That being said I still don't think it's a good idea to utilize cloth.
Cloth based items require far more of a memory budget than normal items (strike one), they require the base hero to be completely recompiled and also the animations potentially require some cleaning (strike two), and they're buggy as all hell in their current form and a real pain in the ass to make for heroes/slots that aren't already cloth based (strike three).
When/if Valve ever decide to support custom cloth (officially of course, all of these effects are doable in the games current form), or other custom assets like particles and animations (taunts), then I would start worrying about whether or not the item you designed needs such effects. But for now, I would not design any item that just needs custom effects to work. Stick to making good art.
-EDIT- A caveat to strike two above as well. Every custom item with cloth requires new bones. These bones need to be added to the skeleton of the base hero in order for cloth to work in its current form. This means that for every custom cloth item added the hero needs at least one more extra bone, in most cases 4-5 is probably more accurate (at least). The Source engine (StudioMDL) has a hard limit on the number of bones a .SMD can make use of. This is 128 (Dota NPCs in-game also have a limit of 52). The average dota hero already uses around 60 bones for their stock skeleton and items, some more some less. (You see the issue here right?)
As more players create cloth items for a hero the overall number of bones on said hero increases to the point where the engine can no longer accommodate the rig and therefore the number of cloth items a hero can make use of is limited.
Hi, I've followed your tutorial on creating cloth simulation, it works but there is one issue
I use one simple model to test this out
skeleton hirachy:
(bone created by max, default settings, no furthur edit, screen shot not taked in max because my max broken for now)
The cloth simulation works, but the problem is, the bone angle seems not right
Im using a 360 degree anti-clockwise animation to test this out, the animation is simple, just the Root node rotating
No matter how parent node rotates, the cloth just keep facing one side.
(GIF attached)
Anyone know whats wrong with it?
Thank you in advances!:)
So I have been working on something completely new for sometime. Based on a concept from a new artist, I finished putting in the main features of this Sven set. Next step is refining, detailing and working on the weapon. I would like to point out that the armor is of a stone type and not metal.
I believe this is my best work yet and would like to know how you guys feel about it.
Technically great but it loses A LOT of clock's original color palette from game view. I think if you made the helmet red, it would go a long way towards solving that.
I thought otherwise until I just watched a Dota Cinema video where they use this Clockwerk set in an actual game and I have to agree. There really needs to be some red accents on the helmet or at least pushed more on the rocket launcher or shoulder to tie it more into Clock's original colours.
Sharing some work on Anuxi's and Danidem's morph set
Here is the particle effect i've been working to fit the set. it started with a lot of ice but we decided to change to not look too much jakyro ice path
There is also some particles on the main model to make it look cooler (with some snow and heavy smokes being created)
Damn tvidotto, I'm in love with the details you put in your particles. Worth the effort!
Terrorblade Set is close to completion, I did the concept and texture while Bernoully modelled and sculpted everything. Metamorphosis still in progress, can't wait to see it complete!
It sure feels good to see perfectly looped gifs...
Damn tvidotto, I'm in love with the details you put in your particles. Worth the effort!
Terrorblade Set is close to completion, I did the concept and texture while Bernoully modelled and sculpted everything. Metamorphosis still in progress, can't wait to see it complete!
It sure feels good to see perfectly looped gifs...
Sharing some work on Anuxi's and Danidem's morph set
Here is the particle effect i've been working to fit the set. it started with a lot of ice but we decided to change to not look too much jakyro ice path
There is also some particles on the main model to make it look cooler (with some snow and heavy smokes being created)
@MDK : I had no idea we share the same idea on face-inspired weapon! I already had the initial thought when TB was released for workshop. Sorry about that
@tvidotto: i like how the set turned out, completely out of the box. (kudos to danidem and anuxi too). How about that particle editor tutorial you promised us?
@Tvidotto I can totally see Morph saying "NOW I AM COMPLETE!!!" Seriously those particles both look awesome and are neat addition to already fantastic set. I am totally looking forward seeing that on workshop
@Chemical Alia: amazing set as always guys!! @Vayne4800: Looking great! But if you allow me, I'd suggest to you when doing the detailing, to do some irregular bevel on it. That way it'd look more like rock! But it looks fantastic so far, very clean sculpt @Anuxi/Vidotto: Wow, thats sick!!! Model is great and the particles are icing on the cake @cottonwings: The silhouette and colors are fantastic!
I think you REALLY need to make an effort diversify your collaborations. Ka'as is clearly at the recycling point of concepting. Outside of the similair designs, that weapon is 100% unfitting for PL.
@tvidotto: i like how the set turned out, completely out of the box. (kudos to danidem and anuxi too). How about that particle editor tutorial you promised us?
Well, i tried something towards that couple days ago, i got all the videos of my stream while doing the relic sword and exported to youtube. but 2 of them twitch cant export, i dont know why ...
Since they accepted my particles, it may be a good study, but it was not made to be a tutorial, it is slow and probably boring
@Tvidotto I can totally see Morph saying "NOW I AM COMPLETE!!!" Seriously those particles both look awesome and are neat addition to already fantastic set. I am totally looking forward seeing that on workshop
I think you REALLY need to make an effort diversify your collaborations. Ka'as is clearly at the recycling point of concepting. Outside of the similair designs, that weapon is 100% unfitting for PL.
Ty Prosomogy!!!
@horse, you have a good point about recycling the concept but try to avoid comments like "that weapon is 100% unfitting for PL"
It not up to you or any other of us to decide if something fits or not the hero, so try to state that is your opinion and not a common sense. That will make your feedback more friendly =]
I think I'm beating a dead horse at this point (hue) but I agree with others commenting on Prosto sticking strictly to Ka'as concepts. You should definitely try to collab with some other artists out there. If Ka'as is your bro then it's understandable; in that case try and focus more on approaching items together from a different angle. Specifically looking more at the base design of a hero.
It's great to have a "signature" look to your art. People will instantly say "that's a ka'as design!" Which can both be great and hurtful depending on how you iterate your designs.
I think I'm beating a dead horse at this point (hue) but I agree with others commenting on Prosto sticking strictly to Ka'as concepts. You should definitely try to collab with some other artists out there. If Ka'as is your bro then it's understandable; in that case try and focus more on approaching items together from a different angle. Specifically looking more at the base design of a hero.
It's great to have a "signature" look to your art. People will instantly say "that's a ka'as design!" Which can both be great and hurtful depending on how you iterate your designs.
There's no reason to try to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. We constantly try to give him tips on how to improve and make better stuff not only on Polycount but also on the Hangout, about masks, sculpting, concepts, etc, but apparently they fall on deaf ears. Don't want to stir up any drama, because his work isn't bad, but most of its quality comes from the great textures, even though most of the items look like carbon copies of each other. Just trying to say that there's no point on even bothering to try to help when the advice doesn't make a difference.
Anyway, lots of great stuff last page! The Morphling set is looking baller! Gotta be one of my favorites for the hero so far. From concept to models, textures and now particles and animations, I really love every part of it. The TB set from cottonwings is super slick and clean, which I love, and I quite like that Razor concept, different from other stuff I've seen from him but it's still recognizable as Razor with some nice shapes.
There's no reason to try to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. We constantly try to give him tips on how to improve and make better stuff not only on Polycount but also on the Hangout, about masks, sculpting, concepts, etc, but apparently they fall on deaf ears. Don't want to stir up any drama, because his work isn't bad, but most of its quality comes from the great textures, even though most of the items look like carbon copies of each other. Just trying to say that there's no point on even bothering to try to help when the advice doesn't make a difference.
Anyway, lots of great stuff last page! The Morphling set is looking baller! Gotta be one of my favorites for the hero so far. From concept to models, textures and now particles and animations, I really love every part of it. The TB set from cottonwings is super slick and clean, which I love, and I quite like that Razor concept, different from other stuff I've seen from him but it's still recognizable as Razor with some nice shapes.
Keep up the good work everyone!
This is why I took the approach I did in my initial post. That being said I completely agree with you belkun.
On a completely different note; this is a bit late but here it is:
Been working on this one for a while with Jovagroff and Godzy.
for first glance i thought that is Lich due to the skirt flow looks like that hehe.... then when i see the weapon part i thought that is Elder Titan's weapon...
till i read that is Razor's concept XD
*but do you forget to paint front view for the arm slot?
and also horns at the back of the razor seems like kind of similar at the workshop submission there.
(not to mention the flow at the abdomen area, the V-shape flow, but that is generic design so not really need to worry about)
agito666, at leasts i didnt change color scheme
his arms were rotated on reference piece, if willypup will have problems with them ill draw him more views
agito666, at leasts i didnt change color scheme
his arms were rotated on reference piece, if willypup will have problems with them ill draw him more views
not really to oppose you or what, just wonder why you put "face" element in razor's armor and weapon? since original razor pretty much looks like in a knight armor (without leg)...
also check back my previous modified comment :P
btw, i like how you design the skirt. (though that is kinda reminds me the WC3 lich, which makes me comment that reminds me lich hehe )
@TVidotto: That set and particles are looking awesome!
@cottonwings: I'm really digging the set and I'm not accusing you of anything but looks like you had a really similar idea on the weapon to BladeOfEvil'sBane with the mouth and eyes.
i don't know, for me i don't see the similarity.
thanks to TB's arcana's preview animation, everyone will make a face with that. (include me) :poly142:
I dig the set and the silence effect a lot - nice work on that!
In my opinion the Crypt Swarm gets pretty noisy with those birds, though. They don't read very well in the wake of this dark purple effect because the wave takes away most of the contrast their colour would otherwise offer to the brackground. This causes the trails with the light purple flares to draw a lot of the attention away from the birds. They end up being the darkest, least prominent particles of the effect which causes their hasty animations to create a lot of noise that makes it a bit exhausting to look at.
I think if you would swap the position of the crypt swarm wave and the birds (positioning the birds in front of the wave) those unique models would be more prominent and the effect would generally be more calm.
agito666, V shape is common for armor Horns on back is expectable solution for lightning dudes + horns themselfes are quite different
Idk bout faces, just wanted to put them there :0
PS, didnt check workshop submissions for razor when I drew :]
I've searched and searched without result, so I'll just ask - is there a certain day that is better for submitting items than another or is that totally random?
Zip, it's gorgeous, you all did a great job. That said, as a nitpick, I think the connection point between the neck feathers and her shawl is extremely weak. It doesn't look like it attaches well. I think you can get away with this in the in game view, which is why I hesitate to say anything, but it's pretty prominent in the portrait - at least to me. It was one of those things that immediately jumped out at me, which isn't a good thing.
Either way, set is good. She looks gorgeous! And so elegant.
Zip, it's gorgeous, you all did a great job. That said, as a nitpick, I think the connection point between the neck feathers and her shawl is extremely weak. It doesn't look like it attaches well. I think you can get away with this in the in game view, which is why I hesitate to say anything, but it's pretty prominent in the portrait - at least to me. It was one of those things that immediately jumped out at me, which isn't a good thing.
Either way, set is good. She looks gorgeous! And so elegant.
dont worry, i don't have ARCANA either.
highlight here < i only complete collect TI4 immortals by being begger in tumblr, draw r/34 which i never draw before , owh i like tumblr community. >till here
hello everyone I have a WIP dagger for riki. I made in blender and gimp so it may be a bit low quality.
I'm new to the forum so criticize as much as you like, I likely need it.
hello everyone I have a WIP dagger for riki. I made in blender and gimp so it may be a bit low quality.
I'm new to the forum so criticize as much as you like, I likely need it.
that is kind of like VERY similar with my concept i post earlier 3 months ago.
edited: i think need add more some stuff to make dagger looks more richer. i doesn't mean the basic shape, i mean it can be jewery, gold , or something to make it more richer. (just don't make it like mine then is okay XD )
add-on: courier idea up to grab
yeah i know it looks like starwars alien i forget what it's name...well i'm aiming that direction with little red riding hood as base XD
Wow this is really amazing!
Also nice texture work, blend in really well!
Hi, I've followed your tutorial on creating cloth simulation, it works but there is one issue
I use one simple model to test this out
skeleton hirachy:
(bone created by max, default settings, no furthur edit, screen shot not taked in max because my max broken for now)
The cloth simulation works, but the problem is, the bone angle seems not right
Im using a 360 degree anti-clockwise animation to test this out, the animation is simple, just the Root node rotating
No matter how parent node rotates, the cloth just keep facing one side.
(GIF attached)
Anyone know whats wrong with it?
Thank you in advances!:)
(source and compiled model attached)
Click the pic to go to the item link ~
I believe this is my best work yet and would like to know how you guys feel about it.
I thought otherwise until I just watched a Dota Cinema video where they use this Clockwerk set in an actual game and I have to agree. There really needs to be some red accents on the helmet or at least pushed more on the rocket launcher or shoulder to tie it more into Clock's original colours.
2 years!!!! wow, congrats!!!! nice to see more PA's sets around!
Here is the particle effect i've been working to fit the set. it started with a lot of ice but we decided to change to not look too much jakyro ice path
There is also some particles on the main model to make it look cooler (with some snow and heavy smokes being created)
Terrorblade Set is close to completion, I did the concept and texture while Bernoully modelled and sculpted everything. Metamorphosis still in progress, can't wait to see it complete!
It sure feels good to see perfectly looped gifs...
the silhouette in game is looking GREAT! loved it
That morph set is looking sick!
@Vayne4800: Looking great! But if you allow me, I'd suggest to you when doing the detailing, to do some irregular bevel on it. That way it'd look more like rock! But it looks fantastic so far, very clean sculpt
@Anuxi/Vidotto: Wow, thats sick!!! Model is great and the particles are icing on the cake
@cottonwings: The silhouette and colors are fantastic!
Damn you guys!! Your work are fucking inspiring
Another one weapon for PL
razor concept...
I am always worried the polycount feedback =]
Well, i tried something towards that couple days ago, i got all the videos of my stream while doing the relic sword and exported to youtube. but 2 of them twitch cant export, i dont know why ...
Since they accepted my particles, it may be a good study, but it was not made to be a tutorial, it is slow and probably boring
Here is the playlist
awesome!!! huge thanks sir!! =]
Ty Prosomogy!!!
@horse, you have a good point about recycling the concept but try to avoid comments like "that weapon is 100% unfitting for PL"
It not up to you or any other of us to decide if something fits or not the hero, so try to state that is your opinion and not a common sense. That will make your feedback more friendly =]
It's great to have a "signature" look to your art. People will instantly say "that's a ka'as design!" Which can both be great and hurtful depending on how you iterate your designs.
i'm out of idea for sets...:poly142:
There's no reason to try to help someone who doesn't want to be helped. We constantly try to give him tips on how to improve and make better stuff not only on Polycount but also on the Hangout, about masks, sculpting, concepts, etc, but apparently they fall on deaf ears. Don't want to stir up any drama, because his work isn't bad, but most of its quality comes from the great textures, even though most of the items look like carbon copies of each other. Just trying to say that there's no point on even bothering to try to help when the advice doesn't make a difference.
Anyway, lots of great stuff last page! The Morphling set is looking baller! Gotta be one of my favorites for the hero so far. From concept to models, textures and now particles and animations, I really love every part of it. The TB set from cottonwings is super slick and clean, which I love, and I quite like that Razor concept, different from other stuff I've seen from him but it's still recognizable as Razor with some nice shapes.
Keep up the good work everyone!
This is why I took the approach I did in my initial post. That being said I completely agree with you belkun.
On a completely different note; this is a bit late but here it is:
Been working on this one for a while with Jovagroff and Godzy.
for first glance i thought that is Lich due to the skirt flow looks like that hehe.... then when i see the weapon part i thought that is Elder Titan's weapon...
till i read that is Razor's concept XD
*but do you forget to paint front view for the arm slot?
and also horns at the back of the razor seems like kind of similar at the workshop submission there.
(not to mention the flow at the abdomen area, the V-shape flow, but that is generic design so not really need to worry about)
*because i'm refining my old razor concept and checking workshop submission to avoid clashing idea.
agito666, at leasts i didnt change color scheme
his arms were rotated on reference piece, if willypup will have problems with them ill draw him more views
not really to oppose you or what, just wonder why you put "face" element in razor's armor and weapon? since original razor pretty much looks like in a knight armor (without leg)...
also check back my previous modified comment :P
btw, i like how you design the skirt. (though that is kinda reminds me the WC3 lich, which makes me comment that reminds me lich hehe )
i don't know, for me i don't see the similarity.
thanks to TB's arcana's preview animation, everyone will make a face with that. (include me) :poly142:
Here's some high quality gifs of the particles we did for the set.
In my opinion the Crypt Swarm gets pretty noisy with those birds, though. They don't read very well in the wake of this dark purple effect because the wave takes away most of the contrast their colour would otherwise offer to the brackground. This causes the trails with the light purple flares to draw a lot of the attention away from the birds. They end up being the darkest, least prominent particles of the effect which causes their hasty animations to create a lot of noise that makes it a bit exhausting to look at.
I think if you would swap the position of the crypt swarm wave and the birds (positioning the birds in front of the wave) those unique models would be more prominent and the effect would generally be more calm.
Idk bout faces, just wanted to put them there :0
PS, didnt check workshop submissions for razor when I drew :]
Either way, set is good. She looks gorgeous! And so elegant.
dont worry, i don't have ARCANA either.
highlight here < i only complete collect TI4 immortals by being begger in tumblr, draw r/34 which i never draw before
There is something about this that I absolutely love, but I'm still not sure what it is. Good stuff.
Horse Strangler: that Lich set is looking really COOL
Damathryx Legacy for Dark Seer is finally finished.
Link on the image
Asymmetry and Badassness
I'm new to the forum so criticize as much as you like, I likely need it.
Motenai, the level of excellence you bring to the table in promo shots always astounds me. Raising the roooof!
that is kind of like VERY similar with my concept i post earlier 3 months ago.
edited: i think need add more some stuff to make dagger looks more richer.
i doesn't mean the basic shape, i mean it can be jewery, gold , or something to make it more richer.
add-on: courier idea up to grab
yeah i know it looks like starwars alien i forget what it's name...well i'm aiming that direction with little red riding hood as base XD
totally doesn't looks same.
my point is the basic shape of the weapon... (inb4 i know people will talk the basic dagger shape in workshop)
the one in the link looks more like B or D, and in same picture the other 2 falls under C or E.
while my and his one looks like A. ( he can go for shape BCDE, but it really does looks like A)