Ah yeah Expendables, that's where that other tank pixel render is from
(All 3D models rendered inside 3dsMax, thread for render setup)
For today:
I started actually working on a super low low pixel count game . It's part of the LOWREZJAM 2014 competition where the only major rule is that the game has to fit inside 32 x 32 pixels !!! http://jams.gamejolt.io/lowrezjam2014
My game page is called "Cmd & Kill" (short name so it fits on the title screen, the page where the game will be playable is http://gamejolt.com/games/strategy-sim/cmd-kill/26318/
There is no demo yet but I plan on uploading soon some first test builds to show some basics like map scrolling unit selection etc.
A mockup of a possible plash screen
At the moment I am prototyping some sprites that are at the moment very much Command & Conquer inspired but all fit inside a 32 x 32 pixels game area
I made some progress today with tilebanks and a first map for the Cmd & Kill 32x32 pixel game
The maps are edited in Tiled, I haven't programmed yet a parser for Unity but that will be soon on my todo list to load this map inside unity.
Some rendering and unit movement tests
And with gizmos inside Unity
Wow, this is awesome! Man I really should learn some basic programming, haha.
Anyway, just took one of my 3D models and turned it into pixel art! It was all an automated process, except for making the gradient map and the black outline.
I might need to make a few adjustments and add some additional details by hand.
Nothing as cool as renderhjs' work, but I decided to make something for LOWREZJAM as well. It's a simple little dice game called Tough Guys Dice. It also has a very simple fighting system (pretty much "press space to see if you won or lost"). The idea is that the guys that lost to you in dice will get upset and want to fight you. You can play the game with the Unity Webplayer on my site (more info there as well).
The game can be completed in 5-10 seconds, but it was fun to make, and from what I've heard, reasonably fun to play as well (for 5-10 seconds).
Hey pixel artists! Any chance I can get some feedback on the art of a game I'm working on? Be brutal! You just go to this link and install the unity plug-in to play which takes like 5 seconds. http://thomaswhuffman.com/party3/
I added the ability to build units. Different units will cost different amounts of gold units. Because I couldn't fit in a nice way text I ended up using literal amounts of units (gold) as a way to display the current currency - I think it works quite well.
There is also a mini radar now in the top right corner which helps reading the map in a bigger scale more easy.
Exactly as you said! The smoke and smaller details lick rocks are all made in photoshop animations tools
(All 3D models rendered inside 3dsMax, thread for render setup)
For today:
I started actually working on a super low low pixel count game
My game page is called "Cmd & Kill" (short name so it fits on the title screen, the page where the game will be playable is
There is no demo yet but I plan on uploading soon some first test builds to show some basics like map scrolling unit selection etc.
A mockup of a possible plash screen
At the moment I am prototyping some sprites that are at the moment very much Command & Conquer inspired but all fit inside a 32 x 32 pixels game area
A prototype of the rendering inside Unity
What a fun gamejam theme! Bet a lot of fun game jams will emerge from that!
Upload the game once you are finished!
I just started working in pixel art late last year for a game project.
Here's my final animated character;
New bus level for TIE.
The maps are edited in Tiled, I haven't programmed yet a parser for Unity but that will be soon on my todo list to load this map inside unity.
Some rendering and unit movement tests
And with gizmos inside Unity
Yea, this is awesome! very cool dusties
Well, I didn't post these ones (http://flexroman.tumblr.com/post/80909321438/m-inspecteur-is-the-kind-of-game-id-like-to-make) cuz they are vector art, but these are the same idea, and I will definitely try to make a game with it.
Wow, this is awesome! Man I really should learn some basic programming, haha.
Anyway, just took one of my 3D models and turned it into pixel art! It was all an automated process, except for making the gradient map and the black outline.
I might need to make a few adjustments and add some additional details by hand.
The game can be completed in 5-10 seconds, but it was fun to make, and from what I've heard, reasonably fun to play as well (for 5-10 seconds).
Did this in about forty-five minutes watching Ludum Dare videos.
I made some progress recently with explosions
I created a bunch of explosion trail sprites and coded them up into individual trails that make nice curves
I also made some progress with the pathfinding for the units
It's a dirty Astar that is bloody fast (good for huge amount of simultaneous path calculations) but in some rare cases rough.
here is a vid of my games first (very rough)combat test and new lvl.
Love this, especially dynamically created explosion trails. :thumbup:
Been working on some non copyright infringing shops for a game recently :
Added a few more!
This is sick! How'd you get that cool gradient in the sky and the fog effect at the bottom? ACEEE
No animations yet, need to figure how to screen cap it down.
Worlds smallest schmup.
Click to play
Arrow / WASD + Space or Num + to fire
I was bored last night, so I made a Mega Man thingy. There's Mega Man, Proto Man, X, and Zero. Zero was the hardest to make imo.
Also AI has been added so enemies and player soldiers attack each other if in sight of each other
And a silly bullet test
I uploaded mine - only to realise I can't upscale the canvas, so it's 32x32 pixels
There is also a mini radar now in the top right corner which helps reading the map in a bigger scale more easy.
improved tiles for the desert maps
transition effect for UI states
using these patterns and playing them as a sequence
Some of the designs for the Main menu
Some new building animations (when done building)
and bosses for a personal project
picked back up on doing pixel art pokemon again
Is this a 3D model that you paint and animate?
Some really awesome stuff there man! Love it.
I believe that making the mist, lights and smoke particles pixelated would give the game a more unified look.
Well, sorry for a massive dumping. Hope you enjoy!
Love these fox sprites, have you got some in game video yet? Love the style.
Here i my first attempt at an idle animation:
(Scaled up for easy viewing)
Uncharted 3 demo
Hunter's Tale
40 pages mini artbook here
hope My stuff will be at these levels. Some animations meanwhile