also in real life you need ppl to build a comnity, you need a person good at farming, good at hunting, good at building in day z you only need to be good at shooting ppl. some kinda class based system where some ppl could grow crops, and some could repair cars an such could help pull ppl together as groups, you would be less likely to kill someone off if that person could help you out.
Happened just few minutes ago: I see a downed chopper, go in to explore, it let's me take a gunner position. I do that and I die. WHAT THE FUCK. Had M16A2, silenced gun and MP5 on me.
1st place, however, goes to Zombie Officer in some tent, who was laying on the ground, as I walked in he bite my feet, which made me fall unconscious, I watched helplessly while this fucker was gnawing on my balls.
also in real life you need ppl to build a comnity, you need a person good at farming, good at hunting, good at building in day z you only need to be good at shooting ppl. some kinda class based system where some ppl could grow crops, and some could repair cars an such could help pull ppl together as groups, you would be less likely to kill someone off if that person could help you out.
what you're asking for gonna work only on super-huge maps, I'd say 100 times bigger than current one. Right now, even 50 people across 225 square kilometers feels a little dense
Happened just few minutes ago: I see a downed chopper, go in to explore, it let's me take a gunner position. I do that and I die. WHAT THE FUCK. Had M16A2, silenced gun and MP5 on me.
1st place, however, goes to Zombie Officer in some tent, who was laying on the ground, as I walked in he bite my feet, which made me fall unconscious, I watched helplessly while this fucker was gnawing on my balls.
A few things I learned to not die as much:
*Don't go into the chopper gunner position
*Don't climb ladders with a pistol out
*Walk very carefully down the stairs in barns
*Only save your game on solid terrain (no building second floor save)
I asked a few other players if these bugs were unique to dayz or just arma2 bugs and people said this is just how arma 2 is. Kind of unbelievable that a game that has been out since 2009 doesn't let you climb a ladder with a pistol.
^ apparently there's a bug with the helicopters, at least thats what it said in their forums. I think you can email the mod creators to have your char revived if need be.
I'll be doing the same thing Stinger88, but you can't look at it as paying for a game to play a mod, since in this case the mod is the game you wish to play. So would you pay $19.99 for Day Z? I would.
While we are on the subject, how are the download times on Steam anyway? All I've ever had to do are patches.
you guys should grab this, afaik its not considered a cheat or anything, just a couple client-side scripts that chill movement out a little indoors and around corners.
[ame=""]STMovement - Collision & evasive fixes for ArmA2 - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, I played this beta before it was really popular and not once I was shot or anything, all I had to say was "friendly" and I am on my way... now I get shot for looking for a can of beans. Kinda sucks now, and I am hesitant to play it now:(
I recorded my first hour of gameplay until I died in the most embarrassing way possible right after surviving a massive zombie attack with no ammo and breaking my legs in the process... here's the cut-down version:
(Skip to 1:57 skip the introduction and overview of the mod.)
This looks so good ... cant wait to try it!!
With a mod becoming so popular so fast ... I wonder if this could revive the custom model scene, at least in some sort of way. Really interesting stuff!
Oh we're having a DayZ Maraton tonight, starting this evening heading into the night. It's going to be awesome! I spend most of my time on the Norway 1 or 2 servers, other than that it's the EU or FR servers.
Everything is full these days so, just hammer enter til you get in somewhere =P
I recorded my first hour of gameplay until I died in the most embarrassing way possible right after surviving a massive zombie attack with no ammo and breaking my legs in the process... here's the cut-down version:
(Skip to 1:57 skip the introduction and overview of the mod.)
i skimmed thru this and saw a few mistakes, first off you run around like a loon! when you hear zombies! slow crouch walk! crouch by pressin x, and then sloww walk by pressin shift, also you can double tap shift to reverse this, where slow will be standard, and holding shift will make you go faster.
even when you dont hear them, if you are near buildings be extra carefull. but over all fun video!
never climb ladder with your pistol out, thats a bug you fall and die, press f an switch to flair first.
also the reason the zombs were shamblers in the building at the end, theres a bug where all zombies canonly walk inside, as soon as they come out that building they would be runnin like crazy, except for the monkey zoms, they are much slowere.
and your thoughts of holding up in the building for the night, its real time, so it would be 12 hours of sitting in a lil room. also zoms can walk right thru doors.
Me and a friend found this military camp, we raid it then go on to a barn, then we head back. Suddenly a flare goes of 15 meters infront of us, we drop head back to the barn. we were not spotted and moved around to up a hill seeing the whole military camp. My friend has a sniper and I have a AK74u I found in the camp earlier. From that hill we just sit there for 25 minutes observing these guys running around getting stuff/dealing with zombies. Suddenly we hear a sound and its a motorcycle and thats when we decide to strike, we take out the guy by the tents and then also the driver, we make our way down get their goodies (including a revive tool) we get in and we get out!
Hells yes! Here is my friend from Massive and our new bike!
I recorded my first hour of gameplay until I died in the most embarrassing way possible right after surviving a massive zombie attack with no ammo and breaking my legs in the process... here's the cut-down version:
(Skip to 1:57 skip the introduction and overview of the mod.)
3DLee: I had that bug when I was fleeing from like 20 zombies. I almost escaped them but fell down in the last minute and broke my leg and then the zombies ate me..A nearby survivor who witnessed my demise congratulated me as he never saw anyone being chased by that many zombies
<<<alert,wall of text incoming>>>
I joined the eu5 server yesterday just after restart and went straight into Electro which was a ghost town, completely abandoned and full of loot. It`s usually like Dodge city with bandits preying on the survivors but it was empty and I felt like I owned the place as I could walk around casually without being shot at.
I found a downed chopper on the slope near the church. It couldn`t fly as needed parts for repairing but the MGs worked and I used it to clear the area of Zs. I set up a tent and a campfire and waited for the other two survivors to join me I were talking to in chat. When they arrived I showed them the best places in town to get loot for which they were really thankful. While they were scavenging in the nearby shop and school I scouted ahead and alerted a large number of Zs so had to leg it back to the chopper and mow them down with the MGs. At this point the hill side was littered with at least 2 dozen Z corpses. I was pretty beaten up and wanted to get back to my companions in the school who offered to give me blood transfusion as I had 2 packs on me. This was when I heard the sound of a car and a second later I could see a red car shot trough the empty road with at least a dozen zombies in tail who were having a hard time trying to keep up with it. The guy at the wheel was flooring it and honking like crazy which just alerted even more Zs in Electro so when he made a U turn and came back the same way there was a throng of undead chasing it, looked like a bloody circus Luckily I had a good view from the the chopper and got to work at the MGs killing a few Zs. The car at this point made a U turn again and went back in the town passed the school with my companions and drove up next to me in the chopper with undead in tail. After a short but sweet massacre the area was once again quiet and clear of zombies. He got out we said hello and he offered me to do the transfusion as I was really low on blood. This is when a shot rang from the distance and he fell down dead a bandit sniped him who was hiding under a nearby tree Then he got me although at this point I only had like 800 blood left from the initial 12k. This is when I decided I will hunt every bandit down if I see them.
My story didn`t end there though as when I res-pawned I noticed I was really close to Electro so after a short cardio I went back in and found the chopper and our bodies lying nearby. Most of my stuff was intact but the blood packs were gone which had grave indications for the future. Surprisingly, the car was still there and my companions were still on the school rooftops. I decided to drive around a bit on the empty road towards Cherno when I noticed a bandit running after the car obviously setting eyes on the precious prize. Needles to say I went carmageddon on his ass which was satisfying then as I was running low on fuel I joined my mates on the rooftop who were communication with other survivors on the nearby rooftop. All three of us had sniper rifles scavenged nearby and was discussing what to do next when one of us got hit by yet another sniper. We hit the deck searching frantically for the assailant and I noticed a bandit up the nearby hill behind a rock. My teammate couldn`t see him so it was up to me to neutralize him and save our asses. My first shot went way down and the bandit hid behind the rock but back he came and this time I didn`t miss and dropped him dead. Our teammate seemed dead but he had a pulse and we managed to patch him up. Both of them were in a pretty bad shape and needed blood urgently. The military hospital was in the other town and the red car was still parking down the street next to the school but it was low on fuel and could only take two people. I offered them the car and wished them good luck for which they were eternally thankful I think I saw teardrops in their eyes and so we said our good byes and off they went driving into the sunset...(quit literally as it was getting dark:))
Did they reach their destination? We will never know...
HAHA! took me 1.5hrs to get this mod working this morning. But It is worth it. the games awesome fun and totally suits my style of play. Long boring periods of wandering with intense moments of terror.
Here's my install tips if anyone has trouble:
Watch this: [ame=""]ARMA 2: DayZ Mod Installation! - YouTube[/ame]
Use this updater:
after install of arma is complete. Uninstall all BattleEye stuff in Arma2 folders in steamapps
Reinstall BattleEye
Run steam as admin
Launch Arma2 selecting the ARMA2:Combined Operations (not Operation arrowhead) in the launch options.
Getting on servers is a pain. Look for emptier servers with lower ping rather than servers in your part of the world. I'm EU but US servers are fine.
Would love to get a PC server up going or something.
Played on "US hardcore1" I think the server was called. I'm a newb but I love the Hardcore mode over the vids i've seen. Hardcore means no HUD which adds to the realism.
Anyhoo. I'm "PC-Stinger88". I tag myself PC so others here might recognise me. I suggest polycounters do the same. Keep an eye out for me. I'll need help.
winter i dont begrudge you being bandit at all, i tried playing nice for a week, and you just get taken advamtage of. chances are those guys woulda killed you just as quick. onlytime i've noticed ppl being friendly is near the starting areas where no one really has anything important to lose, when you get inland and folks thing you may have some gear.. well thing is.. if i dont know you i dont trust you. i love how ppl in the game ask if you are friendly acting like when someone says friendly that makes them less likely to shoot you in the back.
I teamed up with 4 friendlies. Running about doing our thing. Some Bandit in a tower snipers us all. Saying "survival of the fittest ". Prick.... This changes everything. I now no longer hunt Zombies they are just obstacles. I now hunt Bandits.
Nah, I just dropped the music on there, that's why it's smooth even through scene transitions.
Thanks for the tips everyone! Myself and several of my coworkers are totally addicted to this now and we've managed to find each other. Things are going really badly though, and we may not last much longer. Hopefully I'll get some video of our gameplay and adventures together live next week.
Also, did anyone notice how quiet I kept getting in the commentary? I was getting really into it, and at one point while creeping towards an outbuilding and my wife walked up behind me to ask me something, and I slowly put a finger to my lips and went "Shhhhhh" without even thinking about it, haha.
I'm guessing this mod got too popular too fast since every single server I go to gets me a "awaiting server repsonse" message.
Such a shame, since we got arma 2 and operation arrowhead just for this, haha.
Hoping they'll somehow sort it out because I can't wait to get in to this world.
Nah, I just dropped the music on there, that's why it's smooth even through scene transitions.
Thanks for the tips everyone! Myself and several of my coworkers are totally addicted to this now and we've managed to find each other. Things are going really badly though, and we may not last much longer. Hopefully I'll get some video of our gameplay and adventures together live next week.
Also, did anyone notice how quiet I kept getting in the commentary? I was getting really into it, and at one point while creeping towards an outbuilding and my wife walked up behind me to ask me something, and I slowly put a finger to my lips and went "Shhhhhh" without even thinking about it, haha.
I think the music is ripped from the stalker (the 1979 tarkovsky movie not the game).
oh my!, pretty tense, i loged out last nite in the back room of the berezino grocery store, today after installing at work i logged in for a minute to see if it works, i was a bit confused cause when login in, the building i was in was invisible, i could see out side and saw a surviver with a riffle or shot gun, and was trying to move away but kept hiting invisible collision of the store, when the building loaded i was right in the door way with that guy havin his cross hairs right on me, i didnt take time for a head shot, but popped him 2 times in the torso with the winchester before escaping to the other side of the back room, aiming at the door just waiting for him to come in
after waiting 5 minutes about to pull my hair out with anxiety, i figured i better log out and get back to work, i'll try an get out of this place tomorrow. but i feel like theres not much chance.
Thanks for the maps slipgate. They'll come in handy....bit of a cheat though eh ;P
Just had quite a long game.
Found out that its better to stay away from large towns. Found a load of good stuff in homesteads. Found a castle on a high hil went to it and got hunted down by a bandit. Apparently bandits hang around that castle a lot so watch out.
Nah, I just dropped the music on there, that's why it's smooth even through scene transitions.
Thanks for the tips everyone! Myself and several of my coworkers are totally addicted to this now and we've managed to find each other. Things are going really badly though, and we may not last much longer. Hopefully I'll get some video of our gameplay and adventures together live next week.
Also, did anyone notice how quiet I kept getting in the commentary? I was getting really into it, and at one point while creeping towards an outbuilding and my wife walked up behind me to ask me something, and I slowly put a finger to my lips and went "Shhhhhh" without even thinking about it, haha.
Lol, sounds like instead of screen capture you need to record this with a video camera encompassing both the screen and you.
Oh man! After the first few hours of fumbling with the terrible Arma controls, me and my buddy have finally figured out how this game works. Everyone stay away from the coast. All the loot is always taken. We went inland, found a castle and got a Lee Enfield, AK 47, and I found a scoped CZ. Then later in a barn we found a Winchester Shotgun. . but I kept the scoped CZ. If this game was actually a full blown release, with tight controls and intuitive UI, I could see it being super successful, at least for some sort of downloadable game for $30
I'm finding the game sometimes shuts down my PC. I think it might be my power supply which is pretty taxed at the moment. Maybe the game is sucking a lot of juice from my graphics card?
Someone else mentioned in this thread they were having problems with their power supply with this game. Anyone else getting this?
Had a blast last night when we were playing. Don't know about the US-servers but on the Europe ones and the Norway/France people are really mistrusting, and not using the VOIP at all. Me and my friend ended up in a barn looting, I quickly checked outside and saw two guys closing in.
In a panic we decided to just defend the barn instead of running away. I shouted FRIEND OR FOE! When they got in close, they walked in, never answered. Being the good-type guy I didn't kill them on-sight, my buddy was hiding beside me, he peeked out and got head-shotted by one of them.
So I opened fire and managed to take out one of them, the other one however killed me and looted my unconscious body. I was bleeding heavily and after 3 minutes or so everything faded to black.
I'm going to open fire the next time if they don't answer, however It's important to make a stand from the start , to state something like: IF YOU ENTER THE BARN WE'LL SHOOT. MOVE AWAY.
Oh well, dying is part of the game but I have friends to play with so I'm not that worried about going the bandit route. You get the Bandit-skin really early and you lose all humanity so quickly when you kill someone. You can't really help it.
I have 2540 Humanity so far, but next time I'll defend myself properly if they get to close without lowering their weapons.
You look so much more bad ass as a bandit though. . . The regular clothes look so dorky. Death is part of the game, but I do admit finding your partner after death can be such a huge pain in the ass. It took my friend and I twenty minutes to reach each other after a death
Well I got on for about 30 seconds then logged off to change something on the computer. I havent been able to get on a server since. Seems a lot of people are having issues. Mainly just working with the east coast and chicago ones right now for the lowest pings.
I suggest looking for servers with fewer people and a higher ping 100-200. Refresh the list until you get a good one or a server that just started up.
Also the "Waiting for server to respond" thing. I wait 10 mins on a few servers only to find that the game was bugged and I spawned without weapons or sound. Now I only wait for a few mins and if the server doesnt respond I try reconnecting or go look for a new one.
A few things I learned to not die as much:
*Don't go into the chopper gunner position
*Don't climb ladders with a pistol out
*Walk very carefully down the stairs in barns
*Only save your game on solid terrain (no building second floor save)
*Don't go swimming with you gear, 1 in 10 you will lose everything (lost a AKM and 5 mags plus all my food/water/bandages).
*If you are dumping stuff on the floor (to go swimming to drink or fill waterbottles) then make sure it's on flat level ground it could just literally disappear.
*If you see a bandit then shoot first and ask questions later, if you don't then don't when he guns you down .
Ok so first run in the world, i lasted 5 minutes, bleeding out because i couldn't figure out how to apply bandages to myself...:( back to reading the info again
Most studies have shown that we typically work together in times of crisis, we are social animals after all.
Happened just few minutes ago: I see a downed chopper, go in to explore, it let's me take a gunner position. I do that and I die. WHAT THE FUCK. Had M16A2, silenced gun and MP5 on me.
1st place, however, goes to Zombie Officer in some tent, who was laying on the ground, as I walked in he bite my feet, which made me fall unconscious, I watched helplessly while this fucker was gnawing on my balls.
what you're asking for gonna work only on super-huge maps, I'd say 100 times bigger than current one. Right now, even 50 people across 225 square kilometers feels a little dense
A few things I learned to not die as much:
*Don't go into the chopper gunner position
*Don't climb ladders with a pistol out
*Walk very carefully down the stairs in barns
*Only save your game on solid terrain (no building second floor save)
I asked a few other players if these bugs were unique to dayz or just arma2 bugs and people said this is just how arma 2 is. Kind of unbelievable that a game that has been out since 2009 doesn't let you climb a ladder with a pistol.
Let the terror commence!
(after the 10gb+ download and figuring out how to get the mod working...ok, will be playing this tomorrow)
While we are on the subject, how are the download times on Steam anyway? All I've ever had to do are patches.
(Skip to 1:57 skip the introduction and overview of the mod.)
With a mod becoming so popular so fast ... I wonder if this could revive the custom model scene, at least in some sort of way. Really interesting stuff!
Everything is full these days so, just hammer enter til you get in somewhere =P
i skimmed thru this and saw a few mistakes, first off you run around like a loon! when you hear zombies! slow crouch walk! crouch by pressin x, and then sloww walk by pressin shift, also you can double tap shift to reverse this, where slow will be standard, and holding shift will make you go faster.
even when you dont hear them, if you are near buildings be extra carefull. but over all fun video!
never climb ladder with your pistol out, thats a bug you fall and die, press f an switch to flair first.
also the reason the zombs were shamblers in the building at the end, theres a bug where all zombies canonly walk inside, as soon as they come out that building they would be runnin like crazy, except for the monkey zoms, they are much slowere.
and your thoughts of holding up in the building for the night, its real time, so it would be 12 hours of sitting in a lil room. also zoms can walk right thru doors.
Me and a friend found this military camp, we raid it then go on to a barn, then we head back. Suddenly a flare goes of 15 meters infront of us, we drop head back to the barn. we were not spotted and moved around to up a hill seeing the whole military camp. My friend has a sniper and I have a AK74u I found in the camp earlier. From that hill we just sit there for 25 minutes observing these guys running around getting stuff/dealing with zombies. Suddenly we hear a sound and its a motorcycle and thats when we decide to strike, we take out the guy by the tents and then also the driver, we make our way down get their goodies (including a revive tool)
Hells yes! Here is my friend from Massive and our new bike!
Oh I have a revolver and 3 mags out of 6 with 3 bullets or less each
The game music is ripped from Fallout?
<<<alert,wall of text incoming>>>
I joined the eu5 server yesterday just after restart and went straight into Electro which was a ghost town, completely abandoned and full of loot. It`s usually like Dodge city with bandits preying on the survivors but it was empty and I felt like I owned the place as I could walk around casually without being shot at.
I found a downed chopper on the slope near the church. It couldn`t fly as needed parts for repairing but the MGs worked and I used it to clear the area of Zs. I set up a tent and a campfire and waited for the other two survivors to join me I were talking to in chat. When they arrived I showed them the best places in town to get loot for which they were really thankful. While they were scavenging in the nearby shop and school I scouted ahead and alerted a large number of Zs so had to leg it back to the chopper and mow them down with the MGs. At this point the hill side was littered with at least 2 dozen Z corpses. I was pretty beaten up and wanted to get back to my companions in the school who offered to give me blood transfusion as I had 2 packs on me. This was when I heard the sound of a car and a second later I could see a red car shot trough the empty road with at least a dozen zombies in tail who were having a hard time trying to keep up with it. The guy at the wheel was flooring it and honking like crazy which just alerted even more Zs in Electro so when he made a U turn and came back the same way there was a throng of undead chasing it, looked like a bloody circus
My story didn`t end there though as when I res-pawned I noticed I was really close to Electro so after a short cardio I went back in and found the chopper and our bodies lying nearby. Most of my stuff was intact but the blood packs were gone which had grave indications for the future. Surprisingly, the car was still there and my companions were still on the school rooftops. I decided to drive around a bit on the empty road towards Cherno when I noticed a bandit running after the car obviously setting eyes on the precious prize. Needles to say I went carmageddon on his ass which was satisfying then as I was running low on fuel I joined my mates on the rooftop who were communication with other survivors on the nearby rooftop. All three of us had sniper rifles scavenged nearby and was discussing what to do next when one of us got hit by yet another sniper. We hit the deck searching frantically for the assailant and I noticed a bandit up the nearby hill behind a rock. My teammate couldn`t see him so it was up to me to neutralize him and save our asses. My first shot went way down and the bandit hid behind the rock but back he came and this time I didn`t miss and dropped him dead. Our teammate seemed dead but he had a pulse and we managed to patch him up. Both of them were in a pretty bad shape and needed blood urgently. The military hospital was in the other town and the red car was still parking down the street next to the school but it was low on fuel and could only take two people. I offered them the car and wished them good luck for which they were eternally thankful I think I saw teardrops in their eyes and so we said our good byes and off they went driving into the sunset...(quit literally as it was getting dark:))
Did they reach their destination? We will never know...
<<end transmission>>
Here's my install tips if anyone has trouble:
Watch this: [ame="
Use this updater:
after install of arma is complete. Uninstall all BattleEye stuff in Arma2 folders in steamapps
Reinstall BattleEye
Run steam as admin
Launch Arma2 selecting the ARMA2:Combined Operations (not Operation arrowhead) in the launch options.
Getting on servers is a pain. Look for emptier servers with lower ping rather than servers in your part of the world. I'm EU but US servers are fine.
Would love to get a PC server up going or something.
Played on "US hardcore1" I think the server was called. I'm a newb but I love the Hardcore mode over the vids i've seen. Hardcore means no HUD which adds to the realism.
Anyhoo. I'm "PC-Stinger88". I tag myself PC so others here might recognise me. I suggest polycounters do the same. Keep an eye out for me. I'll need help.
Meh, you're a bandit.
Nah, I just dropped the music on there, that's why it's smooth even through scene transitions.
Thanks for the tips everyone! Myself and several of my coworkers are totally addicted to this now and we've managed to find each other. Things are going really badly though, and we may not last much longer.
Also, did anyone notice how quiet I kept getting in the commentary?
Such a shame, since we got arma 2 and operation arrowhead just for this, haha.
Hoping they'll somehow sort it out because I can't wait to get in to this world.
Steam : katana2665
please tell me you don't have a map in game and you're lost..
I think the music is ripped from the stalker (the 1979 tarkovsky movie not the game).
after waiting 5 minutes about to pull my hair out with anxiety, i figured i better log out and get back to work, i'll try an get out of this place tomorrow. but i feel like theres not much chance.
Just had quite a long game.
Found out that its better to stay away from large towns. Found a load of good stuff in homesteads. Found a castle on a high hil went to it and got hunted down by a bandit. Apparently bandits hang around that castle a lot so watch out.
SteamID: rickystinger
i would say aout of the roughtly 10x times i been killed by players 8 have been by non bandits, i trust no one now unless i know the person
Lol, sounds like instead of screen capture you need to record this with a video camera encompassing both the screen and you.
Added some of you.
Servers were packed yesterday!
I'm finding the game sometimes shuts down my PC. I think it might be my power supply which is pretty taxed at the moment. Maybe the game is sucking a lot of juice from my graphics card?
Someone else mentioned in this thread they were having problems with their power supply with this game. Anyone else getting this?
In a panic we decided to just defend the barn instead of running away. I shouted FRIEND OR FOE! When they got in close, they walked in, never answered. Being the good-type guy I didn't kill them on-sight, my buddy was hiding beside me, he peeked out and got head-shotted by one of them.
So I opened fire and managed to take out one of them, the other one however killed me and looted my unconscious body. I was bleeding heavily and after 3 minutes or so everything faded to black.
I'm going to open fire the next time if they don't answer, however It's important to make a stand from the start , to state something like: IF YOU ENTER THE BARN WE'LL SHOOT. MOVE AWAY.
Oh well, dying is part of the game but I have friends to play with so I'm not that worried about going the bandit route. You get the Bandit-skin really early and you lose all humanity so quickly when you kill someone. You can't really help it.
I have 2540 Humanity so far, but next time I'll defend myself properly if they get to close without lowering their weapons.
Anyone else have any thoughts?
I suggest looking for servers with fewer people and a higher ping 100-200. Refresh the list until you get a good one or a server that just started up.
Also the "Waiting for server to respond" thing. I wait 10 mins on a few servers only to find that the game was bugged and I spawned without weapons or sound. Now I only wait for a few mins and if the server doesnt respond I try reconnecting or go look for a new one.
*Don't go swimming with you gear, 1 in 10 you will lose everything (lost a AKM and 5 mags plus all my food/water/bandages).
*If you are dumping stuff on the floor (to go swimming to drink or fill waterbottles) then make sure it's on flat level ground it could just literally disappear.
*If you see a bandit then shoot first and ask questions later, if you don't then don't when he guns you down