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  • skankerzero
    Saidin311 wrote: »
    And wasn't the cop who had Sayid in custody the same LA police chick who was shot by Michael (Ana-Lucia)?

    Nope. She died.

    I hope they never bring her back. I hate Michelle Rodgriguez.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yep same here, I cheered a little inside when she was shot. I also had a wave of dread wash over me when she stopped Hurley to give him advice... and then she wasn't real, yea!
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    What with the Island's time flashes and the actual show's flashbacks/flashforwards... there's no way to know when anything is actually happening anymore! Oh Lost, you're so awesome.

    I think that whole scene with Faraday in the mine shaft at the Orchid hasn't actually happened yet. Now that they're obviously back in time (with Jin in a dharma suit and the van in good condition) it would be an appropriate time for Faraday to infiltrate them and investigate.

    I don't think Kate gave Aaron away. I think Ben/Hawking figured out a way to get him taken and scared/blackmailed her into "running away" to the Island just like she always does. I also think Ben arranged to get Sayid arrested. For Hurley, though... it seems more likely that ghost-Charlie just showed up and told him to stop fucking around and go back already. It would make sense since he brought his guitar and we haven't heard from Charlie for a while.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Daaark wrote: »
    Are you talking about that random guy on the plane who said he was sorry Jack lost his buddy?

    I must have missed something, I'm clueless about what you guys are talking about.

    nah, talking about an old episode, back when Oceanic 815 was discovered in the ocean.

    Good call Bounch. Thanks for the research. Either way, I was just trying to state that HE was suppose to be the pilot of 815 also :)
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Something I remembered from previous seasons that will probably be relevant soon -

    1.The bishop that fired Desmond from the order and introduced him to penny, on his desk was a photo of him with faraday's mum, in a husband and wife pose. I wonder if raises more questions about where alliegiences life in that whole faraday family circle and ben and widmore.
    2.Mikhail said he knew John Locke from before, back when locke pushed him into the sonic fence and we thought Mikhail was dead. He was cut off before he finished telling john this but sounded like he knew him from the dharma time, but knew him as a great leader and thats who locke is now so maybe we'll see that soon. Probably they will be in the past for a while if the need to make time to explain all the tie ins.

    Will we find out that the first inhabitants were Richard and the other escaped slaves from the black rock , were they known as the first 'hostiles' or will it be our bunch ? :)

    It's going to be great fun either way though.

    I've been thinking lately that the title of Lost is a religouss term rather than a geographic one. Faith has been the decisive factor in almost every smoke monster encounter or island directed conflict. Eko saw fit to define his own sense of morality so he was killed when confronting it a 2nd time, Locke met the monster with faith and trust and was spared.

    Jacob is known as the usurper, theres repeated talk in the past of the purge being necessary and Locke is dying for others sins... is the island Eden, is that why it is so important and they limit who gets to eat fruit from the forbidden tree?

    No I have no idea at all really, but I love that the show can support so many theories and when its finally explained in the end, I bet they'll still find another way to elegantly fit all the pieces back together.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    good episode, just wanna know how the submarine was able to find the island, unless that was already explained in past seasons, cant remember.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    > Nobody comments on Ben's blood covered body? Poor, poor Penny :'( Hopefully Desmond was not around for that

    > The scene in the airport where Jack talked to the new dude, and spoke with Sun - was that just me, or was the voice audio completely muted? I heard all of the music, but absolutely no voices. Right near the end of talking to Sun, the voices came back. Did anyone else get this?

    > Kevin - very interesting info on Mikhail. I completely forgot about the things he said. I think you're dead on, there. Same with the Faraday family. Certainly some strange things going on with them and their ties with Dharma/Widmore.

    > And please people (sans Kevin), you're killing me! Charles' last name is WIDMORE. Not Witmore, Whitmore, Whidmore.

  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    No he was calling them to tell them it wasn't his buddy's body, because it wasn't a wedding ring.
    In Eleuthera, Bahamas, Frank Lapidus is watching television coverage of the discovery of Flight 815, which shows bodies in the undersea wreckage. When one body is identified as Seth Norris, the pilot of the flight, Frank calls the Oceanic hotline that has been set up for families of the victims and demands to speak to a supervisor. He asserts that the man shown cannot be Seth Norris, because Seth Norris always wore his wedding ring, and the corpse had no ring. When the man on the other end of the line argues with him, Frank insists that he knew Seth well, and the body was not his. He then reveals that he was originally supposed to be the pilot of Flight 815
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    Luxury wrote: »
    Kate gave Aaron to Claire's mother. That's my prediction.
    What's up with Sayid and Hurley? How did they end up on the plane?


    the rest just confuses me. best way to keep an audience I guess.

    How do you keep an idiot in suspense?

    I'll tell you later.
  • Davision3D
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    The appearance of Jin in the Dharma suit makes me believe that the real reason they need to got back to the island is that they all need to play their role in the past otherwise the whole "time thing" gets screwed and the universe will implode...doesnt have to happen exactly like that. ;)

    Maybe they are all stuck now in the days when dharma initiative was active on the island and there they may do some important things that had impact on the present that we saw.
    Vassago wrote: »
    > Nobody comments on Ben's blood covered body? Poor, poor Penny :'( Hopefully Desmond was not around for that
    Yea makes sense to me that ben has killed penny because then he got his revenge and it will most likely make Desmond go back to the island seeking for his revenge! Ben was also at a harbor when he called right?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Some good points.... I'm now beginning to wonder if we are going to find out that our Losties are the people who created everything from the start. Maybe they started dharma or 'the others'. That would be a total mindfuck
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    notman wrote: »
    Some good points.... I'm now beginning to wonder if we are going to find out that our Losties are the people who created everything from the start. Maybe they started dharma or 'the others'. That would be a total mindfuck

    It fits into a sort of inevitability complex, which would explain why everyone, though against impossible odds, have ended up in the same place, surviving things they should not survive.

    The show would have to take into dogma though, that time cannot be changed, even when traveled nonlinear.

    Super awesome if that's what it is doing. haha, so cool, love this show.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    coldkodiak wrote: »
    The show would have to take into dogma though, that time cannot be changed, even when traveled nonlinear.
    The first thing Daniel did after explaining that time cannot be changed was to change time by telling the past Desmond to go do something in the future. :thumbup:

    Or does that not count?

    I hope Christopher Lloyd shows up with a Delorian.

    "Hurley, run in this big hamster wheel. We need 1.21 gigawatts!"
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    The first thing Daniel did after explaining that time cannot be changed was to change time by telling the past Desmond to go do something in the future.

    Or does that not count?

    Apparently Desmond is the only person who can change the timeline according to what we've heard so far.

    That's the strange part though. Is Desmond really changing the timeline, or not? Are the sequence of events we see really supposed to happen, or are they the results of changes by Desmond that must occur later in the story anyways?
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Didn't Ben respond, when asked where he learned to read, "My mother taught me, Jack."?
    Was he being a smarty pants or leaking a new plot twist, considering his mother died giving birth to him.

    My wife speculates that the Asian Dharma leader/doctor's baby (if it was his baby) might be Jin (doubtful) or Miles (I hate using my own name) as a baby.

    Things are so twisted...that isn't not really even much fun speculating on the plot now. There's just so many angles they can take this thing.

    One thing I find interesting is that Ben rode the plane and expected to get back to the island. Would he appear on the island if he wasn't on the Oceanic flight? We know he was dressed as a pilot in (was it Desmond's?) dream.

    I wish Miles (man I hate that) would hurry up and find that mass grave. I want to see him flip out.

    Didn't Jin's hair seem a little longer to you all? I thought it was "Mr. Bloody Nose, Percy" from The Green Mile getting out of that VW, but was surprised to see Jin. If his hair was longer...(and we know that the Oceanic 6 were away for like 3 years)...then the Losties on the island have been in the Dharma group "timeline" for 3 years as well.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    But have they really been gone for 3 years, or is that just relative? It's been three years for the Oceanic Six, but what about those on the island? Only a few days passed until John warped off the island. Has John also been off the island for 3 years? Or has it only been a few days for him?
    John came to see Jack "about a month" ago, according to Jack (some eps back). Perhaps John was warped into the future as well? We know Ben was taken from 9/22/2004 to 10/24/2005, more than a full year's leap, so it's certainly possible.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    [MILES] wrote: »
    Didn't Ben respond, when asked where he learned to read, "My mother taught me, Jack."?
    Was he being a smarty pants or leaking a new plot twist, considering his mother died giving birth to him.

    He was being a smartass... Jack asked him, "how can you do that?", not where he learned to read ;) He was referring to how he could read while knowing what was going to happen.

    Daaark: I think Daniel was simplifying for Sawyer's sake. There are probably conditions where you can change time, as long as it doesn't change too many parameters... or some other crazy condition. Either way, that was also when he was talking about how difficult it would be to explain to Sawyer, so I think there is more to it.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    notman wrote: »
    Daaark: I think Daniel was simplifying for Sawyer's sake. There are probably conditions where you can change time, as long as it doesn't change too many parameters... or some other crazy condition. Either way, that was also when he was talking about how difficult it would be to explain to Sawyer, so I think there is more to it.
    If you think back, to when Desmond first met Hawking, she said time couldn't be changed, and that things had to happen. Time would correct itself.

    That's why he couldn't keep saving Charlie.

    I don't believe a word of what Daniel says.

    I'm never sure if I can sympathize with Sawyer. He's already killed an innocent man, Locke's "father" / Real Sawyer, and buried 2 others who he thought were dead. :poly142:
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I forgot about the whole Charlie thing. Like I said, I think somehow Daniel has found a 'loophole' in time.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    What about the reference to Ulysses?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    notman wrote: »
    Maybe they started dharma or 'the others'. That would be a total mindfuck

    But a brilliant one! :D

    I also can't believe how few of you are speculating on Ben's battered state, although that Penny theory is a good one! :D
    Luxury wrote: »
    Kate gave Aaron to Claire's mother. That's my prediction.

    She seems mighty upset for that to be the case...we'll see.

    The pilot guy didn't say they named him in that report, he said they named his friend, who always wears his wedding ring, but wasn't wearing it in the footage.

    "We're not going to Guam, are we."

  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Probably because it seems almost obvious that it has to be Penny he killed. The more interesting thing to consider about this is that it would mean Desmond no longer has a constant and his ability to be 'special' may be impaired as a result.

    Something else was considering, in season4 when hurley found the lodge, saw locke inside it looking crazed, then ran away... he found a 2nd smaller lodge and the door slowly and invitingly opened before locke ( but a present time locke, i assume the locke he saw previously in the Jocob lodge was from the future) came to him unknowingly and wondering what he was about.

    Who was in that 2nd lodge, might it have been Walts lodge? They said in season2 that 'they go more than they bargained for' with Walt. I'm wondering if the lodges represent tiers of power within the mechanics of the islands hierarchy of powers.

    I expect this may sound a bit weird, but how else do we explain walts continued interventions in the lives of people on the island. His messages are always garbled like he is inexperienced and new to the mechanics involved in operating the island, perhaps that is tied to his lodge being smaller?

    It's too easy to lump all the visions people experience, into one big 'voice of the island' but i think theres a few different forces on that island, all vying for dominance
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    maybe with all this time hopping we'll find out what the ruins are all about, like the giant foot.

    or maybe not.

    I've changed my mind about the Claire baby... it was causing too much of a plot annoyance and the writers just got rid of it. We are left to guess.

    I hope lost is released as a book once all the series' are up. It will be something to rival even the mighty Dune
  • skankerzero
    I wonder who Batmanuel really is.

    If the Losties turn out to become the Others, then maybe he's one of their children?

    This season has really teased me.

    Also, bad photoshop job or some strange clue to something? Faraday's left foot missing.


    I chalk it up to bad photoshop, but they clearly filled in the backside of his pant leg. That part makes no sense. Juliette's missing toes are clearly bad photoshop though.

    Man, some of those people are composited so badly into that pic.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    faraday is the four toed statue
  • Talbot
    I hope they don't start play repeats like they did a couple years ago.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    hawken wrote: »
    maybe with all this time hopping we'll find out what the ruins are all about, like the giant foot.

    or maybe not.

    They've confirmed that we'll get an answer to that this season.

    Julliete is so damn hawtttt!!!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    hawken wrote: »
    I've changed my mind about the Claire baby... it was causing too much of a plot annoyance and the writers just got rid of it. We are left to guess.

    Yeah, can you imagine her having to carry him around the island all the time? That would have been terrible. I'm glad he isn't with them.

    I think she left him with Claire's mom. I think she was all torn up because she had become so attached to him.

    And I don't think there were enough clues to know what happened to Ben's face yet. Obviously he got roughed up, and I'm sure that will be part of a later episode. My guess would be that he had it out with Widmore somehow.
  • skankerzero
    I think Ben had the baby taken away in order to get Kate on the island. A 'Do it or you'll never see him again' type thing.

    As far as Ben being beat up, I think he killed Penny. How else is Desmond going to get back to the island? He did tell Widmore that he was going to kill his daughter.
  • bounchfx
    I hope penny's not dead. I liked her. plus, how anti climatic would that have been yeesh.

    'oh btw ur gf is ded LOLZ'
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    bounchfx wrote: »
    'oh btw ur gf is ded LOLZ'

    It would be hilarious if that's how Ben said it.
  • HAL
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    HAL polycounter lvl 13
    I wonder who Batmanuel really is.

    Also, bad photoshop job or some strange clue to something? Faraday's left foot missing.


    I chalk it up to bad photoshop, but they clearly filled in the backside of his pant leg. That part makes no sense. Juliette's missing toes are clearly bad photoshop though.

    Man, some of those people are composited so badly into that pic.

    He LOST his foot... sry couldn't really resist T_T
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    That image seems very poorly done photoshop... is it offical from ABC? There may be more clues in the image if it is (like the guy in the window of that building above Sawyer.... and where's Jin? or Richard?
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    Lots of things to reply to here..

    Thanks for that big image. I was looking for the big version of that the other day. It's my new wallpaper. Yes it's official. It's on ABC.com's Lost section.

    They have said we'll learn about the big foot ruin this year. But as per usual, we'll probably just get some hint that doesn't amount to anything concrete. (Bad pun...)

    Ben killing Penny seemed obvious. He promised revenge after Widmore's men killed his daughter. Failing that, he just ate two babies.

    Claire is not going to be featured this season, but she will be back next year as a main cast member. I wonder what that has to do with Jacob appearing as Jack's father. Remember, Jack saw an apparition of his father in the first episodes, and it led him to the missing coffin.

    Matthew Fox (Jack) has said that he is the only cast member who was told how the show is going to end. With Claire being his sister, Aaron being his nephew, and Jacob possibly being his father, you know everything is going to end around Jack.

    The plane probably crashed because Jacob needed his body back?:poly142: :poly121: :poly136: So what is going to happen when Locke's body goes slamming into the island after this latest 'crash'. Will he appear as Locke?

    Someone here just posted something along those lines. :poly121:
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Daaark wrote: »
    I wonder what that has to do with Jacob appearing as Jack's father.

    That's not Jacob, Jack's dad just speaks for him. And now claire has joined them.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
  • skankerzero
    notman wrote: »
    That image seems very poorly done photoshop... is it offical from ABC? There may be more clues in the image if it is (like the guy in the window of that building above Sawyer.... and where's Jin? or Richard?

    yeah, it's official. The only one that looks like he was actually in the scene when they took the photo is Hurley. Everyone else has bad levels or just don't look natural in the set.

    Some people were throwing out the theory that all the babies will grow up only to be destined to crash on the island as well. That would be interesting.

    Also, on the first season dvd there's an interview with the writers about Jack's character. He was only supposed to live for 3 or 4 episodes, but they saw how the test audience reacted to him so they decided to leave him in. Would be funny if it all ended up revolving around him.

    And Penny had to of died. How would they get Desmond back on the island. (or do they even need him back?)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah thanks Marine, your contribution to this thread is just invaluable (and HIlarious!)
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19

    Also, bad photoshop job or some strange clue to something? Faraday's left foot missing.


    I chalk it up to bad photoshop, but they clearly filled in the backside of his pant leg. That part makes no sense. Juliette's missing toes are clearly bad photoshop though.

    Man, some of those people are composited so badly into that pic.

    Imagine the nightmare of shooting a photo that wide though?

    From what I can tell, each person was shot individually, with the correct lighting (all of them except Hurly are cross lit), then the shot was composited back together.

    (actually it must have been, theres no other way to light them like that)

    As for missing feet? I don't buy it, it's just being obscured?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Holy shit, this is starting off great. Widmore is watching the exit?!
    I already dislike these two new douchebags, but we'll see if they develop better. I was hoping they weren't going to add new people, but I guess they are the 'new' survivors.

    ohhh shit... I bet Widmore was on the new plane. The guy helping John just said he makes things happen for Widmore. I bet they have Locke get everyone on the plane, so he knows it will return to the island... then boards it himself :D
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Great Episode.
    I really like John Locke, But there is something so self-Defeating about him. I root for him because he has this underdog-ness about him. He is very easily manipulated. It was crazy how Widmore and Ben both used the same tactic on Locke "I did this dispicable thing, to get Ben/Widmore outta the way so YOU could lead John" Some times it feels like The island itself/Jacob is manipulating him. I just hope Jacob/the Island has Locke's Back when he has to fight both those Doosh Bags.
    Oh yeah and Ben is a Dick.
    Hurley thinking Locke was dead, and then getting Freaked when other people saw him too, so funny.
    Jack is frustrating as all Hell. I just want to punch that idiot.
    All in all a very good episode.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, I hope locke being reborn transforms him...I hope he is the one that sticks a knife in
    Ben's gut.

    Ben is such a tool..I love him
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    (Referencing the last scene where the injured are shown, and Ben Linus is seen among the wounded)

    *By chance, is the fellow they show lying injured on the floor before Ben is revealed, Zeke...with long hair?

    *The mysterious fellow shown standing with his back to the camera...at the back of the room...that's not Ethan is it?

    Maybe those are different people. But they share characteristics with Zeke and Ethan. I suppose, similarly to the way the sky marshal bears a resemblance Ana Lucia.

    Ben seemed to have a real change of heart when he discovered that John wanted to find Faraday's mom. Anyone want to discuss why?

    Also, John is told that his former girlfriend, Helen died of a brain aneurysm. Sure seems to be a lot of that going around...especially among TIME TRAVELERS. :)
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Great Episode. A few of my predictions were answered this week. I was right (sort of) that the boats are from the lostie's who returned... except they actually disappeared before the plane crashed, so it's from the NEW losties. That guy confirmed my other prediction, when he spoke about Hurley disappearing from the plane before they crashed.
    I'm curious why Frank just took off on that boat.
    Why is Ben with Locke and not with the original group?
    Walt tells Locke that he's on the island surrounded by people who are going to hurt him?! WTF!? So hopefully he remembers this, and to be cautious around this group.

    I see that both Ben and Widmore are making John think he's "special" and he doesn't realize they are both playing him. Maybe Ben thought that John would take Faraday's mom to Widmore. Or, she would tell John the truth (that he's not special), and ruin his plans. That was pretty fucking twisted though.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    About Ben suddenly killing Locke, I'm wondering if perhaps Ben didn't know that Hawking could reach the Island. When Locke tells him that she can... Ben decides he doesn't need Locke anymore since the whole point in manipulating him is to get back there. Once he has the information Locke is just a potential threat.

    Anyone else notice that Ben and Widmore are pretty much the exact same character? Both former leaders who manipulate and kill anyone they can to get back to their former status. I think the "war" is going to be Ben vs. Widmore vs. Jacob/Locke.
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    I really like John Locke, But there is something so self-Defeating about him
    That's the point of his character. Everyone lies to him and uses him to get things done, going all the way back to his past when the real Sawyer pretended to be his father just to help himself. But on the other hand, it's his nativity that lets him discover all that stuff about the island.
    low odor wrote: »
    Ben is such a tool..I love him
    Ben is the exact opposite of a tool. He uses others to get things done. He doesn't get used by other people. He is very manipulative. There isn't anyone yet who he hasn't manipulated into being his tool, other than that guy who shot his daughter.
    *The mysterious fellow shown standing with his back to the camera...at the back of the room...that's not Ethan is it?

    Maybe those are different people. But they share characteristics with Zeke and Ethan. I suppose, similarly to the way the sky marshal bears a resemblance Ana Lucia.
    Ethan is alive in one of the time lines.

    I think it makes sense. It seems like they all went to the 1970s when they landed.
    About Ben suddenly killing Locke,
    Wasn't he going to kill him all along? But then again, he brought up that ressurection stuff to Jack last episode. *mind fuck*
  • [MILES]
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    [MILES] polycounter lvl 17
    Maybe he was planning on killing him, but wanted to get information out of him first. So he stopped him from suicide...and as a result, got the information he needed and the Jin Ring +5 to fire resist.
  • bounchfx
    Daaark wrote: »

    I think it makes sense. It seems like they all went to the 1970s when they landed.

    are they? or are the ones that teleported shift in time to the 70s and the ones that landed in 'present' day?

    one of the main questions on my mind. because why else would that dharma building not be occupied?
  • Daaark
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    Daaark polycounter lvl 17
    [MILES] wrote: »
    Maybe he was planning on killing him, but wanted to get information out of him first. So he stopped him from suicide...and as a result, got the information he needed and the Jin Ring +5 to fire resist.
    Yes, that's what I meant.

    He didn't just snap and suddenly kill him. He knew on the way to his room that he was going to kill him, but he had to pump him for info first. He was going to do this in the cemetery first, but Locke got away.

    But then again, all that resurrection stuff. Both Locke and Christian Sheppard have resurrected.

    I have to wonder who the real bad guy here is supposed to be? Charles Widmore sent in a team to kill everyone on the island. He had his men execute Ben's daughter right in front of him.

    Ben killed his father after years of his father mistreating him. He shot Locke and left him for dead, but he also knew he would live, because people heal quick on the island, and it probably wasn't a fatal wound. Then he had Sayid assassinate people.

    Has he ever killed one of the survivors? He's implied it. But no one ever ended up dead. Even when they were negotiating at the end of the last season, the others only pretended to kill some of them over the radio, and they helped Claire have her baby.

    And I'm a bit confused about why Jack is even going back to the island? They showed last year that it was because of Locke's body. They also showed another moment in time where Jack had grown a big beard and was taking flights all over the world trying to crash on the island again. He also met up with Kate.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think Jack was already losing it when he saw Locke. It wouldn't surprise me if he 'sees' his dad after his talk with John and that convinces him to go back. Or something else makes him realize his dad is alive and on the island.
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