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What Are You Working On? 2011 Edition!



  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13
    Rogue One wrote: »
    Monolith - This is awesome
    ocarian - Great stuff looking forward to more!
    jramauri - Love them all :P

    Question for you if you have the time. Polycount for this guys should it be lower or you think am on the mark? Also join deformation loops any tips would be great :P


    You could use a Quad Ball for the eyes and that would reduce some Polys.
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    ceebee wrote: »

    Diffuse unfinished and no spec yet. But this is my first model I successfully got into marmoset so I'm proud :D

    Has she got prosthetic legs? It looks like her shins/ankles are moulded plastic I think. And they sorta...disappear at the shoes.
  • gwad
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    Hey Oca !
    Nice to see you here
    ocarian wrote: »
    Hi all !

    Current character's Wip

    Maskemane, character design by Ankama

    Ref :



    loving concept and your 3d skill too , good shape and textures
    nice job , hope to see more ^^

    (maybe just in back here , we can see wire i think it s a bug because is not in other view and is a wip ^^ )
  • Kudagras
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    Kudagras polycounter lvl 7

    The inspirational image is not mine but can be found http://www.oirm.org


    This is one piece I am putting into my portfolio. I am in the process of fixing the stretching issues and the ground texture. Any other feedback on this piece would be most helpful.

    This is another piece that I am putting into my portfolio.
    Things that I am fixing :

    The floor texture - as the tiles appear too high up.
    Textures on the the dryer and washer models to give them a bit more or a grunge look as the scene is not "Too Clean"

    The lighting as it looks way too blown out in some parts of the image.

    Any other suggestions are most welcomed on this piece as well.


    The inspiration image is not mine and can be found http://the4onerun.blogspot.com/2010_12_01_archive.html and it was Posted by Michael Valliant.

    Thank you all in advance for you suggestions and help.
  • gilesruscoe
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    gilesruscoe polycounter lvl 10
    Practising hand painted textures, starting with a stone wall/floor:


    It tiles!:
  • Cap Hotkill
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    Cap Hotkill polycounter lvl 13

    You have some bad UV stretching there, and your textures are low res and quite poor, I recommend you to polish those 2 things to begin with ;)
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Kudagras - you've got some glaring proportion issues. Most notably the window not nearly being tall enough. And I really hope those textures are all just stand-in, on both images. Why don't you make a thread for these things, so we can give extensive critique on them?

    Gilesruscoe - the shapes look nice (though obviously some repetition issues), but the texture feels very off. Very soft, like foam padding.

    Ocarian - too bad the eyes and such are painted angular, makes it feel lower poly than it actually is.

    Rogue One - polycount is okay I guess, but at this number the eyes feel too blocky. Have you tried something more like geospheres? And perhaps an extra couple polies on the elbows.

    Itismario - I reckon if you made a pattern on powers of two (8 pixels, which would map to 4,2 and then 1 pixel[flat grey, likely]) you could make a nice mail.
  • aeryis
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    aeryis polycounter lvl 10
    omnione wrote: »
    Wow! Didn't expect so much good feedback! :)
    I have a few more poses to demonstrate how flexible the rig is


    I just hate how meshes loose volume in extreme poses. I always wanted to make a fighting game character but my rigging skills are insufficient. This rig works for most moves, but there are still plenty of instances where the weighting just does not cut it.

    Gonna be making some armor and accessories soon! This is just the base mesh so to say.

    Hey! Do you mind showing us what the rig looks like?
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    sorry for the big image!

  • chadabees
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    Baked LP for my cryogenic bay environment.
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    Animated pixels!
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 15
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....

  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    Dang that's sexy Ivars.
  • Farfarer
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    Bit more work on my Unity game character. Got the low poly almost done.

    Need to tackle her hair next, eek!

    Normals are a bit weak in places, think it's something to do with modo's viewport.

  • elementrix
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    elementrix polycounter lvl 16
    ivars wrote: »
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....

    Under shading, do you have both polygon transparency sorting and object transparency sorting turned on?
  • Skillmister
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    Skillmister polycounter lvl 11
    ivars wrote: »
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....
    Thats awesome hair so far. Working on some for my char atm and its a bitch!
  • Geledonutt
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    I wouldn't say this needs to be realistic in so many aspects. However I raised the water line a bit, reduced the number of guns, placed them differently.. I'm starting on the lowpoly as you can see sort of still flushing out idea's in one part while I'm starting the other.

  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    ivars wrote: »
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....

    Is it weird that my first thought on seeing that was of Marty McFly? Looks awesome! :)
  • krisCrash
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    krisCrash polycounter lvl 9
    practising some metal painting (totally winging it though) and putting some design details into my sketches so that they may make more interesting textures - especially for normal mapping.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Worked a little more on this street environment. The French Awnings and lamp post have been made, as well as the alpha'd fencing on the top of the spire. Lemme know what you think!

  • Minos
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    Minos polycounter lvl 16
    Made this small HL2DM map for a contest @ Mapcore. The playable area should be inside a 1024x1024x1024 cube.

    I worked 2 days on this but I plan to spend another day polishing it, so if you have any feedback let me know!

    I recycled some textures from my Zest Foundation UDK scene if you wondering!


  • omnione
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    WOW, so much great stuff went up since I last checked!

    StevenEgan, I love the taurus/buffalo dude! I wish you could help me with some muscle definition and detailing work for a project.

    Showster, that truck is awesome. I love the style and proportions!

    ocarian, those characters look cool! They would be great in a zelda type game, interesting silhouettes too.

    aeryis, its sorta in the video: http://www.screencast.com/users/MatthiasA/folders/Jing/media/6064eaa3-8b8c-4abe-811a-edff336163b4 its the human Ik rig that comes with maya 2011

    Had time to add my next bullet animal to my series

  • elitewolverine
    well just playing around with the sculpting in blender to produce this simple 'low' poly rock face. everything was baked from a higher poly single rock.

    i suck at photoshop and was to lazy at the time to 'search' for a rock texture, so i did the texture, procedurally in blender. Not the greatest feat, but it works so so for now.

    Hopefully next i can start to add details to the rocks texture for a better result, loving blenders scuplting tools.

  • MissMaddyTaylor
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    MissMaddyTaylor greentooth
    ocarian wrote: »
    Hi all !

    Current character's Wip

    Maskemane, character designed by Ankama

    Ref :



    Whenever I see a character from Ankama, I get butterflies in my stomach and goosepimples. This is looking awesome.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    ivars wrote: »
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....


    hair looks amazing, nice job
  • Dylan Brady
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    Dylan Brady polycounter lvl 9
    that guys looking so noice Ivars, the clothes are really well done.

    Its taken me like four days to go up one sub-d level on this guy :P
    I always get to that point at around 5-6 where im like.... hokay its time to start thinking details, but... the big forms are still off. then I fuck with it forever and finally get it feeling good.
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    ivars> Looking good. I'm guessing you are still working on your materials. I'd differentiate that hoodie's material from the vest. Right now they both read as some kind of plastic material. The hoodie could be more cloth like for instance.

    Hair is looking good. I sadly don't know of any good alternatives to handling alpha sorting in Maya. :( Also want to know a better way.
  • thrillkill
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    "He is Conan... Cimmerian... he won't cry. So I cry for him."
  • beancube
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    beancube polycounter lvl 17
    Good looking hair ivars!

    Fleshing out the lounge room in the apartment im working on.
    Time for cushions!
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Thats really nice PogoP. A lot more character than the usual red brick tenement corners that are posted. The little touched of deco, the clay tones being close the the red bricks, the soft curves that date of construction all work well to create character. Your choice of awnings, the colors are really fighting the rest, perhaps a little more reference and experimentation there?

    As you get further on, it might be worth your looking at some Manhattan in the 1900's shopfronts to get reference of those old world signage on window advertisements, Once upon a time in America, Millers Crossing and Godfather 2 would all be good points of reference for that turn of the centry style stuff. I think that would really suit the scene.

    Although America no longer pushes that kind of window engraving so much, plenty of places in Europe still do and it makes a scene look distinctive as a result... distinctive is good.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Hey Kevin, that's really great feedback, just the sort of stuff I was looking for.

    It was heavily inspired by this photograph from place called Dillon in Montana, which has that 'ye-olde' look. I took some liberties with the architecture to allow it to be a little more game friendly (modularity mostly).

    As you can see in the photo, the awnings are very similar in my piece. However, I believe the yellow awning is a little too saturated and is perhaps drawing the eye a little too much.

    I'll take a look at those films you mentioned, I remember seeing Godfather years ago but I should take another look.

    Cheers Kevin, really appreciate the crits.
  • Kevin Johnstone
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    Kevin Johnstone polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah I think the colors suck in your ref !
    Green goes really well with red / clay tones if you want to get the olde world flavor. My feeling toward reference is that it is vital, but its not a blueprint any more than a concept is, its often useful to mix and match a little. I added a couple pics to show what I mean about the dark greens and the red bricks.

    Also re the red bricks, it would be good to variant the tones slightly so its not so matte over all of them, get some subtle streaks of dirt running down from the overhangs. Subtle.



  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Y_M wrote: »
    Animated pixels!

    ha. love it
  • daemoria
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    Got this little project i'm working on. AO and Normals (not pictured) baked after a day of learning xnormal and max render-to-texture.

  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    ivars @ Check out lcUberShader it got some good settings for alpha sorting.
  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    @ rollin: I'm really watching your project closely, something about it really clicks with me :D More updates!
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Skeleton High Poly:
    I will have to get the low poly for it very low so that i might also need to optimize the high for it more. The fingers will have to stick together and for the ribcage im thinking about either using alpha or making it just darken to black between the rips.
  • S_ource
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    S_ource polycounter lvl 9
    Davision3D wrote: »
    Skeleton High Poly:
    I will have to get the low poly for it very low so that i might also need to optimize the high for it more. The fingers will have to stick together and for the ribcage im thinking about either using alpha or making it just darken to black between the rips.

    I think you should use alpha. Is it for iphone game?
  • pantsyuu
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    pantsyuu polycounter lvl 9
    wip for a while, still tweaking this skin shader. Threw a tweaked ao overtop.progress19f.jpg
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    S_ource wrote: »
    I think you should use alpha. Is it for iphone game?
    Yea, will see how it looks with alpha. Its for a UDK mobile project.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    ivars wrote: »
    Working on the hair for my character, but Maya alpha sorting is being a bitch. Anyone know of any alternatives? I'd be happy with 1-bit as long as it sorts properly....


    this looks like the old naughty dog character test. nice work.
  • Lord McMutton
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    Lord McMutton polycounter lvl 17
  • Colditz
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    Just a few updates and enhancements of my G11 K2

  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 18
    i've made a little progress in blocking out a 3d version of my floating baby thingy - might be a while till i get to do any more on it though, taking a 4 day break soon so there might be a few cobwebs by the time i get back to it...

  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15

    Just playing a-round with some ideas.

  • Dave Dind
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    Dave Dind polycounter lvl 11
    Hey all!

    I've started a new environment project and wanted to pimp it in these regions at least once before I dig in over in the thread I created for it. I'll only post major updates in here infrequently so that I'm not stomping on everyone's toes.

    I'm relatively new to posting work on forums (I've never had the nerve until recently!), so please bear with me while I make lots of mistakes, both in posting and with this project :poly124:

    I'll be using a concept from the Dofus 2.0 artbook from Ankama studios. Ocarian and I already have something in common and it's only my 2nd post! Ha ha!

    So, here's the concept I'm working from:


    And a shot of my current progress in max:


  • wasabi
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    Almost done with highpoly....



  • StefanH
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    StefanH polycounter lvl 12
    that looks great. I think you should try to loose some of the yellow in the shadows also the mouth would benefit from some more defined shapes.
  • Remmers
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    Remmers polycounter lvl 7
    Last nights sculpting practice based on the (pixelart) logo of a dutch game company called Vlambeer (Flamebear obviously ;))

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    more in me game thread
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