mxdirector: I know it's a pain to find a rig you like and not be able to use it in your prefered program to animate. It's just how it is as you have understand already. It wouldnt hurt to learn a few basic things about rigging in maya, it does help a lot to get things moving by yourself. There are auto riggers in creativecrash that do wonders, after that it's a matter of paiting weights and you're good to go. Send me this arms you posted and I'll try to rig it quickly for you and anyone that would want to animate FPS with it, I know I would.
@mxdirector As soon as I get free time from crunch and sorting my reel il be releasing my rigging tools for Maya, along with a sample rig.
With my tools should make it pretty easy to rig up spiders and bipeds with just a few clicks, fully scalable rig and plenty of options, but not complicated.
For those wondering its going to be a python script, currently its around 2k lines and the rig will be a really nice low impact rig ive been working on.
Keep it up people!
A quick half hour idle animation for a university project. I just rigged and animated. Our game is aimed to be pretty low poly/cartoony. Still loads to do but got so many animations to do on 4-5 characters that I am rushing abit
there is the 11 second club site, but that seems to be predominantly movie related animation and not game
Yea, I remember posting there a few months ago, every time I posted my work the only responses I got were either, "another game animation", or "I don't work on game animations, but I guess this is good"
I would totally Join a website devoted to game animators, as it is my aspirations to become one :P. Could have our own devoted Google hangout sessions to help and crit eachother!
I always wondered why there's no animation subforum here on polycount... since every game needs animations... And between all the enviroment and character the animation threads always get lost... sadly.
Figured I'd throw something in as well. I'm hardly an efficient animator but I do enjoy the artistic freedom it offers. These were tiny class assignments. Each around 15 to 20 minutes.
Wow, never saw this I have to go back and read twelve more pages on this site...:)
*Edit : All caught up...Amazing. I did port over the 11 second rig for Max, but unfortunately it breaks too easily. I'm in the process of fixing the problems with it.
Can't believe I am actually about to Crit such an awesome animator compared to myself but I feel that with the amount of particles that are emitted because of the strike that maybe on the highest point his back could be arched a slight bit more and the strike down could maybe benefit from been a frame or 2 faster? Take what I say with a pinch of salt as I am only a nooby :P
Thanks for the feedback, Rmunday
i had a look in the file to see whats what. A few ppl mentioned the spine needing to be arched as well.
My guess is it probably just didn't show well through the camera's perspective. Flat cartoony shader and all
_______Side Perspective. __________Video Persp.________________
I did however make some minor tweeks regarding the impact
I agree with the others.
I think you should make his slam one handed, because the whole force of the motion just goes away as he catches the sword with the other hand.
Or make it two handed from the start.
And make the slice ark a bit more vertical.
Shameless bump with dinosaur animations! Because dinosaur animations are cool!
Where are all the other animators in the world? It's almost been a month, guess we're all pretty busy!
Dude really nice dino anims! With the braco I think it could do with a little more weight on the downs to emphasise its size(probs with some stronger follow through on the head/neck area). The t-rex cycle is sick and im loving the bracos tail swinging=D
@cainy: To embed Vimeo,you can place the links between these brackets- [v v][/v v] -No spaces between the V's. I had to hit the spacebar in order for it to show up as text
Lately, been thinking bout tackling a whole lot more animation, by hand, to help progress.
Thanks man, its not perfect but im still working on it
Btw, did anyone see a giraffe trot like a horse? Can such a large animal actually trot, if I animate a giraffe trotting it might look much lighter than it is. I haven't found any reference apart from slow walks and massive heavy runs due to their size and long neck.
lov it! great thread
Since i do tricking. for the backflip/ scissor kick, you start tucking once ur at peak height. If you were to actually lean backwards right when you jump. you wont' be able to go as high and you'll land at ur back or neck before you even flip around.
Animation Buffet I find myself going back to this site quite a bit. It's more of a collection of rigs from all different sites.
With my tools should make it pretty easy to rig up spiders and bipeds with just a few clicks, fully scalable rig and plenty of options, but not complicated.
For those wondering its going to be a python script, currently its around 2k lines and the rig will be a really nice low impact rig ive been working on.
Keep it up people!
My python tool is almost there, just running into issues with IK Spline back making but should be getting there soon.
OFF TOPIC: We need animators for our project, interested? Here's the thread: Star Wars Battlecry
I couldn't agree more, it sucks that there seems to be a lack of influence of animators on polycount.
We could create the Framecount Forums. My lack of originality kills me inside. :poly124:
Yea, I remember posting there a few months ago, every time I posted my work the only responses I got were either, "another game animation", or "I don't work on game animations, but I guess this is good"
The lack of criticism made me sad.
I don't see why it would. Animation is animation! :thumbup:
And a less than satisfactory robot walk.
Viewport perspective:
*Edit : All caught up...Amazing. I did port over the 11 second rig for Max, but unfortunately it breaks too easily. I'm in the process of fixing the problems with it.
i had a look in the file to see whats what. A few ppl mentioned the spine needing to be arched as well.
My guess is it probably just didn't show well through the camera's perspective. Flat cartoony shader and all
_______Side Perspective. __________Video Persp.________________
I did however make some minor tweeks regarding the impact
(I just found it on Reddit and thought I'd share it)
I think you should make his slam one handed, because the whole force of the motion just goes away as he catches the sword with the other hand.
Or make it two handed from the start.
And make the slice ark a bit more vertical.
Otherwise damn nice!
Keep the awesome coming!
Not much as I dont really count the time I spent on animation, but this idle was around 10-15 minutes to start with
OMG!!!! Incredibul!!!!
Where are all the other animators in the world? It's almost been a month, guess we're all pretty busy!
Dude really nice dino anims! With the braco I think it could do with a little more weight on the downs to emphasise its size(probs with some stronger follow through on the head/neck area). The t-rex cycle is sick and im loving the bracos tail swinging=D
Looks like a fun project to be working with
One thing to keep an eye on...For whatever reason, the embedded vimeo video seems to be cutting off the model in your animations
somethign I did not too long ago, still want to fix that horrible popint hand
(sorry i cant seem to be able to embed videos on polycount)
Lately, been thinking bout tackling a whole lot more animation, by hand, to help progress.
Sadly if i try the brackets it lies to me, video does exist
To embed Vimeo links, only enter the # at the end of your vimeo's url into these brackets
[vv ]123456[/vv ]
Btw, did anyone see a giraffe trot like a horse? Can such a large animal actually trot, if I animate a giraffe trotting it might look much lighter than it is. I haven't found any reference apart from slow walks and massive heavy runs due to their size and long neck.
Here's your giraffe trotting - By ILM
Good start to the animation as well
29mins into this backflip anim. Thinking of pushing it to be a scissor-kick
So I'll toss in some little cycles I did not to long ago.
Here's something I did recently. Still kinda working on the basics of animation.
done this today, the trot didnt work as it looked like a total horse
p.s. sorry steve I still wasn't able to get the embed function to work like you adviced. awesome jumps btw
Since i do tricking. for the backflip/ scissor kick, you start tucking once ur at peak height. If you were to actually lean backwards right when you jump. you wont' be able to go as high and you'll land at ur back or neck before you even flip around.
ahh you're right Iciban - I should gather reference before slapping down some animation :poly122:
Try this Cainy
[vv]69966246[/vv ] -is what I typed to make it work. Just remove the space at the very end between the letter 'v' and the bracket.
got it, thanks!
bit of reel update