Okay, So I am working on my current model and then my girlfriend looks at it and calls it gay!
I can't really tell if it's supposed to be a dude or an adolescent girl.
Bah! What does women know about art, right guys?!
I'd be careful with that statement. Some of the artists in this forum are women, and might take offense to such a remark. Some of them are pretty good artists as well!
New vid! This was fun to do, the first render crashed and it set me back 5 hours. But after gaining my sanity and flipping a thousand mental tables I produced this.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejbda-IeA1E"]Pink Crusin - YouTube[/ame]
So the idea behind this is that half our escape team left, so we needed to come up with a way to mitigate that work. Switching from generic monsters to this (black shadow type monsters using mostly spec to show position, and careful lighting to ensure the monsters fade into the shadows) is one possible solution.
We've been seeking an FX solution, but I'm starting to think this is easier, so we'll discuss it and come up with a final idea, and then work off that. This is the escape character high-poly and the 'shadow monster' hands.
Obviously, the final scene will be low-poly, but after illness etc. I needed an excuse to work on something other than the low-poly escape characters for a day or two. I'll finish this tomorrow and then continue, and this will just a be a 'poster' of sorts, but nothing official. Just for me.
So the idea behind this is that half our escape team left, so we needed to come up with a way to mitigate that work. Switching from generic monsters to this (black shadow type monsters using mostly spec to show position, and careful lighting to ensure the monsters fade into the shadows) is one possible solution.
We've been seeking an FX solution, but I'm starting to think this is easier, so we'll discuss it and come up with a final idea, and then work off that. This is the escape character high-poly and the 'shadow monster' hands.
Obviously, the final scene will be low-poly, but after illness etc. I needed an excuse to work on something other than the low-poly escape characters for a day or two. I'll finish this tomorrow and then continue, and this will just a be a 'poster' of sorts, but nothing official. Just for me.
Sorry for your team Ysalex. Hope you will find a solution.
Here is some progress on Eve. I changed the design of the arm a bit ( I know it is a bit too small here I'll change that ), did the legs and polished the torso. Now I need to finish the "oragnic" parts.
Before giving you the wrong anatomy advice (I was going to point out the serratus, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi) I decided to go back and look at middleweights.
I think there is a common theme among them, they develop their abdominals a little, but the are smoother and don't have as much muscle definition as you are showing.
They are fit individuals, but not body builders....
This thread is pure motivation and inspiration. Great stuff.
This is a couple of screens from my Uni FMP. I have to hand this in on Friday!!! Feedback and crit welcome.
I can't really tell if it's supposed to be a dude or an adolescent girl.
I'd be careful with that statement. Some of the artists in this forum are women, and might take offense to such a remark. Some of them are pretty good artists as well!
If you guys are missing the sarcasm in this, then I think you've lost a few too many brain cells to that digital paint thinner.
And a quick alien bust
Cant be a Battle-demon without weapons
I've only got 2 real days of animating experience so far, so they're far from perfect, but I'm happy with them.
Totally my first thought.
still working on Fei
practising some head sculpture
Trying to improve my anatomy skills
i love this!
also Zelly. I approve of girly man boners. rock on with your weird self
My thread http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=120255
Fantasy Mushroom:
Fantasy Tree:
For more visite my blog
We've been seeking an FX solution, but I'm starting to think this is easier, so we'll discuss it and come up with a final idea, and then work off that. This is the escape character high-poly and the 'shadow monster' hands.
Obviously, the final scene will be low-poly, but after illness etc. I needed an excuse to work on something other than the low-poly escape characters for a day or two. I'll finish this tomorrow and then continue, and this will just a be a 'poster' of sorts, but nothing official. Just for me.
We've been seeking an FX solution, but I'm starting to think this is easier, so we'll discuss it and come up with a final idea, and then work off that. This is the escape character high-poly and the 'shadow monster' hands.
Obviously, the final scene will be low-poly, but after illness etc. I needed an excuse to work on something other than the low-poly escape characters for a day or two. I'll finish this tomorrow and then continue, and this will just a be a 'poster' of sorts, but nothing official. Just for me.
Here is some progress on Eve. I changed the design of the arm a bit ( I know it is a bit too small here I'll change that ), did the legs and polished the torso. Now I need to finish the "oragnic" parts.
Before giving you the wrong anatomy advice (I was going to point out the serratus, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi) I decided to go back and look at middleweights.
I think there is a common theme among them, they develop their abdominals a little, but the are smoother and don't have as much muscle definition as you are showing.
They are fit individuals, but not body builders....
Arghhhh Fightpunch so inspirational!
-going over an old sculpt.
-a sunday doodle
@Pivot Nice texture work/style there.
Tornado now has some custom lighting + debris.
This is a couple of screens from my Uni FMP. I have to hand this in on Friday!!! Feedback and crit welcome.
-The Concept :
-The Wireframe:
-The render in UDK:
should really fix the leather