i haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since Unreal Tournament 2k4.
it's fun, it flows nice, it's got great pacing.
two things irking me currently though:
1: skin tones are too limited across the different archetypes. why can't i have a white "the chin" for example?
2: organising a team to play with is a nightmare due to the lack of grouping as stated previously.
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick my favorite part of games now a days (especially online ones) is the ability to pimp your guy out and actually make him unique - Halo had the right idea, but i personally think Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 took it to new levels ! !
and now (havent really looked into this game much yet) i have seen this vid and read a lot of good things from you guys, i might actually pick it up : )
does this game have different types of offline play? example, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 has terrorist hunt that was a nice alternative to singe player and allowed the player to level up and unlock new stuff
I went looking for the green tooth bag in that pic, but couldn't find it. I did however find it at the Airport (I THINK it's an airport), in the luggage next to one of the command center's you have to take. I chuckled
We have been working on updates for Brink to address the lag issue that some people have reported they were experiencing. We have made a configuration change for 360 users (which will be available to the PS3, once PSN is up) that alters the number of human players when matchmaking for "Campaign" and most 'Freeplay' modes to eight total human players. This new configuration will allow those connecting to and hosting matches (particularly those with lower upstream bandwidth) to more reliably find and connect to quality hosts via the match-making process resulting in less lag and more fun. This change is being rolled out today and will be available worldwide.
For players who haven't been experienced lag, we'll still support 8 vs 8 on all maps via a new 'Big Teams' configuration in Freeplay, and through custom settings in Private matches. There is no download required for this update and it will be available automatically the next time you log in to play Brink and launch either campaign or standard Freeplay matches. This should allow players new to the Ark as well as veterans to find quality matches suitable to their preferred play style.
We are also releasing an incremental update for PC players via Steam that addresses AI, GPU, and server issues. See the full release notes for more information. Many of these fixes are being included in the full update for the 360 and PS3 versions.
We would like to thank you for supporting Brink and for your continued feedback. To show our appreciation for your support of Brink, we will be making the first DLC for Brink available for free when it is released. This DLC is planned for June and will offer additional maps and new content for players. We'll continue to provide announcements about the next title update, as well as the first DLC release as that information becomes available.
-Splash Damage & Bethesda
The problem i have with the game so far is that sometimes texture streaming doesnt load some textures so you end up with models with with blured textures.
also, the texture compressing is so high that sometimes the textures look like pictures downloaded from the internet full with jpg artifacts.
And lastly the lag one has when playing online
I bought it for the 360 and I love it. I played it all day yesterday.
I tried playing online, but it was just too laggy for me.
Unbearably laggy...so I played offline with bots.
i haven't enjoyed an FPS this much since Unreal Tournament 2k4.
it's fun, it flows nice, it's got great pacing.
two things irking me currently though:
1: skin tones are too limited across the different archetypes. why can't i have a white "the chin" for example?
2: organising a team to play with is a nightmare due to the lack of grouping as stated previously.
Gir I made a guy that I swear looked like you today. Psycho with some spikey short hair and good cop glasses...
Been having some trouble with.. everything. It's mostly about adjusting, but the parkour system feels floaty and inaccurate for some reason.. Might just be an issue on my end though.
Performance wise it's been up and down, gameplay wise it's been tight. Yet to get into any epic games though :0
Hmm, got to play it a bit. I think my original snarky comment from a few years back that it looked like "Gears of Team Fortress" is actually spot on. Gameplay feels really weird; fast paced, but at the same time movement feels slow and plodding.
Probably fun online play though, but I see no real advantage the game has over MW or TF2
I had some really cool games yesterday from work but i had problems playing from home with internet connection + a mouse that is going berserk with over 9000 in speed. (altough the later is fixed with an option i have to set up everytime i wnat to play the game making my mouse for desktop dead slow) mouse speed in game is at zero.
This is one hell of a game! I haven't figured out everything yet which is fun thing to do. but so far it seems awesome. Is this the team shooter Ive been looking for?
Congrats to all over at SplashDamage! I hope the game will be supported post launch for a long time! Sounds good with the dlc and fixed bugs already
had awfull lag on pc today...
although it was a server in my country and the the server list told me i had a ping around 80 or something it was terrible >.<
Started playing yesterday mostly in SP to level up a bit before I hit public servers and I'm liking it so far! Good fast paced action and generally solid good fun!
Movement is slightly sluggish, guns/damage could have used a bit more balancing out imo, and those grenades are hella annoying. Also SMART tends to have a mind of it's own.
But still a pretty ace game if you ask me!
I've been having may way with Brink for a good 10 hours now, and I'm increasingly feeling like one aspect of the game is basically holding back everything else. The guns a nice and meaty, the classes are fun to play, the parkour is fun... but the maps, are awful. I mean, they could have made excellent counterstrike maps, and they look fantastic, but it reduces everything to corridor choke points, which is horrifically frustrating in single player or on a team with no coordination. The side objectives are largely irrelevant unless their in your way, in which case they become the main choke point of the moment, the parkour is barely used except to let light builds down a couple of side corridors. There's is very little open space or areas that encourage movement. The maps seem very old fashioned and they don't feel like they fit the gameplay that the objective wheel, the classes and the movement really want.
Also, heavies are useless. Still, I'm having a blast and I'm going to be playing this for a while - I look forward to seeing what patches bring.
Yeah its definitely more fun if you play with friends on vent etc. Feel free to add me on steam if you crave some teamwork Ian, handle is "bboborino"..
Has there been any word yet about when the annoying sound muted bug gets fixed?
I get it every few minutes it seems, disconnect and reconnect fixes it then. Strangely a few of the sounds still get played when it occurs.
Played through most of the SP campaign and the challenges. The good stuff is the gunplay, character and weapons customisation are awesome. I like teamwork oriented games so this goes down very well.
Glad to see the PC isn't just some shoddy port and congrats to SD for taking the time to support the PC in a world were it often gets the short end of the stick.
The stuff thats already been mentioned, the Bot AI and Bugs i feel need addressing. Gonna wait a for a few more patches before i start on the MP side.
The other thing is whats up with uniform lighting throughout the levels? I don't see the point in using a deferred renderer if your not gonna take advantage of it by what it seems using just one shadow casting light (sun) throughout each level. The interior areas seem absence of any shading and shadowing and nothing in the world seems grounded because of this.
The maps really arent as chokepointy as they at first seam. And the secondaries (ie, the command posts) are VITAL. if you're being held up in a chokepoint, it's very likely the other team has the health command post and you don't. Snag it!
For those of you who have spent more time playing, do you feel that spray-and-pray'ing with SMGs is the best approach? I can't tell if I'm just awful or if I am not used to the gameplay, but I die a lot and generally feel useless/confused.
is this game fun and playable for 360 offline without downloading any patches? i just bought it today on my way home from work, but unable to hook up my 360 to the internet for updates.... soooo can anyone help me out on this? anyone know? - just wondering if there are any huge problems with it prior to any patches for 360
For those of you who have spent more time playing, do you feel that spray-and-pray'ing with SMGs is the best approach? I can't tell if I'm just awful or if I am not used to the gameplay, but I die a lot and generally feel useless/confused.
I'd say it depends on the map. for example the map where you escort the bot through some blue pathway it's nice to have something more akin to a sniper to pick off pesky guys.
Just started playing around with the assault rifles and they are pretty neat too on midrange.
I put some reasonable time into this over the last few days and still having a great time.
Played through the single player, felt a bit like an elongated tutorial but I enjoyed it. Yeah the bots can be dumb, particularly team-mates but the AI seems on par with what you will see in any other similar game. Maybe even better in some situations.
I wouldn't mind seeing a little more weapon variation, yeah i can chose between a bunch of different weps and add parts, but mostly im seeing close, mid and long range with small variation within the three.
I love the ability to customise my character and weapons, such a kick ass system. And the artwork on both is so sexy i find myself spending way to much time just checking them out in the viewer.
Mostly im playing online and its kick ass. The parkour movement system, once you get onto it leaves me with so many memorable moments, sliding for cover, running from fire, amazing. I can see myself wanting more maps, but i hear there on the way anyway
Hmmm I currently have a mixed experience at the moment - love the style, art, and the parkour flowing gameplay - but,
a BIG BUT: i can't seem to play multiplayer - always says 'timed out' when i try to connect to any server (either via direct ip entry or through the server lists....). I can;t find anything in support or the splash damage forums that address this....
The first time I played the game I didn't like it. The more I play the more I like it oddly enough. I've only played through the challenges and a handful of missions but I'm having a blast, even more so now that I've unlocked lots of new gun parts and abilities. The AI is quite Gumpish in part because you can't issue them orders like you can in something like Rainbow 6. I'm really looking forward to playing online once psn is working again.
got my first real games in tonight. fuuuck this game is fun with a buddy or two. some of the operative's special abilities are way too good to pass up, particularly the enemy comms hack. one more level and I'll have the turret hack. :]
Had a weird bug last night, where I couldn't hear any in-game sounds, and I could only see one guy from the opposing team, both in-game, and on the [hold TAB} leaderboard.
I have some issues with other parts of the game (Playing a co-op seems greyed-out no matter what I do? / Why is AO so performance expensive? / Why make me pick a side before I get to the main menu on my first go?!), but I played it last night with some PC guys, and it was as fun as fuck.
Brought back a lot of ET:CW (Ultimate compliment!) for me, but it's somehow more fun.
turret hack is amazing. High point is jumping down from above into a pack of fighting enemies and hacking their turret before they realize there's an enemy in their midst.
And then, of course, escaping in the chaos as they try to figure out where that enemy turret came from.
Just unlocked Rank 4 - havign a blast. The game seems to get better and better, have had basically a weekend of smooth running games on 360 - if anyone needs a medic, add me up: Turkey Doctor
i had to ragequit today, sadly enough i wasnt able to see many of the opponents (and some of my teammates, too, though as medic i had the option showing to heal my mates, thus knowing they where there).
yesterday i had something similar, but today those opponents actually showed in the leaderboard...
i miss some server favourising system, am hooking up to a new one every time, would love to get some consistency in the opponents...
and yes, maps, i litterally would just take any, but its only a few days in and the old ones get boring already....
also. i though i'd be able to tint my clothing the way i want it >.<
would have been cool to run around in all black, but yeah, still love all this customizing!
i had to ragequit today, sadly enough i wasnt able to see many of the opponents (and some of my teammates, too, though as medic i had the option showing to heal my mates, thus knowing they where there).
yesterday i had something similar, but today those opponents actually showed in the leaderboard...
I get this 1 out of every 4 games, it seems. And when that happens, the game mutes and I get no sound until the round ends, or I reconnect to the server.
I've had a really good time with Brink so far. I've only put in a total of about 4hrs yet though. It feels more like ET than ETQW did. I wish the maps were more open, less corridors so you could really exercise the SMART climbing elements. A favela-like map would have been awesome. Unlike some people, I really like the fact that it takes more than two shots to take somebody down. I much prefer skill-based games like this, than the "my gun is bigger than yours" COD style 1-hit takedown crap.
I played some more online and it's a lot of fun. I realized when I reset my skill points it knocks you down a few levels and a rank which didn't take too long to regain.
Loving the game, as an long time Wolf:ET player. It's really growing on me as I get used to that style of gameplay again.
Turrets though? Working as intended? If so they really aren't intuitive. Is there some magic trick to make them acquire targets and open fire in a predictable way?
it's fun, it flows nice, it's got great pacing.
two things irking me currently though:
1: skin tones are too limited across the different archetypes. why can't i have a white "the chin" for example?
2: organising a team to play with is a nightmare due to the lack of grouping as stated previously.
and now (havent really looked into this game much yet) i have seen this vid and read a lot of good things from you guys, i might actually pick it up : )
does this game have different types of offline play? example, Tom Clancy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 has terrorist hunt that was a nice alternative to singe player and allowed the player to level up and unlock new stuff
Patch today claims to solve that issue among other problems
Link: http://www.splashdamage.com/content/brink-updates-live-free-dlc-coming
also, the texture compressing is so high that sometimes the textures look like pictures downloaded from the internet full with jpg artifacts.
And lastly the lag one has when playing online
I tried playing online, but it was just too laggy for me.
Unbearably laggy...so I played offline with bots.
It's still fun, but I want smart bots. >_>
Gir I made a guy that I swear looked like you today. Psycho with some spikey short hair and good cop glasses...
Performance wise it's been up and down, gameplay wise it's been tight. Yet to get into any epic games though :0
Probably fun online play though, but I see no real advantage the game has over MW or TF2
This is one hell of a game! I haven't figured out everything yet which is fun thing to do. but so far it seems awesome. Is this the team shooter Ive been looking for?
Congrats to all over at SplashDamage! I hope the game will be supported post launch for a long time! Sounds good with the dlc and fixed bugs already
although it was a server in my country and the the server list told me i had a ping around 80 or something it was terrible >.<
Movement is slightly sluggish, guns/damage could have used a bit more balancing out imo, and those grenades are hella annoying. Also SMART tends to have a mind of it's own.
But still a pretty ace game if you ask me!
So, is there a Polycount server up yet?
Also, heavies are useless. Still, I'm having a blast and I'm going to be playing this for a while - I look forward to seeing what patches bring.
Seemed pretty awesome so far
I get it every few minutes it seems, disconnect and reconnect fixes it then. Strangely a few of the sounds still get played when it occurs.
Glad to see the PC isn't just some shoddy port and congrats to SD for taking the time to support the PC in a world were it often gets the short end of the stick.
The stuff thats already been mentioned, the Bot AI and Bugs i feel need addressing. Gonna wait a for a few more patches before i start on the MP side.
The other thing is whats up with uniform lighting throughout the levels? I don't see the point in using a deferred renderer if your not gonna take advantage of it by what it seems using just one shadow casting light (sun) throughout each level. The interior areas seem absence of any shading and shadowing and nothing in the world seems grounded because of this.
can barely get above 10 fps even in singleplayer at lowest details.
before he patch i had a smooth 60fps with everything except AO on max
I'd say it depends on the map. for example the map where you escort the bot through some blue pathway it's nice to have something more akin to a sniper to pick off pesky guys.
Just started playing around with the assault rifles and they are pretty neat too on midrange.
Played through the single player, felt a bit like an elongated tutorial but I enjoyed it. Yeah the bots can be dumb, particularly team-mates but the AI seems on par with what you will see in any other similar game. Maybe even better in some situations.
I wouldn't mind seeing a little more weapon variation, yeah i can chose between a bunch of different weps and add parts, but mostly im seeing close, mid and long range with small variation within the three.
I love the ability to customise my character and weapons, such a kick ass system. And the artwork on both is so sexy i find myself spending way to much time just checking them out in the viewer.
Mostly im playing online and its kick ass. The parkour movement system, once you get onto it leaves me with so many memorable moments, sliding for cover, running from fire, amazing. I can see myself wanting more maps, but i hear there on the way anyway
a BIG BUT: i can't seem to play multiplayer - always says 'timed out' when i try to connect to any server (either via direct ip entry or through the server lists....). I can;t find anything in support or the splash damage forums that address this....
I have some issues with other parts of the game (Playing a co-op seems greyed-out no matter what I do? / Why is AO so performance expensive? / Why make me pick a side before I get to the main menu on my first go?!), but I played it last night with some PC guys, and it was as fun as fuck.
Brought back a lot of ET:CW (Ultimate compliment!) for me, but it's somehow more fun.
Well done, Splash Damage
And then, of course, escaping in the chaos as they try to figure out where that enemy turret came from.
Would be great with some Mirrors Edge style rooftops and the like.
yesterday i had something similar, but today those opponents actually showed in the leaderboard...
i miss some server favourising system, am hooking up to a new one every time, would love to get some consistency in the opponents...
and yes, maps, i litterally would just take any, but its only a few days in and the old ones get boring already....
also. i though i'd be able to tint my clothing the way i want it >.<
would have been cool to run around in all black, but yeah, still love all this customizing!
I get this 1 out of every 4 games, it seems. And when that happens, the game mutes and I get no sound until the round ends, or I reconnect to the server.
Worst bug ever
Soooo, polycount dedicated server?
...not a fan of the readyup...
Anyone know what's going on with that?
Turrets though? Working as intended? If so they really aren't intuitive. Is there some magic trick to make them acquire targets and open fire in a predictable way?