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Speed Animating Thread



  • Zh4ngZ13
    Denny Thank you, glad to share something here.

    Man, all those rigs! Downloaded them, and I hope i can play with them one day!


    Just found Richard William's book....humbled by its immense content. Going through all the basics again, and learned how to flip in Flash...
    is it fine to post these?
    I can remove them if inappropriate! :D then post something else Like bouncing ball or walks next time. Once i get them right of course.
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6

    Hey guys, a little quickie this morning, about 45 minutes, speed animation!

    Also note, if the head feels like it's bobbing a bit much, already fixed that! I should pop out another gif but I haven't slept all night and I'm exausted!
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    get.. back.. to.. page.. one.. you.. son.. of.. a..... harlot

    this thread is now about Dota2 character animations!
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJVlh3IeB3k"]centaur wip2 - YouTube[/ame]

    early progress of what I'm doing with these mad characters..
    the red hellboy guy (I'm a LoL player..) only has his fullbody keys posed out, so no love has been given to him at all yet.. the centaur got his inbetweens and shitz there.. might have him prepare for the first swing earlier though, right now the flow is kinda killed, looking rigid and game-ish as he first walks up, then prepares to chop a fool down..
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys,
    Some really sweet animations from you all, love it! I miss doing it so I'd like to throw in my ones when I have time:

    Using Arminas Didzioka's awesome model. Took me long enough (around 80mins). I'll try and stick to the 20min limit :)
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    I'm really loving that .gif workflow you showed us Stephen.

    Here's another one, cut it down to 30mins of work:
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here...it just looks odd to me. Another 30min session:
  • sketch404
    Some nice animations guys!

    PeteHawk- I think the main thing that's off about that last animation is the weight shifting. looks like he needs maybe 1 or 2 more frames for him feet to support the weight before he kicks the other foot out.

    Here's a little 40 minute run
  • Malatoar
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    Malatoar polycounter lvl 7
    Been lurking here for a few days, but this thread motivated me to make an account.
    Love the animations in here!

    An animation I made using the Stewart rig, took 35 minutes so far:
  • Malatoar
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    Malatoar polycounter lvl 7
    Made four more animations, all in +-20 minutes.


    Have some issues with the other two, though. Imgur only takes .gifs up to 2MB, and these two are a bit longer than that. Any advice where I could upload those?
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Heyo guys!! Finally posting in here after a stupid amount of time watching.

    I'm trying (slowly) to make a habit out of speed animating, 30-1hr exercises on a more then bi-weekly, not yet daily basis.

    Here's the roboter rig sulking and hurt while walking along, about 45 mins.


    I want to get in the habit of doing alot more of these in my off/down time, but get intimidated by the capture process, any suggestions on how to speed that up and make it not a pain?

    Have a good one :D
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5

    Workin on a new piece, shaped out a blockout in few hours (procrastinating).

    Thanks for the rig Andrew Helenek

    P.S. Why are many controls oriented to the world instead of a natural bone rotation axis, for egzample the wrists? It can get pretty confusing rotating the gizmo when the wrist does not really correspond to one or other axis. Not that its a big problem, just takes a bit to get used to, but I wonder why? Quicker rigging?
  • AndrewHelenek
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    AndrewHelenek polycounter lvl 6
    cainy wrote: »

    Workin on a new piece, shaped out a blockout in few hours (procrastinating).

    Thanks for the rig Andrew Helenek

    P.S. Why are many controls oriented to the world instead of a natural bone rotation axis, for egzample the wrists? It can get pretty confusing rotating the gizmo when the wrist does not really correspond to one or other axis. Not that its a big problem, just takes a bit to get used to, but I wonder why? Quicker rigging?

    Quick rigging is definatly the reason, and something I completly overlooked. With future rigs Ill make sure to correct this issue.

    I also read your post on steam, in reguards to the skinning. I'm pulling these files from the game, so these characters are pre-skinned to the bones, I'm simply adding a control rig. But the weird thing is some of the skinning either done on purpose, or the export is causing some issues. I did actually go in and clean one up in the past, but what happened is the skinning on the animation didn't line up to what I was seeing in game. So my soulution is to just leave the skinning as is, even if it's broken, simply because its the closesly represents what is seen in game. Hopefully in the future I can fix this issue as well.
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Cainy! The video is throwing me an error man :(
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Sorry! Fixed the video

    Actually the skinning is fine Andrew, its something with the viewport rendering where internal faces appear before external faces when textures are on, but its fine once it renders with mr or maya software.
  • tadpole3159
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    PeteHawk wrote: »
    Not sure what I'm doing wrong here...it just looks odd to me. Another 30min session:

    I'm no animator so I'm probably taking rubbish but isn't the problem his center of gravity? I would have thought to stay upright you would need to lunge forward a bit when you kick your leg out, like a walk cycle
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Update on the bristleback rage animation


    Next I will look at the facial animation and that mace overlap

    Maybe someone knows how to fix there rendering artifacts in viewport? Makes it impossible to work with facial animation..

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Hey Cainy, cool stuff. The facial animation is really smooth, and it's got some nice emotion to it, but after the roar (which is also baller) it looks like he snaps back to bind pose for a second, is this intentional? I think it would be way smoother if he transitions straight into his swing.

    The weight on the swing is mondo-heavy and I am a fan, but it looks like he should be falling, like there isn't enough counter balance to keep him on is singular foot for that long. The motion from the swing makes sense, and the little kick up to propel the mace is cool. Keep it up man :)

    As far as the artifacts, I'm not sure. I'd probably just hack it somehow and toggle what I need to see on and off while working with it. Good luck man :\
  • Yilativ
    Just a little animation I just finished, it no so good, but I'm just learning :)

  • Denny
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    Denny polycounter lvl 14
    I think you have the pacing and basics right. Considering how wide apart his feet are you could either add more side-to-side motion or pull the feet together just a little bit. He doesn't need to walk on a thread, but I think it could improve the animation a lot.

    If you want to fix the feet in blender, I suggest opening the graph editor and find the attribute for side motion for the feet. Select all the keys and move them together. This way you don't have to mess with a key at a time.

    If you're a beginner as you imply I think you did a great job. Walk cycles are hard.
  • Yilativ
    Denny wrote: »
    I think you have the pacing and basics right. Considering how wide apart his feet are you could either add more side-to-side motion or pull the feet together just a little bit. He doesn't need to walk on a thread, but I think it could improve the animation a lot.

    If you want to fix the feet in blender, I suggest opening the graph editor and find the attribute for side motion for the feet. Select all the keys and move them together. This way you don't have to mess with a key at a time.

    If you're a beginner as you imply I think you did a great job. Walk cycles are hard.

    Thank you Denny for the reply, and thank you for the tip, I will do this better next time, thank you :)
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5

    One little advice, do not rotate the camera around the subject, it does not help in any way. A still camera is fine for wip's, front, side,perspective and youre done :)

    Here is my update on the Rage animation, thanks for the crit, i will look into it if I can add more counterbalance to it

  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Yilativ! welcome! To loosen up te cycle, you are going to want to start moving the pelvis alot more. This will give the character alot more step and weight needed to sell the cycle. Also the arms feel stiff. If you are new to animation and you want to get better, I suggest you try some research into the frames that go into a cycle, and give a new one a go, or better yet try some basic bouncing ball excercises to get a feel for establishing weight. Good work so far, an keep it up!!!
  • Yilativ
    heboltz3 wrote: »
    Yilativ! welcome! To loosen up te cycle, you are going to want to start moving the pelvis alot more. This will give the character alot more step and weight needed to sell the cycle. Also the arms feel stiff. If you are new to animation and you want to get better, I suggest you try some research into the frames that go into a cycle, and give a new one a go, or better yet try some basic bouncing ball excercises to get a feel for establishing weight. Good work so far, an keep it up!!!

    Thank you heboltz3, thank you for the tip, you are right, for my next works I will consider it. And yes, i'm just starting to work with animations, trying to learn, etc..
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Little update

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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    sticky dis shiiit!
    love this thread!
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    Right? It's so good. I know dick about animation, but I'll provide feedback when I can. Most of the time I just lurk and admire the work here. Keep it up ladies and gents
  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    STRIKER wrote: »
    sticky dis shiiit!
    love this thread!

    All I want for Christmas, is thisss!
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome to see all the new anims in this thread. It's like christmas morning everytime there's a new post :poly108:

    Here's a first go at animating in maya (Thanks for riggin these characters up!, Andrew)
    [An unspeedy 4.5hrs to complete]
    the linear blocking phase is basically finished in this gif (Aside from minor clipping issues).
    That said, I probably won't end up polishing this anim since the character in the back doesn't read all that well.
  • tadpole3159
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    tadpole3159 polycounter lvl 12
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA5s4jHQ-i8"]Running Man - YouTube[/ame]

    yahoo! he's got that Christmas feeling
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5

    Getting there, will do an update in a few weeks.
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    The beginings of a new piece

  • Kave
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    Kave triangle
    Those are awesome cainy, Bristleback one is especially awesome :D
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Small update


    thank you Kave
  • Pivot
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    Pivot polycounter lvl 6
    An animation thread! And it's full of rad character animation! Y'all are awesome, animation is hard.

    I just started learnin' how to do stuff in Maya... at this point, I'd still rather use 3dsmax. ._.


  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Nice job Pivot :)

    Would be cool to see some squash on the bread as it hits the floor, try lattice. Bread could also drop and bounce of the floor harder as it gets a little soft on the bounce up to full stop, but that's all I can say :D
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Just realised im not subbed to this awesome thread....done!
    Will contribute soon
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Took a little longer on this one, was trying out the new grease tool in Maya, it can really help out! Just need to get practicing on my 2D animations for it.

  • Sel
    I figured I would finally chime in with a contribution. Here's a run cycle I made in Maya for a game called Sanctuary that I'm working on, fairly simple and took me around 1 hour to make.(Hope the gif frame rate isn't messed up)


    His name is Tetch and you might see more of him in the future but I also want to sink my teeth into those Dota rigs for some more variation in my reel.
  • joarwho
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    joarwho polycounter lvl 5
    I spent way too much time on this, like 2 hours. But man, run cycles are hard! I'm gonna do some more research and find more reference material before I start cleaning up the animation.

  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Get that body twisting as hes running joarwho :) chect and hips
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5

    sorry for double post, new update
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Someone should use this rig! I made the model and my girlfriend rigged it. Would love to see someone make a speed animation.
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    hey I made a run cycle with it and emailed it to you some time ago :D
  • Sel
    Anyone here who uses Houdini? I've been trying to get more used to the animation side of it but I can't really find any rigs to use.
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    another tiny update on this piece


    more rocks flying around and made up a bit of an end for it, but its too short
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    For whatever reason, felt like I needed to practice weight control using spacing, today.
    Simple balls are all that are needed for practicing sometimes...
  • 87roach
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    87roach polycounter lvl 5
    Your link is broken Stephen.
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5

    New small update from me also

  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    cainy, I like how the pillar? rolls around on his back near the beginning. Nice touch :icon60:


    Here I've begun to choreograph out a fight scene.
    In this step, I began plotting down my main storyboard ideas with what I'd like to see happen in the battle.

    I also wanted to challenge myself with this anim. so...
    I decided that the 1 rule I'd follow would be that the fight had to loop seamlessly without either character going off-screen.
    [Deleted Old Version]
  • cainy
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    cainy polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Stephen, thanks! The barrel looks a bit broken in the end dough, might have to fix it :)

    Also, your link does not work
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