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Fallout 3



  • Mark Dygert
    heh, make sure your not over encumbered.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    That's a fun tip actually. If you're over encumbered by a few pounds and just you just want to go back to Megaton or another city to sell your junk, munch on some Buffout and then activate fast travel. Even if the drug would logically run out on your way to the settlement, you'll arrive at the doorstep rife with goodies!

    Edit: Buffout addiction is no joke. If you, or someone you know is addicted to Buffout, seek help immediately.
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    The piston punch glove is ever so much fun, anybody make it to the city your sent after you finish the radio quest?
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Uly wrote: »
    Edit: Buffout addiction is no joke. If you, or someone you know is addicted to Buffout, seek help immediately.

    I'm addicted to Psycho. It just makes me feel good inside. Also, everyone else is doing it and it makes me look cool.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I was en route to the MoleRat book mission, and happened upon a grate near the edge of the river. Went in, killed off a few feral Ghouls, ended up inside the comic book publishing building. Sneaked around a bit more, and found some dude holing up in an office mowing down ghouls with a chaingun.. well, this fella made the mistake of pointing that bad mofo at me, and now, chaingun wooooo~!

    Oh yah, and if you're starting out and want a sniper rifle quick, do the Landmine mission.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    This game is rockin'. Loving every minute of it.

    Even faster way to get a sniper rifle is to fight the raiders on the overpass to the immediate left when you exit Vault 101.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Damn... I dunno how the hell anyone could get to the GNR so quickly. I'm level 11 or so, and I'm having to duke it out with mobs of Super Mutants on a regular basis as I make my way through the town.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 18
    flaagan wrote: »
    Damn... I dunno how the hell anyone could get to the GNR so quickly. I'm level 11 or so, and I'm having to duke it out with mobs of Super Mutants on a regular basis as I make my way through the town.

    Really? I had no problem getting to GNR at level 6...

    You are traveling underground/through the subway system, right?

    And if I haven't said it yet... this game is friggin awesome. Been playing the hell out of it. I got some lucky timing too, I've got a week off work so with Fallout, Fable, and soon Gears 2, this week is freakin gaming heaven for me.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Level 11 and still worried about super mutants? :)

    I just reached level 12 last night, basically I've been pouring all my points and skills into Sneak and Energy Weapons ... got the Silent Running perk which means I can sneak around at top speed (ninja!) and nobody notices me, so I just run into a room and sneak attack critical everyone in the head!

    Also, decorating your house is so expensive :(
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    just 1 more quest, and I'll go to bed. lol. finally hit level 8 tonight, haven't even started the main quest much, but i did get my house.

    Yeah, I agree with ya MoP i saw the prices on those themes! but its nice to have a place to story my items :)
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Tulk, nah, taking the surface streets since I'm intent on adding a bunch of waypoints for me to fast-travel to.

    If the subways are that much easier I may check them out then.

    I've got my guy pretty well layed out with an arsenal of rifles (single shot / sniper & assault) and a few automatics. I've bumped up my repair skill quite a bit so any time I pick up a weapon or armor it just gets blended in with what I've got.

    I think if I play the game again I'll go through with an evil, stealthy setup, and just see how much I can get done without actually doing quests.

    Oh yah, anyone else found Dovac's pimp place? :D
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Nothing is hard so far in this game just use some grenades and mines and everything dies fast :p
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I prefer the missile-to-the-face approach, followed second by the sniper shot to the face, followed third by the combat shotgun unload to the face.

    Oh yah, and I found the mechanical fist.... doesn't seem to work too well if you don't a have a strong melee setup.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    I'm going for science, energy guns and big guns.. if the games anything like fallout then theres going to be some high-tech looting shenanigans later in the game and I intend to have the hacking skills to cope.. all the good stuffs bound to be behind electronic lock :P
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    anyone found the talking armor? not bad if you can put up with "his" constant yapping :)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I gots power armor now :D
    My stats went similar to rooster there. Science, big guns, energy weps and medical.
  • Mark Dygert
    rooster wrote: »
    I'm going for science, energy guns and big guns.. if the games anything like fallout then theres going to be some high-tech looting shenanigans later in the game and I intend to have the hacking skills to cope.. all the good stuffs bound to be behind electronic lock :P
    Yep, it always goes that way in RPG's the immediate rewards are always overshadowed by the long term awards.
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    Look Who I caught having a crafty whizz. Who knew Ghouls had to pee too eh? He jumped a mile when he turned round - and got a faceful from my machine gun. Love this game.

  • Mark Dygert
    Wierd that same screenshot on my machine would be brown & black. I see hints at a much more colorful world when I suffer from withdrawal. I'd like to see more of that instead of the dark muddy brown monochromatic world I run around in 90% of the time.

    Maybe I just toodle around at night when everything is washed out...
  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    I don't have the game yet, but does anyone have any screens of the brahmin(s)?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Killed the Fire Ant Queen last night, I didn't come well equipped so I expended most of my weapons on her guardians, the only computer terminal that scientist Lesko talked about must have been the one RIGHT NEXT to the Queen right? I ran out of most of my ammo then just rushed her with the shishkebab sword, lit that bitch up and ran circles around her, slashing until she died!

    Now making the trek to the GNR building, lots of Super Mutants, Centaurs, heavily armed Raiders.....and a brain bot! That thing was hilarious! Nearly made it until a Raider with a rocket launcher gibbed me. :(
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    argh, turns out Fallout 3 doesn't save it's screenshots in vista
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    demoncage wrote: »
    I don't have the game yet, but does anyone have any screens of the brahmin(s)?

    Why, did you do those? :)

    I really like the look of the Brahmins actually (model/textures) but it's really let down by the animation, which is quite terrible, unfortunately.
    If you stand and look at the Brahmin down in the center of Megaton, its idle cycle looks like the keyframes have linear in/out tangents, which is inexcusable.
    I don't know if it's just that the game is doing a linear interpolation between the end of one animation and the start of another, but it just seems like laziness on the artists part (either to just change the tangents to smooth, or to just animate it so that every idle cycle ends on the same frame).

    In general the animation is probably the weakest part of the game, as far as game art is concerned. There isn't even any side-strafe animation used when you run to the side when seen in third-person.

    That said, having a weapon in low condition is pretty cool, sometimes he will hit it or fiddle with bits of the gun after a reload. When you're in high condition it will always work, but very low and it starts falling apart, haha!
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    argh, turns out Fallout 3 doesn't save it's screenshots in vista

    That's what I did mine in... Just 'printscreen' and MSpaint/Photoshop - whatever.

    On a side note, I have the game in both XP and vista on the same machine - and it detected higher default settings with vista - and plays a lot better.
  • greenj2
    Gmanx> Haha, awesome find! Nice of you to let him put his tackle back in his pants before blowing his face off too. ;)

    ebagg> That missile launcher bitch got me a few times too.

    MoP> You make some good points about the animation, I'll have a closer look at that Brahmin tonight. The lack of a 3rd person strafe anim' really stuck out to me though.

    A bit of fun from last night, really liking the energy weapons. Nothing like blowing an enemies head off in slow-mo and watching them disintegrate into a glowing pile of dust. :D

  • demoncage
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    demoncage polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    Why, did you do those? :)

    MoP, yep:) I would have never guessed that I would be contributing to keeping this game off India's shelves, heh-heh. Did that happen in the first 2 installments?

    Anyway, they ended up shipping texturing duties off to another artist, so I actually did the high poly, low, and normal map only. I'd love to see some in-game screens though I'm guessing they made some modifications to the model.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Must say that i like Fawkes. ;)

    I should have picked more strength for all the shit i want to carry around. I literally pick up every armor, weapon etc i find. Gets quite heavy. Thank god for Fawkes. He´s my mule.

    Talking armor? Where can you find that?
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9


    The casual clothes are alot cooler then the big armors and stuff! :p
  • greenj2
    Haha, nice! He looks like Ali G in that first screenie. :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    Why, did you do those? :)

    I really like the look of the Brahmins actually (model/textures) but it's really let down by the animation, which is quite terrible, unfortunately.
    Bethesda to get big bonus points for what happens when you sneak up on one and press the 'use' button though.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Loving the 'cowboy hat' you get for not killing the Mirelurks in the Moira book missions... my guy looks like an urban combat cowboy now, since he's wearing the hat and the hitmen combat armor.. just need to put on some sunglasses, cause the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades! 8)
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    ebagg wrote: »
    Killed the Fire Ant Queen last night, I didn't come well equipped so I expended most of my weapons on her guardians, the only computer terminal that scientist Lesko talked about must have been the one RIGHT NEXT to the Queen right? I ran out of most of my ammo then just rushed her with the shishkebab sword, lit that bitch up and ran circles around her, slashing until she died!


    What do you get for killing it? When I left her alive(that professor asked me not to kill her), that professor gave me a shot which gave me a permanent +1 strength and +25% fire resistance perk! Oh and I also got his labcoat, I look like the TF2 medic right now haha
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    I bumped up my strength, but also my repair skill. It's better to have a single really good condition piece of armor or weapon than three or four poor condition ones. The difference in condition for the chinese assault rifle makes a *huge* difference in the amount of damage it deals out. This also results in less weight to carry around.
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13

    Armors I always carry only one + one helmet. but there are some special apparel in the game that gives thing like +5/+10 to repair/hack/medic skills. The vault 101 utility suit I picked up early proved to be invaluable. Same for the medic coat. There is also a house somewhere with a crazy doctor with a coat that adds +10medic/+5 sciences o that saves you 15 skill points, sweet.

    kwakkie; if you kill it before completing the mission you dont get anything. But I couldn`t resist and after I got my shot I went back and killed the queen :> and the robot...and the doc (he got in the way :().

    NPIG: It`s somewhere up NE underground a bit north from the escaped slaves camp. Basically the same as a brotherhood power armor with auto MEDX. Also it warns you about nearby enemies. It ended up in my treasue chest it the end.
  • Mark Dygert
    <<Possible spoilers>>

    Did anyone else tell the android they weren't going to rat him out (getting the special weapon) and then get him to sign off on killing Zimmerman. Then rat him out to Zimmerman getting the high tech boost he promised, then offing Zimmerman and his guard? Best of both worlds and no one knows you ratted out the head of Rivet City... Or at least I thought it was but I think I missed out on the Zimmerman bonus, my stats didn't change and I don't see any kind of "use this to upgrade yourself" tech in my inventory.

    I think I might have lost Karma but I who cares, I was an angel anyway.

    And yea enslaving Flak causes the town to turn on you. Haven't tried to do it NOT in public yet...
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    I've found a great strategy, though it requires some luck. Just drug up, and rush groups of enemies with the shishkebab. I felt so badass last night, just slashed my way thru a bunch of heavily armed raiders with minimal damage.

    Reminds me of 'back in the day' slashing through groups of enemies with the Dragon's Tooth sword on Deus Ex. :D
  • Gmanx
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    Gmanx polycounter lvl 19
    Anyone else met 'Uncle Leo' the friendly Super Mutant? He's hilarious - and he was just so happy not to get shot at..
  • Mark Dygert
    ebagg wrote: »
    I've found a great strategy, though it requires some luck. Just drug up, and rush groups of enemies with the shishkebab. I felt so badass last night, just slashed my way thru a bunch of heavily armed raiders with minimal damage.

    Reminds me of 'back in the day' slashing through groups of enemies with the Dragon's Tooth sword on Deus Ex. :D
    That's really cool, I'll have to try it with The Shocker, I don't have the shiskebab. Until now I've been using it on ghouls and creatures to save ammo.
    Sounds like fun to take on a group bad ass melee style! Thanks for the suggestion buddy!
  • greenj2
    <<<possible spoilers>>>

    I had a strange thing happen last night. While doing the 'Blood Ties' Mission, I killed the entire 'Family', looted their little rats-nest and started hauling my ridiculously over-laden ass out of there. On the way out I was informed by my hud that by killing those murdering blood-drinkers, I'd decreased my karma status to a point where the people they were feeding off in Arefu (who sent me there to find them in the first place) suddernly decided I was a bit of a prick and they didn't like me so much anymore. :S

    And so, because of that, mission failed, evil karma status and an assload of awesome loot.

    I didn't mind though, the cash and loot I got from wiping them out was great and combined with the evil karma I picked up, Jericho from Megaton decided I was one of the cool-kids to hang with and I hired him as a side-kick. Good times. :)

    PS. Stay out of Arefu, they're all cunts.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    WhiteEagle wrote: »
    PS. Stay out of Arefu, they're all cunts.

    Yeah I just wiped them all out. Lol... I tried to pick pocket someone and they opened fire on me. Bastards...Now they are dead.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Vig wrote: »
    That's really cool, I'll have to try it with The Shocker, I don't have the shiskebab. Until now I've been using it on ghouls and creatures to save ammo.
    Sounds like fun to take on a group bad ass melee style! Thanks for the suggestion buddy!

    Ghouls like two in the pink one in the stink? ;)

    ...seriously, whats the shocker?
  • greenj2
    Haha! Glad I'm not the only one who thought of that...
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Johny wrote: »
    to fallout 2 fans : does the game maintain its dark humour and has side quests that are retarded in 10000 ways , and the dialogs etc ?

    BTW, back when Martin Henriksson replied "no" to this, I was inclined to agree. Since I'd only played for about 2 hours.
    However now that I've played for maybe 8-10 hours, I have met some hilarious characters (some dark humour, some just plain awesome fun), and some of the side quests are great.

    Maybe Martin has changed his mind after playing more, too - after all when this question was asked I don't think the game had even been released for more than half a day?
  • Martin Henriksson
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    Martin Henriksson polycounter lvl 9
    Well i definately like it more now then when i made that comment, its still not as good as the original dialogue tho but its on par or better then most RPGs released today. When it comes to dialogue in games i think we will have to wait for a looong time to get another game that can match FO1/2 and Planescape: Torment oh and Vampire the masquerade: Bloodlines.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    Glad to see Im not the only one who liked that Vampire RPG. I replayed that start to finish recently. I wish Troika was still around and made a non-buggy 100% finished sequel.

    So, suddenly fallout will run equally shitty with high settings as it does with low, both ranging garound 10-25fps. So Ive set it back to high and have a new appreciation for the visuals. I've never seen this kind of weird arbitrary performance variation before in a title. I've not changed anything on my system since I got the game, so what gives?
    Anyway, still having fun trying to be angelic. Cant wait for my replay through as evil thief though.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    enjoyed it right up until the end, then i hated it. the ending is worse than fable's and there's no option to carry on after you've finished it either even if you choose not to sacrifice yourself.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    dont talk about the ending so casually man!
  • Mark Dygert
    MoP wrote: »
    BTW, back when Martin Henriksson replied "no" to this, I was inclined to agree. Since I'd only played for about 2 hours.
    However now that I've played for maybe 8-10 hours, I have met some hilarious characters (some dark humour, some just plain awesome fun), and some of the side quests are great.

    Maybe Martin has changed his mind after playing more, too - after all when this question was asked I don't think the game had even been released for more than half a day?
    I would have agreed also around that time. But after doing the missions for "Betty" I'd have to say the game has its dark side.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    dressed for success
  • vik
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    vik polycounter lvl 13
    hey it`s dr. freeman!
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