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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread


  • Doughnut Bear
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    i gotta agree with BenHenry and say spawkwire you are stepping out of line here

    edit: just to be clear referring to the stuff that is going on at facepunch
  • NewAgeRetroHippie
    BenHenry wrote: »
    I know you had the concepts before

    How is coming up with a concept first copying someone else, exactly?
  • roninsmastermix
    As much as i don't want to fuel more fire into the flame, i need to speak my mind about this matter.

    This contribute system is both a business and an art venture. If there are 5 sets of shotguns out there, so be it. 15 bazillion wrenches? cool. 2 sets of dinosaur themed items, so be it. There is no rules. You just need to make your product known to specific market. If it's not in the game, hell even if its EVEN in the game, it does not lower your chance of getting your item in the game. I'm confident that Valve is competent enough to review each submission. Instead of focusing on which items are copies of what or if its done before, why not focus on what makes your item SPECIAL?

    Sure its an ethics issue, copying or paying homage to another work but keep in mind that even patented designs are not "copy-proof". Tell me a totally original idea and i'll change my mind on the matter.

    Less drama. More creativity. Please.
  • Doughnut Bear
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    almost done with texturing
    note: only the finest of gentlemen have floating facial hair
  • Apocol0id
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    Agreed with Ronin. Forum drama adds nothing but clutter to what should be an art only forum. If you have a gripe with an individual- PM him/her.
  • blaholtzen
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    Spark was just pointing out the irony in who was saying that you shouldn't steal/copy other's ideas.

    And Sparkwire started making dino stuff a long while ago, and now you're saying he should stop with a theme he came up with just because someone else had the same idea?

    By now pretty much every idea has been thought of already so people are "copying" and "stealing" constantly, and who says that just because something has already been done one can't make it's own version of it?

    Even if spark had the idea after he saw the other guys pack, what's wrong with getting ideas from someone else's work?

    In this case it's just a theme, not even the same item so i don't see how you can even say he's copying it.
  • Svdl
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    Wanted to do something for the bison animations.

    Model isn't final, also lacks texture.
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • Cbast
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    Cbast triangle

    Final I guess.
    Also I do agree with Ronin about that contribute/drama stuff.
  • roninsmastermix
    Cbast wrote: »

    Final I guess.
    Also I do agree with Ronin about that contribute/drama stuff.

    Lovely, well executed work, cbast. I like how you put a lot of effort on every model you make, down to the presentation and in-game icon making.

    Textured some parts of the gun. Altered the model a bit to make it more visually appealing. I see some clippings with the gunslinger. I'll fix that later.

    Found a way to load all 3 items in HLMV.
    Some stuff to keep in mind:
    • Find in the registry the player model.
    • Each model as 4 merge slots. (merge0, merge1, merge2, merge3)
    • You must no have HLMV on. Make your registry edits before turning on HLMV.
    • Don't use recent models to select your model. Manually load the model over again.
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Nobody on The Emporium seemed to want to do this, even though everyone seemed like the idea, so I request this here too since there are talented people here who don't go the emporium.
    Basically Heavy's pow hand to replace the Short Circuit. Maybe add some gizmos, batteries and wires and it's perfect for Halloween.
  • Evil_Knevil
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    Gerre redesigned the label for me on my Saxton's Spinach model and this is the result. Better? He also tweaked the model so it doesn't clip anymore.
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8


    Gerre redesigned the label for me on my Saxton's Spinach model and this is the result. Better? He also tweaked the model so it doesn't clip anymore.

    Does that label read "grinded Australium", surely it should be "ground Australium".
  • Evil_Knevil
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    Sexy Robot wrote: »
    Does that label read "grinded Australium", surely it should be "ground Australium".

    English isn't my native language :), I'll fix it.
  • EArkham
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    EArkham polycounter lvl 9

    Overall, the new label is better, but I don't care for the kicked letters. They're moved too far, especially the 'A'. Lose the blur and line up the A. Sure, it won't look like he's kicked them with as much power, but it'll make a more solid label IMO.

    Also, bring back the "sock it to some hippies" splash if you can find room for it. Many lols to be had there. :D
  • CidTheNinja
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    Basically Heavy's pow hand to replace the Short Circuit. Maybe add some gizmos, batteries and wires and it's perfect for Halloween.
    I recommend you either put in more gadgets like you said or maybe make it a color more suggestive of decay, just so it looks a bit less like Heavy's hand on Engineer and more like Heavy's dead hand mechanically/necromagically attached to engineer. Haunted ghost effect maybe?
  • Bopoe
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    Making view models is simple right? I just have to decompile the model I want to replace and parent it's bone to my mesh? and then the rest of the process is like making a hat correct?
  • Contrebasse
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    Hi everyone,

    An update on my Whack-O-Lantern (i'm going so lazily slow on that thing I might miss Halloween x) ).




    It's my first texture job (thanks to Swizzle's tutorial of so-awesome-even-a-monkey-could-do-it :D ), so please critic me lots :)

    Should we see the brush strokes more ? Have more color variation on them ?

    I made a quick try with a "glow" vtf, like the pumpkin head hat from last year, to make it glow in the dark.
    Quick and dirty, actually, since I went a bit overboard with the yellow glow paint so that's why you see some of it at the bottom on the third person view. This will be corrected, I hadn't noticed :P
  • Sparkwire
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    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
  • JuncoPartner
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    First tf2 related project for me, tried to make some orthodontic headgear for the scout, but I'm feeling it looks a little too modern. Plus I was expecting a jaw bone to constrain to, but ahwell.



    Quality work as always guys, good to see Cbast working on another quality item!
  • Bopoe
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    textureless, and upside-down but I finally got my first weapon in game, I'm so freaking happy!

  • CidTheNinja
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    Why don't you put in some ridges like in a real pumpkin?
    I suppose if you needed to have it look TF2esque the HHHH would be a good reference.
  • Evil0live
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    Hey guys! I need your help! Help me decide!! Should I include the "Mann Co." on the knife or not?








    So...what do you think?
  • Seba
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    Without. For one, giant black letters look odd on the blade. Two, not everything needs a "Mann Co." on it.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Without, unless it says Ginza Bladde, lol. I think the streaks in the blade are too much too.

    Decided to wrap this up and get it submitted today, been sitting around awhile. Since I first posted I added a lot of tris to the wrap to get a better shape.

    A Khula Khud for the demo (was actually inspired by a small pic in a Dota artpage.)
    800 tris on the nose for hi poly, 448 for the LOD. One texture/paintable.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    If you did want to have the brand name on the blade, you'd be better off making it look like it'd be etched in.
  • Contrebasse
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    Why don't you put in some ridges like in a real pumpkin?
    I suppose if you needed to have it look TF2esque the HHHH would be a good reference.

    I agree the pumpkin needs to be a bit more interesting to look at, but I don't want it to look to much like the HHHH, just because I have no idea what Valve wants to do with this character so I don't want them to think "we can't include this, because having the HHH's head stuck on a nail doesn't make any sense" or something. So I'm going more for a "no-name pumpkin" look.

    A bit more like the one in the background here http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/

    I agree the object as a whole is a bit... bland, to say the least. I don't think it looks bad, but it still lacks a bit of appeal imo.
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Seba wrote: »
    Without. For one, giant black letters look odd on the blade. Two, not everything needs a "Mann Co." on it.
    Four items have Mann Co on them. Not every single item needs to have a different company behind them.
    If you really need to make a new company for this item, just put on "Mann Cuisine". Almost like Mann Co, but references the fact that it's a chef's knife and the fact that the spy is from France.
  • Grimbodan
  • Doughnut Bear
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    holy crap Grimbodan thats awsome
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • ChrisPR7
  • Contrebasse
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    @grimbodan, very clever use of the default animation :O
  • CidTheNinja
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    I agree the pumpkin needs to be a bit more interesting to look at, but I don't want it to look to much like the HHHH, just because I have no idea what Valve wants to do with this character so I don't want them to think "we can't include this, because having the HHH's head stuck on a nail doesn't make any sense" or something. So I'm going more for a "no-name pumpkin" look.

    A bit more like the one in the background here http://www.teamfortress.com/pumpkinpatch/

    I agree the object as a whole is a bit... bland, to say the least. I don't think it looks bad, but it still lacks a bit of appeal imo.
    I don't think it looks bad, I just thought that It'd look better if it looked like a small Jack-O-Lantern and less like a novelty Halloween item. (Yeah and your ref pick would probably be a better choice to model off of too).
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • Hideous
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    Hideous polycounter lvl 7

    Scruffy says hi.
  • crazy-g
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    @grimbodan: that is amazing! i must have watched that clip like 20 times

    @baddcog: the hat seems very fitting with the arabian demo items, and i like the look of it in general, nice job
  • V6th
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    Evil0live wrote: »
    Hey guys! I need your help! Help me decide!! Should I include the "Mann Co." on the knife or not?

    I'd say both so you can choose a style.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    thanx crazy-g, appreciate the comment
  • Veko
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    what would be the exact bonus of the umbrella ingame. My first thought would be reduced falling damage, but that would be silly seeing most are designed for minimum falling damage.

    I would go for increased movement speed when the umbrella is equiped (and is active weapon) or give increased movement speed after you kill some1 (maybe like the highlander)
  • Grimbodan
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    Veko wrote: »

    what would be the exact bonus of the umbrella ingame. My first thought would be reduced falling damage, but that would be silly seeing most are designed for minimum falling damage.

    I would go for increased movement speed when the umbrella is equiped (and is active weapon) or give increased movement speed after you kill some1 (maybe like the highlander)

    Ultimately we have no control over that, so debate on that score is pretty pointless. My thoughts are that it will have all the same stats as the regular revolver only it has a clipsize of 1, since it's barrel doesn't actually hold six bullets. Modifying the alt fire is out the question since that is already taken by the spy watch, so I propose a 'double jump' added to the spy, which switches to 3rd person and allows him to 'glide'. He will be unable to shoot while the umbrella is open, but will be able to traverse to areas he couldn't get to previously and will take no fall damage. The fall damage aspect I believe is important, because with the spy's low health (especially with kunai equipped) fall damage can mean life or death for a spy. Also the bone cracking and blood effect can give away a cloaked spy's position if he falls while cloaked, and the fall damage can accidentally trigger a dead ringer prematurely. We're only contributing the models however, so valve may end up implementing the gun differently, making the umbrella opening some sort of alt fire to reduce bullet damage, or give a slight airblast, or anything really.
  • Dashtoronto
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    Veko wrote: »

    what would be the exact bonus of the umbrella ingame. My first thought would be reduced falling damage, but that would be silly seeing most are designed for minimum falling damage.

    I would go for increased movement speed when the umbrella is equiped (and is active weapon) or give increased movement speed after you kill some1 (maybe like the highlander)

    this is all i think is necessary to be the exact bonus of the umbrella ingame:


    just make it exactly similar to the sniper's submachinegun (smg) in terms of clip capacity and firepower/damage.

    oh, and the shield when blocking against gunfire/flaregun rounds.

    it doesn't make sense to make the umbrella just for reducing falling damage. since the spy takes very little damage when falling, anyways.

    also, the spy doesn't have a decent gun, really. Those one shot handguns aren't effective enough/don't really help. An smg would be far more effective. The spy really could use an smg.
  • Doughnut Bear
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    changing stuff around on my bourbon flame thrower, new nozzle as i didn't really like the old one, boards on the barrel are now 3d, working on fixing up the ignition system. shitty unwrap atm
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
  • blaholtzen
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    First tf2 related project for me, tried to make some orthodontic headgear for the scout, but I'm feeling it looks a little too modern. Plus I was expecting a jaw bone to constrain to, but ahwell.



    Quality work as always guys, good to see Cbast working on another quality item!

    Oh man! I've wanted someone to make that for so freaking long, although i want the other kind, the one that pulls the teeth backwards, perhaps you could make both, also, to make it look less modern, make the strap thingies leather and give them buckles, should probably do the trick.

    And you might want to make the wires enter the mouth closer to the center, so it clips less with the mouth animations
  • blaholtzen
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    this is all i think is necessary to be the exact bonus of the umbrella ingame:


    just make it exactly similar to the sniper's submachinegun (smg) in terms of clip capacity and firepower/damage.

    oh, and the shield when blocking against gunfire/flaregun rounds.

    it doesn't make sense to make the umbrella just for reducing falling damage. since the spy takes very little damage when falling, anyways.

    also, the spy doesn't have a decent gun, really. Those one shot handguns aren't effective enough/don't really help. An smg would be far more effective. The spy really could use an smg.

    Taking fall damage when cloaked can however give away your location, o i think that attribute should be included but not be the only positive one (falling slower in order to prevent the fall damage could be enough drawback for it anyhow, since it sort of prevents a quick getaway)
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @Sexy, they look pretty good but what are they? Tele boots?
  • Sexy Robot
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    Sexy Robot polycounter lvl 8
    Baddcog wrote: »
    @Sexy, they look pretty good but what are they? Tele boots?

    Just boots, simple as that. Not every engineer item has to be "engineer" themed.
  • Baddcog
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    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Well, by Tele I meant Telemark (ski)... Not teleport...
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