looks like you've got plenty of spaces to continue reducing. often just turning n-gons into quads will cut the tri count, as the software might not be triangulating those faces in the most optimal way.
the grips on the handle don't necessarily need geometry - and can probably be baked down. the edges across the lower portion of the blades can get cut...you could definitely get it lower fairly easily.
That has to be my favorite bristleback set yet. I'm kind of struggling with the candle on the arm, and the colors may be a little heavy on the dark gray...but it's awesome.
Hey guys, which colour scheme looks better for this set? The gold/green one is more eye cathcing but abit generic, and the silver/blue one is more unique but some people thought it was a bit bland.
So what do you guys think? The link to the set is here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163244188
Both versions looks somewhat detached from the character, at least the golden one stick to the color scheme better.
Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I feel you could add some element to balance the homogeneous tone of the armor, something to hold it together, if the poly budget permits.
Both versions looks somewhat detached from the character, at least the golden one stick to the color scheme better.
Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I feel you could add some element to balance the homogeneous tone of the armor, something to hold it together, if the poly budget permits.
You may be right, I'll see if I can add another colour inbetween to make it better.
fICHTARR: That set looks awesome, really love the flail and the wrist candle!
Speedban: Congrats on your first item, looks pretty neat!
Hudston: Haha FINALLY finished! I think it was for the better, I like the design of this set compared to the original.
And here's what I'm working on. I thought it was odd that no one has taken advantage of Sven's mysterious origins for items, nothing that hints at his mer-people blood. So here's the high poly for Sven's Ceremonial Meranthic Sword. Still a bit of cleanup but done for the most part.
As long as it has the gold trim it's way better looking than V1, big improvement.
Now I'd say you should maybe work on the shape of the bottom edge of the front of the helmet that is seen in the portrait (pro description). It seems really big and chunky and not that interesting. If you just made it more curvy rather than angular I think it would help. I really like the head piece other than the portrait view.
Hi its the first time for me making items for dota 2, I've made a sword for doom,
I Imported dooms original weapon fbx and then exported my rigged weapon as an fbx as well, tough when I import in dota 2 the sacle is always of or it has a wierd position, anyone got any tips or can point me in the right direction ?
Well for the right placement you have to import the doom model and use bones from that model and set the right bone as parent to your model. Which one should be mentioned on Valves requirements for the hero. For scale I'd just download his original sword and compare it in 3d editor.
when I import in dota 2 the sacle is always of or it has a wierd position
1. open doom's weapon fbx
2. copy your weapon into doom's weapon fbx
3. position your weapon right where doom's original weapon is
4. delete doom's original weapon
5. bound your weapon to right bone
6. set weapon's coords origin to 0,0,0. (do not move the actual weapon, just move the three axis arrows from the center of your weapon to the 0,0,0)
7. export as fbx
1. open doom's weapon fbx
2. copy your weapon into doom's weapon fbx
3. position your weapon right where doom's original weapon is
4. delete doom's original weapon
5. bound your weapon to right bone
6. set weapon's coords origin to 0,0,0. (do not move the actual weapon, just move the three axis arrows from the center of your weapon to the 0,0,0)
7. export as fbx
Thank you Tomus for the instruction the weapon is in it's right place now but the scale is still very off, what can I do about that ?
Maked textures. What you think guys?
In game(using standart masks, not make it yet):
I think the shape is cool, although the textures might be a little too noisy for the distance it's going to be seen at. You really should consider simplifying.
Hehe , mah boat has been accepted as a mytical , uhoo. . Congrats guys for the chest items. XD
AndrewHelenek: I think that QoP set doesnt look that bad (unlike the AM one).
Its not the preetiest one either , and the 12 e price point is crazy ( I know ,name recognition and so on ) , but It doesnt seem out of place imo.
Really hope the Navi qop set isn't a sign of things to come, getting a greenlight due to team association. Just look at their attempt at a anti mage set to see their lack of understanding of acceptable / good quality work.
Hehe , mah boat has been accepted as a mytical , uhoo. . Congrats guys for the chest items. XD
AndrewHelenek: I think that QoP set doesnt look that bad (unlike the AM one).
Its not the preetiest one either , and the 12 e price point is crazy ( I know ,name recognition and so on ) , but It doesnt seem out of place imo.
I agree with you, I like the set, especially the wings, the blue works well with her. I'm not too fond of the weapon. I just know it's going to spawn some controversy. But then again, items getting greenlite because of an organization isn't new. I mean look at the Na'Vi courier. :poly108:
the grips on the handle don't necessarily need geometry - and can probably be baked down. the edges across the lower portion of the blades can get cut...you could definitely get it lower fairly easily.
reverendK i will try make something, ty =3
Blades of Shattered Crystals
Any criticism and help is welcome. Well I have high hopes and will definitely continue to try to make more and improve. Check it out on steam workshop
So what do you guys think? The link to the set is here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=163244188
Don't get me wrong, I like it, but I feel you could add some element to balance the homogeneous tone of the armor, something to hold it together, if the poly budget permits.
Also, is anyone having any issues uploading their marketing images to the workshop. Steam doesn't want to upload my items if I have an attached .PSD
You may be right, I'll see if I can add another colour inbetween to make it better.
Speedban: Congrats on your first item, looks pretty neat!
Hudston: Haha FINALLY finished! I think it was for the better, I like the design of this set compared to the original.
And here's what I'm working on. I thought it was odd that no one has taken advantage of Sven's mysterious origins for items, nothing that hints at his mer-people blood. So here's the high poly for Sven's Ceremonial Meranthic Sword. Still a bit of cleanup but done for the most part.
I think it looked more varied and better, but what do you guys think?
Now I'd say you should maybe work on the shape of the bottom edge of the front of the helmet that is seen in the portrait (pro description). It seems really big and chunky and not that interesting. If you just made it more curvy rather than angular I think it would help. I really like the head piece other than the portrait view.
I Imported dooms original weapon fbx and then exported my rigged weapon as an fbx as well, tough when I import in dota 2 the sacle is always of or it has a wierd position, anyone got any tips or can point me in the right direction ?
1. open doom's weapon fbx
2. copy your weapon into doom's weapon fbx
3. position your weapon right where doom's original weapon is
4. delete doom's original weapon
5. bound your weapon to right bone
6. set weapon's coords origin to 0,0,0. (do not move the actual weapon, just move the three axis arrows from the center of your weapon to the 0,0,0)
7. export as fbx
In game(using standart masks, not make it yet):
Thank you Tomus for the instruction the weapon is in it's right place now but the scale is still very off, what can I do about that ?
Here's a new Windrunner hair, concept by Ike.
You airborn guys are seriously the masters, the overall production quality's inspirational to say the least.
Wayyy to cute!
I think the shape is cool, although the textures might be a little too noisy for the distance it's going to be seen at. You really should consider simplifying.
I'm not entirely happy with them, but it's been a huge learning experience and I really enjoy doing this. Anyways, here's my workshop page.
+ {
+ "Cranial Clap Trap" "1"
+ "Vengencebound Wings" "1"
+ "Craniomancer" "1"
+ "Helm of Infernal Despair" "1"
+ "Possessed Blade" "1"
+ "Tribal Megadon Mask" "1"
+ "Radiant Claive" "1"
+ "Heat" "1"
+ "A Bit of Boat" "1"
+ "Crystalline Initio" "1"
+ "Corruptor" "1"
+ "Spectral Light" "1"
+ "The One Horn" "1"
Also, a whole bunch of sets!
Also... that NaVi QoP set...
Of course, congrats to everyone else too! Very bountiful update.:)
grats dudes!
Also, Na'Vis set...
AndrewHelenek: I think that QoP set doesnt look that bad (unlike the AM one).
Its not the preetiest one either , and the 12 e price point is crazy ( I know ,name recognition and so on ) , but It doesnt seem out of place imo.
Really hope the Navi qop set isn't a sign of things to come, getting a greenlight due to team association. Just look at their attempt at a anti mage set to see their lack of understanding of acceptable / good quality work.
maaaan...i got a set accepted like 2 patches ago and it's still not in game : ( (
I agree with you, I like the set, especially the wings, the blue works well with her. I'm not too fond of the weapon. I just know it's going to spawn some controversy. But then again, items getting greenlite because of an organization isn't new. I mean look at the Na'Vi courier. :poly108:
VALVe please, before it's too late
I wonder if their will be a limit to the number of items in the game, or if it will just keep growing?
I like the feathery theme a lot, very curious to see it with the final colors.
Personally, I'd like to see the head end less conically, with something like larger feathers in the tip like in a bird's tail.
To everyone that got their items accepted, congrats! Seems this week a lot of great pending sets got in
And for poor mortals like me that have no items in the shop yet, back to work!