I wouldn't not get the full thing, as IDK what will happen later on when they make changes ya know so It might work now but not later for those doing this.
Kicking ass this 3rd time around 32 head shots 50 kills, bunch of loots going in solo like always.
I got bandited before this thou trying to be nice to two guys, but then found the same guys laid out on the floor minutes later and stocked up and hauled ass, 2 bandits get what was coming to them was glorious, love It wish I was recording It.
Also Head shot sniped my first bandit, woot, but had a survivor that wouldn't respond to the friendly call, he took my loot from the bandit I should have shot him but again i'm too nice so I took the loss and let him live after our little shoot out.
Almost got plugged by sniper (bandit obviously) at one point in a way open town, I knew It was a bad idea going in but I needed items, so I had to deal with that sniper and 10 z's then a copter came around IDK if the bandit was in there, made It out alive ran into woods. Awesome!
I think It's possible to get some not a lot of blood back from being patched and eating every so often, which is great for a solo survivor, but not the best option to a blood bag / helper. Does get a little boring alone, no one to speak with, but again even if u do manage to get a good person they will eventually turn, unless their ur bro/family/co-worker.
Is he ever planning on allowing private servers? I don't remember if this was discussed, also I remember hearing about a helping supply decent props..
You can't get private servers, the dev already said. You can get one and reserve every single slot I suppose. I've ran into a few servers that have quite a few reserved slots (7+), so I guess that's about the only way to do it at this point.
bleh, having a server where you don't have to worry about bandits seems kind of lame :P
I would like a server with enough slots reserved for us to group up but I know it costs money. I'd chip in if enough people chipped in to make it affordable.
so. what's the best way people have of finding each other?
typically when you first start you'll see a little pop up in the lower right corner that says what town you are in. I keep a map open on my secondary monitor, maybe that's cheating but oh well. Most of the towns have signs with the town name on it as well.
Ive been using the same trick as Justin, except I keep the map open in my steam browser, I dont consider it cheating to navigate to certain cities, there is allllllooot of empty terrain to cover out there.
Im totally for banding together, anyone playing tommorow? Ive noticed a lot more hostiles/bandits roaming around lately
any way to make 2 seperate characters, so i can keep one to only play with my group and used the other to just roam around solo, i tried makin a new char profile, but aparently that just changes the looks and name, you still have the same exact character.
Ha It was u I saw aajohnny!
I was asking if any one from PC was on here some names look familiar, XD.
Think It might have been one of the chicago servers?
Almost died today, ran into a garage type building and had 7 z's running around looking for me. Somehow they managed to hit me through the wall, nice right?
Luckily I just moved a bit and waited them out, they stopped attacking after about 10 minutes and walked right past the open door, Bam! 1 by 1 hauled ass out of their, dead zone near that church I swear, every time.
After hearing bout this castle I set out to find It:
going strong with low blood.
I have no clue how I did It, my general plan was to keep heading east and bingo!
Helped to have a compass.
Indeed the loot can be sexy but nothing special, just a lot of ammo if you have the right weapon.
It is a sexy spot to hold up at though, only about 3 zombies there when I went but It isn't secure for one person.
I am/was having PC restarts after a bit so I have to look into that, probably my PSU, which sucks.
any way to make 2 seperate characters, so i can keep one to only play with my group and used the other to just roam around solo, i tried makin a new char profile, but aparently that just changes the looks and name, you still have the same exact character.
Was thinking about that myself, didn't want to loose my gear.
logged in today and instead of spawning on the top floor of the castle tower I spawned mid-air in the stairwell and fell to my death. No big deal, respawning made it easier to team up with Tracy and another coworker... just make sure you log out on the ground just in case.
any way to make 2 seperate characters, so i can keep one to only play with my group and used the other to just roam around solo, i tried makin a new char profile, but aparently that just changes the looks and name, you still have the same exact character.
I think it's linked up to your battlenet ID so you would need another copy for another character, guessing though.
I managed to stay alive for quite a long while first time. Several days in fact.
Headed north quite quickly after having been spotted in Elektro, scared of getting shot by other survivors/bandits. Managed to get pretty far and survive several encounters with zeds, nervous survivors and a gang of bandits.
Approached a small town in the mid, counted 5-7 zeds in town. Entered some kind of shop and hit the mother load of loot. Decided that it would be worth it to open fire and clear out the zeds. I would be fine ammo-wise since I had an AKM with 2 clips and 5 clips for my makarov. Decided to enter a building and close all the doors and try to pick them off through the windows to minimize the risks.
Unfortunately they run through doors, and the place had 3 doors. Also it seems that they continuously spawn at that place. Eventually I died due to running out of ammo and a broken leg.
Before I fired the first shot I had killed 21 zombies. 1 Minutes later I had killed 58.
Lessons learned:
Zombies can walk through doors.
Sometimes they continuously spawn.
You will never have enough ammo.
Use a crossbow if you're running solo.
I'm gonna try it this evening with a friend of mine.. I'm super excited.
What is the bandit/survivor ratio? Like, if i see a group of people, should i hide, open fire (if enough ammo) or approach them? I ask because I read a lot of "trust nobody" posts here
I'm gonna try it this evening with a friend of mine.. I'm super excited.
What is the bandit/survivor ratio? Like, if i see a group of people, should i hide, open fire (if enough ammo) or approach them? I ask because I read a lot of "trust nobody" posts here
Best thing you can do is to stalk them a while. It's really easy to lose people so always have eye-on them. It's easier to spot their motives if they run into zombies or other players. If it feels safe to approach then do.
Walk in pairs, if you have a buddy , let him cover you with a sniper while you check the other guy out. You're buddy could probably save your life if something goes wrong. :thumbup:
I played it for an hour or so tonight. On my first character Within 5 minutes I was out of ammo and I got shot while I had a horde chasing me. Haha.
When I started again I found a guy and we started working together, We just started to clear a few buildings while searching for loot. I found a second pistol with 1 mag but we couldn't really get ammo for the weapons we had.
As we started to run out of rounds I suggested one of us would be the bait and while the zombies where chasing them the other would look for ammo. He said he would do it and ran off. I checked the first few houses and found nothing so I decided to go see if he was still alive. He had about 10 zombies chasing him, and two came after me, got wounded and couldn't walk. managed to kill them both with my last 3 rounds and crawled to safety to heal.
I circled round and found a warehouse building with two Winchesters and a fair amount of ammo. I grabbed one and went to go help him again but by the time I got to him he was dead so I took his map and his binoculars. I found a big backpack earlier so I was able to grab the other Winchester as well Haha.
I joined the server again at night. And it was pitch black, couldn't see my gun in front of me. I started using flares and found a farm house. I took a zombie out, found a watch in a shed. And then I couldnt switch from flares to my rifle fast enough at the next house and I died. Still awesome
You should be able to make a new profile in the arma mainmenu, if that's what they're using.
profile does not give you a second character, it just changes the look and name of your current one, i cant imagine how awesome this game could be if he gets a real team behind him, any news back from him about a polycount asset challenge?
so I was able to grab the other Winchester as well Haha.
Another Winchester! & a map you lucky, sob. Grr you know how rare that is? I've been looking in all towns for a map, I guess like others have said use the 2nd monitor but I haven't yet, guess It's a good idea. Others in game have said this as well have to try It out. Before I found the compass I figured keep the sun behind you should be going east and sure enough that was right.:poly121:
I am always dodging sniper shots, you got to listen carefully and I zig zag run lol in open areas. Yes trust no one!
rifle fast enough at the next house and I died. Still awesome
I was able to hold both a flare and a hand gun, but don't know a rifle as It requires 2 hands I would assume. I got green chem flares, representing Black & Green.
Edited for My Rules of Zombie land:
The Double Tap!
Trust no One!
Beware of Open areas!
Don't get greedy!
Long range is best!
Dont Swing Low / Don't Shoot low!
When in doubt Know your way out
Tread carefully and quietly!
Swiss army Knife & Lighter!
Shake it Off / Pain Killers
Patch up, eat up! Pro Tip.(if you got no space, Eat more/Drink more) you'll see
Tell them your friendly but run like hell, or shoot them
Kill anything that moves
Bowling Ball -- Grenade!
Shoot First!
Run away from shots / either far away or near by
Dont be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
Zig Zag when running in open areas
If you think it's a bad idea it probably is.
Beware of Bathrooms
No Attachments
Travel Light
Get a Kick Ass Partner!
Limber Up
Its a marathon, not a sprint, unless its a sprint, then sprint
Avoid Strip Clubs
The Buddy System
Check the back seat
Enjoy the little things
Last night suuuuucked. Two times I ventured inland and got good weapons/gear. Full loadout, map, compass, knife, matches, rifles, meant and tons of ammo.
Both times, I got sniped by bandits. GRRRRRR
I hate daytime now. Makes it soo easy for them to track you. I stay alive far longer at night.
haven't had any luck successfully getting into a game yet... but want to! That video posted earlier on installing was crucial... Wouldn't have figured it out without that.
Sometimes it's hard to get into a server. Often I just highlight one of my favorites and keep hitting ENTER over and over until I get in (as long as 10minutes, sometimes). I mean once you get it, it's worth it. So I don't take issue having to do so.
Also loading time once in a server is about 5-10 minutes depending, if you get lucky enough you can catch one starting up so 10 people will be in and then you should go bat-shit crazy and stock up on items It will get packed fast.
I just got lucky, I lost items from the server crash last night and was running low on food and about to die, stressed out and on red I set out to find food again even though before server crash I had found 2 soups and 2 sodas, 3-5 rounds for winchester I was in heaven, what's this server not responding GREAT!
Thank god I just found a can of soup saved my life, now I need a transfusion =/ good luck with that...
An I just figured out how to stock more bags for more space... =/
They have a voice system idk how to use that thou and It would be my first time using It in this game. Also if anyone has a blood bag I'll be your human shield!
It seems I did not find the big castle but the littler one or a piece of a castle, there is a bigger castle, devil's castle after viewing a map today with Google to my surprise, whoa momma!. That is sweet I am no where near that place, After hours of running I am only over to the next city...Wow.
I'm down for some of that a Chicago server wouldn't be bad those are my next in lines when I can't get into any NY ones. Would be awesome to finally be in a big group, also met a friendly Alex person today, first one out of 3 days he was legit, so glad!
Though he had some coyotes killing/eating a dog around his house so I lost him, then he just appeared near me and I was like how did you find me, he didn't answer, then oddly enough I saw a ghost or lag version of him run away from me...trippy when your vision is somewhat blurry.
whew long nite, we continued from pavlovo north to zelengorsk where we angered a town full of zombies, after fending them off in the local grocery store it left us with one our our party seriously wounded. and us all seriously thirsty, the plan was to move towards sosnovka and stip along the way at the small pond along the way to fill our water bottles. apparently you can not fill your water bottles in ponds unless the water is deep enough to swim in. and this was not. so that plan was a fail, we moved on into sosnovka and encountered more zombies, our wounded companion was more wounded and both justin and i took some damage. new plan was to head east to rogovo hoping the pond between there was full enough we were all getting really low on health. the pond was deep enough and i swam out to fill my tank. and uh oh! my alice pack and all its contents vanished, along with my crossbow. since i had nothing to lose everyone handed over their water bottels and i filled them all. rogova turned out to be a shit hole, and Nathan was fainting every minute. so we made a desperation call. starry sobor, we left Nathan out in the outskirts while Justin went in, we did not find any blood, but the grocery had enough food to get Justin where he could see straight, exploring the area we found a military base and got each of us a aks kobra. and about 3 clips, and a tent. we plan on setting up the tent somewhere not too close, and make several trips back in to stock up on ammo an shit.
It seems that neither me nor my buddy can join a server, im stuck at "waiting for server response" and apparently many people have the same problem.. You have to wait for around 20 minutes to actually spawn and sometimes the game bugs and the player has no sounds, no menus/inventory/weapons at spawn. Only movement is working. The DayZ forum has many threads from people having that problen..
i was goina play a bit before goin into work this morn, been tryin to get in a server for an hour, he needs some better auth servers, has he got a donation button to help him out?
I just want to say to Rhinokey and everybody that plays this: Please write or film your adventures because it's really entertaining to read and experience.I love to just get the feel of how people wander around and stuff. Oh and I'm soo~o gonna try this out this week
Took a look at some of the vids. Generally don't care for this type of game, but the chat was great. And i can see that tactics are a big deal. I'm going to look into it too.
with my secondary char i made my way thru the woods all teh way to berzino, stoping along the way to clear out loot barns,
found one place with 3 of those long horse barns and killed like 24 zombies, had a good suply of ammo and food and water got to berzino, scouted it from the outskirts for a few minutes, went into the store and when i got in there was another zombie rush ,
while i was shooting zombies, i heard other people shooting outside, after my zombies were gone i could hear them still shooting at zombiez outside, for a second i considerd going out and shooting them while they were preoccupied with zombies, but i didnt, when the thing was over they came into the store,
i had my enfield right on one of their heads, we all stopped for a second, i put down my gun in a sign of good faith and did a salute, bang i was dead.
so ya, from now on if i see another player even at a distance that is not someone i know, then he is an enemy.
It's pretty amazing on how people started killing each other so fast after the game went viral...
I mean I understand the reason is survival, but considering the average life-span of a person is between 4-8 hours in this game, and you're playing a game which doesn't have a finite amount of resources and they're cell spawned after a while, you would think let luck be luck and only 'raid' someone if you're on the verge of having nothing to lose.
Yet here we are, being shot from the next town over, for a couple of bullets. I would hate to see what society would look like without a Government.
Sectaurs and myself just picked it up this week.
I tried it out yesterday for the first time and played at night...holy crap it's nerve racking!
can you do $10 ?
I wouldn't not get the full thing, as IDK what will happen later on when they make changes ya know so It might work now but not later for those doing this.
Kicking ass this 3rd time around 32 head shots 50 kills, bunch of loots going in solo like always.
I got bandited before this thou trying to be nice to two guys, but then found the same guys laid out on the floor minutes later and stocked up and hauled ass, 2 bandits get what was coming to them was glorious, love It wish I was recording It.
Also Head shot sniped my first bandit, woot, but had a survivor that wouldn't respond to the friendly call, he took my loot from the bandit I should have shot him but again i'm too nice so I took the loss and let him live after our little shoot out.
Almost got plugged by sniper (bandit obviously) at one point in a way open town, I knew It was a bad idea going in but I needed items, so I had to deal with that sniper and 10 z's then a copter came around IDK if the bandit was in there, made It out alive ran into woods. Awesome!
I think It's possible to get some not a lot of blood back from being patched and eating every so often, which is great for a solo survivor, but not the best option to a blood bag / helper. Does get a little boring alone, no one to speak with, but again even if u do manage to get a good person they will eventually turn, unless their ur bro/family/co-worker.
You can't get private servers, the dev already said. You can get one and reserve every single slot I suppose. I've ran into a few servers that have quite a few reserved slots (7+), so I guess that's about the only way to do it at this point.
I would like a server with enough slots reserved for us to group up but I know it costs money. I'd chip in if enough people chipped in to make it affordable.
typically when you first start you'll see a little pop up in the lower right corner that says what town you are in. I keep a map open on my secondary monitor, maybe that's cheating but oh well. Most of the towns have signs with the town name on it as well.
Figured that the moon was rising in the east so I must be heading south to the coast line.... nope.
Im totally for banding together, anyone playing tommorow? Ive noticed a lot more hostiles/bandits roaming around lately
I was asking if any one from PC was on here some names look familiar, XD.
Think It might have been one of the chicago servers?
Almost died today, ran into a garage type building and had 7 z's running around looking for me. Somehow they managed to hit me through the wall, nice right?
Luckily I just moved a bit and waited them out, they stopped attacking after about 10 minutes and walked right past the open door, Bam! 1 by 1
After hearing bout this castle I set out to find It:
going strong with low blood.
I have no clue how I did It, my general plan was to keep heading east and bingo!
Helped to have a compass.
Indeed the loot can be sexy but nothing special, just a lot of ammo if you have the right weapon.
It is a sexy spot to hold up at though, only about 3 zombies there when I went but It isn't secure for one person.
I am/was having PC restarts after a bit so I have to look into that, probably my PSU, which sucks.
Was thinking about that myself, didn't want to loose my gear.
I think it's linked up to your battlenet ID so you would need another copy for another character, guessing though.
Headed north quite quickly after having been spotted in Elektro, scared of getting shot by other survivors/bandits. Managed to get pretty far and survive several encounters with zeds, nervous survivors and a gang of bandits.
Approached a small town in the mid, counted 5-7 zeds in town. Entered some kind of shop and hit the mother load of loot. Decided that it would be worth it to open fire and clear out the zeds. I would be fine ammo-wise since I had an AKM with 2 clips and 5 clips for my makarov. Decided to enter a building and close all the doors and try to pick them off through the windows to minimize the risks.
Unfortunately they run through doors, and the place had 3 doors. Also it seems that they continuously spawn at that place. Eventually I died due to running out of ammo and a broken leg.
Before I fired the first shot I had killed 21 zombies. 1 Minutes later I had killed 58.
Lessons learned:
Zombies can walk through doors.
Sometimes they continuously spawn.
You will never have enough ammo.
Use a crossbow if you're running solo.
Super fun game though.
What is the bandit/survivor ratio? Like, if i see a group of people, should i hide, open fire (if enough ammo) or approach them? I ask because I read a lot of "trust nobody" posts here
Best thing you can do is to stalk them a while. It's really easy to lose people so always have eye-on them. It's easier to spot their motives if they run into zombies or other players. If it feels safe to approach then do.
Walk in pairs, if you have a buddy , let him cover you with a sniper while you check the other guy out. You're buddy could probably save your life if something goes wrong. :thumbup:
It's a good read for squad tactics and learning some basic things about what to think about.
Also, are there many things you can actually build? I read about fireplaces and cars, what else?
When I started again I found a guy and we started working together, We just started to clear a few buildings while searching for loot. I found a second pistol with 1 mag but we couldn't really get ammo for the weapons we had.
As we started to run out of rounds I suggested one of us would be the bait and while the zombies where chasing them the other would look for ammo. He said he would do it and ran off. I checked the first few houses and found nothing so I decided to go see if he was still alive. He had about 10 zombies chasing him, and two came after me, got wounded and couldn't walk. managed to kill them both with my last 3 rounds and crawled to safety to heal.
I circled round and found a warehouse building with two Winchesters and a fair amount of ammo. I grabbed one and went to go help him again but by the time I got to him he was dead so I took his map and his binoculars. I found a big backpack earlier so I was able to grab the other Winchester as well Haha.
I joined the server again at night. And it was pitch black, couldn't see my gun in front of me. I started using flares and found a farm house. I took a zombie out, found a watch in a shed. And then I couldnt switch from flares to my rifle fast enough at the next house and I died. Still awesome
profile does not give you a second character, it just changes the look and name of your current one, i cant imagine how awesome this game could be if he gets a real team behind him, any news back from him about a polycount asset challenge?
Another Winchester! & a map you lucky, sob. Grr you know how rare that is? I've been looking in all towns for a map, I guess like others have said use the 2nd monitor but I haven't yet, guess It's a good idea. Others in game have said this as well have to try It out. Before I found the compass I figured keep the sun behind you should be going east and sure enough that was right.:poly121:
I am always dodging sniper shots, you got to listen carefully and I zig zag run lol in open areas. Yes trust no one!
I was able to hold both a flare and a hand gun, but don't know a rifle as It requires 2 hands I would assume. I got green chem flares, representing Black & Green.
Edited for My Rules of Zombie land:
The Double Tap!
Trust no One!
Beware of Open areas!
Don't get greedy!
Long range is best!
Dont Swing Low / Don't Shoot low!
When in doubt Know your way out
Tread carefully and quietly!
Swiss army Knife & Lighter!
Shake it Off / Pain Killers
Patch up, eat up! Pro Tip.(if you got no space, Eat more/Drink more) you'll see
Tell them your friendly but run like hell, or shoot them
Kill anything that moves
Bowling Ball -- Grenade!
Shoot First!
Run away from shots / either far away or near by
Dont be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero)
Zig Zag when running in open areas
If you think it's a bad idea it probably is.
Beware of Bathrooms
No Attachments
Travel Light
Get a Kick Ass Partner!
Limber Up
Its a marathon, not a sprint, unless its a sprint, then sprint
Avoid Strip Clubs
The Buddy System
Check the back seat
Enjoy the little things
Organized for importance.
Both times, I got sniped by bandits. GRRRRRR
I hate daytime now. Makes it soo easy for them to track you. I stay alive far longer at night.
I just got lucky, I lost items from the server crash last night and was running low on food and about to die, stressed out and on red I set out to find food again even though before server crash I had found 2 soups and 2 sodas, 3-5 rounds for winchester I was in heaven, what's this server not responding GREAT!
Thank god I just found a can of soup saved my life, now I need a transfusion =/ good luck with that...
An I just figured out how to stock more bags for more space... =/
We can pick a central location and navigate there and all be ready for an some fun at whatever time.
It seems I did not find the big castle but the littler one or a piece of a castle, there is a bigger castle, devil's castle after viewing a map today with Google to my surprise, whoa momma!. That is sweet I am no where near that place, After hours of running I am only over to the next city...Wow.
Devil's Castle:
I'm down for some of that a Chicago server wouldn't be bad those are my next in lines when I can't get into any NY ones. Would be awesome to finally be in a big group, also met a friendly Alex person today, first one out of 3 days he was legit, so glad!
Though he had some coyotes killing/eating a dog around his house so I lost him, then he just appeared near me and I was like how did you find me, he didn't answer, then oddly enough I saw a ghost or lag version of him run away from me...trippy when your vision is somewhat blurry.
Players name is HitZ.
Has anyone here experienced these problems?
MiAlx- I waited like 10 minutes for a server to respond today.
Uh oh, what happened?
found one place with 3 of those long horse barns and killed like 24 zombies, had a good suply of ammo and food and water got to berzino, scouted it from the outskirts for a few minutes, went into the store and when i got in there was another zombie rush ,
while i was shooting zombies, i heard other people shooting outside, after my zombies were gone i could hear them still shooting at zombiez outside, for a second i considerd going out and shooting them while they were preoccupied with zombies, but i didnt, when the thing was over they came into the store,
i had my enfield right on one of their heads, we all stopped for a second, i put down my gun in a sign of good faith and did a salute, bang i was dead.
so ya, from now on if i see another player even at a distance that is not someone i know, then he is an enemy.
I mean I understand the reason is survival, but considering the average life-span of a person is between 4-8 hours in this game, and you're playing a game which doesn't have a finite amount of resources and they're cell spawned after a while, you would think let luck be luck and only 'raid' someone if you're on the verge of having nothing to lose.
Yet here we are, being shot from the next town over, for a couple of bullets. I would hate to see what society would look like without a Government.
I wasn't really thinking about buying ARMA2. I loved Operation Flashpoint but I doubt i'll play much of ARMA2 itself.
Now....do I buy ARMA2 just for this MOD?....Dilemma!!!