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Marmoset Toolbag - MASTER THREAD



  • EarthQuake
    beartraps wrote: »
    no i havent tried that but that makes sense. Im rotating a handgun so would i need to create a rig for the gun? Is that what a skeleton is?

    Yeah you basically just need to rig the entire mesh to 1 bone, then create a looping animation of that bone spinning around.
  • boyluya
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    boyluya polycounter lvl 10
    Hi guys. How to use a transparency map here? Like for example, the glass of a car. Sorry, total newbie here. Thank you.
  • Newbkilla
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Those are standard errors that shouldn't have any effect on the application working. Could you give some more information about what doesnt work with the program?

    It crashes as soon as I load it up. Displaying this error message in the automated text/debug file.
  • EarthQuake
    Newbkilla wrote: »
    It crashes as soon as I load it up. Displaying this error message in the automated text/debug file.

    What are you system specs?
    CPU, ram, video card, etc
    Operating System?

    That is a pretty standard error that anyone gets if they load up the app so i am 99% sure its not an issue(tested my build here too, same error).
  • Newbkilla
    Pentium 4, 3.11 ghz processor
    1.5 Gigabytes of RAM
    Windows XP, Home Edition, SP3
    ATI X1650, 512 mb graphics card
    Sound Blaster Audigy sound card

    I downloaded the latest sound card, and graphics card drivers a while ago, so those are up to date, all my windows updates are automatic.

    I recently increased my graphics cards processing speed using ATI tool and Riva tuner, and I have yet to see any problems. What throws me off is that the Tool Bag used to work on this same pc, but it doesn't any more.

  • EarthQuake
    And you have physx and openal installed?

    Maybe you installed a game recently that required a different version of physx or something that and its causing problems, its hard to say.

    I would try disabling the overclocking and see if that helps, but you're right, it shouldn't affect it.
  • Newbkilla
    The last game I installed was Dead Space. I had installed the physix and other required things, after I started having issues. I'm going to try toning down over clock and see if that makes a differences.
  • EarthQuake
    The next time you load up it, when it crashes instead of hitting "end program" go to the console(dos window) and take a screenshot of what it displays there. Generally the last thing it loads/errors on is related to the crash.
  • Newbkilla
    Okay, before I restart my computer..

  • Newbkilla
    Nope, no effect on the program.
  • EarthQuake
    Scroll down to the bottom of the list and re-take that screenshot, plz =D
  • Newbkilla
  • EarthQuake
    Hmmm ok weird, yeah i have no idea what the deal is. You said you've already tried re-installing it?
  • Newbkilla
  • Newbkilla
    FIXED IT! Blame ATI, their updated driver was worthless, it actually made the Tool Box crash, I rolled back my driver, and it works now. :)

    Thanks for all your help.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Anybody have this issue?


    I have no ideaz which button to pusH! = /

    Already installed the OpenAl and PhysX driveres.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    you need to add an emmissive slot =x
  • NoisyMonk
    Strange looking error. My best guess would be to try a reinstall, and if that fails, double check your video drivers.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    you need to add an emmissive slot =x

    haha....wOrd! =P

    Back on pg 3, I read someone had a similar issue and changed their resolution in the toolUser.cfg file so I gave that a try. The default was already set to my screen resolution so I changed it anyway to see if that would work. When that didnt, I re-entered the default and tried again. Still didnt work. Then I noticed I was getting OpenGL errors like crazy. I uninstalled and re-installed the OpenAL driver, re-booted and gave it another go. Still getting the same errors though. Also, I'm getting a "Darkest of Days - this computer does not appear to meet the minimum hardware requirements...." message when I run the toolbag.exe file.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    It's a shame there's no emmissive, but the work around works fine really (using the flat shader with the emmissive map loaded, and compositing it over your normal render). I even did it for my turn table for DWIV by grabbing 2 videos and overlaying them in After Effects (just need to synchronise them, which isn't so hard.)
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Here's a screen from the dos window. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with my video card or the version of the OpenAL driver that I installed (downloaded it from the link on the first post on the first page of this thread.) Anyone have any ideas?

  • EarthQuake
    What system specs?
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    Dang, my bad...I thought I already posted my specs:

    Intel Pentium 4 2.80 ghz processor
    1.5 gigs ram
    Windows XP Home Edition
    ATI Radeon 9200 128 mb video card
  • EarthQuake
    Video card is likely much too old/slow to be supported, sorry.
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    It's all good man, I've been looking for an excuse to pick up a new card anyway. The one I have now doesnt even allow me to view normal maps in my viewports. =)

    I'll pick up a newer and faster video card to see if that doesnt fix my issue. Thanks again for the help.
  • EarthQuake
    anything... geforce 6600 and better, or ati X600/800 and better should run it. I would suggest a 8800 GT or similar, you can get one for around $100, just make sure you have a pci-e slot(may have agp in a system that old?).
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    This is a bit of an interesting question... I wanted to capture a turnaround of my model so I figured I would create a joint, bind it to my model and animate totation. So I did, and I exported out of maya with rig checked, skin weights checked and then exported the animation separately. I got everything into marmo, loaded the rig, loaded the animation, but it seems like the camera is following the animation. The model appears to be still, but the light and bone are rotating. Naturally, I wanted for the model to rotate and the light to be stationary. Is this just how toolbag handles animation, or did I go wrong somewhere? If I didn't go wrong, is there a workaround? Besides recording me manually rotating the model and light.

  • EarthQuake
    Well first off, toolbag has a similar function to what you're saying. You can rotate the light continually be holding down shift, and right clicking and "throwing" the mouse. So you may have accidently done this.

    Now, i'm no expert when it comes to the animation stuff, but a few things that need to be done to load an animation properly:
    1. load the .skel file
    2. load the .anim file
    3. make sure you have "skinned" checked in all of your materials. If you have skinned checked before you load up the skel/anims the model actually wont render.

    My guess is you just need to turn skinning on.
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Well first off, toolbag has a similar function to what you're saying. You can rotate the light continually be holding down shift, and right clicking and "throwing" the mouse. So you may have accidently done this.

    Now, i'm no expert when it comes to the animation stuff, but a few things that need to be done to load an animation properly:
    1. load the .skel file
    2. load the .anim file
    3. make sure you have "skinned" checked in all of your materials. If you have skinned checked before you load up the skel/anims the model actually wont render.

    My guess is you just need to turn skinning on.

    Ah, perfect! Thanks EQ. I had just missed the step of turning on skinning. I had my materials done in advance so I didn't go back and look a them. And I did know about throwing the light. :)
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    anything... geforce 6600 and better, or ati X600/800 and better should run it. I would suggest a 8800 GT or similar, you can get one for around $100, just make sure you have a pci-e slot(may have agp in a system that old?).

    Awesome...thanks for the suggestions man.

    And btw, from what I've read and seen here...this is such an invaluable tool. Thanks to you and the rest of the peeps at 8monkey for sharing with us.
  • praxedes
    Hi- can anyone suggest a quick workaround for me pls? I have rendered some lovely stills in Marmoset but want to do a turntable animation- however, I have maya 2009 which the exporter cannot work with (thanks autodesk!). It would seem that earlier versions of Maya are no longer available online either (thanks again Autodesk!). It's driving me crazy because Marmoset looks WAAAYYY better than mental ray makes it look, and U3 engine is quite a lot more work than Marmoset. So, if anoyne can fathom a way of geting FROM maya 2009 WITH an animation INTO marmoset I would be VERY grateful :) Thanks!

  • EarthQuake
    praxedes wrote: »
    Hi- can anyone suggest a quick workaround for me pls? I have rendered some lovely stills in Marmoset but want to do a turntable animation- however, I have maya 2009 which the exporter cannot work with (thanks autodesk!). It would seem that earlier versions of Maya are no longer available online either (thanks again Autodesk!). It's driving me crazy because Marmoset looks WAAAYYY better than mental ray makes it look, and U3 engine is quite a lot more work than Marmoset. So, if anoyne can fathom a way of geting FROM maya 2009 WITH an animation INTO marmoset I would be VERY grateful :) Thanks!


    Your best bet would be to try to make friends with someone that has a supported version of maya =)
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Ogling over marmoset with the thing I made last night,


    and I dropped another older unfinished asset into it and made a little light gif!
    Just to satisfy my inner 11-year-old websurfer.

  • praxedes
    hmmm- seeing as I don't know a single 3D modeller in the real world, I may have to try something else... :)
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    is there a link somewhere to download only the Stooge Exporter for Maya?
  • EarthQuake
    beartraps wrote: »
    is there a link somewhere to download only the Stooge Exporter for Maya?

    Here you go: http://www.johnyontehspot.com/files/stoogeexporter.rar
  • praxedes
    Hi once again :)

    I managed to get Maya 2008 up and runnning once more on my old PC which means I can now use Stooge, hooray!

    However, no matter what I do, my turntable animation animates the skeleton, but the mesh itself is immobile. I checked "vertex skinning" and the mesh vanished. I check "simple vertex skinning" and the mesh reappears, but still doesn't move, although the bone rootates happily on its own. As a side note, the bone rotation is keyframed in Maya to do a 360 over 96 frames- however it looks like its only doing half to three quarters this in Marmoset. I have no doubt that all my woes are caused by not understanding how to do an export using the stooge GUI- i.e. which options to have ticked, in which order etc. A point by point solution for idiots, or a really idiot-proof step by step for the gui wuld be much appreciated! Sorry to come across as such a simpleton, but that's what I am :P

  • Sir Apple
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    Sir Apple polycounter lvl 8
    Hey everyone :).

    I finally got this working, and I love it. But I'm having an odd problem.

    All my renders have a blue haze over them. Which in return is blocking out detail. I've tried adjusting the hues, saturation and etc but can't seem to figure it out?


    Thanks for everything!

  • fullofclovers
    Offline / Send Message
    fullofclovers polygon
    Might need to scale down your meshes inside the editor. In case you don't know how:
    Under the "File" tab is the "mesh scale" slider.

    Try scaling it down some and see if that corrects your problem.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Sir-Apple: I can't really see the haze your talking about, but did you try playing with the bloom post effects settings? Did you try using different environments?
  • Vrav
    Offline / Send Message
    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Perhaps try unchecking the sky fog box in the render tab, or as clovers said (I assume the haze is fog).
  • EarthQuake
    The haze comes from loading a much too large mesh in the app, very large objects will get fogged heavily. I think there is a way to disable that, but its best to just use a decent scale. You can check scale by clicking the scale reference checkbox in... rendering tab? somewhere around there. IF you need to zoom way into your mesh to even see it, you mesh is HUGE!

    Anyone else that is having issues with uncontrasted lighting should look into scale, i've seen some really flat looking meshes in this thread recently.
  • Sir Apple
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    Sir Apple polycounter lvl 8
    Hmm, ok thanks guys. I'll look into that then. The mesh isn't huge in 3dsmax but I guess the objects size properties are dramatically different between marmoset and 3dsmax.

    Oh, also I don't have a pic on hand but I'll get one if need be.

    Another problem I have is the shadows are very odd. Like, they get all spongy and such, if I'm making sense. Is this also due to the mesh being to large?
  • iatriki
    wow! great toolset! Very big thank you to the developers!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    iatriki wrote: »
    wow! great toolset! Very big thank you to the developers!

    now i want to see something ;)
  • Junglehermit
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Well first off, toolbag has a similar function to what you're saying. You can rotate the light continually be holding down shift, and right clicking and "throwing" the mouse. So you may have accidently done this.

    Now, i'm no expert when it comes to the animation stuff, but a few things that need to be done to load an animation properly:
    1. load the .skel file
    2. load the .anim file
    3. make sure you have "skinned" checked in all of your materials. If you have skinned checked before you load up the skel/anims the model actually wont render.

    My guess is you just need to turn skinning on.

    Man, I am so glad I read this post. I gave up on my turnaround a while ago because I thought Maya wasn't correctly exporting the skin weights. I remember seeing the "Vertex Skinning" option before, but totally forgot about it when it came time to trying to get a turnaround done. Thank you so much Earthquake!
  • Frump
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    Frump polycounter lvl 12
    praxedes wrote: »
    Hi once again :)

    I managed to get Maya 2008 up and runnning once more on my old PC which means I can now use Stooge, hooray!

    However, no matter what I do, my turntable animation animates the skeleton, but the mesh itself is immobile. I checked "vertex skinning" and the mesh vanished. I check "simple vertex skinning" and the mesh reappears, but still doesn't move, although the bone rootates happily on its own. As a side note, the bone rotation is keyframed in Maya to do a 360 over 96 frames- however it looks like its only doing half to three quarters this in Marmoset. I have no doubt that all my woes are caused by not understanding how to do an export using the stooge GUI- i.e. which options to have ticked, in which order etc. A point by point solution for idiots, or a really idiot-proof step by step for the gui wuld be much appreciated! Sorry to come across as such a simpleton, but that's what I am :P


    I encountered this same problem when I was working on capturing turnarounds. The solution for me was to skin each mesh chunk to the joint separately, instead of all at once. So select the body, smooth bind, select the pedestal, smooth bind, select the props, smooth bind, etc. Then when I re-exported and turned on vertex skinning, certain chunks were no longer disappearing and were animating properly. Hopefully this works for you as well.

    Also under anim there is a slider to alter the speed of your animation so if it seems too fast just turn down the speed. :)
  • EarthQuake
    Sir Apple wrote: »
    Hmm, ok thanks guys. I'll look into that then. The mesh isn't huge in 3dsmax but I guess the objects size properties are dramatically different between marmoset and 3dsmax.

    Oh, also I don't have a pic on hand but I'll get one if need be.

    Another problem I have is the shadows are very odd. Like, they get all spongy and such, if I'm making sense. Is this also due to the mesh being to large?

    yeah that could be due to the scale, the shadow quality is relative to the size of the mesh, and you can set the "shadow distance" manually with the slider in the render tab.
  • praxedes
    @Frump- that's excellent info- as soon as I get home tonight I'll fire up the PC and give this a go :) Getting turntables working will be a big w00t moment for me as it's the one barrier to letting me render my portfolio entirely with marmoset, which is my preferred way pf presenting work!

    thanks a gain (and to 8monkey for the tool as well!).

  • Nas
    Does any one have problem with chunks window when you open mesh what have too many chunks? The names what don`t fit in window goes ower material window, buttons an so on. Does Toolbag support vertical scroll bar in "chunks" and "material" windows?
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