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Marmoset Toolbag - MASTER THREAD


  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    frell wrote: »
    This is getting annoying. Marmoset keeps displating artifacts on my textures. Im saving the diffuse at 4096x4096 at 32 bits/pixel

    Sometimes instead of doing that ^^ the texture will have green blobs all over it, and sometimes the texture loads fine ???
    Could be your own video memory? What card do you have?
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    frell wrote: »
    This is getting annoying. Marmoset keeps displating artifacts on my textures. Im saving the diffuse at 4096x4096 at 32 bits/pixel
    Sometimes instead of doing that ^^ the texture will have green blobs all over it, and sometimes the texture loads fine ???

    I can't be 100% sure from looking there, but what you're referring to may very well be a result of texture compression. Often with texture compression, especially on flat-toned materials as you have there, you will get strange artifacts from compression that resemble almost a patina-type effect on your model.
  • Incomitatum
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    Incomitatum polycounter lvl 17
    MAN! Do I feel dumb.

    Alright. I have been overlooking the "Object Space Normals" option. I have done some beauty captures, but was miffed at Marmoset for refusing to shadow surfaces properly.

    IF I check this, do I still need to invert the Green Channel on the Normal Maps for Marmoset's sake?


    I spend a ton of time playing with the Post Effects each time. And each of the environments the sun seems to be a a low angle. Do any of you have a canned Post Effect you swear by, and or an environment where the light is more at a 30-45 degree angle (if 90 were straight up). I hate having to mess with that every time, and most environments are WAY to bright. Even "Shady". :|

    Thanks for helping this NOOB. Me.

    EDIT: Now that I go back and look at some of my models I am not even sure anymore. Many of them look BETTER without "Object Space Normal" checked. But I was sure that the normal maps from Max, and/or CrazyBump were Object Space, and not world space. So... Which is it? Should I just go with what "looks" better? :S
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Pussik wrote: »
    Of course Marmoset works also on Win7.

    Then what am I doing wrong cause It isn't working too well for me, the buttons are way off, then text is pixeled and I am running It normally and tried run in compatibility mode Winxp Sp3+Vista settings.

    What settings do I have to configure to correct these issues? Thanks!

    On win 7 64

    Removing the UI and setting the screenshot to 4096 + screenshot.shadows.res 4096 fixed my errors...

    Scratch that still very unworkable. :(

    editing the .cfg files fixed my errors, so I'm good again, for future users It was the resolution I was having problems with, changed to 1024 x 768 and all is well.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Lamont wrote: »
    Could be your own video memory? What card do you have?
    ATI. I can play crysis on all high and thats why im so confused with these errors. It does the same thing when i have noise in the texture.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Does the color change a bit as the object is rotated?
  • LuckyNinja
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    LuckyNinja polycounter lvl 11
    Hi all, first time using the software, so sorry if this quiestion has been answered already (I don't particularly fancy playing the idea of going through 51 pages)

    When I use the Marmoset engine, materials and such load up fine, however when I apply them to my mesh I get this


    where the objects seem to clip each other and create the jagged effect (circled in red) they shift depending upon the angle and distance from the camera seemingly at random, and I can't think what the problem is, as nothing overlaps in the UV map, unless I am missing the point entirely here.
  • Raider
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    Raider polycounter lvl 9
  • NBLM
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    NBLM polycounter lvl 13
    Use mesh scale to fix this.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Turn of vertex skinning?
  • hellkt
    First: Make sure you export your model (I was using 3ds Max) with a standard shader (means no dx shader) as obj with texture coord. If I remeber right I was getting a similar problem because I was exporting the model with a custom dx shader.

    Second: Check your textures in Photoshop, psd is ok but it should be RGB and 8-bit chanel (Photoshop -> Image -> Mode). You may also wanna try to export your textures as tga files (without compression) from ps and import them in marmo.

    Ah and you should check the specular checkbox, after applying the spec map.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • pixeldamage
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    pixeldamage polycounter lvl 14
    Ok i've been testing this all weekend and am having normalmap issues. No matter what swizzle settings i've tried I get either seams or wrong looking normals. I noticed that all the examples are using Object Space. Why is this? Should we only use Object Space? Weirdly many of the tangent based maps I tested looked better when I checked the Object Space checkbox.

    Note: i'm using Max2010x64 with and without Maya 2009x64. UVs mostly generated in Zbrush some possibly in Xnormal.

    To get around the issue i've done the following:

    - installed latest drivers

    - only using TGA / 8bit / Not compressed

    - exported from Max using OBJ (various settings, checking all normal optimizations ON and OFF)

    - tried all versions of FBX bundled with Max2010x64

    - tried inverting the Green channel in photoshop.

    - checked all UVs are welded, none are overlapped.

    - smoothing groups are ok

    - no shadows are used in marmoset

    - flat textures used for diffuse for testing purposes

    - FBX also tested (seemed to work better but still having normal problems)

    - tried exporting to Maya 2009 x64 and used stooge exporter (stopped various parts of the mesh from appear in odd locations i.e the head is now on top of the shoulders) but still having normal problems.


    Can't seem to use PSDs (the UVs change if I do this).
    Exporting from Max is poor. Documentation is limited, I couldn't find the readme.txt mentioned in many posts (only the Tutorial PDF which i'm guessing has replaced the former).

    As mentioned above, I had issues with "chunks" appearing in different locations than they should've been. At first I thought it was a pivot issue but even with everything sharing a pivot location of 0, 0, 0 and everything XREF (transforms reset) - the head was coming in about a meter above the body. Only exporting via Maya solved this. Also the scale units aren't in the docs. Am I right in thinking Marmoset works in feet? (exporting my 1.7m character at 1:1 FBX Scale Factor using Feet as system and export units gave me the closest comparable size to the in-engine silhouette).
    After reading 51 pages of posts i'm really confused as to what the best process to get nice normal maps working in the engine. I've never worked with OS normal maps but maybe that is the way to go? Please provide detail documentation on this and I'll seriously consider buying this app as its apparent it can do really nice stuff.
  • bugworld
    Hi, awesome tool, thanks.
    This is actually not an issue with the new toolbag, as I found it in the old one as well, but I really want to use the new one..so there you go:

    there are funny lines and triangles on my model, looks like really low quality shading on the surface, and especially where there's light hitting on it, otherwise it's less worse but the artifacts still visible.

    Nothing more is wrong, just the funny looking shading. It wouldn't kill the model, but its really distractingly bad for the presentation and I don't see that in any of other ppl's render, shadings all good and smooth.

    Is it becuase my card? I use ATI X1400. It's lower than the lowest spec I know, but I figure x1600 is not that different from mine so...
    here are the screen shots
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    I'm confused, how do change the skybox image?
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Trying to prepare some shots for a model I've been working on. I can't seem to figure out why this is happening, and I was hoping someone with a little more experience could help me out :)


    My AO is getting flipped during the screenshot process. Can't seem to find any setting that would cause this... :confused:


    (Thanks in advance)
  • Ozyrryz
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    Ozyrryz polycounter lvl 10
    Ben Apuna wrote: »
    Yeah, I think you need to bring in your own ground.

    Just have your mesh and ground mesh as separate objects in your 3d app of choice. Select them both at the same time and export as a single OBJ file.

    Then you will end up with multiple "chunks" in Marmoset which you can apply separate materials to.


    Its not working here :(
    Exported 2 selected objects (selected in same time) to OBJ, imported to Toolbag, I have 2 chunks but when adding/changing texture to one its also changing on the 2nd... any idea what Im doing wrong? Im using standard export settings, both objects with UV's... no idea what's wrong.

    Thanks in advance
  • dregoloth
    whenever I try to start up marmoset on my desktop I get an error message;
    error: access violation at 0x69a994f4 (tried to read from 0x23a5b910),
    program terminated.

    it works fine on my laptop, and both are running windows 7 64bit, the only difference being I have home premium on my desktop and professional on my laptop.

    any suggestions?
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    dregoloth wrote: »
    whenever I try to start up marmoset on my desktop I get an error message;

    it works fine on my laptop, and both are running windows 7 64bit, the only difference being I have home premium on my desktop and professional on my laptop.

    any suggestions?

    That error message is usually the result of out-of-date graphics drivers. By any chance are you on an ATI card? Try updating your drivers and give it a whirl again. If you have any further issues with crashes, or not starting up, send any toolbag_*.log files to toolbag@8monkeylabs.com and we'll be happy to help you debug!
  • Chai
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    Chai polycounter lvl 18
    Is there any way to set the lighting of new marmoset like the old one ?
    I used the sunlight preset (which is the same sky) but I find the shadows/lighting is much less saturated (I had nice shadows with blue tone on the old one).

    Also I can't get the skin looking the same as the classic one, did anyone had any luck with that ?

    I love using this tool for portfolio presentations, but can't see myself buying it if the I can't figure out the above two ...
  • aesis412
    I download the trial version and when I try to start it I freezes up and never loads for some reason. how can I troubeshoot this problem?
  • CharlieD
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    CharlieD polycounter lvl 11
    Hello, I'm loving the new marmoset for my rendering needs. I've been having some problems on one of my latest projects though and had a few questions on how to fix them.

    Does the new marmoset(1.02) support opacity maps? If so how do you make them work?

    Can you make textures 2 sided? If so, how?

    Also I've been having a few problems. When I import my mesh, I get faces that end up showing transparent. I'm exporting from max and have made sure that the faces weren't flipped. here's a screenshot.

    My other problem's been with my normals. From a lot of the angles, my normal map on my "sign" has this half normal/messed up effect.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  • Rock Bottom
    hey guys i just downloaded Tool Bag and when i try opening it my pc starts making some beeping noises and i get this error in the Tool Bag log:

    Particle: cannot load file"base/particle/impactwater/impactwaterbig.part"!
    Sound: cannot open sound file "base/sound/impact/impactwater_large.wav"!
    Cannot load audio file base/sound/impact/impactwater_large.wav!
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/shield.vert"...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/shield.frag"...
    loading image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga' from disk ...
    Failed to open image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga'
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/particle.vert"...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/particle.frag"...
    Environment: loading "base/sky/sunny07/taargus.env"...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunnyotaargus_skybox_ldr_shuffled.tga' from disk
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_dim.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_dim.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_skin_dim.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_skin_dim.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_sim_4.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_sim_16.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_sim_32.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_sim_64.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_sim_120.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_sim_4.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_sim_16.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_sim_32.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_sim_64.pfm' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/sky/sunny07/sunny07_shadow_sim_120.pfm' from disk ...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/fog_sky.vert"...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/fog_sky.frag"...
    loading image 'base/interface/scaleref.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/interface/toolbag/title_logo_small.tga' from disk ...
    Particle: cannot load file"base/particle/impactwater/impactwaterbig.part"!
    Cannot load audio file base/sound/impact/impactwater_large.wav!
    loading image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga' from disk ...
    Failed to open image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga'
    Particle: cannot load file"base/particle/impactwater/impactwaterbig.part"!
    Cannot load audio file base/sound/impact/impactwater_large.wav!
    loading image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga' from disk ...
    Failed to open image 'base/texturelib/shield.tga'
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/toolbag_envpreview.frag"...
    loading image 'base/sky/shady02/shady02_skybox.pfm' from disk ...
    Mesh: loading mesh base/prop/tool/ball/ball.mesh...
    Material: loading file base/texturelib/default_mtl.mat ...
    Material: loading file base/prop/tool/ball/ball.mat ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/grey.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/ball/normals.tga' from disk ...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/environment.vert"...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/environment.frag"...
    GLSL: loading shader file "base/shaders/sediment.frag"...
    Mesh: base/prop/tool/ball/ball.mesh, Chunk: DefaultShape is using a skinned mate
    rial but has no skinning data! Fix this!!
    Mesh: loading mesh base/prop/tool/head/head.mesh...
    Material: loading file base/prop/tool/head/head.mat ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/head/normals.tga' from disk ...
    Mesh: base/prop/tool/head/head.mesh, Chunk: union_low_headShape is using a skinn
    ed material but has no skinning data! Fix this!!
    Mesh: loading mesh base/prop/tool/jebus/jebus.mesh...
    Material: loading file base/prop/tool/jebus/jebus.mat ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/jebus/diffuse.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/jebus/normals.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/jebus/specular.tga' from disk ...
    Mesh: base/prop/tool/jebus/jebus.mesh, Chunk: defaultShape is using a skinned ma
    terial but has no skinning data! Fix this!!
    Mesh: loading mesh base/prop/tool/furniture/comfychair.mesh...
    Material: loading file base/prop/tool/furniture/comfychair.mat ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/chairs_diffuse.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/chairs_normals.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/chairs_spec.tga' from disk ...
    Mesh: base/prop/tool/furniture/comfychair.mesh, Chunk: ComfyChairShape is using
    a skinned material but has no skinning data! Fix this!!
    Mesh: loading mesh base/prop/tool/furniture/chinacabinet.mesh...
    Material: loading file base/prop/tool/furniture/chinacabinet.mat ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/set_diffuse.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/set_normal.tga' from disk ...
    loading image 'base/prop/tool/furniture/set_spec.tga' from disk ...
    Mesh: base/prop/tool/furniture/chinacabinet.mesh, Chunk: ChinaCabinetShape is us
    ing a skinned material but has no skinning data! Fix this!!


    yes quite stupid to post everything but i would not know how to put that in short....
  • Ben Apuna
    @Rock Bottom:

    Replied in your other thread, why'd you post in two places?
  • Ben Apuna

    The new Marmoset does support opacity maps.

    You need to:

    1. Place the opacity map in the alpha channel of your diffuse texture and save it as a 32bit TGA.

    2. Turn on either Use Alpha Testing and slide the Alpha Threshold to the right until it works.


    Turn on Use Alpha-to-Coverage.

    3. (possibly optional) Change the Blend Mode of the material to something other than "None".

    For Two sided materials you can either turn off Back Face Culling in your material, or duplicate your faces in your 3d App and flip the duplicated faces normals.

    I suspect your missing faces and messed up normal maps may possibly be a triangluation issue. Are you triangulating your mesh before exporting it to Marmoset? If not you should be.
  • Rock Bottom
    @Ben Apuna: because i thought that this thread was closed of or something :P my bad
  • z3phon
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    z3phon polycounter lvl 15
    I just installed the toolbag and just reading through the manual, while following it I am importing a diffuse map but this is how it shows up every time I apply a map. Tried it in several formats but every time I get this weird result.

  • Ben Apuna
    Is your model supposed to be faceted like that? It might be a model/import/export issue.

    You could also try adding a simple specular map to the material and check Use Specularity, that might help the material sort itself out.

    Hopefully that helps.


    It might also have to do with the PSD in your diffuse slot, try a uncompressed TGA.
  • z3phon
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    z3phon polycounter lvl 15
    Nope, no luck. I tried several different formats for diffuse slot.
    Also exported the model with several different settings, but no luck so far.
    help me out guys. :(
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    @z3phon - As Ben already suggested, definitely try adding a specular texture too; even if it is just flat black. Omitting a required normal, diffuse, or spec map while using the Phong shader can give unexpected results.

    It's hard to tell what's happening without knowing what your Diffuse map is *supposed* to look like. If you exported from 3ds Max, try exporting again with all faces in 1 smoothing group only.
  • z3phon
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    z3phon polycounter lvl 15
    I'm using maya to export. I tried with specular map but having same problem.
    I tried with one smoothing group too, can you tell me what export settings I should be using in maya.

    btw this is how the texture looks in maya

    Edit: Ok It seems like I'm exporting my mesh fine. There's a issue with my texture files.
    I tried applying the example textures in the install folder to my model and its showing it, but as soon as I apply my texture maps it starts displaying it all messed up.
    What format should i save the texture in and why isn't my texturing displaying properly. :(
  • Ben Apuna
    Try 24bit uncompressed TGA.

    Use 32bit uncompressed TGA if you have a alpha channel of some sort for example: Transparency goes in the Diffuse map alpha channel, Gloss goes in the Specular map alpha channel, Parallax goes in the Normal map alpha channel.

    Though it should support PSD, and DDS as well.

    I'm assuming you're using Photoshop to save your textures.
  • z3phon
    Offline / Send Message
    z3phon polycounter lvl 15
    Awesome! got it working now.
    Thanks a lot. :D
  • BlackulaDZ
    I'm having trouble getting alphas to work, im using a 32 bit PSD with an alpha channel, but that wont work as a diffuse or an alpha, it shows up as black. Photoshop wont save TGAs in 32 bit for some reason
  • beartraps
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    beartraps polycounter lvl 8
    Marmoset seems to ignore specular if alpha is transparent and I can't find a way to change that. I want to have a transparency with specular, is there a way to do this?
  • KillerPlatypus
    I would like to say Marmoset Toolbag is an awesome tool indeed. I will be purchasing the full version shortly. There is one suggestion I would like to make.

    For the turn table renders I wish there was a feature to render them out as image sequences with alphas. This would be super beneficial to those trying to put together a demo real that needs to be composited together.

    Other then that this tool is incredible for displaying real time artwork.

    ~Killer P
  • Mr.Graze
    Hey i purchased marmoset a while ago and i only have 1.01 version, it says there is a free upgrade but for some reason i cant find the link to the free upgrade, can any1 help me plz? thaks alot :)
  • frwanque
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    frwanque polycounter lvl 6
    I would love to know How to render the animation for a turntable in the Tool?

    I know How to make it rotate but not how to save it in a video format
  • GetAwesome
    Offline / Send Message
    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    frwanque wrote: »
    I would love to know How to render the animation for a turntable in the Tool?

    I know How to make it rotate but not how to save it in a video format

    Check out the newer Toolbag thread. I posted an answer for you when you asked it on that one: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=74848&page=10
  • GetAwesome
    Offline / Send Message
    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    Mr.Graze wrote: »
    Hey i purchased marmoset a while ago and i only have 1.01 version, it says there is a free upgrade but for some reason i cant find the link to the free upgrade, can any1 help me plz? thaks alot :)

    You just download the version 1.02 build, as you did for 1.01. Your licensing information will remain intact after you install the upgrade.

  • EarthQuake
    Thread closed, please post in the stickied thread linked above
This discussion has been closed.