem areas are mostly the metal plates though the rest would definitely also benefit from a bit more vibrant colors. As it stands right now, the set feels like it's in an MMO because there you can look at and appreciate the armor detail closely, but for Dota, I think you have to guide the eye a bit more.

    I completely agree with this. Otherwise, best Omni set so far. Good work.
  • ChiZ
    @Spudnik: Thanks for the advice. It was really in-depth and helpful, and I'll definitely keep it in mind for my work from now on. I did try to up the contrast on the white of his armor, but I find "white" metal to be very hard to work with between diffuse maps and shader masks!
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    ChiZ wrote: »
    Finally finished my Omniknight set! Armor of the Stalwart Soul.

  • whatever
    I dont know is this right place,but I want to share my work for a sven weapon.I'm working at blender like week and this is my first attemp for dota 2 item.It's a model right not but im looking to get it in game.(P.S its crystalys)
  • PrOOf
    Hello everyone! A few day ago I submitted my variation of Aghanim's axe for... AXE! Red style + particles.



    6.jpg 7.jpg
  • Moffee
    PrOOf wrote: »
    Hello everyone! A few day ago I submitted my variation of Aghanim's axe for... AXE! Red style + particles.



    6.jpg 7.jpg

    Do you use sculpting? I think you dont use normal map. Interest idea, but not good performance.
  • PrOOf
    Yes, I used normal map, but without sculpting. Thanks for feedback. I will work on it.
  • Moffee
    PrOOf wrote: »
    Yes, I used normal map, but without sculpting. Thanks for feedback. I will work on it.

    Yeah, it's a seen. Use sculpting it to look more realistic and everything will be fine:)
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    I don't think the normal map/sculpting needs to be redone at all. The axe came out nice and clean with nice textures. Everything doesn't need to have a million scratches on it.

    The only thing I think you could improve is just adding some edge highlights in the texture :)
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Hello everyone. Here is latest TB set we did with Madzia.
    This time with no WIP as friend was working on TB at the same time and we had agreement to not spoil the designs to each other. All of this took to much time, especially demon for was time consuming. In the end I am happy how it went out. Really happy.
    Ah and two wallpapers this time, one with little anti fun inside :D
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Hoooly fuck that second loading screen is so fucking amazing man! Good job!
  • CODA Ayax.
    RIP Magina. Good job Konras.
  • Shock
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    Shock polycounter lvl 5
    hey mate, i am not a fan of the metamorphosis, but its personal taste. the glaives are rly nice and as insane said before the red loading screen with am on it is fucking amazing. reminds me so much dota1 were am´s model was just the jounger form of tb´s model :)
  • ChiZ
    @Konras: Great set and loading screens! I really like how anti-mage was incorporated in the second one. Just makes it that much more fun. :poly121:
  • Soldeus
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    Soldeus polycounter lvl 10
    Highpoly render of the Omniknight set I'm working on with Danidem! ^^

  • vikk0
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    vikk0 polycounter lvl 6
    Holy fuck, Konras... I'm packing my stuff :D
    Simply awesome! btw, poor Antimage hahah!
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    I'd love some crits on this:
    I can't decide what else I should do with it... and yeah I'm aware one of her fingers is going through it when she holds with both hands, that will be fixed when I go back and fix up the skinning/lod1.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    Konras wrote: »
    Hello everyone. Here is latest TB set we did with Madzia.
    This time with no WIP as friend was working on TB at the same time and we had agreement to not spoil the designs to each other. All of this took to much time, especially demon for was time consuming. In the end I am happy how it went out. Really happy.
    Ah and two wallpapers this time, one with little anti fun inside :D

    Great job guys, this is really amazing
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    darkkyo wrote: »
    I'd love some crits on this:
    I can't decide what else I should do with it... and yeah I'm aware one of her fingers is going through it when she holds with both hands, that will be fixed when I go back and fix up the skinning/lod1.

    It is a very delicate shape for Dota/LC
    I would also consider haveing less scratches but make the few that you have more visually striking. You could also consider having a shape that transitions the blade to the handle a bit more.

    Excellent stuff Konras, makes him actually look really cool!
  • darkkyo
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    darkkyo polycounter lvl 6
    Reyne wrote: »
    It is a very delicate shape for Dota/LC
    I would also consider haveing less scratches but make the few that you have more visually striking. You could also consider having a shape that transitions the blade to the handle a bit more.

    The idea was that it has less width than her normal swords but it's 15%(or so) longer than her stock blade, so it would have around the same weight.

    I may consider trying less scratches but that's pretty far back in the process so I'm not sure if it's worth doing at this point...
  • agito666

    unfinished TB concept, decided put here ask for the upside down cross ( for the metamorphosis part) will it very offensive for christian? if i added some storke (in the picture) that make it something like "米" , will it offensive too?

    update: well i think i change to upside down "大“ better....:poly131:
  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    Konras, that is an amazing set. From the smallest piece to the awesome loading screens. You guys are just pushing your own boundaries! Well done!
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Ty for good words everyone :) This red loadingscreen was made at very end and I am happy we did it as community seems to like the interaction between TB an AM :)

    @agito Yes this second design will be better as it will work nice with sunder animation/effect where energy beam will go into his chest :)
  • DryDoctorEgg
  • El_Capone0
    Hi friends here drew a sketch for a Dragon Knight. Only problem with the modeling object. Help t9urqm4yok5e.png
  • foxclover
    So many good sets to come through lately! The omni set is the best one on the workshop so far, and that terrorblade set's art is just impressive. The AM interaction in the loadscreen is great. :)
  • agito666
    foxclover wrote: »
    So many good sets to come through lately! The omni set is the best one on the workshop so far, and that terrorblade set's art is just impressive. The AM interaction in the loadscreen is great. :)

    he killed no-fun, so what is he? Super fun? :P :poly142:
  • Dmitry_DMT
    Void wep concept
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    @Konras: Wow amazing artwork again, your girlfriend is really good! :D
    That's some anti antimage artwork :p

    I finially did some work on an idea I'm having for quite some time, but never had the chance to work on it. Very busy with other things on the moment.. The flying version will probably be the left version, the plane idea will probably become a bit to large.

  • Vayne4800
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    Vayne4800 polycounter lvl 3
    That is some amazing hard surface work. All in zbrush?
  • Robobobo
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    Robobobo polycounter lvl 6
    agito666, omg dat luna's twerking ass is so neat :D
  • agito666
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome TB set Konras, always knocking it out of the park!

    Thats a cool, original idea for a courier Andy :)

    Finished a pair of Ember Spirit swords for the monthly comp, with styles!


  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    after much distraction, finally getting back into the swing of things... still early, hacking away at some dynamesh

  • Moffee
    Awesome, kite212, i like it)
    Recently made ​​a sword at Sven. Rate please :)
  • Sumers
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    Sumers polycounter lvl 10
    so viper won against slardar in model rework voting. fckn wise choice community.
    anyway - here sniper concept, i'm looking for collaboration on it, please let me know if you're interested.
  • bladeshot
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    bladeshot polycounter lvl 5
    kite212 wrote: »
    after much distraction, finally getting back into the swing of things... still early, hacking away at some dynamesh


    This horns will be hard to hide under default armor. Import default armor to be sure about size of head.
  • Gumbata
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    Gumbata polycounter lvl 7
    Hey guys, I did a quick practice sculpt to improve my organic sculpting, I will start increasing the dynamesh iterations soon and start adding detail, tell me if im going in the right direction at this blocking stage :) Thanks! KIQKX6p.png
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    @Gumbata It seems to me like the head is a bit too large and the legs are way too small. Also the front legs start a lot hight up than that actually. I'd suggest you to look at some lion anatomy and perhaps change your sculp according to that. I'd also say that you should perhaps get the base forms of the "naked" Creature in before you start adding the hair, it'll be hard to push the forms of the body when that mane is in the way.
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