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Fallout 3

polycounter lvl 12
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Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12

Anyone else think this thing is looking more and more like Bethesda taking a giant steaming dump on the series?


  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    I'm left in 2 minds about this game.
    On the one hand I can't help but think this is nothing but a post-apocalyptic Oblivion, hell... The introduction is fucking identical but a training prison/cave escape mission into blinding open wilderness has been swapped for a training vault(may as well b prison)/Cave escape mission into blinding open wasteland. As such this game feels more like "inspired by Fallout" rather than an actual franchise sequal.

    On the other hand I still think it looks like a fucking awesome game.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    The depressing thing is that they don't seem to have learned anything. There's no real quality progression from Oblivion. Still the same old crappy looking faces (perhaps marginally better, but not by a great margin) and awful animation. Still the Gamebryo engine with no realtime shadows or even bloody light maps for that matter. No shadows to speak of at all. It's fullbright world. The interior lighting is abysmal. Wait, there isn't any. Just awful awful art direction. But worst of all, watch the Megaton video, it actually *feels* disturbingly like Oblivion as a play experience.
    Not hopeful at all.
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    Funny, looks like it's gonna be fun to play to me. Course, I never played Oblivion... nor much of this game's predecessors...
  • Rox
    I'm torn on this. I never liked Fallout. I think I was too young and stupid when I tried the first one, then resumed to ignore the title forever. This caught my attention very quickly. It looks.. fun! And Oblivion, despite its oh so many flaws, was fun. I clocked in over 500 hours of gameplay before my 360 died and I got too lazy to actually get it fixed...

    I mean, yay, free roaming exploration, funny and kinda scary if a bit too low-res monsters, and imaginative ways of killing them. In real time! All good things.

    But in the second of the PAX videos, there was only one voice that I didn't instantly recognize from the Elder Scrolls games... and that's a bad sign. Especially when the facial animation is identical. And the HUD has the exact same elements. And the character creation is identical but with a new skin. And the running and sneaking animations also seeming identical. Again, Oblivion was good, this'll be good, but I don't know if I could play it without constantly going "Oh hi guildmaster, what's up? Oh, hi random argonian. Oh wait, you're a Morrowind dunmer, are you? That's okay, I loved that voice five years ago. Hi snooty elf girl, I haven't missed you!"

    The small amount of voice actors is my biggest gripe with Oblivion, in fact. All the other quirks, you can almost forgive after 500 hours. But hearing the same ten people over and over and over again gets really old, really fast, and just keeps getting worse. And if I play this, I'll have to listen to them even more! At least there won't be any mudcrabs this time...
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 15
    Looks like it'll be fairly fun to play, but the art direction is absolutely horrifying and the canned animations are pretty bad.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I think i'm in the exact oposite line of thinking as Rox. I played and loved the fallout series. I remember thinking how cool a FPS set in the fallout universe would be. Unfortunately i hated morrowind and oblivion. I think Bethesda just tries to throw too much into thier games. They need to step back and re evaluate what makes the games fun. Build on that. on a side note....i hate FPS melee fighting (although Mirror's Edge might change that for me).

    anyways, this is definatly a wait and play it a bit before buying it game for me. I just don't trust bethesda to make a game i want to spend $60 on and enjoy playing.

    forgot to mention that bethesda hit the fallout humor right on the head with that trailor about vault life. Watching one woman pop out 20 babies when they were talking about repopulating the world was hilarious.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    As usual with bethesda games, I thought that the environment was pretty cool, but the characters... Oh my... Facegen is in tha place (Looks like Bethesda has decided to really use and reuse their licence) and not for the best. I am not even sure there is any normal map on them. Looks like high resolution full painted diffuse color to me :( I won't talk about the animations that I found very stiff and buggy (when the black "crocodile dundee" guy is walk in your direction when you see him for the first time, it's pretty obvious :) ). Oh well, I guess I'm with some people here, I was expecting more than just a big Oblivion "mod" for this one.

    But the freeze time shooting option + extrem gore = W1N, though !
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "I was expecting more than just a big Oblivion "mod" for this one."

    So you've just hit the nail on the head on what was bothering me about it. That's exactly it. It feels like a mod, like a total conversion of Oblivion. The way the characters heads lock to your camera as you speak with them, the way they idle, the facegen shittiness. All of it, just feels *way* too familiar. I watch that Megaton video and I get total deja vu. Like they just took Oblivion and swapped some graphics. Just feels incredibly cheap. Oh but wait, the guy says fuck a lot. Must be cool. Laaaame.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I'm split, one part of me sees the mixed art quality, with the very bad, and the sometimes good things, such as oblivion.

    The other part of me sees that its oblivion without the things that made it bad, no more autoadjusted monsters, no more broken leveling systems, and a more detailed world in terms of content.

    I mean, it'll be better than oblivion :/
  • Zwebbie
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    Zwebbie polycounter lvl 18
    I don't exactly know where to begin; I think Bethesda has even made some new problems, in that they now seem to ruin impressive and epic moments by an incredibly obtrusive UI. You just walk out of the Vault for the first time in life, take a look around... HEY YOU'VE GOT POINTS, HERE'S A QUEST HERE'S A PERK, DON'T MIND THE SCENERY. And it happens again with the atomic explosions. Those are NOT the right times to bother the player with ANYTHING, and sub-quest messages such as 'get your reward now' probably don't fit in at any point in the game.

    Was there any motivation in any of the videos? Blow up the town... for teh lulz? Stop at the supermarket... for teh lulz? Just randomly kill the guy trying to get into the tower... for teh lulz? There wasn't a single action in the demonstration videos that made any sort of sense whatsoever.

    But then, I rather like dialogue in my RPGs and don't really care all that much about loot or skills - if I meet interesting people, I put up with pretty much anything - so Fallout3 (or any successor to Oblivion) wasn't exactly on my wish-list anyway.

    "Hey, let's blow up this town. What's that, I'm not evil enough? How about I add some dramatic... pauses? To sound more... evil. Because I'm... really bad."
  • bounchfx
    This game looks like everything I've wanted for a while now. which is basically Oblivion but sci fi with optional real time fighting. I'm excited for this, a lot.

    * I have no experience with the original fallouts outside of playing one for ~10-15 minutes, getting annoyed, then uninstalling it. this was very recent as well, didn't play it in its 'prime'
  • fritz
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    fritz polycounter lvl 18
    oblivion was very immersive for me....despite it's flaws. and that's all i really care about. i agree w/all the gripes being made at the vids. no lightmaps is a big one....environment lacks a range of contrast. and man....the enemy AI. but still, i am not going to be nitpicky.

    i'm sure bethesda would love their huge world to be perfect....but it won't be. probably won't be a huge perfect world in a game for a long time. look at GTA 4...the exteriors are amazing....but you can't go inside a fraction of the areas you can go into in a bethesda game.
    mass effect came across really nice....but the load times were horrible. and when you get down to it, the scale is nothing near oblivion or what fallout will probably be.

    basically, i'm saying that i can forgive the little things when taking the scale of the game into consideration.
  • Jonathan
    It looks like Oblivion with different costumes, so whether that is a good thing or bad thing, I guess depends on if you liked Oblivion.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 19
    I can complain graphically a little yeah, but...

    I think this looks pretty fun. I own all the old Fallout Titles. 1, 2, Tactics and even Brotherhood of Steel(crap xbox game). I only ever finished the 2nd one though I think. I really enjoyed Oblivion, despite the auto leveling lameness, and the limited voice acting. Face-Gen is ok, they just needed to be more like Mass Effect and include some extra normal maps you can blend into the face to add character and volume. When you've got a world with a thousand characters, parametric faces seems the logical way to go.

    They used a technology they were familiar with and had resounding commercial success with. No surprise there.

    The animations...well there is no excuse there. I remember watching the Oblivion making of documentary and hearing the (I think lead) animator say "I'm not good at animating people" and thinking...yeah no shit.

    I remember old videos of Oblivion had shadows on EVERYTHING. I'm amazed they couldn't figure out a way to add that back in for Fallout 3.

    I'm going to buy it no doubt, and enjoy it but...until somebody gives me 20 million+ and my own game studio I'll never play a game that I consider "perfect".
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i'll be buying this. i loved oblivion despite the flaws, im just a sucker for exploring large detailed worlds. i think the environment art looks awesome, and i can put up with the characters fine

    edit: btw how do you xbox guys feel about the achievements? when he walked out into the open I was like 'awesome.. man im all in this cool world stepping out for the first ti- KACHING YOU HAVE AN ACHIEVEMENT WELL DONE FOR PLAYING ON YOUR XBOX

    totally ruins immersion..
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    The world leveling was a game breaker for me when I played Oblivion, so if that's not in Fallout 3 I'm happy.

    Lock picking and hacking look awesome

    The dog would get killed so fast in Fallout 1 that I never developed any attachment to him, I've heard that they've fixed that in 3 so I'm looking forward to it.

    I see baked lighting/AO in the vids
  • Farfarer
    I'm not hoping for a lot, especially after the disappointment of Oblivion and seeing the gameplay vids released so far (and how similar the two are).

    Deep down, I'm hoping that somehow it might just by some tiny miracle just be worthy to carry the Fallout name.

    Otherwise I'm going to have to pretend it never happened. Like Deus Ex 2.
  • Michael Knubben
    I stuck with Oblivion, but that's mostly because I happened to have kept it installed, despite hating lots of little things about it.
    Actually, hate is probably a too strong emotion here. It just left me utterly unmoved, I suppose. The only reason I went back to it is because I needed a break from Bioshock at the time, and I didn't have internet,so I was unable to play halflife 2 ep1/2, which pisses me off.

    I considered pirating hl2 and its episodes (after having bought them, just to make that point extra clear), but well... I didn't have any internet.

    edit: err, the point to all this rambling is that I'll give it a chance, but at the first sight of any resemblance to Oblivion's lesser points, I'm getting the fuck out. If this is their second go at Oblivion, maybe they'll get it right, though. Who knows eh?
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    it's post apocalyptic oblivion where you can punch people's heads off with a power glove?
    I fail to see the issue here.
    Sure, it'd be nice if they updated their engine.
    Sure, their in game art is kinda shitty,
    Maybe it's "RAPING" the franchise.

    But who gives a shit as long as it's still a fun game?
  • flaagan
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    flaagan polycounter lvl 18
    But who gives a shit as long as it's still a fun game?

    My sentiment exactly. :poly142:
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    looks like fun to me..definitely gonna pick it up..I've been jonesing for a good rpg
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    As games, I loved Morrowind, and I still love Oblivion. They really pull me in, even thought I'm a game artist, I can overlook a lot of the visual elements because the whole experience is so interesting for me. I guess I'll probably like this too, since it seems to play a lot like Oblivion.

    The first wasteland/cityscape vista when the player comes out of the Vault looks bloody awesome. Haven't really ever seen anything like that in a game before, it looks really filmic.
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    Ugly, but the setting is interesting.
  • ImSlightlyBored
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    ImSlightlyBored polycounter lvl 13
    Daz wrote: »
    It's fullbright world.
    well done, you ruined it for me!
    not really, but now youve mentioned the "fullbright world" thats all I can see. I always thought it was a little... contrast/burnt to look at and that goes some way to pinpointing it, theres little to no shadows :(

    Apart from that I'm looking forward to this, im totally new to oblivion and fallout franchises.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Oblivion frustrated the hell out of me. Every individual gameplay system and mechanic in the entire thing was horribly flawed or outright broken, but the "dream" -- the ambitious nature of it - was still compelling enough to keep me playing much longer than I should have. Then I regretted it. Then I went back later and modded the hell out of it to see if it really could be fixed, but it just happened all over again.

    I don't really want to go through that again, especially not when I can't help but keep seeing all those flaws everywhere. As Daz said, Bethesda doesn't learn. It applies to gameplay as much as graphics. They've shown every indication that all of Oblivion's flaws will be there.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "But who gives a shit as long as it's still a fun game?"

    It's not unusual that there might be people going ahead and giving a shit about the quality of game visuals on a board named polycount really now is it?

    Lighting creates mood and atmosphere. Warm light sources in cool scenes are appealing for instance. Good lighting can be used to enhance the play experience in many ways more than purely graphical. It's a *hugely* missed opportunity with a game of this subject matter to have shitty lighting imo.

    It's shocking to me that they're making do with vertex paint as 'lighting'. They just about got away with it in Oblivion, but now? I guess we'll see when get some higher res shots. But knowing how awfully messy, noisy and photosourced Bethesdas texturing is, those fullbright interiors are going to be excruciatingly hard on the eyes.
    We started out with the Gamebryo engine too, but it didn't stop us changing to a deferred renderer with a full shadow casting system, dynamic night and day cycle and ability to use a lot of point lights. Their approach to tech is cheap and sloppy, like their Art.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    "If you think the Art in this game is shockingly bad, you must be one incredible talent. You need to play more games, seriously. A LOT more games. I can name you a ton of games with shockingly bad Art in them, and this isn't one of them."

    if that can be said for Hellgate I don't see how you can bash Fallout 3

    I think it looks pretty decent for a large open world, do whatever you want kind of game that is Bethesdas specialty.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    So I have absolutely no recollection of what game I was talking about when I said that, but it's impressive how quickly you found the quote. I don't understand the relevance though. I'm saying this game looks disappointingly crap, particularly the lighting. It's a valid opinion.
  • DeathKitten
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    DeathKitten polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not impressed with what they've done to my game... and that's saying a lot considering I think Wasteland(C64) was The greatest game ever in the history of RPGs (where else could a 10 year old learn about life but with a 3 legged hooker who gives you Wasteland Herpes and her pimp robs you in your sleep?!) and Fallout 1&2 come in as a close second pairing. Ugly as sin dammit :(

    After all these years of waiting with nail biting anticipation I will end up buying and playing Fallout 3 to death, but I won't enjoy it... I swear ;)

    -DK >^..^<
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I just thought about how Fallout 3 looked better than Hellgate and then I remembered someone got upset about us calling it an ugly game. I thought, what delicious irony if it was Daz.
  • Daz
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    Daz polycounter lvl 18
    "I just thought about how Fallout 3 looked better than Hellgate and then I remembered someone got upset about us calling it an ugly game. I thought, what delicious irony if it was Daz."

    I don't particularly see the irony. I'm not going to go hunting for that thread, but I do recall some somewhat unecessary vitriol on the part of the Hellgate haters. I must have been irked by something, I honestly don't remember. Maybe I had my period that day? Who knows.

    At least I have the common decency to actually break down specifically what I don't think is working graphically for me with Fallout 3. I mentioned pretty specifically early on that I thought that lighting was a hugely missed opportunity for a game dealing with this subject matter. I also mentioned it *felt* like Oblivion to me and therefore felt cheapened. I'm failing to see the issue here quite honestly. I don't rate Bethesda highly as a developer when it comes to visuals. You do. Might as well leave it there really.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with the shitty lighting comments, and understand that a board about game art would obviously be concerned WITH the art.
    But the point of video games is to have fun playing them, and if you can't do that just because the art is bad, then it's a shame.
    I can enjoy fun games with bad art, but it is nice when fun games have good art to go with it, eh?
  • EarthQuake
    Gotta agree with daz here, the more i see of this game the worse it looks. The lighting is absolutely HORRID and the art direction is terrible.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    waitwaitwait.. I thought this was a board about more polygons being better than less! (which is true obviously!)

    but back to the issue, gameplay wise, this might actually be good, not fallout 1&2 good, but the more linear gameplay in the sense that you have to actually progress to handle the bigger issues, not having the game being openly accessable in the beginning just because every monster will have the same level as you.

    this was one of the bigger gameplay killers of oblivion.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Gotta agree with daz here, the more i see of this game the worse it looks. The lighting is absolutely HORRID and the art direction is terrible.

    Still gonna try it out though, right? I don't think 'horrid' is a word I'd use, as to me it looks decent. Did I blow my load over it? Nah..

    But still, it seems like a fun game.
  • Farfarer
    The art style/direction/quality doesn't really bother me, it's not the worst aspect of what we've seen so far by any means. I can overlook pretty much any and all crap art in a game so long as the gameplay is engrossing and the script is well written*.

    Unfortunately, that's stuff you can't really show off in trailers, so I'm having to take educated guesses at it based on previous Beth titles. Oblivion didn't hold up in any of those respects, although Morrowind did. It's 50/50 :P

    I'd probably be a lot more excited about it if they handn't labeled it as a direct sequel of Fallout 1&2.

    *the animation bugs the hell out of me, however.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    The thing that bothers me is the bit where he shoots the old car wreck and it explodes. lol.
    Post 2: The environment work doesn't look too bad but most of the character work is just god awful.
    Post 3: On second thought the environment stuff isn't so hot. Looks like a brown/sepia mess with no lighting.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    format destroying mega-image of poor lighting!


    still.. what part of placing a live hand grenade into someones pocket does not sound awesome?
    or punching someones head off with a powerglove?
  • kwakkie
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    kwakkie polycounter lvl 12
    One thing I really hate about achievements is when they pop up while you should be immersed into a game. Youre in the outside world for the first time and *plop* achievement unlocked! and the immersion is completely lost!

    1. something accomplished, esp. by superior ability, special effort, great courage, etc.; a great or heroic deed: his remarkable achievements in art.

    I guess not turning your xbox off after 5 minutes of fallout would be considered an achievement to the developers. :D
  • EarthQuake
    adamBrome wrote: »
    Still gonna try it out though, right? I don't think 'horrid' is a word I'd use, as to me it looks decent. Did I blow my load over it? Nah..

    But still, it seems like a fun game.

    The game itself looks average, but if you focus on the lighting specifically it is really bad. No LM make the entire world look really flat. I dont know if i'll try this, oblivion was a pretty boring game so i dont have much hope for this being all that interesting. We'll see.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    The only thing they did good in capturing the feel from the older games is the pipboy... (that I have seen atleast)

    I havent watched to many movies with it because I will hope it can get me back in the world of Fallout when playing it. if its just a little bit il be happy :)

    I have my hopes up! Fallout yes, This is personal...
  • J Randall
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    J Randall polycounter lvl 15
    I hope the power glove doesn't need ammo, I plan on getting that and using that and a sniper rifle to play thru the whole game *click click ... pre-orders.
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    J Randall wrote: »
    I hope the power glove doesn't need ammo, I plan on getting that and using that and a sniper rifle to play thru the whole game *click click ... pre-orders.

    Fuckin' A...

  • Zephir62
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    Zephir62 polycounter lvl 12
    I love the powerglove... it's so bad.
  • MoP
  • Mister Sentient
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    Mister Sentient polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »

    I must say that their promotional material is fantastic.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    They mention Springfield Elementary in one of the previews, hopefully that means Fairfax is in the game too. It would be nice if they can fit Reston in too so we can have some super irradiated Ebola-reston!
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer interpolator
    I never played Oblivion, but i must recognize the game looks cool. Not all in this life are graphics (heh, the game Crysis supposed the Crysis in graphics, all ppl complains about graphics). When i buy a game i like to know that i'm guaranteed more than 12 hours of playing. I hate games i finish in less than 3 hours, like all those crappy first person shooters.

    I watched some videos on gametrailers, and i feel enemies like robots, animations are not quite good imho.

    Like all games it has its own good points.

    Anyone will play left 4 dead? :poly124:
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    It's out. GO GET IT NOW!!!!
  • bounchfx
    got it last night, played for about 2 hours. fantastic so far. just got to first town. haven't done really any world exploring yet, and also kinda worried that the world will be much emptier and thus a lot less to do out in the open, although I have specifically heard the contrary. also, it's post apoc, so of course there's gonna be less people about hah.

    I can't wait to get home and play some more.
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