so ive been wondering. what sort of multiplayer is this game gonna have? is it all going to be objective based or are they going to have something like a deathmatch type as well?
I hope it won't dissapoint me. Looks so cool and fresh (I know not a freaking revolution but still... ;p). Not another cod or Battlefield (with all my love for those games). Good to kill someone else than all those poor muslim people.
the art in this game looks amazing,
but I'm a bit confused about the spraygun thing ?
I didn't follow the news a lot , I thought the game was based on speed but the iron sight might turn it quite slow. Anyway, waiting to test this for sure.
just pre-ordered on steam last night... tho any other aussies notice they charging USD$90 for it? (i'm not too fussed atm but think it used to be 50 usd... dick move australia, don't have to rip peeps off coz their dollar's doing well -_-)
i saw a friend on xbox playing it today! he works at gamestop and always gets games the weekend before release. im getting really pumped because i need a new fps.. call of duty just isnt cutting it anymore.
Yeah, steam region pricing is getting really bad here in Australia. Paying $90 for something that should cost us less than $50 is bullshit.
Certainly is, general software as well even with the dollar so high!
I can vouch for those shops as well, although ozgameshop is based in UK (You get UK version) which is good too because of Australia's other problem....R18+ :poly127:
I got the game gifted to me through steam by an American (I buy all my steam games through my American friends due to the silly steam conversion rates, meaning I was able to buy Brink TWICE in America for the price of 1 in Europe, looooooeeel)
anyone know if this mean it'll unlock on the 10th or do I have to wait till the 13th because of the invisible goojiboo-men that haunt the digital distribution network in general.
I ordered through my wife's Amazon Prime account. $46 ($3 off retail price) + Free Release Day Arrival + Psyco Pack Pre-order Bonus + $10 Amazon credit on future purchase.
If you pre-order it via Direct2Drive and then use this code: SCORCHIO25 you get 25% off the pre-order price as well, this also apparently tracks with Quidco for further money off - should take it down to around £20
*EDIT - quidco definately tracks, refunded me a further £2.40 - so I only paid £20.07 for Brink *
Pre-loaded on steam and I'm counting away the hours! Can't wait to get cracking at this game!
Im pretty sure steam is gonna do a midnight release of the game. the last few games ive bought from steam would be released the next day at 2pm or so but steam is telling me its out tonight at midnight! c u on the battlefield!
If you pre-order it via Direct2Drive and then use this code: SCORCHIO25 you get 25% off the pre-order price as well, this also apparently tracks with Quidco for further money off - should take it down to around £20
*EDIT - quidco definately tracks, refunded me a further £2.40 - so I only paid £20.07 for Brink *
Sweet stuff! I'm gonna order now! The US version of direct2drive wanted 50$ for it. Crazy. But i guess it's cause it will be released earlier over there.
If you feel like getting you ass kicked, add me on steam: slaktareOlsson
cant wait, I've got my pre-order waiting for me tomorrow morning. Wish i could have used the gift certificates i bought it with for a digital copy. I wanna play tonite!
I went to buy it, then forgot to change the date on the "enter your birthday" message... and was locked out of buying it Restart steam fixed it tho!!! installing!!
1st review up on ign, they gave it 6/10, ouch. still super interested in trying it out though, the review didn't even list anything super shitty about it justifying a 6.
Hey to defend the art team, I will say the art is great in terms of textures, materials, lighting and characters.
BUT, i'm pretty damn disappointed so far with all the gameplay and technical issues im encountering. Oh and if you have an ATI card, prepare for some major stutter.
The SMART system feels really unreliable to me, sometimes it works and other times it just does something completely random and different from what it was meant to. Graphics are nice, really like the style. Framerate issues seem to plague it randomly but I'm sure that will get sorted out. It's a shame its getting ripped a part by people online. I feel like it could be a good game with a bit of tlc.
I've only played a bit (an hour tops), but here are a few impressions. Gameplay seems pretty fun. Weird bug where my sound would cut out unless I quit to main menu. Happened several times. I can't find any servers all of a sudden. Might be me I guess? Art is amazing of course.
The game feels pretty hard to navigate. There's a lot going on. I'm still not sure how to change my class in game.
Really good read.
Can't wait for this game looks so awesome!
Nice to see one of the assets I did for the game in the trailer aswell.
Great work boys and girls! Almost time!
but I'm a bit confused about the spraygun thing ?
I didn't follow the news a lot , I thought the game was based on speed but the iron sight might turn it quite slow. Anyway, waiting to test this for sure.
^^ This!!!!
just pre-ordered on steam last night... tho any other aussies notice they charging USD$90 for it? (i'm not too fussed atm but think it used to be 50 usd... dick move australia, don't have to rip peeps off coz their dollar's doing well -_-)
I ended up buying my copy from here: it was $50 and they email you the cd key on the 10th.
You can also get it from here for about $36AU: but I couldn't wait for the postage. :P
I probably shouldn't be saying this now that you've already bought it.
I'm pumped for release though
Certainly is, general software as well even with the dollar so high!
I can vouch for those shops as well, although ozgameshop is based in UK (You get UK version) which is good too because of Australia's other problem....R18+ :poly127:
Always wanted to say that.
anyone know if this mean it'll unlock on the 10th
*EDIT - quidco definately tracks, refunded me a further £2.40 - so I only paid £20.07 for Brink
Nice just did this
Game looks funky, and I'm a closet fan of Splash damage since Enemy territory (which I clocked up almost 1000+ hours on lol).
Looking foward to playing!
I'm aesur on steam if anyone wants to friend me for some gaming.
Gamertag: sXe SEANY
gamertag: oniram177
awesome launch trailer.
Im pretty sure steam is gonna do a midnight release of the game. the last few games ive bought from steam would be released the next day at 2pm or so but steam is telling me its out tonight at midnight! c u on the battlefield!
Sweet stuff! I'm gonna order now! The US version of direct2drive wanted 50$ for it. Crazy. But i guess it's cause it will be released earlier over there.
If you feel like getting you ass kicked, add me on steam: slaktareOlsson
BUT, i'm pretty damn disappointed so far with all the gameplay and technical issues im encountering. Oh and if you have an ATI card, prepare for some major stutter.
The game feels pretty hard to navigate. There's a lot going on. I'm still not sure how to change my class in game.
I'll figure it all out eventually I'm sure
Overall, pleased.