Ok games out. Now what I want to know is when is the first batch of art going to be put up? Hmmm Come on guys. i know a lot of polycounters were involved. A nice big art dump would be fantastic like we did for Singularity.
I can't wait to play this. Don't have the money right now, but soon I will. Loving the style, loving the customizations, love LOVE the setting, and level art. Damnit, why can't I get a paycheck like right now?
Ok games out. Now what I want to know is when is the first batch of art going to be put up? Hmmm Come on guys. i know a lot of polycounters were involved. A nice big art dump would be fantastic like we did for Singularity.
I agree Mike. No offense to Borderlands, but are you kidding me? Brink is one of the best looking games I have ever seen. The art quality is through the roof here especially considering the size of the art team.
I still have not installed it but that will be taken care of tonight. I can't wait to experience this for myself. It seems like many of the complaints thus far can be fixed with a patch or two (AI, minor bugs, etc).
Mike, I love you man. Between this and the Autodesk crash stickers, you're giving me a huge man boner. Picking up Brink tonight, congrats Tim, MoP and the SD team!
oh dude yeah no offense at all. i bought and played Borderlands. Its awesome. Its just not the same style as Brink. They are 2 different styles with their own merit. I only threw the scale at the end in because somebody i know suggested it. Showing that those 2 games are quite different, and that actually games like Gears are stylized. look at the chars calves.. look at their heads.. everything is thick and wide. brink is elongated. Though we all know its not as simple as that. Theres a lot in Brink! And I never thought Borderlands while thinking of Brink or Visa Versa. I don't get it.
Basically my friend and I have been talking about how poeple are binary. They have 2 things to say about the visuals in a game.
1. Its real
2. Its cartoony
Thats the extent of their terminology and understanding. It isn't enough to say "its stylized" or "has its own style" or "has a compelling style". Instead you get pushed into either REAL or CARTOON.
One is not actually better than another. For me anything can be good. Incredibles is amazing. Roscos modern life always had a cool look to me. Ren and Stimpy. Uncharted has its look. People just like to pop off one-liners.. which is fine, until you find out how many people follow metacritic and critics and how many of them will cringe at "cartoony" when they quick browse. Or get the wrong idea when they see "like borderlands". Quick-n-dirty reviewing has been having a huge impact on games lately. an 83 vs a 88 can dictate a rental or a purchase. A riff like "cartoony visuals" might have the same effect for soem
Jeff wasn't a fan, I could tell he disliked it based on the quick look.
Seems the major complaints are "shitty bots" for single player, grenades suck and that the multiplayer is laggy.
Oh well, only Rock Paper Shotgun left.
Also surprisingly, Destructoids review was pretty honest about everything in regards to what I know about the game, one of the few good reviews if actually read from them, heck it was written by Jim too, odd.
Any word on a Brink art book btw? I would pay for it!
If it comes out it'll be out in the US first, then Europe at the end of time.
Also does ANY of you SD guys exactly WHY there is a 3 day gap between release dates? Because it makes absolutely ZERO sense in this digital distribution age we live in
Honestly, I wouldn't surprised me if women were excluded solely because of body types. Playing as a skinny or buff dude is fine and dandy, even great marketing... But women in a video game that aren't super models?! BLASPHEMY!
Also, Brink doesn't have female characters, and there's a big to-do about it.
How do you guys feel about that? Is it really a valid excuse to say that female characters in a game with an already seemingly clustered pipeline makes it twice as bad?
I know I would not want to be a TD on a project like that.
A whole host of FPS games don't have female characters, so where is the complaint coming from?
A whole host of FPS games don't have female characters, so where is the complaint coming from?
A lot of FPS games also do not offer the level of customizability of your character that Brink does. So I reckon it comes from that as I believe people tend to expect a female option when the words "customizable character" get marketed; but please don't take my word for it!
And third for an Artbook, I'd buy anything that has a shitload of Tully's/Spacemonkey's artwork in it!
I've got to imagine the choice not to do Female characters had something to do with the sheer massive amount of art content required, really you're talking doubling all of that work. SD isn't exactly a huge studio, so they would have had to either cut back drastically on other aspects of the game, or be in production a lot longer to pull it off.
If the decision was to keep it to dudes only, but execute it as well as possible, I think it was a good choice and the results are exceptional.
I can understand your basic gamer not really getting this, but I'm confused why any polycounter wouldn't see the reasons behind it.
right now the xbox version is pretty much unplayable 3/4 of the time due to horrendous lag. the 360 version doesnt look to hot either, terrible texture streaming literally everywhere you look.
the character customizer is fucking rad though and the up close skin and guns. I was super optimistic but if it keeps up like this I am going to have to agree with the reviews for the console versions of the game. I am hoping they fix it within a couple days and will reserve judgement till then.
I bought Brink for the PS3 as it is starting to collect dust. The mood, artsyle and even intro and outro for each map is spot on. If anything it puts context into each map and it's a nice gimmick seeing your customized character in the cut-scenes. (Sort of reminds me of Lost Planet 2 where your characters would replace those in the cut-scenes (which was odd seeing females with deep mexican accents) (Brink probably got it right this time excluding females).
It certainly follows the RTCW:ET model but far more improved in terms of objectives, multiple-layers, there is always something to do. Team-based is heavily required and the lone-wolf mentality won't cut it in this game. I certainly wanted a deeper SP since they have created such an interesting world that I would like to explore further (Sequel?) but for what it is now I'm happy.
Oddly enough it has a very nostalgic sense of gameplay..back when teamwork was important to drive the team forward rather than running in a little box with a knife racking up kills.
And the SMART system is phenomenal, you only notice it if you force yourself to use and integrate it into your play-style since many times I just find myself ducking behind a crate and running around it rather than over it.
I assured my friend and sealed the deal that it was a good buy after I showed him personally the gameplay and what it had to offer.
Edit: Sure there are issues with the graphic streaming and a little bit of lag, but I was too engaged with the gameplay for it to become a problem. This is coming from the Ps3 version.
Screw it. I'm gonna keep the game and play it. It feels like this game is getting Alpha Protocol'd. That game was amazing but was reviewed as a shooter even though it was barely a shooter. Brink seems to be meeting the same fate.. getting ripped apart by jerk reviewers who don't even look up the game before reviewing.
EDIT: Why is it not released in EU yet I've seen a bunch of americans play it on Steam.
The graphics really are stunning, I'll give it that... But the gameplay feels a right mess atm, was all over the place, not quite sure how it got this way? Also the movement, speeds, weapons, recoil, damage, pretty much everything feels really out of whack...
Oh and I swear to baby raptor jesus, its id tech, fucking allow me to set my FOV and mouse filter already, don't go out of your way to stop us doing it...
In short, it feels very much like a budget game, or at least, the MP side of a bigger game. If this shipped with SP as well (As in a real SP) then it would totally blow my socks off, but atm, its like a lite version of Q3A...
If it had SP it'd blow your socks off? What a weird thing to say...
New topic, the rifles. How the hell do you kill someone with a rifle? It has such a slow rate of fire... and it's not a one shot kill. The SMGs seem to win out every time!
If it had SP, it would be worth the price tag. Lets not kid ourselves what we are getting here... A game with less content than W:ET, which released for FREE...
Remember that.
EDIT: I'll be honest, with a LOT of tweaking, they could make this into a killer online game. But this is like Activision coming along and selling Black Ops without the SP game. None of you would stand for that then, so why now?
The only time I used the rifle was when I unlocked the second one and equipped it with a scope. I got a few one hit kills, but yeah, it does seem a bit unbalanced at times.
Wow I check this thread each day >.< Still can't decide should I buy it. Played it awhile on my friends PC... played on hard but sp... all the time I thought to myself "just give me 7 people instead of bots and damn it can be really good team based shooter". There is something really great about this game but some issues spoil the fun. BTW from graphic perspective I just need to open the weapon customization menu to be fully amazed they look soooooo gooood there ;]
Edit: Sadly I don't actually play multiplayer games anymore. I would love to play Brink if my friends are into it. I hit TF2 hard when it first came out. Played Medic almost exclusivly and would play with friends. Once that REAL teamwork fades though (friends move on) I may as well play against bots who don't use the N word every 2 seconds. So I quit.
I need to check this game out. But I no longer have the stomach for pure deathmatch anymore. Atleast not playing by myself on a random given server. And if the game has "perks" then count me out all together! lol.
Can you play through this games "campaign" in co-op with a friend against non-trolling bots?
Aesir, rifles are awesome! They just suit a very different playstyle than SMGS.
I can't figure out how to make the burst rifle or the long rifles work too well, buts the ARs are sick if you're careful for them. Smgs are awesome for the acrobatic, rush everyone down and tear them apart playstyle, rifles do VERY serious damage in short bursts at mid to long range. Slow down, stop behind some cover, and start popping off shots into enemies, you should be able to drop several guys with ease. Rifles, basically, are the more 'tactical' weapon. Grab the frontgrip with them if you have trouble predicting the recoil. If you mean the sniper rifles, snagging an smg or the machine pistol as my secondary, ideally with the 'speed holster' or 'speed strap' attatchment and doing a quick change to top off the extra damage is how i've had the most success. Also using them primarily to finish off guys who get knocked down by molotovs or grenade blasts as they're standing back up. But i played around with them in the first few hours the game was out, before anybody was using Heavy bodies, so they may just be great for hunting the big guys.
Any of you guys played with the Grenade Shooting ability at all? I'm finding it to be extremely fun and very effective. Taken out groups of 4-5 guys at a time by ambushing and knocking them all down with a shot grenade and then finishing them off with smg bursts. Only way i can survive as a Light bodytype. It's also vastly more effective than pretty much every weapon except the two sniper rifles at long range -- i can't even count the times i've gotten kills on guys trying to plink away at me from across the map with a lobbed and shot grenade.
Blazier, this game, to me, feels like a casual game aimed at the hardcore gamers. That is to say, it's relaxing and fun to play, not a serious experience, but it is not meant for the more casual shooter crowd. For someone who's played online fps videogames for a long time, that kotaku review is puzzling as hell. I guess halo and call of duty are all he's ever put time into?
Brink is not a confusing game, it's not a weird game, it's a solid objective based shooter. And the objective wheel is a major part of the interface, as that objectives change hands and states all the time and you need a good way to keep track of what's going on where if you want your team to win.
RV_EL, the game does have perks, and the bot ai is shitty, so 0/2 on what you're looking for. I'd still check it out if you get a chance or they release a demo, though. The game has a very different feel than most modern FPSes, and multiplayer has more of a 'co-op' feel than most competitive FPS games. Also, the perks are very cool, but they don't effect the central gameplay in the way that they do in most other shooters -- everyone can parkour, shoot, and throw grenades effectively, regardless of class or perks, and that's what tends to make matches. Perks are more like the bonuses you get for TF2 weapons.
Finally able to play it properly at a solid framerate and im quite enjoying it. Nothing really that special but its a nice change from the other popular FPS titles out there.
For those of you with ATI cards, edit the brink config file and change multithreaded rendering to 2. That at least helped me and now i'm getting a solid 60 fps even with a bunch of stuff going on.
To edit said config file go to:
Make an autoexec.cfg and add: seta r_useThreadedRenderer "2", save and see if it helps.
The Ritchie revolver with acog scope is my favorite sniper rifle in the game. The bolt actions will put people down, you just have to be able to hit people in the head consistently, and it helps if they're not buffed/a little weakened. Basically, teamwork plays into the shooting as well. If you have someone staking the top of their lifebars, snipers can clean up.
This game gets a lot deeper with the higher level perks- I hit level 20 earlier today and caltrops, satchels, cortex bombs, and downed fire change the game considerably. I really like the fact that classes aren't immediately obvious- you really have to keep track of who is who, and the char. customization makes that a lot of fun...
ie. That dude with the spiked helmet is their pro medic, take him out first! Or, watch out for the eel guy he has cortex bomb! I am running into a point where I wish more pubs had voip on- that never really was an issue on PC for me, i hope they turn it on by default for us.
I am in such a love/hate relationship with this game ... I go to sleep every night loving it because I had such amazing matches, but then the next day I will play a game where it just fucking baffles me how bad everyone is playing. Not the game's fault I 'spose.
I did this really fast. Its quite rough. But I suppose it gets the point across
I think people just do not get it. They simply don't get it.. and it sucks for the future of art (styles) in games.
P.S Brink looks amazing and I hope it does well!!
edit: fixed. sorry had to run real fast to get a haircut. really let myself go during brawl.
6 hours down the drain.
Guess it's a known issue...
rv_el, that link is 404'd.
oh man that would be awesome, looking at you Tim
I still have not installed it but that will be taken care of tonight. I can't wait to experience this for myself. It seems like many of the complaints thus far can be fixed with a patch or two (AI, minor bugs, etc).
Great job everyone at SD!
Basically my friend and I have been talking about how poeple are binary. They have 2 things to say about the visuals in a game.
1. Its real
2. Its cartoony
Thats the extent of their terminology and understanding. It isn't enough to say "its stylized" or "has its own style" or "has a compelling style". Instead you get pushed into either REAL or CARTOON.
One is not actually better than another. For me anything can be good. Incredibles is amazing. Roscos modern life always had a cool look to me. Ren and Stimpy. Uncharted has its look. People just like to pop off one-liners.. which is fine, until you find out how many people follow metacritic and critics and how many of them will cringe at "cartoony" when they quick browse. Or get the wrong idea when they see "like borderlands". Quick-n-dirty reviewing has been having a huge impact on games lately. an 83 vs a 88 can dictate a rental or a purchase. A riff like "cartoony visuals" might have the same effect for soem
I made it so fast i'm worried poeple get the wrong impression. I hope its pretty clear though.
Also the newest episode of their podcast covers Brink pretty well.
Jeff wasn't a fan, I could tell he disliked it based on the quick look.
Seems the major complaints are "shitty bots" for single player, grenades suck and that the multiplayer is laggy.
Oh well, only Rock Paper Shotgun left.
Also surprisingly, Destructoids review was pretty honest about everything in regards to what I know about the game, one of the few good reviews if actually read from them, heck it was written by Jim too, odd.
Also does ANY of you SD guys exactly WHY there is a 3 day gap between release dates? Because it makes absolutely ZERO sense in this digital distribution age we live in
fragZone did the same thing here in Sweden. He was irritated on the worthless bots and wanted to play with the "full community".
I'm waiting for direct2drive to solve there fuckups with steam not being able to read there keys. O well, it's still three-ish days left.
second that
Haha that's very true. I would like to play with the hottest chick possible.
I think i will wait to play the game. The people are being very harsh with the game, what they expect from a team-based multiplayer game?
BTW, the character art is amazing.
A whole host of FPS games don't have female characters, so where is the complaint coming from?
A lot of FPS games also do not offer the level of customizability of your character that Brink does. So I reckon it comes from that as I believe people tend to expect a female option when the words "customizable character" get marketed; but please don't take my word for it!
And third for an Artbook, I'd buy anything that has a shitload of Tully's/Spacemonkey's artwork in it!
If the decision was to keep it to dudes only, but execute it as well as possible, I think it was a good choice and the results are exceptional.
I can understand your basic gamer not really getting this, but I'm confused why any polycounter wouldn't see the reasons behind it.
And the ign review?
The two worst possible review sites?(imo) Nah not reading, still waiting for the RPS review :P
The art may be fantastic, and reading those reviews and some more, i'm really confused about the game in general.
the character customizer is fucking rad though and the up close skin and guns. I was super optimistic but if it keeps up like this I am going to have to agree with the reviews for the console versions of the game. I am hoping they fix it within a couple days and will reserve judgement till then.
I bought Brink for the PS3 as it is starting to collect dust. The mood, artsyle and even intro and outro for each map is spot on. If anything it puts context into each map and it's a nice gimmick seeing your customized character in the cut-scenes. (Sort of reminds me of Lost Planet 2 where your characters would replace those in the cut-scenes (which was odd seeing females with deep mexican accents) (Brink probably got it right this time excluding females).
It certainly follows the RTCW:ET model but far more improved in terms of objectives, multiple-layers, there is always something to do. Team-based is heavily required and the lone-wolf mentality won't cut it in this game. I certainly wanted a deeper SP since they have created such an interesting world that I would like to explore further (Sequel?) but for what it is now I'm happy.
Oddly enough it has a very nostalgic sense of gameplay..back when teamwork was important to drive the team forward rather than running in a little box with a knife racking up kills.
And the SMART system is phenomenal, you only notice it if you force yourself to use and integrate it into your play-style since many times I just find myself ducking behind a crate and running around it rather than over it.
I assured my friend and sealed the deal that it was a good buy after I showed him personally the gameplay and what it had to offer.
Edit: Sure there are issues with the graphic streaming and a little bit of lag, but I was too engaged with the gameplay for it to become a problem. This is coming from the Ps3 version.
Screw it. I'm gonna keep the game and play it. It feels like this game is getting Alpha Protocol'd. That game was amazing but was reviewed as a shooter even though it was barely a shooter. Brink seems to be meeting the same fate.. getting ripped apart by jerk reviewers who don't even look up the game before reviewing.
EDIT: Why is it not released in EU yet
Oh and I swear to baby raptor jesus, its id tech, fucking allow me to set my FOV and mouse filter already, don't go out of your way to stop us doing it...
In short, it feels very much like a budget game, or at least, the MP side of a bigger game. If this shipped with SP as well (As in a real SP) then it would totally blow my socks off, but atm, its like a lite version of Q3A...
New topic, the rifles. How the hell do you kill someone with a rifle? It has such a slow rate of fire... and it's not a one shot kill. The SMGs seem to win out every time!
Remember that.
EDIT: I'll be honest, with a LOT of tweaking, they could make this into a killer online game. But this is like Activision coming along and selling Black Ops without the SP game. None of you would stand for that then, so why now?
Edit: Sadly I don't actually play multiplayer games anymore. I would love to play Brink if my friends are into it. I hit TF2 hard when it first came out. Played Medic almost exclusivly and would play with friends. Once that REAL teamwork fades though (friends move on) I may as well play against bots who don't use the N word every 2 seconds.
I need to check this game out. But I no longer have the stomach for pure deathmatch anymore. Atleast not playing by myself on a random given server. And if the game has "perks" then count me out all together! lol.
Can you play through this games "campaign" in co-op with a friend against non-trolling bots?
What kind of servers are you playing on? I don't think I've played a round of TF2 without good teamwork and communication in years.
I can't figure out how to make the burst rifle or the long rifles work too well, buts the ARs are sick if you're careful for them. Smgs are awesome for the acrobatic, rush everyone down and tear them apart playstyle, rifles do VERY serious damage in short bursts at mid to long range. Slow down, stop behind some cover, and start popping off shots into enemies, you should be able to drop several guys with ease. Rifles, basically, are the more 'tactical' weapon. Grab the frontgrip with them if you have trouble predicting the recoil. If you mean the sniper rifles, snagging an smg or the machine pistol as my secondary, ideally with the 'speed holster' or 'speed strap' attatchment and doing a quick change to top off the extra damage is how i've had the most success. Also using them primarily to finish off guys who get knocked down by molotovs or grenade blasts as they're standing back up. But i played around with them in the first few hours the game was out, before anybody was using Heavy bodies, so they may just be great for hunting the big guys.
Any of you guys played with the Grenade Shooting ability at all? I'm finding it to be extremely fun and very effective. Taken out groups of 4-5 guys at a time by ambushing and knocking them all down with a shot grenade and then finishing them off with smg bursts. Only way i can survive as a Light bodytype. It's also vastly more effective than pretty much every weapon except the two sniper rifles at long range -- i can't even count the times i've gotten kills on guys trying to plink away at me from across the map with a lobbed and shot grenade.
Blazier, this game, to me, feels like a casual game aimed at the hardcore gamers. That is to say, it's relaxing and fun to play, not a serious experience, but it is not meant for the more casual shooter crowd. For someone who's played online fps videogames for a long time, that kotaku review is puzzling as hell. I guess halo and call of duty are all he's ever put time into?
Brink is not a confusing game, it's not a weird game, it's a solid objective based shooter. And the objective wheel is a major part of the interface, as that objectives change hands and states all the time and you need a good way to keep track of what's going on where if you want your team to win.
RV_EL, the game does have perks, and the bot ai is shitty, so 0/2 on what you're looking for. I'd still check it out if you get a chance or they release a demo, though. The game has a very different feel than most modern FPSes, and multiplayer has more of a 'co-op' feel than most competitive FPS games. Also, the perks are very cool, but they don't effect the central gameplay in the way that they do in most other shooters -- everyone can parkour, shoot, and throw grenades effectively, regardless of class or perks, and that's what tends to make matches. Perks are more like the bonuses you get for TF2 weapons.
i havent been this excited or pleased with a game since i was 13!
I will reserve judgment on how I feel about the game for when I can actually stay alive for longer than 10 second intervals :poly122:
So far tho. I dig the characters and guns, but that's about all i can say.
For those of you with ATI cards, edit the brink config file and change multithreaded rendering to 2. That at least helped me and now i'm getting a solid 60 fps even with a bunch of stuff going on.
To edit said config file go to:
Make an autoexec.cfg and add: seta r_useThreadedRenderer "2", save and see if it helps.
Tim you should have got this for PC i dont know how it looks or plays on the Xbox but it seems that the PC players are getting a better deal :P
Still not the most intuitive game though.
This game gets a lot deeper with the higher level perks- I hit level 20 earlier today and caltrops, satchels, cortex bombs, and downed fire change the game considerably. I really like the fact that classes aren't immediately obvious- you really have to keep track of who is who, and the char. customization makes that a lot of fun...
ie. That dude with the spiked helmet is their pro medic, take him out first! Or, watch out for the eel guy he has cortex bomb! I am running into a point where I wish more pubs had voip on- that never really was an issue on PC for me, i hope they turn it on by default for us.