having some outsource company mess with the scene file that I put my hard work in.(ie naming conventions, UVs...etc) to be sent back to me to be fixed.
This is a really shitty image, so click it at your own peril if you don't want to lose faith in people who follow media news and their priorities: http://i.imgur.com/H6VnEQq.jpg
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18-xvIjH8T4"]Slow loris[/ame] are taken out of the wild for the exotic pet trade but not before clipping their teeth off which leads to infection and a painful death and they're endangered already and some insane backwater people also treat them as some sort of magic dispenser so they dismember them and other such nonsense.
usual outsourcer bashing in the VFX discussion and the borderline racism when it comes to chinese and indians - bad quality, work for peanuts, no standards, yadda yadda. As if it were the fault of the people here - who too just want to work in the field they love - that the salaries in their country are low. What are people expecting? That the average Chinese VFX grunt asks for the salary of a factory manager? Or that they don't become VFX artists out of solidarity to their american counterparts? gah....
Just makes me angry. At least the studio heads stay away from this in their interviews.
Yeah that kinda bugs me too. Especially with the "greenscreen spring" as some people have come to call it going on right now. Subsidies do a lot more harm to the industry than outsourcers, but people prefer to point the finger at them. It really irks me.
fxing thank you fxing commie fxing party of fxing china. The moment I opened my eyes I was greeted with a blaring opera style communist propaganda song, which's every second line was something like ping ping zai. They blared it from the loudspeakers of the nearby elementary school. 1 fxing hour long. In the west someone with a rifle would have shot at least the person who turned the damn loudspeaker on. I feel like I've been hit on the head with a spade. I feel like I've been lobotomized. I'm super upset and not even a good cup of coffee is gonna help. Maybe the chinese government wants their children in the same zombie like state I am now. Heck, I have no idea how to rescue this day. It's been fxked up the moment I woke up. why do they have to do this? would it be so bad if there was just silence instead of this annoying glory-to-the-fxing-party crap?!
haha. had a guy at school who named variables like this in his assignments. the professor asked him why he's doing it and he said that's what's in his mind when programming. He still passed though because he was just an awesome programmer hehe
Just watched one of my best friends at work get handed a pink slip, along with a third of the company.......first time going through layoffs, this is pretty brutal.
A Torture and Execution device as a means of executing criminals. The head of the bull was designed with a complex system of tubes and stops so that the prisoner's screams were converted into sounds like the bellowing of an infuriated bull.
This is the breathing pipe, you can imagine what the exhale must have sounded like!
Perillos is the artist who made it was ticked by Phalaris when he said he would like to hear how it sounds and when he climbed inside he locked the door and he lit the fire below, now that's one way of getting out of paying a freelance artist!
Phalaris was renowned for his excessive cruelty. Among his alleged atrocities is cannibalism; he was said to have eaten suckling babies.
I came across this on my procrastination detour....there is some thing about research and me that I always end up finding some very CRAP stuff but I will finish my research paper today!
New fashion jewelry in China, animals living under plastic containing a liquid nutrient and oxygen that allows them to live up to 2 months.
...Get it? Feel crap? Like.... Like touching crap....
I'll just leave now....
Your plumber makes you touch your faeces? Odd.
R & H getting cut off at the Oscars last night, just as he was about to say how shit the Visual Effects industry is now.
fuck those fuckers, see how they like making a game with ASCII art instead!
Also, been applying for work for over three months now and not a single answer. And if I don't hired before May I'll get deported.
Just makes me angry. At least the studio heads stay away from this in their interviews.
Nooo, sorry to hear that dude
^^^ lolz
Max script wasn't working, so I started again where all the variables and functions have the word fuck in them. I feel slightly better now.
*Hits execute code*
*PC explodes*
uninstall it!
explanation >_>
A Torture and Execution device as a means of executing criminals. The head of the bull was designed with a complex system of tubes and stops so that the prisoner's screams were converted into sounds like the bellowing of an infuriated bull.
This is the breathing pipe, you can imagine what the exhale must have sounded like!
Perillos is the artist who made it was ticked by Phalaris when he said he would like to hear how it sounds and when he climbed inside he locked the door and he lit the fire below, now that's one way of getting out of paying a freelance artist!
Phalaris was renowned for his excessive cruelty. Among his alleged atrocities is cannibalism; he was said to have eaten suckling babies.
Wow, what a Bastard!
hey starbreeze, please do similar game, but much longer! want mooar!
New fashion jewelry in China, animals living under plastic containing a liquid nutrient and oxygen that allows them to live up to 2 months.
Please sign this to ban this stupid product and post it up on your Facebook.