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  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18
    The turret must have a trick to it, because when I played enemies would consistently run up to it and destroy it at point-blank range with minimal damage taken.
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    turrets can dish out pretty heavy damage, but they take a very long time to acquire a target. shooting at them from a distance will speed up the process, but if you get in close enough and empty a magazine into one, there's a good chance it wont shoot you in time.

    so its best to give them a good bit of space, or have them overlooking a larger chokepoint where fools can't rush in from.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    I've been playing a bunch since Friday and I'm loving it :D

    I am plagued by a few bugs though. The most annoying one causes Brink to lockup my PC, which requires a reboot. The odd thing is that VIOP still works after the lockup. Odd.
    I have gotten the bugs that Glynn mentioned too, though not as often as him (even though we are playing the same session)

    All in all, Brink is awesome, though i would love a higher texture res for the envs and props.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Turrets have no magic trick afaik, they are 100% a support unit. Put them on the flanks of places that will have heavy fighting, let them damage and distract. They can't really lock down areas on their own.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I'm sure this has been asked already, but it's worth asking again. Since the game is out, and apparently it's a hit on polycount, are any of the artists gonna post some of their work?

    I'm gob smacked by the environments, and the vehicles, especially, and would love to see some of them in the PnP section :D
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Ever since the last patch on the PC version the game freezes every single got damn time I play. Using a Nvidia card too, everyone with ATI was having the problems when the game was released. The game is fun, but it is seriously the most buggiest piece of crap game I have played in a long time. Shame on Splash Damage for releasing the PC version in the shape it is in.
  • BadgerBaiter
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    Was this problem in MP mode striff?
    I have an ATi card and didn't get this problem, however I have only had time to play a bit of SP mode :/
  • nicocabbalero
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    nicocabbalero polycounter lvl 15
    been playing for a few days now and I am loving it. no problems so far. I would also like to seem some of the environment art work posted on here!
  • Striff
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    Striff polycounter lvl 18
    Was this problem in MP mode striff?
    I have an ATi card and didn't get this problem, however I have only had time to play a bit of SP mode :/

    I have only played MP so far. I'm sure it will happen in any mode regardless. It has happened to me on just about every map.
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    Okey 25 hours in and i really like it. With a friend or two on Skype this would be great. So far i only got one friend playing it.

    The one thing i would like to change is that damn auto aim. What happened there? Don't mess with my aim god damn it!
  • BadgerBaiter
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    Hmmmm, just played a bit more.... and apart from sound disappearing briefly I had no issues with freezing etc... again, it was just SP.
  • dfacto
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    dfacto polycounter lvl 18

    Guess enough people have this that it warrants a pa comic. Though really what causes it? It's not a wireframe issue because I doubt all geo in game uses perfect squares.
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    sltrOlsson U playing on console? otherwise on steam im PontusB for anyone that wants to play! (with skype) Europe
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    sltrOlsson U playing on console? otherwise on steam im PontusB for anyone that wants to play! (with skype) Europe

    Ah cool stuff! :D I'll add you right away!

    Same on Skype?
  • BadgerBaiter
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    I have the rather unfortunate name of


    for Steam if you wish ;)
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    BadgerBaiter U have skype aswell? Im thewinterlord on skype btw added you both on steam (well accepted sltrolsson)
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Because it doesn't look like Modern Snorefare?
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    Probably most complaints are coming from the console crowd. on 360 everything is rediculously blurry unless you look at it for around 3-5 seconds as the texture streams in. this give anything in the mid ground or areas you are moving around quickly the appearance of everything having super blurry 128 res textures. to be honest it really detracts from the game and is part of the reason I am hating the game on console. the reviews hit it spot on for consoles, it feels like you have Vaseline in your eyes/on the lens.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    I've only ever seen the PC version, and even though I have to run it on mid-lower settings, I still think it looks pretty damn good. Maybe my standards are too low and I'm really just appreciating the design? I'm not too sure on that one...

    I have to agree with Slum, a little bit, for a lot of the "gamers" comments. Unless it's "realistic" military shooters, they don't want it. I asked my brother what's up with all the CoD dorkdom? He's ex military, and said "It appeals to the arm chair warrior who thinks he could have found and killed Bin Laden single handedly." I have to agree with that too. But don't get me wrong, I don't think that's the case for everyone, just a reason for it's massive appeal, and staggering sales numbers.

    Anyway, back on track, I bought 4 artbooks last night on Amazon, and would have LOVED to find an Art Of Brink. There's not enough "art of *" books for games, and no the super tiny ones that come with SE versions of games do not count. There's so much goodness in the background of Brink, I'd love to see more of it. If there's no artbook coming, then I REALLY hope some of the artists can post some of their work here.
  • BadgerBaiter
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    WinterLord, I do indeed have Skype.
    Not going to be able to play,though, until next Thursday, which is when I am supposed to be handing my animation project in :(:(
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Probably most complaints are coming from the console crowd. on 360 everything is rediculously blurry unless you look at it for around 3-5 seconds as the texture streams in. this give anything in the mid ground or areas you are moving around quickly the appearance of everything having super blurry 128 res textures. to be honest it really detracts from the game and is part of the reason I am hating the game on console. the reviews hit it spot on for consoles, it feels like you have Vaseline in your eyes/on the lens.

    1) yea i agree, i play 360 and even while changing your guys look, unless your looking at say his face up close for different masks its blurry... in game is one thing.. but when your guy is the only thing on the screen and is his detail is the focus of what you are doing at that time... and its still blurry - i dont see that as acceptable

    2) ..also the audio dropping in and out :S i heard this compliant from people playing pc, didnt think it was occuring on 360 aswell, booooooo

    3) playing offline single player kinda sucksss, the AI is far too dumb for you to support them as they dont get close to finishing any tasks unless you are leading the way.. was looking forward to playing out one job role per mission, and not being forced to switch roles (medic to engineer to etc) in order to finish the mission

    ...still shockingly enough i am enjoying the game ! ! ! but i dont know for how long lol so if anyone plays on xbox live add my gamertag Candystripes05 and add a msg along with it, hopefully i get my xbox back online this month :P
  • Charlie
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    After playing some more online I'm realizing that this game has some of the most unbalanced level design I've ever seen. The level constantly works against the attackers making it bloody difficult to get anywhere close to finishing an objective without getting gunned down. The second part of the aquarium level comes to mind, making us escort him through a high open room thats right by their spawn while we can only get to them through some narrow corridors that are easily camped.

    I understand that they want Teamwork but even when we got a semi organized push fully buffed we didn't move him a few feet before they were all back.

    It feels like SD made some awesome art assets then shit them out all over the level, seems like very little play testing went in to see if it was fun and balanced for both Attack and Defend.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    So, is there any word on the toolset possibly allowing user-made content ? I seriously cannot wait to see fluid parkour-based maps - something close to the Mirrors Edge DLC maps would be amazing ...
  • Call Me Snoopy
    I'm playing on the 360 and the textures are really blurry for 3-5 seconds.
    I'm have a blast playing this game though. I got almost all the achievements for it.
    I'm an achievement whore. :poly122:

    I agree that the AI is dumb, I find it's better with another person.

    Feel free to add me if you want: Epic Snoopy

    I'm always up for a few games. (>^_^)>
  • xXm0RpH3usXx
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    xXm0RpH3usXx polycounter lvl 13
    pior wrote: ยป
    So, is there any word on the toolset possibly allowing user-made content ? I seriously cannot wait to see fluid parkour-based maps - something close to the Mirrors Edge DLC maps would be amazing ...

    read something about that they'll release an sdk next week, though it was only an unconfirmed rumor.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    So yeah, this game is pretty cool, far from perfect at the moment, but I'm having fun with it for now.

    One thing I really don't understand, is the decision to stop people from changing body-size in a game, that kind of ruins the whole concept for me, and I just end up playing medium all the time.
    Playing Heavy or Light is nice, but I always want to change in game to adapt to different situations, not being able to is really frustrating, and I just don't understand what the gameplay intention was behind this decision.

    Oh, and of course the game looks super-sexy!
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Interaction gripes:

    There's a really basic design flaw with the "look around whilst interacting with shit" ability, in that it's set to keys, rather than mouse.

    It makes it pretty useless, as you're holding one key to interact/hack/build, and then have to try and press other keys to look around. Meanwhile, the mouse has no function whilst you're interacting.

    Ties your fingers up in knots and feels very uninuitive!

    Another thing is I find I have to hit movement keys twice, after interacting, to move again. Same with the interact key, if I'm not quite close enough to the thing, or aren't standing perfectly still for the interaction to start.

    It should detect that I'm holding the interact key, and make me interact as soon as I'm in range, and lock me into interacting with it for as long as the interact key's held down, rather than me standing there doing nothing, with the interact key held down, getting my balls shot off.

    I should surely also be able to crouch whilst interacting with stuff, as with the engineer from TF2. Really important when I'm on a balcony, getting shot in the face whilst trying to build machine gun placements, because my character isn't adept enough to bend his knees a bit, to crouch, whilst welding.
  • Ahrkey
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    Ahrkey polycounter lvl 18
    Bal wrote: ยป
    One thing I really don't understand, is the decision to stop people from changing body-size in a game, that kind of ruins the whole concept for me, and I just end up playing medium all the time.

    This. Also why am I not able to see the opponents score after the round ends? Or chat for that matter? I mean the buttons/labels are there but they're greyed out.

    Few bugs, poorly designed UI and unbalanced maps aside it's an awesome game. First game in a long time that made me frustrated which is a good thing in this case. (Because I suck at it and want to be better)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 13
    I am in love with the quality of the environment art in the game.
    God damn all the assets and textures look lovely! You can tell a lot of love and a lot of high poly love went on this thing, big props to the art dept and to all the outsourcing people that worked on this!
  • woody
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    woody polycounter lvl 13
    [HP] wrote: ยป
    I am in love with the quality of the environment art in the game.
    God damn all the assets and textures look lovely! You can tell a lot of love and a lot of high poly love went on this thing, big props to the art dept and to all the outsourcing people that worked on this!

    I pre-ordered but cancelled due to the bad reviews and bug reports, so decided to rent the game but pretty much agree with the reviews. I am not too fussed on the gameplay, I believe it has a steep learning curve and currently I feel asif I am on a map with too many objectives not really given much indication of what to do. This is definitely my opinion, the medic/revival is damn right annoying, allied or oposition you just feel like you kill your oponent then next minute he pops back up again. This is happening constantly and in battles/corridors you get this really wierd effect of people dying then springing back up!? Even for yourself it's annoying, one minute your on the floor, then your revived, down, revived, down, revived and ZzZzZzzzz. IMO the game mechanics, ie the shooting is not quite CoD but similar, where as the gameplay structure is flawed in many ways. I havn't had long with the game but the fact your jumping into games that have multiple different objectives, none of which feel like your contributing a great deal to the overall battle.

    HOWEVER, the art is fantastic! I have spent longer viewing the models in the customization area more than I have played the actual game! Kind of treating it as a model viewer, haha. The rendering is similar to Marmoset but would be awesome if Splash Damage released some kind of model viewing tool. They obviously already have some sort of model viewer built into the game so could be a possibility with their SDK(I believe one is planned).


    Very stylish!
  • xXm0RpH3usXx
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    xXm0RpH3usXx polycounter lvl 13
    anyone up for a good game?
    steam: the_one_morpheus
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    as much as i enjoy fps on consoles over pc, i really regret getting this for xbox instead of on pc
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    well playing on PC and moderatly enjoying the game, up to level 16,

    some of my gripes about the game first
    throwing revive syrengies is so sluggish, some times it seems the "F to revive" thing shows up at different times, sometimes i have to be right up on them, others i see it at several yards away, if i am aproaching and i get the "F to revive" but am getting shot so i have to back away, it takes a long time after i aproach the player before that to pop back up. it just seems really slugish.

    audio cuts out in game.. sometimes only bits of the audio,, like the gunfire will cut, but other sounds remain.

    the smart movement is awesome, but it seems each level has so few areas where this is really used, and when it is it does not do a whole lot for the gameplay, id like to see it become a much more needed feature.

    here are my thoughts on classes based on my playtime

    Medic: most used class i can finish a round with 4-8k pretty easy with a medic far more than any other class, when i play medic i am 95% support, i only fire my gun when needed, i'd rather stay alive in the back reviving people left and right than get myself killed on the front line. that being i play pretty aggresive suport and have no problem getting into the action to get a revive,

    operative, been playing this a bit lately, really hard for me to do anything worthwhile, besides the random objectcive score its mostly just me getting murdered, disguise is neat but does not do a whole lot for me. i thought taking control of turrets would be fun, but it takes so many shots to kill someone with those weak ass things its worthless.

    engineer: played this a bit also but again unless the third turret is a LOT better than the first 2 i dont see where this is worth anything except switching to to get an objective.

    soldier: rarely play at all, just dont see any benifiet.

    those are my thoughts and opinions, having a bit of fun playing, but i'm pretty sure the fun wont last muchmore than a week or 2 more an i'll be back to badco2
  • cox
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    cox polycounter lvl 10
    did someone noticed a drastic change on fov and sprint speed?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Well, I asked for a refund since someone keeps pushing back the release date on this game (2nd time so far). Last time this happened with a game ordered through Steam, all my friends had moved on to something else by the time it was un-locked for me. These games aren't huge in Japan as it is...
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    prolly a wise choice lamont.
    at this point if i could, i'd be asking for a refund aswell.

    as much as i love the game, after the most recent patch i cant even get through a round without a crash to desktop. Really hope it gets fixed, but i dont have much hope since there seems to be so many issues
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    My girlfriend brought me this game the other day. It looks so pretty!

    My only problem is there doesn't seem to be any actual onine game play? Like team deathmatch or anything? The only online play as far as i can see is to do the missions again but against people?

    I really wanted to play some capture the flag type missions on it. Also it seems a bit short? Like i did the resistance missions in like 4 hours?

    All that aside it relly is fantastic game! Although the sprint button threw me off for a whuile...damn CoD!
  • Uly
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    Uly polycounter lvl 17
    That's the way it's designed, and is the 'actual online gameplay'. Splash Damage has always done multiple objective based multiplayer instead of vanilla TDM or CTF all the way back to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

    That's not to say they might not try and add another mode post launch. I'm still loving the variety of objectives in a single mission though. Hit lvl. 20 few days ago, gonna start a new character soon with proficiencies in Medic & Soldier this time. (I'll miss you operative.)
  • SaferDan
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    SaferDan polycounter lvl 14
    I see! Well I will have another crack at it and see whether I like it more! I didn't really give it a chance tbh :)
  • xXm0RpH3usXx
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    xXm0RpH3usXx polycounter lvl 13
    I opened up a new group calles "Brink Polycounters!" with the abb. of "Greenteeth", feel free to join!
  • JFletcher
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    JFletcher polycounter lvl 13
    DLC is out now, and it's free! Good chance to pick it up if anyone's interested.


    Did some texture work on these maps. First release, yey.. :)
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    An error was encountered while processing your request:

    This item is currently unavailable in your region
    Sad panda.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Free weekend on Steam :) Not that I can get the download to work of course...
  • ScudzAlmighty
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    Free Weekend link wasn't working for me, just kept re-loading the main page....

    So I bought it :)
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 13
    I got the quakecon pack and this came with it, and i'm glad I did, I love the art style and its really fun!
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Glad i tryed before i bought it. As much as i like the graphics, the gameplay and replay values are lacking. The Ai acts retarded most of the time and the only time i go down is when im out of ammo. One level on the Ark side, you simply throw a turret and make the Mg nest up above the gate and burst fire for 5+mins. They cant get to there first oby' you tear everything apart. no challenge. ( thats the level where they assualt the barracks) I could live with all that tbh, but what was the last nail in the coffin was the lack of PVP. No pvp = same AI flaws = no challenge.

    Don't get me wrong game looks great, i couldnt do better but from a players standing its lacking and becomes reppetive after you'v played through once.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I tried it, wasn't crazy about it. :( Really wanted to like it.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Glad i tryed before i bought it. As much as i like the graphics, the gameplay and replay values are lacking. The Ai acts retarded most of the time and the only time i go down is when im out of ammo. One level on the Ark side, you simply throw a turret and make the Mg nest up above the gate and burst fire for 5+mins. They cant get to there first oby' you tear everything apart. no challenge. ( thats the level where they assualt the barracks) I could live with all that tbh, but what was the last nail in the coffin was the lack of PVP. No pvp = same AI flaws = no challenge.

    Don't get me wrong game looks great, i couldnt do better but from a players standing its lacking and becomes reppetive after you'v played through once.

    What do you mean no pvp? This is a multiplayer shooter, it's 95% pvp with a little co-op vs bots on the side.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Multiplayer wasn't very satisfying for me, glad I tried it, but not going to be picking it up.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18

    Whole bunch of screenshots of Brink's environments. So gorgeous.
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