I really like that MechBgum! Reminds me that I still need to update mine sometime , lots of improvements I have in mind and still need to remake a head, bah. Really love the direction you went overall.
Good job everyone! So proud of you guys! Seems like a lot of very recent items got in but glad to see that older sets like Anuxi's Naga set got in.
So hopefully someone can help me with some stuff. So after filling out my personal/bank info for Valve it says I have to fill out a W-9 for my TIN or be subject to the 28% tax withholding. I'm new to this stuff since its my first item (as well as taxes in general) so I'm not sure how to go about this. Like is it worth it to file the W-9 with whatever amount I make off the item or just take the 28% withholding? Feel free to message me if you don't feel like schooling me in this thread
Crosspost from the competition thread. Thanks for everyone's help. It's nice to be able to give back to Vlad, Helljumper and polycount! The Jade Dragon by Starmony
Crosspost from the competition thread. Thanks for everyone's help. It's nice to be able to give back to Vlad, Helljumper and polycount! The Jade Dragon by Starmony
It looks pretty good in game but that thumbnail presentation could use some touching up considering it's the first and possibly only thing people see. You should paint some of the glow in like it has in game and render it with some kind of real time shader instead of flat lighting at the very least.
so i was browsing reddit and i saw this DK set. The weapon is pretty much the same idea as http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=139583923 with split edge, eye and "wings". We will also use Slyrak's tongue in a set of items coming soon, and if this premiere league set will go into the game i feel that our weapon will never get accepted because they are both the same idea. why but two of them in? Anyone else see the problem?
I would not say the sword is a rip off of yours, other than the forked tip the blades are completely different and if your issue is the eye then you may as well say that you copied the Sword of Omens from Thundercats.
I would not say the sword is a rip off of yours, other than the forked tip the blades are completely different and if your issue is the eye then you may as well say that you copied the Sword of Omens from Thundercats.
I agree. I like that set too. It's a bit busy, but that kinda just makes me appreciate all the more that they were able to achieve that within budget. I'd like to see it in game view with game rez textures though.
Not sure I would say the sword is ripped off either. I think it's another case of things just fitting within a logical theme. Like SK swords involving bones and Medusa bows involving snakes.
But I can understand how I might feel that way if I was the author of that sword.
Well tbh, there are a huge bunch of items in the workshop and posted here that are very close to items originally made of Gamesworkshop, Darksiders artists etc. One would be a fool to not see the resemblance. This is also true in World of Warcraft, there must be some sort of "license deal" going on between Blizzard and Gamesworkshop since there are such a vast piece of that universe that is clearly taken from Gamesworkshop which is know to have a hard stance towards copying. It is good that we are having this discussion in the forum because it's useful to new contributors and any artist really to know how far one can go when when you get inspired by others work. There is no harm in getting inspired by others work, that is a great part of how one gets better at the craft, but there are limitations to that. I'm not by any means excluding myself from getting inspiration from the sources mentioned above, on the contrary i get a lot of ideas from those.
@Pixelherder, i like the idea a lot! Bagpipe is always a + in my book as we say here in Sweden
@Pixelherder, i like the idea a lot! Bagpipe is always a + in my book as we say here in Sweden
well thats good to know! still a few ideas to explore with this i think before getting into the modelling so will probably develop these sketches a bit more over the next few days...
pixelherder: Love that sketch. Flying bagpipe is an ace idea!
Vayne and stefco: That sword came out great! Pretty unique jugg sword!
So guys quick question. I want to see what my Sven sword looks like with God's Strength, how and what do I enter to get like insta-level up and ability unlock in the test map?
A quick compilation of all the weapons I've come up with so far, for easier accessibility. Those that are crossed out have already been claimed/modeled.
Hey, guys. I've never worked with Maya and I have a small question. My version is 2012 and I downloaded a model of a character from the official site, but when I open the file .ma, then the model is loaded without textures. It is appointed in a special way? It does not load automatically? How can I do this most easily?
Are cheats enabled by default in the Workshop test map or do I have to do something in settings to enable them?
Also, could someone explain how chests work? Are the items in them ever sold separately? Do the creators just get a cut of the key sales?
Creators get a cut of the key sales. It used to be that a few months after the chest was released they'd put the items on the store for sale individually but I think lately they've been keeping it 100% in the chest to increase the desire to buy keys.
Hey, I've made some Antimage weapons, but I don't know how to create particle effects for the items. I'm using blender. How did you guys learn to make particle effects? Would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!
currently there is no support for custom particle effects.
If the hero supports it (and i believe antimage does) you can create a mesh for the vertex bound fx.
You've got to make the object a single polygon, and there will be one emitter per vertex. If it's supported with the hero there will be an upload option for an FX mesh in the workshop interface (possibly on a second page)
Hey, I've made some Antimage weapons, but I don't know how to create particle effects for the items. I'm using blender. How did you guys learn to make particle effects? Would be super helpful! Thanks in advance!
Wow I really hoped they would add my bloodseeker blades I made for the contest!
Never had something that polular and it's not in :S
yes, thx - bookmarked
here is the link to the workshop:
and a pic:
So hopefully someone can help me with some stuff. So after filling out my personal/bank info for Valve it says I have to fill out a W-9 for my TIN or be subject to the 28% tax withholding. I'm new to this stuff since its my first item (as well as taxes in general) so I'm not sure how to go about this. Like is it worth it to file the W-9 with whatever amount I make off the item or just take the 28% withholding? Feel free to message me if you don't feel like schooling me in this thread
Like anuxi said, just go see an accountant.
Also a PSA for everyone, earthshaker is now available, can finally go do something about my very first item, battering ram!
The Jade Dragon by Starmony
It looks pretty good in game but that thumbnail presentation could use some touching up considering it's the first and possibly only thing people see. You should paint some of the glow in like it has in game and render it with some kind of real time shader instead of flat lighting at the very least.
As for the sword, file DMCA notice
Or maybe, they just used the same... inspiration
I would not say the sword is a rip off of yours, other than the forked tip the blades are completely different and if your issue is the eye then you may as well say that you copied the Sword of Omens from Thundercats.
Be very interested in feedback - i can always move onto something else if this isnt people's cup of tea
stay classy!
Not sure I would say the sword is ripped off either. I think it's another case of things just fitting within a logical theme. Like SK swords involving bones and Medusa bows involving snakes.
But I can understand how I might feel that way if I was the author of that sword.
@Pixelherder, i like the idea a lot! Bagpipe is always a + in my book as we say here in Sweden
well thats good to know! still a few ideas to explore with this i think before getting into the modelling so will probably develop these sketches a bit more over the next few days...
Vayne and stefco: That sword came out great! Pretty unique jugg sword!
So guys quick question. I want to see what my Sven sword looks like with God's Strength, how and what do I enter to get like insta-level up and ability unlock in the test map?
well thats at least a couple of thumbs up so far - that being the case i think i'll carry on!
Cross posting from the July comp. thread.
My latest item:
Septic Scythe by Prophet9
Plus a few screens:
It will never get released but I just wanted to make it and see what the community thinks about it.
Creators get a cut of the key sales. It used to be that a few months after the chest was released they'd put the items on the store for sale individually but I think lately they've been keeping it 100% in the chest to increase the desire to buy keys.
not to rub salt in the wound, well maybe a little, I got the immortal courier first time.
If the hero supports it (and i believe antimage does) you can create a mesh for the vertex bound fx.
You've got to make the object a single polygon, and there will be one emitter per vertex. If it's supported with the hero there will be an upload option for an FX mesh in the workshop interface (possibly on a second page)
New courier in the works, because dinosaurs are cool. :thumbup:
are its bug?
AndrewHelenek so cool courier +)
this is the best alt yet