Graze, yeah as soon as I can get in touch with the Marmoset guys I plan to write some stuff up
LRoy, yeah I mean they have a transmission texture and a mask so its a combination of the right values/approach and the sliders
Rion411, thanks
Saman, yeah I think your right about the stripes - its not finished yet and I didnt get around to spending time on them - but I will
Shiv, yeah the skinning/topology isnt great. sad truth is i rushed much of the model so it wont hold up to decent deformation. (at least not that close )
Shiniku, yeah I will get to it soon!!
Darkleopard, cheers
the troll looks awesome to me but the weapon isn't clear enough i think. it's just that i can't the what it has on its end (the round thing) and how it's attached to the weapon.
Thanks SimonT, I agree that I could have worked a little harder to describe the weapon better. To be honest I just liked the shape of having a big round lump at the end of chiselled sword.
ah well, this week I spent too much time roughing out values and ended up painting over nearly eveything once I did a colour pass. I will probably keep my value studies simpler in the future and focus mostly on painting with colour.
Would you be opposed to someone sculpting one of these? If you have no plans to do so yourself of course Would love to take a whack at that red troll. :poly142:
Love the red troll, looks awesome. How long have you been painting? Do you start off with black/white first and overlay color? I want to get better at painting myself but always feel my paintings lack contrast
This guy was a chance to try and get perspective working and not use the same boring pose that I resort to all the time. Thinking about perspective was refreshing and I need to keep pushing myself more to break lazy habits and learn to work technique and theory.
suburbbum, thanks
Torch, I have been painting as long as I have been drawing since 2k2 - never did much till the last few years and now I realise I need to do a lot more. I mostly start with values so black, greys to white.
To be honest I think I need to work more on the basics and I am guessing that you are missing some fundamentals too. If your work lacks contrast, wether value or colour its mostly likely because you need to do more studies, painting value sketches trying to increase your understanding of lighting and shadow. Its something I need to put more time into aswell I plan on doing some smaller sketches of random objects to increase my confidence/skill in that area.
STRIKER,fightpunch, thanks guys
Quick question, whats going on with his fingers on this < The hand closest to the camera, is that just stretched bent?
Drop everything. Do it now.
I mean, uh, y'know, whenever you're ready of course.
Awesome new renders, very impressed. Although I agree the shorts could have used some more variation.
That is all
Todays pic; SCarecrow of Oz
Graze, yeah as soon as I can get in touch with the Marmoset guys I plan to write some stuff up
LRoy, yeah I mean they have a transmission texture and a mask so its a combination of the right values/approach and the sliders
Rion411, thanks
Saman, yeah I think your right about the stripes - its not finished yet and I didnt get around to spending time on them - but I will
Shiv, yeah the skinning/topology isnt great. sad truth is i rushed much of the model so it wont hold up to decent deformation. (at least not that close
Shiniku, yeah I will get to it soon!!
Darkleopard, cheers
New pic for the week
mbischof & Donavon Thanks
Thanks SimonT, I agree that I could have worked a little harder to describe the weapon better. To be honest I just liked the shape of having a big round lump at the end of chiselled sword.
ah well, this week I spent too much time roughing out values and ended up painting over nearly eveything once I did a colour pass. I will probably keep my value studies simpler in the future and focus mostly on painting with colour.
Exciting piece.
* Or if you are using Painter the same thing can be accomplished using the Colorize blend mode.
Great paints man!
Steven - feel free to sculpt the troll
suburbbum, thanks
Torch, I have been painting as long as I have been drawing since 2k2 - never did much till the last few years and now I realise I need to do a lot more. I mostly start with values so black, greys to white.
To be honest I think I need to work more on the basics and I am guessing that you are missing some fundamentals too. If your work lacks contrast, wether value or colour its mostly likely because you need to do more studies, painting value sketches trying to increase your understanding of lighting and shadow. Its something I need to put more time into aswell
STRIKER,fightpunch, thanks guys
Would be cool to see him with some auto-mechanic gear ala Thor from Adventures in Babysitting
the people are waiting