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What made you feel crap today?



  • shaderfx
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    shaderfx polycounter lvl 9

    If that is real, that is a new low point for humanity.
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    fucking idiots will buy anything :thumbdown:
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    WarrenM wrote: »
    Oh come on...

    I know its small fish when there is much bigger issues in the world but animal cruelty really gets my goat.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    thats fucked up man.

    how can people smart enough to make a oxygenated nutrient pack be so fucking dim towards the abuse animal itself, I don't want to seem overly anti chinese as fuck it half the electronics in my room will have made in china stamped somewhere on it, but I think the chinese are supremely guilty of knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing.

    only thing that made me feel shitty prior to seeing that shit was having to dismantle and reassemble my router network which is in a near impossible space to get to and you can't sit down while you do it..
  • Memory
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    Memory polycounter lvl 10
    Uhhh...sorry people. That's just colored water and they only live for hours.


    Try to have a better day!
  • LRoy
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    LRoy polycounter lvl 10
  • WarrenM
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    I know its small fish when there is much bigger issues in the world but animal cruelty really gets my goat.
    My comment was directed at them, not you. That's bullshit and anyone buying one should feel like a terrible human being.
  • burgone
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    getting annoyed with the tuter saying a boat is not classed a periodoric assest
  • burgone
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    By the way the animal post earlier is disturbing and all i can say is that animals are not something you have for a keyring or anything down that line
  • littleclaude
  • Visum
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    Visum polycounter lvl 7
    I had a good day till I decided to see what made others feel bad.
    This animal thing. Ugh.. Feck me.
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    People who don't know how to do their job and make me stay late because they don't know what they are doing even though you give them specific instructions days in advance (several times) on how to properly render the files you need.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    People who don't know how to do their job and make me stay late because they don't know what they are doing even though you give them specific instructions days in advance (several times) on how to properly render the files you need.

    God you have given me a flash back, RAGE! People breaking a build on a Friday night and going home before you. Or not rendering out a pass for the flame opp which takes about 5-8 hours and I had to wait until its finished so the flame guy can get cracking with it in the morning. Wife waiting with friends in bar downstairs in Soho on a prearranged night out. Then having to come back into London to hand it over because the guy is off his head and not answering his phone while having a great night out..........Clients Monday morning thank you all for you hard work and twat face is taking in all the complements.......happened to many times to be funny.

    I feel for you guys :P

    This is what it felt like I wanted to do but without the punch.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4bzrCy7--I"]True Lies Arnold gets mad - YouTube[/ame]
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 17
  • AndroidBebop
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    I don't know if I can trust someone who I am working on a project with, I am investing time and money in this project. I don't think he trusts me either, I don't need to be feeling this way but I just can't back out of this project now.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    A bit sad, I guess, I stopped teaching ballroom dancing as instructor. I want to work in game industry, but it will take a long time for that, and not working will probably make me lazy and not productive. But then again I don't want to work crappy jobs until then. I can sustain for awhile, but not indefinite.

    Another thing also that made me sad;
    Either... Gen X invent proper space travel, Baby Boomers sponsor it, and Gen Y are the workforce colonizing planets...
    Gen Y start World War 3.

    I'm sad that I can actually see the scenarios happening.

  • Wozner
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    Wozner polycounter lvl 10
    I have lost my inspiration, I do not know what I want to model but I know that I want to be a good level designer.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    heavily bruised that crux between my thumb and forefinger weightlifting, only brightside is its on my left hand so im still okay to draw and sculpt.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Today I will be finishing up the last asset for my only currently running contract, so I will be jobless. Again. Hoping something hits November, as scheduled, so I can keep working. But for now, being jobless, and unable to find more work as of yet, is making me feel crap today.
  • hannes d
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    hannes d polycounter lvl 12
    i m happy today :D
  • TrampledUnderFoot
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    TrampledUnderFoot polycounter lvl 7
    Car overheating on the way to work and being to broke to properly fix it :(

    Could be worse I suppose.
  • donaalazen
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    A failed costume for Halloween.:(
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Vintage Ads That Would Be Banned Today - http://www.boredpanda.com/vintage-ads/

  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Moving 500lbs metal beam for an elevator shaft between 4 people to end up in the hospital for the worst cut i've seen on me yet, 10 to 15 stitches and a fractured tuberosity.

    On my DRAWING hand time to switch hands me thinks... but making a joke about it for life cause it was my middle finger and I get to share the experience with everyone that wants to see the scar and hear the story ;) ... get It.
  • illo
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    wait...what did you fracture?
  • tonyd927
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    Looking at all the models Ive made. This made me feel like crap for 3 reasons.
    1. Im not finding a job
    2. I suck
    3. I suck
  • xalener
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    xalener polycounter lvl 5
    no gf, no job, no portfolio, no artistic drive to complete one, no money, no education, quite a few loved ones are dying. The usual bullshit.
    D4V1DC wrote: »
    fractured tuberosity.

    Jesus fffffff ok I'm not sad anymore. I have knee problems anyway but just reading that is asjdifglakjfgfh
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    illo wrote: »
    wait...what did you fracture?


    you guys should have been there for the stitching, it was healthy ground beef coming out of skin. The Nurse/doctor did an amazing job stitching up that mess..

    Crap today ... the pain and i can feel the slice where my finger was open and realizing my finger print was on the side of my finger yesterday... pretty much so open you saw finger bone.

    I hope i have at least a week off before going back to work...

    From this image
    picture at the very top at the end of your nail going somewhat straight down to that first line the gash this guy has but way bigger.
    (That is not my hand or finger just give a visual.)

    Just hope it doesn't look like crap at the end of all the healing.

    Just want to say people dieing is worse than anything, sry.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    D4V1DC, I wish a fast recovery for you. I cut through my left index finger deep enough to see the interior of the bone(proximal phalanx) as a kid. The doctor did some magical sewing job and it healed. It works completely normal now. It left a scar though.

    xalener, sorry to hear that. I lost 2 friends this year so I can relate :(

    EDIT: removed some details from my finger accident so people won't get nausea
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    xalener wrote: »
    no gf, no job, no portfolio, no artistic drive to complete one, no money, no education, quite a few loved ones are dying. The usual bullshit.

    Jesus fffffff ok I'm not sad anymore. I have knee problems anyway but just reading that is asjdifglakjfgfh

    Join the PC hangouts. That will help your drive and portfolio. Links on last page of the sticky in this section.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I'll post an actual picture soon, hey if nothing else it will be good reference for those gruesome portfolio pieces. Except i didn't get to nab the fresh injury so that one is out the window, but got them stitches and discoloration still going fresh so bonus?

    :) Yea I am hurting but meh, i tried to be a man and deal with the pain so (no drugs) that lasted about 4 hours after i woke up today then it was like fff diss pop 1 pill, the doctor recommended 3, i would rather not o.d. on pills so stuck it out, but about to pop another to sleep well enough.

    Changing the dressing today was tough one handed but revisiting the disgusting horror show was not encouraging and just all around upsetting. I can't really sue either because it is "family owned business", sort of.. I tried drawing but it is uncomfortable though been training my left all day today and yesterday so progress is slow.

    Thanks every one and EmAr, an actually i was being nice revisiting the work she did she probably could have done better and or placed more stitching because i have some curvy parts i dislike, i hope the end result is almost normal. :(

    Sry bout the bad news everyone i got issues with people bout 2 pass so i kno the feeling.. this thread is a bit of a downer but this is reality.
    Ijust sort of have comfort in that my numerous scars will disappear when i do.

    okay gone to far now time for a pill and sleep, thank you for the kind words again i appreciate them cause this does suck.

    probably just edit this post and post the picture so i dont bump this thread if people are getting annoyed.

    As promised made video and here is picture, both kind of suck in quality.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Bombed my math final today. I did not stop studying every day until 5 AM for the last two weeks. I focused on the second half of the semester's material because finals from previous years have shown about 70% of the exams being related to the last three chapters that we covered in class.

    Of course on my actual test, there were only 2-3 questions related to the end of the year material and the majority of it required formulas you had to remember from the first two chapters.

    Looks like I'll be taking the same class again next semester -_-. Man I fucking hate math.
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Randomly bumped into a crush I forgot I still have.
  • samifira
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    samifira polycounter lvl 11
    Submitted my art test yesterday and got told they're moving on with another candidate

  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I still can't properly work with time planning. Time is seriously my arch nemesis by now.
  • Francois_K
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    Francois_K interpolator
    I get the feeling that I'm so crap and that I won't land a proper job next year but I know these are all temporary feelings and I should man up and get over it but I've been demotivated for a while now and it's just a terrible feeling.
    Through this I've been neglecting the little things in my household like dishes and laundry and now I just sit infront of the PC trying to motivate myself to slap myself in the face going "wake the fuck up damnit , get a move on"

    Knowing all this i should act differently. Gr.

    Maybe today will be different.
  • Kitty|Owl
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    Kitty|Owl polycounter lvl 3
    I have a hangover and my washing machine is going crazy.
  • Zocky
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    Zocky greentooth
    Hm, well, where to start. :P

    3 weeks or so ago, worked on my budhist temple scene in UDK, computer frozen, and after restart, i found out it killed my scene for good, same with assets (but i made backup of package, so atleast assets were saved).

    Then i found it the reason most probably is poor power supply unit (not the first time in crashed on my like that at all).
    So i went to to online computer shop (it's relatively near) to order new PSU unit. So almost 3 weeks were gone, no reply. I sent reply yestarday, WTF is going on.

    So, today, they tell me, without really saying sorry or anything, that it seems like this PSU is no longer available (even though it was and still is in their online store). Shit happens, what can you do, but good thing it took them only THREE freaking weeks (and even then after i started to bug them via emails) to find out that one info. Geez...XD

    Soooo yeah, all in all, it's been great day . XD
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Realizing how reliant I am on my medicine to even slightly enjoy everyday life has kind of bummed me out a lot. The struggle for getting some form of normalcy back in life is grating, especially this time of year.

    I guess worst of all is that I've started drawing again and while I enjoy it the times I try it out, I can't help but think what would have happened if I'd gotten proper support when I was younger and learned during those very important character building years how to master a craft.

    Now I just feel late to a party that is constantly outrunning me.

    But I guess it get's better, at least I have this forum with its amazing people and content to inspire and strive for.

    Drugs are bad mkay, so is listening to detractors :D
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Great day. Went from being offered a CG job in advertising that was pretty low pay (probably *slightly* above supermarket salary) then when asking if they negotiate the salary they instead take back the offer and tell me good luck due to my 'unrealistic' expectations.
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    I had a headache today. It's not a fractured tuberosity but it's still a pain.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Super wrote: »
    Great day. Went from being offered a CG job in advertising that was pretty low pay (probably *slightly* above supermarket salary) then when asking if they negotiate the salary they instead take back the offer and tell me good luck due to my 'unrealistic' expectations.
    I dare say you dodged a bullet there. You're better off not dealing with people like that.
  • Stirls
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    Stirls polycounter lvl 8
    It's my birthday and I had a severe allergic reaction to some food I ate. Also waiting for my Bosto 22HD, which I ordered a month ago for $900.
  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    I accidentally clicked shift-delete in zelous attempt to fix code project. I clicked it on entire project folder. 4gb of assets and levels gone. haha.
    Fortunately I still had original assets and some original code.

    And look at bright side. It's good occasion to reorganize it, to more into some more easy to manage ;D

    It didn't made me feel crap exactly. I was at worst irritated for like 5 mins.
  • Dave Jr
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    Dave Jr polycounter lvl 9
    Super wrote: »
    Great day. Went from being offered a CG job in advertising that was pretty low pay (probably *slightly* above supermarket salary) then when asking if they negotiate the salary they instead take back the offer and tell me good luck due to my 'unrealistic' expectations.

    Believe me when I say, you can earn as much from CG as from games; and to not accept anything even remotely similar to a supermarket role.
  • PollySong
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    PollySong polycounter lvl 14
    I was in a hurry and accidentally kneed myself on the nose while trying to put on a sock while standing up. On the subway on my way to work I had to keep wiping my teary, bloodshot, eyes and bloody nose.
  • low odor
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 6
    Just got back from the Hospital my father had a stroke and has a bleed on his brain, speech went all fucky and weakness on the left side.

    Gonna be going back in a few hours this time with my mom, its all quite a lot to process :/.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    Sorry to hear that ExcessiveZero, something similar happened to my father in the past. It's not something easy to go through, hopefully things work out for the best for your family.
  • Super
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    Super polycounter lvl 18
    Jackablade wrote: »
    I dare say you dodged a bullet there. You're better off not dealing with people like that.
    Dave Jr wrote: »
    Believe me when I say, you can earn as much from CG as from games; and to not accept anything even remotely similar to a supermarket role.

    Hmmm. Yeah. They claimed it was due to inexperience within that industry but I quoted what I consider the going rate and I asked if they could negotiate, even slightly. Then they got all pissy. Really bugged me since I've been trying to land a full time studio role but it was the same wage as say an office temp or whatever and there was no mention of it being a junior role.

    Thinking back, they didn't even show me around the studio so I had no idea about hardware or the vibe of the place, and they didn't ask about how I went about creating the portfolio pieces I took but none the less, feels crap now I have no offer at all.

    ExcessiveZero, that's terrible. I hope things improve for you and your family. Try to keep positive..
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