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  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    yeah but i think Jacob is the guy that was in the previews for next week that's been dead for 12 years.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    "You're not ment to raise him"

    That, being a message from Charley, could have a couple of meanings. Charley obviously wanted to raise the kid, but at the same time Sawyer actually found Aaron after Claire disappeared with her and jack's Dad, and in the future theres obviously still something going on between Kate and Sawyer. They also haven't revealed whether or not Jack ever finds out that Claire is his sister, and thus Aaron is his nephew. That furthers the mystery of why Jack isn't ment to raise Aaron....Is this like one of those "The Island won't let it happen" kind of deals? Does the Island want Aaron back?
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    They also haven't revealed whether or not Jack ever finds out that Claire is his sister, and thus Aaron is his nephew.

    There might have been a hint to answer that one in the episode though. If you caught the line when Jack and Kate were arguing and Aaron walked in right when Jack said "You're not even related to him". Which could imply either ignorance or knowledge as to whether Aaron is his nephew or not.

    I thought the episode was mainly filler, giving us more information about the future than the past. Obviously when they wrote the Oceanic 6 and then split the groups on the island they figured out that Sawyer, Hurley and Claire were going to somehow end up on the beach. So we're given this transition episode but it shows much more of the future. Also giving us more clues that perhaps the people off the island are still in contact with people on the island (via the promise Kate made to Sawyer).

    The thing that bugs me is Aaron's size from infant baby on the island to walking talknig kid after only a year or two? Knowing that kid actor is probably like 7 or whatever bugs me a bit as far as timeline goes.

    I'm disappointed the writers have seemed to have forgotten about some of the other mystical things with the kids. (sofar anyways) If you remember in the first season with Walt and the dead birds and the strange happenings before he was with Michael, and then the psychic that freaked out about Claire's baby..They hinted at the Walt thing when Locke saw him but they seem to have gotten pushed so far back now. The ghost talker and Jacob and various other ghost things are starting to get to me a little. They just seem a bit hokey compared to all the other cool subplots from the show.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    There might have been a hint to answer that one in the episode though. If you caught the line when Jack and Kate were arguing and Aaron walked in right when Jack said "You're not even related to him". Which could imply either ignorance or knowledge as to whether Aaron is his nephew or not.

    Aah...good point, however it did come on the heels of her saying something about "her child." Although it does make a certain kind of sense when you think about how weird Jack has been about Aaron in the flash-forwards. He obviously has daddy issues and probably doesn't think he can do the daddy thing, but I think theres something more. Something else happens regarding the baby before, or while they're getting off the island. I do hope they get back to why Ben was interested in the children at first, but then obviously frightened by Walt's abilities
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Wow Jack cries A LOT. It's getting a little old that every touching moment he starts to tear up.

    Decent episode but very much the opposite of last week's.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Lost tends to have this flow though. Like there will be an episode so awesome you brain leaks awesome. Then the next week will be an episode that's meh right after. The good thing is that there are 3 episodes left including a 2 hour finale. So it should get pretty awesome.

    The Claire thing ditching Aaron was predictable. The Jack proposing to Kate was out of left field I thought. It's getting me excited to see if the Oceanic 6 make it back to the island ever.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    The last episode was definitely a filler. The one before that (with smokey) was awesome, lots of cool shit happening, typical LOST show. But the last one... What a bore.

  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    OMG no one is talking about tonight?

    WTFZ with the super-delay on island time now? The "pod" took like an hour to get to the island - but the doc died like 2 DAYS later?

    CHRISTIAN! NOT Jacob!? Speaking on his behalf? Did he get Claire high or something? Wtfz is her creepy smile about? OMGZ good episode
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    Yes very good episode. I loved it when Hurley shared his candybar with Ben.
    I am glad they are building up Locke now too. I always liked him, even when he was a bit psycho.
    My Big question is who the heck is that guy that never ages??? Could he be Jacob? And when will Locke Meet Mr. Abaddon again? very cool episode.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    I think that some of the big players are from the Black Rock. Widmore, Abaddon and Richard. I mean come on, Richard is alive in the 50's!!?? Time travel is out of the question, because you can't venture back further than the point where a time travel machine is built - and I really don't think they're going to say one was built in the 50's.

    Loved the episode, very cool. Cannot wait for next week.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    AHAH i knew jack dad wasnt jacob, FUCKERS!

    Lol josh, ya that moment was my favorite LOL, u could see how Ben sooo wanted a candybar.. tss hurley

    What was that shit that commando guy had on is arm?
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    b1ll wrote: ยป
    What was that shit that commando guy had on is arm?

    I'm just guessing, but I thought it was a bomb keyed to his pulse. So, if he dies, he 'splodes and kills his killer too.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    or he kill is buddies!
  • Mark Dygert
    I think it explodes and takes out the boat if he dies. Chuck doesn't want a boat full of people getting back talking about survivors of 815 and a mystical island if the mission to recover Ben fails, so it makes sense to sink the boat.

    Hurley and Ben's picnic was great. Also "so this is where you shot Locke and left him for dead?"

    So the "thing that belonged to young Locke", was that sand from the island?

    Have we seen a future version of Desmond yet? If not, theres a really good chance the boat does explode, and the only people to get off the island are the people Syaid brings back on the Zodiac. They drift around for a while, get picked up, the rest is history?
  • Pedro Amorim
    i loved the part where the comando in the fratier reecives the morse code saying that their doctor appeared dead on the shore. and then he says that to the doctor and bam! they kill the doctor and send him to the sea. so. the body entered the island on a location that is not 305 wich is the coordinate to safely enter the island since its probably where there are a breach on the magnetic dome created by the black rock. which means that the island is a little ahead in time when compared to the fratier. thats some mean time traveling shit going on!

    also loved the part of the gun jamming on the comando when he was trying to kill michael. he cant kill him since he spent some time on the island and now he cant be killed until he reaches the year that he was when he was on the island since in the island he is alive.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Wow, only 2 episodes left now! I cannot wait to see where they take it all. I'm guessing when Locke said they have to move the island they meant in time. Claire looked like she look a few roofies or something. So many questions left. Hopefully they'll address a bunch and not raise a ton in the next few weeks.
  • doc rob
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    doc rob polycounter lvl 19
    Time travel is cool and all - you can come up with lots of weird stories and plot twists - but jesus christ is it confusing.

    And oh look, I've gone cross-eyed.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    wel duh, its called LOST after all, AHAHAHAHAH i am FUNNEY!, SAY IT ROB, SAY IT! FUNNEY!
  • bounchfx
    such a great episode, good reveals and great moments. Can't wait for next week.

    me and my roommate were joking about how they should have just ended the episode with hurley and ben eating the candy bar after it was held for such a long time. (I love long drawn out moments like that, and they did it great) but the line after that from locke was just too awesome.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    what about the two keys where widmore knows 'when' and 'where' Ben will be? :D
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Yes very good episode. I loved it when Hurley shared his candybar with Ben.

    That scene was also my favourite and could potentially go down as one of the great exchanges within the whole show. Perfectly filmed and acted.

    Not a fan of the direction of the show right now. They are definitely building up to a "blow the island up" finale. Sayid will ferry the Oceanic 6 off the island and reveal to them what is going on, the rest of the people either are forced to stay, missed the boat, or want to stay. And the story of how they died will have to be made up. But the Oceanic 6 know that the island was nuked via these military guys. Or some other traumatic type event will no doubt happen.

    But somehow there will be left lingering the thought that the main people survived the nuking and we will be left wanting to go back to the island. Set stage for next season OFF the island, and flashes back to interactions ON the island with other cast members and the inevitable return to the island halfway through or finale of next season.

    But I am definitely NOT a fan of the ghost stories. It's bad enough we have to believe in some smoke monster, which now can be seen through time via 'special' people (john locke's childhood). And the time travel aspect, which was so blatantly put into our faces this episode with the doctor, and the insistence on bearing for the zodiac.

    Now we have to essentially believe in ghosts. We have 3 characters that don't make sense; the creepy suit dude who shows up as Ben's colleague as well as the recruiter for Juliette which made perfect sense. But now apparently has lived for 60+ years without aging a day because apparently he has access to the time machine because he seeks out John Locke as a child.

    The black guy who was with John in the hospital who most definitely has appeared in other episodes. I'm not sure where because my memory isn't that good, but I'm SURE he was part of the Dharma Initiative, or Ben's group somewhere in a past episode.

    And now Jack's Dad, Christian, who is appearing to Claire, Jack and John and who is most definitely dead. But apparently he is running the show as far as spirits go on the island.

    Plus all the extra ghosts that are one timers, like the DI guy who built the cabin, and potentially Jacob? And the guy who can see all the ghosts. Please don't tell me that in all the wonderful acting, and wonderful writing that I have to somehow start believing in ghosts. The writers made the whole spiritual connection between John and Ben VERY clear ages ago. I hope they don't explain every mystery on this island with some sort of past-dead-guy ghost who is talking to a character at a significant turning point in their life.

    I love the show, but it's starting to lose me with these latest plot devices.
  • acc
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    acc polycounter lvl 18
    Latest plot devices? Ghost stories have been an integral part of LOST since season 1. At what point did we forget following dead people through the forests and being explicitly told what to do in dream sequences almost every single episode?

    Seriously, if you weren't expecting a mystical explanation to everything after the first season then you are one hell of an optimist.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    The guy who was looking to recruit Locke as a boy has been in the show a couple of times before and they always go out of their way to make him identical to each previous occasion across different timezones.

    I don't think he is Jacob, he is almost certainly an agent of Jacob, as they don't age and all Jacob's agents seem more linked to him in terms of their reactions that have a slight time delay between reacting to someone and then speaking to them; perhaps this signifies a hive mind or is more ammunition to support Hurley's notion that only mad people can see agents of Jacob ;)

    I wonder if its more than that though, this guy is clearly the all purpose recruiter, like the Men in Black almost, i mean look at how he's always presented as a professional represetative of something larger than himself.

    What puzzles me most though is how quickly Claire's reactions have become stereotypical 'agent of Jacob', the knowing smiles exchanged between claire and her father as if everything is proceeding according to the plan / prophecy and each knows the others thoughts and presumably Jacobs.

    This to me suggests thats not really claire, that theres some cross over threshold that those that are taken my cross and the doing so deletes their own personality or the real versions are put into stasis whilst a simulacrum of them is created.

    I don't know exactly what im driving at here, but theres something there, just beyond my grasp.. which coincidentally is what I enjoy about the show.

    There's generally 2 types of viewers i suspect, those that like mysteries and those that like secrets ;)
  • Mark Dygert
    The guy who was looking to recruit Locke as a boy has been in the show a couple of times before and they always go out of their way to make him identical to each previous occasion across different timezones.
    Not exactly identical. When Ben runs into him as a kid, out in the jungle. He is looking very mountain man meets cast-away. Based on that encounter I think he's one of the crew from the Black Rock and been on the island a long time.

    I think they've kind of established that people can only travel back/forward along their own time line. So this gives him quite the range.

    Either way, I still have a man behind the curtain feeling about this guy.
    "My 'boss' says your special."
    "Who's your boss?"
    "Doesn't matter (cough) its-me (cough)"

    But that is the great thing, with so many balls up in the air, they can do so much.
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    acc wrote: ยป
    Latest plot devices? Ghost stories have been an integral part of LOST since season 1. At what point did we forget following dead people through the forests and being explicitly told what to do in dream sequences almost every single episode?

    Seriously, if you weren't expecting a mystical explanation to everything after the first season then you are one hell of an optimist.

    Only in episodes with John Locke, and later Ben. There have only been slight deviations. Jack has seen his Father, and now Claire but those were very minor (although major in connectivity). The ghosts have always to me seemed like a device to further the mysticality of the island, and of the connection between Locke and Ben. Those people have always been the most spiritual, but it's always been connected with the island.

    Now we're seeing ghosts outside of the island, Jack in the future and the ghost talker merc. We're seeing blatent time travel and/or ghosts with this recruiter dude talking to Locke when he was a kid.

    I was optimistic that they would have continued some of the stories in the past without needing ghosts to explain the connections between everything. In the first seasons we saw via flashbacks that everyone is connected somehow, and now we have flash forwards to explain future connections. But it seems like every time we need an explanation of the in between we fire up a new ghost (or a repeated ghost, or a ghost talker) in a new situation to tell our characters they or the island are special.

    I'm still enjoying it, it's just taking a bit of an easy out in my opinion in the writing on some of this stuff.
  • Cthogua
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    Cthogua polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah Saidin311 the mystical stuff has been around since day 1 really. It honestly doesn't bother me one way or the other if they're "ghosts" or extradimensional copies of themselves made by the island. The series kind of sits of a fence of science that seems like magic, and magic that could be explained by science. Honestly thats what I like about the show. It wouldn't bother me at all if they ended it as some sort of afterlife pergatory scenario...although at this point, despite the "ghosts" that seems really unlikely...and it wouldn't bother me if theres some sort of hard science explaination...but really I'm expecting some sort of quantum physics/string theory meets buddhism combination of them both.

    As far as the ghosts thing goes, it definatly opens up a large can of worms that John is interacting with Jack's (AND Claire..don't forget people)dead father, and that Miles was able to see him outside of the shed. However if you look at it another way, something like that has already occured with the Dr. being dead on the island, but not on the ship. My expectation is that what we're going to find out is that the "spirits" on the island are really just other moments in time overlapping the one we're currently in. The sounds miles heard when he found Rousseau and Carl didn't sound like much more than a replay of the scene where they get killed. Perhaps some people are able to escape this endless karmic style "replay" because they've delt with whatever issue keeps them stuck in that loop and step outside of the of time their stuck in, and that these were the "good" people that Jacob wanted. I think Alpert was trying to gauge how much the young John could "see" of his past and future lives, and it seems that John has been struggling his whole life to not accept what he is and can do.

    That freaks me out alittle bit about babies actually. Acouple of my friends have them now, and sometimes it seems like they're really trying to tell you something...and not just I'm hungry or I've pooped myself. It occured to me the other day that he could be trying to tell me what his past life was, or what the after/before life is before his newly developing personality overwrites whatever it is he knows. WHAT DO YOU KNOW BABY!!
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Vig: aye you're right on the appearance deal ( re: Ben). I beleive he was wearing the same suit when bringing the blonde doctor over that Ben then Jack sort of fell for.

    I considered the time jump deal, but it feels more significant with this guy and I'm pretty sure he isn't Jacob. I think that on a lot of occasions the show has boiled down to faith vs science
    and Jacob is a biblical name, also it means 'Supplanter, held by the heel' which might be in indication of the Jacob faction still not being the top tier on that damn island heh

    I still feel theres a giant lab, a super bunker if you will, where someone is still sitting pulling levers.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Too tired to talk. Good episode, nice setup for the 2hr finale.
  • bounchfx
    great episode. just saw narnia too. woot.

    can't wait till season finale.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    So next weeks is the finale? Ohh sweet.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    No, the finale is in 2 weeks. :(

    Pretty cool episode. Tied up some loose ends. I am still hoping for an explanation of the smoke monster by the end of the finale. *crosses fingers*
  • Waz
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    Waz polycounter lvl 17
    Nice to hear there is one week left, the way that episode was structured I thought it might be the season finale. Last 2 weeks have been really good.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    The episode was cool. It definitely feels like a lead up episode. The bit with Cheech was classic.
  • Mark Dygert
    I can't wait for Ben to pull out some more crazy beat-em stick action on Mr military dickhead guy and watch the boat go boom. You know its coming, he killed "his" daughter, Ben doesn't seam like he would let that slide.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Vig: that probably wont happen, he let locke borrow the stick :(
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Well he also had the stick back in his flashforward when he beat up the guys from The Mummy. I'm assuming that that happens soon since he woke up there with a bullet wound.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    looks like the engineroom will blow up on that ship then...
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Lost 2 hour finale about to start.... the beginning recap almost looks as though they are going to tell who's in the coffin.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    OMFG I Can't Wait :d
  • Josh_Singh
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    Josh_Singh polycounter lvl 18
    HOLY CRAP! Best season finale evar!
    Ben FTW.
  • bounchfx
    fucking amazing. Can't wait till season 5. Any idea when it starts?

    there's so much crazy stuff going on.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    Jeremy Bentham makes sense since it couldn't be a passenger name, but the coffin still looked small, unless they just folded that persons legs underneath themselves. :D
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 19
    Bastards! Starts for me in 13 minutes... How's it rate compared to the other 3 season finales???
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    anyone catch the comercial...it for the Dharma initiative

  • bounchfx
    anyone catch the comercial...it for the Dharma initiative


    yeah, at first we were like wtf lol what's this.

    but right when they said it was unpaid and my friend recognized that it was octagon, which is the shape of the Dharma logo, then lost came on right after, it became clear to us. it was like OH SHIT FAKE COMMERCIAL.

    I wish I was in California to go to the Event.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19


    JIN, noooooooooooooooo!
    Where the fuck did the island go? Past? Future? Did it just teleport?
    Yay Penny and Des! :D
    John dead? Wtf happened? OMGz
    What about Farraday? His last boat trip never made it to the ship before it blew up - did he get sucked away with the island?
    What crazy ass technology/glyphs are happening with that 'dark matter' shit?

    My head hurts. omg.
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    The dates on the Octagon Recruiting is during Comic Con....and in San Diego...nice little touch. I thought it was some stupid local company at first ^.^

    Awesome, awesome finale again. Does this show do any wrong?? (well besides the first half of season 3, but this season is #2 on my list below season 1!)
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    ya was a fucking nice finale! I HOPE LOCKE IS REALY DEAD.

    Ben is cool now.

    Jake is still gay as ever

    Walt is OLD


  • Mark Dygert
    I think Jin made it off. They where careful when the explosion went off to not engulf the back of the boat in fire. Then used the side of the helicopter to cover up the back of the boat as they circled around. Thats a long swim, but sawyer made it and was barely winded.

    Jin is an old fishermen and in good shape, I bet he gets picked up by Faraday boat full of nobodies, they drift around for weeks and finally get picked up.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome finale...

    I think Jin survived... somehow. The island may have protected Jin, maybe Michael too, since they both lived on the island for some time. Sun probably realized this, and that is why she approached Whitmore.
    I was surprised how much was revealed (finally). Of course it opened up new questions, but I'm cool with that as long as SOME things get explained along the way.

    So I assume next season involves a correlating storylines. Island people (Locke's group) and homies (the Oceanic 6+).
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