finally came out in aus today (this morning), and been playing it for the last 5 hours or so.
Not really getting where all the hate on the game is coming from, finding it really fun and the controls are alot better than what i thought they'd be from the trailers (alot quicker and fluid, assuming they'd be sluggish and console tank-like :P).
Art is awsome and i dig how customizable everything is ^^
And guessing they fixed the bugs people were mentioning in the last 2 days. Haven't notice it slow down once (on my 4 year old comp) or anything like that.
Not sure how long lasting it will be but it's definitley fun for now
This game has grown on me a lot. Still little things that bother me like AI on my team that doesn't do anything but die. I am really loving the SMART system especially with the light body type it feels really rewarding when you pull off some of the combo jumps.
I'm really hoping they release an SDK because it would be great to see more open maps being created for more of the free running side of it. Some of the maps seem to suffer from being single pathways with maybe one or two jumps.
and yeh there does seem to be a few other peeps playing around here (guessing there'll be a bunch more going on tommorow when more people get the game).
Really like doing coop with friends, the attack/defend style works really well for that. I gotta get better at not being shot so much tho ^^;
I'm praying that the first DLC includes more challenges. These are some of the most fun for me. That guy has really mastered the parkour element and shows how fun it can be once you've nailed it down.
I haven't picked this up yet but the art looks incredible. Who here worked on this? I heard 3point did some stuff. Anybody have any portfolio shots they want to share?
I got to play it a little, and I really like it so far. I don't like that it takes forever to kill anyone, the guns are so weak, and the machine gun platforms don't hit anything, and are super weak too. But the gameplay is fun, the art is amazing, the backgrounds are fun, and cool to just look at. The controls on the pc take a bit of getting used to, but I'm liking it.
I got to play it a little, and I really like it so far. I don't like that it takes forever to kill anyone, the guns are so weak, and the machine gun platforms don't hit anything, and are super weak too. But the gameplay is fun, the art is amazing, the backgrounds are fun, and cool to just look at. The controls on the pc take a bit of getting used to, but I'm liking it.
Damage is actually BRUTAL, as you'll learn if you start playing online, but a lot of the guns have pretty tricky range/accuracy spread. Hit with 5-10 bullets with almost any gun and someone without command post + medic boosted health is going down. Go for the head, and make sure your shots are hitting! try closer range, or adjusting for recoil. Failing that, use one of the fast firing smgs (tampa and kross are awesome) and beat guys down from close range without iron sights.
I will try upgrading them, and the burst firing with the Tampa, and Kross weapons. After thinking about it for a while, I am starting to wonder if it's the guns that suck, or the player. I think it might have been all the Black Ops I played over the weekend with my niece, with the two-shots-you're-dead gameplay I got used too. And that I'm not nearly as good as I had hoped I was
Still, gonna try some upgrading (not entirely sure how that works, will have to try again maybe tomorrow), and different guns. are there different guns the different body-types can't use? I'm a small guy so I can move around faster, and I wanted to use a shotgun, but it wasn't available in the list of guns.
Light bodytype only gets SMGs. Honestly, i would steer away from light as a beginner, you're ludicrously vulnerable to gunfire and grenades as a light and enemies are going to focus fire on you.
Light bodytype only gets SMGs. Honestly, i would steer away from light as a beginner, you're ludicrously vulnerable to gunfire and grenades as a light and enemies are going to focus fire on you.
Good to know, I'll change that the next time I play. Thanks
Finally unlocked in Europe. First game went terribly.. lag was so bad that it was running out of my ears. Will give it a few more tries and hope it was me being unlucky. It seems like it would be a pretty fun game.
Ok posting this here so hopefully one of you guys at SD can clarify.
Is the 360 version patched in the UK or not? I thought the Bethesda Blog said the texture issues and lag had been addressed in the patch. Certainly isn't the case here in the UK.
Gameplay is amazing, art is obviously stunning but really, how in the hell did anyone look at that texture pop and say 'Ok yup that's ready to ship'... I mean it's not even like a split second UE3 style pop-in, it's like 'eeeeww that looks terrib....(3 second pause) oh that's better'.
And yeah, lag.
I know I sound like a 16 year old Kotaku commenter but I'm quite shocked this got out in the state it's in, I mean it's a lot of fun but those are some pretty glaring issues right there.
I wanted to wait to make sure that the bad reviews were totally on crack and - as I suspected - they are. Playing SP is fine, though the bots can be a little stupid, it's a great way to "practice" and learn the game. The challenges are awesome, the art is awesome. Getting onto a good server seems to be hit or miss, but it's definitely still playable it might just take a second try. I'm having tons of fun with it, especially when on a good server with a friend or two - it's not "perfect", but there is NO way it's a 40/100 and no fucking way it's a 25/100.
You're asking questions to a room full of artists, when the lag issue is more likely attributed to something like compression methods, rendering order, or any number of things that could be solved by a fuckton of mathematics that most artists have nothing to do with.
picked it up last night. digging it so far, but haven't played enough. i might hit up some people on the Polycount group list to get a game going Saturday night. gotta unlock that light body type!
You're asking questions to a room full of artists, when the lag issue is more likely attributed to something like compression methods, rendering order, or any number of things that could be solved by a fuckton of mathematics that most artists have nothing to do with.
Oh yeah my bad, I'll just go over to C#Count then where I know a bunch of SD coders are working and ask there.
FYI MoP had some tech roles on this, and surely even though the artists know nothing about the 'fuckton of mathematics' you guys do communicate to other company members in this industry right?
Surely you artists playtest a little. And surely when you load up your new assets and it takes 5 seconds to pop in a texture you think 'erm, that isn't right'. And then would someone not raise that issue to a lead or director, who would converse with other relevant leads.
I just thought it might have been mentioned in the office, and one of the artists might know at least a little. In any case, I'm more likely to get some reliable info here than anywhere else.
Right, finally got some serious games in. I think the game is pretty good. Surely it doesn't deserve all the flak it has gotten. However there are plenty of bugs that I don't even know how they let it slip by. Sure you squash all the bugs but some bugs should be fixed no matter. Like I have severe sound issues where sound will disappear and I only hear random sound effects being played... it disappears until I quit to main menu. Oh, and I thought it was only me so I was like.. ok.. whatever, prolly my hardware. But the funny thing was that when someone asked in chat everyone said "yeah, disappeared for me too". That is SO strange.
But yeah, I kinda like the game overall. Could see myself level up some more and figure things out.
Sadly I believe the game is held back by marketing and technical issues. By marketing I mean expectations. Can't tout that you are going to make a game that does everything when it barely does one thing very well. It's what I call the Spore syndrome.
Anyhow.. I realize Im coming of more critical than I should. Cause Im gonna keep playing this game over the weekend at least. Then we'll see if the witcher 2 beats it. Haha.
EDIT: Oh, and yes.. making games is hard so I give full props to Splash Damage for pulling this off. Only ones that are better are those with a lot more money on their hands I'd say.
I wish there was some sort of party system. Is there a way to go into a public game with all your friends, or do you just have to invite them once you're in a match and hope that there are enough open spots?
yea, the lack of a party system for such a team focused game is fucking atrocious. trying to play on 360 with my friends feels super clunky, and then when you accept the invite you have to click another button that says "join on invite" every time. really not diggin the game too much, feels super unpolished, horrendous lag and the same objectives for each map pretty much. a team deathmatch mode would be nice too, but thats not even includes as a side option.
Most 360 multiplayer games allow players to "party up", or join a game lobby together, and then search for games with enough open spots for the party. Just a simple way to get in public matches with your friends.
Oooo gir...
A polycount dedi server would be sweet. Used to help run a TF2 one till it went tits up.
Would be pretty groovy if we could wang a couple of games up
Not really getting where all the hate on the game is coming from, finding it really fun and the controls are alot better than what i thought they'd be from the trailers (alot quicker and fluid, assuming they'd be sluggish and console tank-like :P).
Art is awsome and i dig how customizable everything is ^^
And guessing they fixed the bugs people were mentioning in the last 2 days. Haven't notice it slow down once (on my 4 year old comp) or anything like that.
Not sure how long lasting it will be but it's definitley fun for now
Ill see how it ages over the next few days/week but so far this is a 9/10 for me, really pleased i paid out the $90! for the steam version.
back to the ark for me
aus = Austria?
f*** that, man...
i am exploding getting my hands on it, i am ger, and its not comming out until tomorrow...
I'm really hoping they release an SDK because it would be great to see more open maps being created for more of the free running side of it. Some of the maps seem to suffer from being single pathways with maybe one or two jumps.
and yeh there does seem to be a few other peeps playing around here (guessing there'll be a bunch more going on tommorow when more people get the game).
Really like doing coop with friends, the attack/defend style works really well for that. I gotta get better at not being shot so much tho ^^;
This is actually the aspect of the game that was most surprising and makes me want to check out the game the most.
Is there a way to make the guns suck less?
Hit em in the head.
Still, gonna try some upgrading (not entirely sure how that works, will have to try again maybe tomorrow), and different guns. are there different guns the different body-types can't use? I'm a small guy so I can move around faster, and I wanted to use a shotgun, but it wasn't available in the list of guns.
Just different systems, different expectations though to be honest.
It shows the wireframe (or something like it) all the time, i tried restarting the game and updating my graphics drivers
Good to know, I'll change that the next time I play. Thanks
Get your games on steam ! I can't even remember the last time I bought a box version for a pc game
Gonna try the game tonight anyway~
and now i'm sad =[
haven't opened it yet. gonna take it back and buy it on Steam. but now she's all "god i can't do anything right!"
Is the 360 version patched in the UK or not? I thought the Bethesda Blog said the texture issues and lag had been addressed in the patch. Certainly isn't the case here in the UK.
Gameplay is amazing, art is obviously stunning but really, how in the hell did anyone look at that texture pop and say 'Ok yup that's ready to ship'... I mean it's not even like a split second UE3 style pop-in, it's like 'eeeeww that looks terrib....(3 second pause) oh that's better'.
And yeah, lag.
I know I sound like a 16 year old Kotaku commenter but I'm quite shocked this got out in the state it's in, I mean it's a lot of fun but those are some pretty glaring issues right there.
You're asking questions to a room full of artists, when the lag issue is more likely attributed to something like compression methods, rendering order, or any number of things that could be solved by a fuckton of mathematics that most artists have nothing to do with.
Oh yeah my bad, I'll just go over to C#Count then where I know a bunch of SD coders are working and ask there.
FYI MoP had some tech roles on this, and surely even though the artists know nothing about the 'fuckton of mathematics' you guys do communicate to other company members in this industry right?
Surely you artists playtest a little. And surely when you load up your new assets and it takes 5 seconds to pop in a texture you think 'erm, that isn't right'. And then would someone not raise that issue to a lead or director, who would converse with other relevant leads.
I just thought it might have been mentioned in the office, and one of the artists might know at least a little. In any case, I'm more likely to get some reliable info here than anywhere else.
But yeah, I kinda like the game overall. Could see myself level up some more and figure things out.
Sadly I believe the game is held back by marketing and technical issues. By marketing I mean expectations. Can't tout that you are going to make a game that does everything when it barely does one thing very well. It's what I call the Spore syndrome.
Anyhow.. I realize Im coming of more critical than I should. Cause Im gonna keep playing this game over the weekend at least. Then we'll see if the witcher 2 beats it. Haha.
EDIT: Oh, and yes.. making games is hard so I give full props to Splash Damage for pulling this off. Only ones that are better are those with a lot more money on their hands I'd say.
are there any polycount dedicated servers?
A polycount dedi server would be sweet. Used to help run a TF2 one till it went tits up.
Would be pretty groovy if we could wang a couple of games up
2 - pics? (of greentooth.)
yup thats it,, tho i believe it may have been the same prop, i think i saw it in another area of the game.
no its not, just a crappy pic taken with a crappy cam i guess... (no offense^^)
Soo.... I wet my pants to get a hand on this and i must say...
I'm done with half of the campaign in like 3 hours?
Would have loved seeing a little more character development and such...
I dunno, didnt play multiplayer yet (are those the same maps?), but the singleplayer just feels like a showcase for them...
Because it is a showcase for the multiplayer, the campaign is just a compilation of the maps in formation with bots for the opposition.