I'm woeking on a mace for void, but i dont need the particle effect that comes with it (void's mace has particle effects in the middle of its 'tentacle things') Do you think i can remove it somehow ? will valve accept my models if it looks weird with the particle (and remove the partivle effect for me) or will it refuse my model ?
dude for real you steal others works cause it looks almost liek the concept.
Noone is fighting your work here its about on WHAT you work.
It would be a shame for me if i have to steal the work of others, cause if you think into yourself.. wouldnt you hate that guy who ignored your rights and make money with this?
by the style of your articulation i think your not that high aged so i would assume you take the critique of us guys serious
Ok so i'm trying to upload a few items for Nyx Assassin, and for most of them this is what happens (see attached image).
The import in game works fine for all of the objects, but then while after i click on submit to publish the object i get that screen...Any clue on what am i doing wrong?
Ok so i'm trying to upload a few items for Nyx Assassin, and for most of them this is what happens (see attached image).
The import in game works fine for all of the objects, but then while after i click on submit to publish the object i get that screen...Any clue on what am i doing wrong?
Nice Ogre Magi set anyway
it happens if your thumbnail picture size different from valve want.
Me and Dry got some textures going on our courier, here's a screengrab of the diffuse. We've got like 3 days to come up with names for these guys, ugh.
Gah so many ideas so little time! Which hero should i make a set for?
Bounty Hunter
Elder Titan
Night stalker
Sand King
Chaos knight
Thanks Zaphk and very nice also the illustration!
@ Someguy: isn't Naix supposed to be Lifestealer? Is he even added to the editable characters? Maybe you meant Nyx?
Anyway i'd say Nightstalker, he doesn't have many sets!
Edit: ok so maybe i'm a bit outdated, where do people get their base model recently? cause i just noticed that a few items for Abaddon were added some patch ago, so where do i get the abaddon source files? Or Nightstalker...
@ stoofoo: love the assasin type look your set has .
@ motenai: ye by naix i meant lifestealer like with night stalker his model hasnt been officially released so you cant submit equipment for these heroes, allthough you can still create equipment for them they wont be considered for game use untill they put the hero models onto the technical requirements. As for how you get ahold of the files for these models I have no idea but im sure most people on polycount know how if they play dota.
So basically ignore the fact that some havent been released yet i just got ideas for all of them but dont have time to draw all those ideas just one of them.
Ok quick question, im making a bh item set, thing is it says he has an arm slot yet the arm slot isnt mentioned in his requirments, does this mean you can or cant make an arm item for him?
@Someguy, I'm not sure about that... There's only one arm item for bounty in game. Maybe they gave up on it because it was stretching the budget too much on the other items.
A lot of people on the workshop are saying that the light bone on my doom sword was a bit too jarring so I tried out making most of it darker similar to the horns. Do you guys think it's better this way?
I really like the way you do your promotional images Vlad, do you take the models from the game or are you creating the entire image from your head?
Also, does anyone have a resource from where they can get all of the base model images to draw over (for concept art)? I mean images like this:
Although it would be more useful in a straight front + back view.
I know cyborgmatt posts a few but if somewhere else has them all in one place that would be really useful.
abaddon is annoying to texture for due to all his crazy gradients
thats from another game isnt it?
Beast of Steel and Stone by Reverend
Facade Headdress by Reverend
Banner of Demathryx by Reverend
Almost done! Need to finish the weapon and fix some texture problems.
Just finished up a quick head slot for Pudge, might be a little too modern but I figured it's worth a shot.
Just submitted my Invoker Forge Spirit for the July Contest.
Go for it, and you'll be banned in steam
but you still didnt give any credit for the concept artist, and you never mention whether you intend to submit it to steam - i can only assume you do.
I'm woeking on a mace for void, but i dont need the particle effect that comes with it (void's mace has particle effects in the middle of its 'tentacle things') Do you think i can remove it somehow ? will valve accept my models if it looks weird with the particle (and remove the partivle effect for me) or will it refuse my model ?
Noone is fighting your work here its about on WHAT you work.
It would be a shame for me if i have to steal the work of others, cause if you think into yourself.. wouldnt you hate that guy who ignored your rights and make money with this?
by the style of your articulation i think your not that high aged so i would assume you take the critique of us guys serious
The import in game works fine for all of the objects, but then while after i click on submit to publish the object i get that screen...Any clue on what am i doing wrong?
Nice Ogre Magi set anyway
e: motenai: You are doing nothing wrong. That happens when the server are experiencing heavy load. Just wait a few hours or try until it works.
Abaddon helmet and shoulder detail
it happens if your thumbnail picture size different from valve want.
That's wicked sick!
Doing a cleanup on the blood right now, then icons!
Check it out on the Workshop for more images
Guardian of the Sacred Nyx Orb
Ceremonial Meranthic Sword by Murderface626
That looks awesome!
Me and Dry got some textures going on our courier, here's a screengrab of the diffuse. We've got like 3 days to come up with names for these guys, ugh.
Behemoth's Edge by Zipfinator and Hellmouth
I'm doing the courier. Nagi's son. cute and pop-eyed tadpole. I want to start broadcasting. will create a mount for the courier.
Lily Monarch
Marketing illustration done!
Bounty Hunter
Elder Titan
Night stalker
Sand King
Chaos knight
Andddd submitted!
@ Someguy: isn't Naix supposed to be Lifestealer? Is he even added to the editable characters? Maybe you meant Nyx?
Anyway i'd say Nightstalker, he doesn't have many sets!
Edit: ok so maybe i'm a bit outdated, where do people get their base model recently? cause i just noticed that a few items for Abaddon were added some patch ago, so where do i get the abaddon source files? Or Nightstalker...
@ motenai: ye by naix i meant lifestealer like with night stalker his model hasnt been officially released so you cant submit equipment for these heroes, allthough you can still create equipment for them they wont be considered for game use untill they put the hero models onto the technical requirements. As for how you get ahold of the files for these models I have no idea but im sure most people on polycount know how if they play dota.
So basically ignore the fact that some havent been released yet i just got ideas for all of them but dont have time to draw all those ideas just one of them.
P.S love your nyx set :P
A lot of people on the workshop are saying that the light bone on my doom sword was a bit too jarring so I tried out making most of it darker similar to the horns. Do you guys think it's better this way?
Almost finished with the blockout of an OD set I'm making, and...it crashes when I try to test it in the Dota local server preview, again. Nice.
And the item is here
Done high poly model for sceleton
Also, does anyone have a resource from where they can get all of the base model images to draw over (for concept art)? I mean images like this:
Although it would be more useful in a straight front + back view.
I know cyborgmatt posts a few but if somewhere else has them all in one place that would be really useful.