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  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    It's been proven time and time again that a mouse is a vastly superior aiming devince than an analogue stick. It's why no 360 games have cross platform compatibility on live.

    If you want to experience why; try Shadowrun.
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    I'm pretty sure the cross platform play on X360 has more to do with Microsoft and their iron fist control over the content put on Live. I remember Valve bringing that up as the issue why they couldn't get cross platfrom coop/steam on XBL but could on PS3.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Anyone grab the keys from Gearbox twitter account? Just got the game and saw that.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Some more golden keys, don't know how long they are active, but I just used the PC one. :)

    PS3: 5JKJT-S5WZJ-FH3WB-Z35J3-9W3XZ
    Xbox 360: 5JKJT-S5WWR-BF6TF-W63J3-9W3SK
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I chill out on my comfy chair with a brew & use a keyboard and mouse. I tried using the controller recently, it was a bit frustrating and my knuckles started to ache after about 20 minutes.

    I've never had anyone complain about the being too accurate in co-op either :P use whatever input you want, no need to be a controller or keyboard + mouse fanboy.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    perna wrote: »
    hehe... you don't need to prove that; it's obvious that you get more accuracy out of a mouse.

    If a game was designed to be played with a controller, it'll play better with a controller.

    I do agree that parts of the game will play better with a controller if its been designed for a controller. I dont care about points or scores or even multiplayer for the most part but when the most important part of an fps game - aiming and shooting - is even remotely hampered by thumbsticks I feel unnecessarily handicapped.
  • slipsius
    Well, my zerker is 50, and can solo terramorphous with EASE, which kind of makes the game pointless right now. Everything I am using I found. My group of friends that I play with, we do dupe items using jesse moodys way from time to time (give an item to your friend then alt+f4), but its always stuff we find, never hacked. So if someone gets something another wants, we'll dupe it. But, luckily everything Im using isnt duped :) But ya, zerk is now on the shelf.

    Luckily, the Mechromancer came out yesterday, so i started playing her. She's really fun, and super OP. lol. With the 5% rarity increase from the relic that comes with her, I managed to score the orange grenade mod from boom bewm. Its 250x10, double the fun, which means all those 10 explode and release another grenade. so really, its 250x20. It's insanely good. Though kills me a lot (huge range). But, between those and deathtrap, I destroy bandit villages at level 7. destroy though. I run in to get them all to spawn, throw a couple grenades in the middle, then let deathtrap go. oh the fun fun fun!
  • slipsius
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Oh wow, so soon. What timing, I'm just about 2/3rds through my second playthrough and ready for some new content :)
  • slipsius
    These come with the DLC!! I love my zerkers one!!! holy.

  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    awesome. that was fast.
  • slipsius

    farming flesh-stick is fun (and super easy with 2 people. lol! 3 levels in 10 minutes
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    my game keeps crashing on start up, it gives me an error that reads "This game is currently unavailable (application running)".... it's weird... it just booted me out after playing like an hr and a half, and now it won't let me get past the intro screen. Anyone having this issue?
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Meh... Must... Resist... Urge... To... Buy...

    Did this up the level cap at all? I maxed out :(
  • slipsius
    Glottis, check your task manager to see if you have a game running in the background. Ive only ever gotten that error when the game was already open. Sometimes you cant see it, but it's there in the background. Especially if it booted you first.

    Odium, no it didnt raise the level cap, but holy hell is the DLC good, and somewhat challenging! The new enemies are awesome. The new sand skitter is freaking AMAZING (the new car). New areas look awesome (7 new zones, i think?). There are messages in a bottle laying around every zone, which directs you to an area where you have to look for buried / hidden treasure, which is a lot of fun. And i'm finding lots of chests. The new NPCs are creepy and hilarious. I think the main storyline is somewhat short, I think. But Im not entirely sure. I havent finished it, but it feels like im getting there. only played for like 2 hours with a friend. We are completely overpowered though. And we're skipping all the side quests for now. I dunno. I think it's still totally worth it too. They`ve added teal text to weapons (like red text), But instead of it being good stuff like red text, it's bad. The curse of the _______. One of them I got is a shotty. Every time I use it, it hurts me. Kind of like a kick back.

    Everyone do yourself a favor and just buy the season pass. The DLC will definitely be worth it.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    slipsius... a reboot helped... dunno why, but opening my task manager didn't show any tasks related to borderlands. At least i know what happened. But yea... playing the end it booted me out, like a clean close of the game. Pretty weird.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Tons of Shift codes coming online this weekend. You can even get 2 at once from facebook and twitter.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    The last five shift codes I've used have all worked, only after I've saved/quit, my key count is back to 0... So a bit pissed there...

    I'm fed up of farming Doc Mercy now as well, I want that damn infinite pistol, and hes just not dropping it... The only mission I have left on my third playthrough is You dont know jack, and Echo journal five is fucking glitched...

    Meeeehhhhhhh... New DLC and fixes kplox!!!
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Don't play alone. It makes such a difference. If you are playing alone, Mechromancer is probably best since the robot is almost like a second character.

    And just wait until you face a field full of Threshers including a Badass Fire Thresher. I think the 3 of us died like 5 times each before we got it :(
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I've played through the entire thing solo without much difficulty (and have defeated both Terramorphous and Hyperius); including facing off against enemies 3-4 levels higher than me. I suspect that perhaps your approach isn't quite right? I'm playing Commando and rely on the turret a lot, as well as my choices in the skill-tree. Playing as Zero I would expect to make heavy use of Decepti0n.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    also with zer0 - i find that at least in the beginning the sniper tree is pretty useless...build up his melee abilities...

    I tend to play alone more often than not...but yeah. there will be dying until you manage to get down your skill tree a bit.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    I've been playing zero and i've got him built for melee/pistols by now. I tend to get surrounded, disappear, get out of the circle and lay the smack-down from outside of it. repeat. When shields go down, though, if my action skill is still cooling I definitely hide for a second. (i hate doing that, though - so i tend to go for shields with a smaller recharge delay vs. higher shield points)
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Just 100%ed it including DLC with Zero, both normal and TVHM, finally got CC, Te Bee and Infinity Pistol... All Steam chevo's, all missions, everything...

    Now its going to be a loooooooooong wait for the DLC, so its time to go to something else :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    so...if you have bunch of quests from the Sanctuary and you have done them all including the main storyline quest. And you accidently turn in that main storyline quest.

    Where do you go to turn in the rest of the quests after the Sanctuary is ported?

    I am having hard time following this shit. :(
    TeeJay wrote: »
    Ok nice one cheers guys.

    At the risk of embarrassing myself, do you guys tend to seek cover in the areas filled with enemies? I tend to find myself surrounded and then just open fire from the middle, without going to hide behind something.

    You take cover if its normal enemy. If it turns in to BadAss, you run, turn while running and shoot. Later on in the game you get more then one BadAss to deal with so I suggest you should find some nukes and you may have to spend alot of money on them, because many BadAsses dont have heads so you cant take Headshots. The ones who have heads takes you five to six tries to have one Headshot and that doesnt do much dmg to them either.
  • slipsius
    Nite, you just have to
    wait till you get back to sanctuary. You`re led back there. doesnt take too long. all the npcs will still be there
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    slipsius wrote: »
    Nite, you just have to
    wait till you get back to sanctuary. You`re led back there. doesnt take too long. all the npcs will still be there

    Thank god. I thought my grinding was wasted...it says unidentified quest in the quest log. I guess ill keep searching.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    An unidentified quest is one you've not found yet.

    I freqeuntly take cover and deal with enemies that way (or rather used to; I'm using a Dahl SMG that fires fifteen shot bursts for three ammo with a Bee shield and most enemies go down with one half a million damage pull of the trigger).
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    You take cover if its normal enemy. If it turns in to BadAss, you run, turn while running and shoot. Later on in the game you get more then one BadAss to deal with so I suggest you should find some nukes and you may have to spend alot of money on them, because many BadAsses dont have heads so you cant take Headshots. The ones who have heads takes you five to six tries to have one Headshot and that doesnt do much dmg to them either.

    All enemies have a critical location. There are no enemies that do not, except the raid bosses.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    An unidentified quest is one you've not found yet.

    I freqeuntly take cover and deal with enemies that way (or rather used to; I'm using a Dahl SMG that fires fifteen shot bursts for three ammo with a Bee shield and most enemies go down with one half a million damage pull of the trigger).

    All enemies have a critical location. There are no enemies that do not, except the raid bosses.

    I was talking about badasses, when they turn the crit doesnt do much either. Your best bet is to run back and forth while taking head shots.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I assume you're talking about raging Goliaths (any enemy type can be badass). A raging Goliath still has a head you can hit, it's just on a stalk above their shoulders. They always run at the same speed as you though, so you can just run away if needs be.

    I drop my turret behind me as they will always attack the nearest target; then I can just pummel them. The fact that they always attack the nearest target can be abused to lure them into other enemies until you have a GODliath, which will usually drop decent loot.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, I always do that, just take out my sniper rifle and pop their heads and watch the fun down there. And if there is no more enemies and he comes for me, I run into the area, triggering more enemies to appear and let him aggro them and then run outside again and wait. :) I actually some times give him a helping hand, if I can see someone is pounding on him, shooting them so they got low health and then let him kill them. :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    I assume you're talking about raging Goliaths (any enemy type can be badass). A raging Goliath still has a head you can hit, it's just on a stalk above their shoulders. They always run at the same speed as you though, so you can just run away if needs be.

    I drop my turret behind me as they will always attack the nearest target; then I can just pummel them. The fact that they always attack the nearest target can be abused to lure them into other enemies until you have a GODliath, which will usually drop decent loot.

    I guess I have been doing it wrong then. It still takes me a while to kill them.

    But if he is targeting you doesnt matter how many enemies you pull, he will come after you first. Unless like you said, flee from the area.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    But if he is targeting you doesnt matter how many enemies you pull, he will come after you first.

    He won't - he will always target the nearest enemy he can see. If you run past another enemy (or player, or turret etc), he will start attacking that instead. If he didn't work that way it'd be practically impossible to level one up to a GODliath.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    He won't - he will always target the nearest enemy he can see. If you run past another enemy (or player, or turret etc), he will start attacking that instead. If he didn't work that way it'd be practically impossible to level one up to a GODliath.

    You mean this?

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2M4DZ9nnxf0"]Borderlands 2 : BADASS GOON GOLIATH - YouTube[/ame]

    There was only one Goliath at the fire hawk. That carries the chest behind his back. Who later on turns in to Badass. Yes this took me a good while to kill and he would just come after you. I havent seen any after that finding fire hawk quest.

    I was talking about random badasses who turn and charge against you. I guess I havent tried your way yet so I wouldnt know. I'll try it tonight.

    If you guys wanna add me up on steam you are welcome to do so.

  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Goliats always gets distracted by the closest enemy, so if you just run past some, and duck out of sight, he WILL attack them. I never had any issue with him not doing it.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    There are a few types of Goliath (about ten, I think). The regular one is a Goliath but just like all other enemies he can also be found in Badass form - they can all be levelled up four times to the next biggest one of their type.

    If you headshot a Goliath, he becomes a Raging Goliath. That Raging Goliath will kill three enemies and become a Badass Goliath and so on. If it starts as a Badass Goliath, it'll start two levels down the chain. The progression goes something like this, but I can't recall exactly:

    Goliath -> Raging Goliath -> Badass Goliath -> Super Badass Goliath -> Ultimate Badass Goliath -> GODliath

    Badass Goliath -> Super Badass Goliath -> Ultimate Badass Goliath -> GODliath -> Fatal GODliath -> Hulking Mass of Destruction.

    The one you see with the chest on his back is a Loot Goon Goliath, and the bigger version is the Badass Goon Goliath.

    The best trick with Goliaths is to help one kill other Goliaths, as this will exponentially increase the value of their loot (a raging Goliath that has levelled up is worth three times it's previous. When it kills another Goliath it will get three times the other Goliath's value instead of just three times it's own).
  • slipsius
    Ive leveled up loot goliaths to GODliaths.

    And hell no goliaths dont ALWAYS attack the closest thing to them. Ive run by tons of enemies and they stuck on me. It seems like you need to let it do an attack before it switches over. at least, thats what ive noticed.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Maybe there is two criterias, one, you have to further away from the goliat then the other guys, and two, they have to hit the goliat. So if goliat gets hit by someone who is closer then you, he will aggro.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ambershee wrote: »
    There are a few types of Goliath (about ten, I think). The regular one is a Goliath but just like all other enemies he can also be found in Badass form - they can all be levelled up four times to the next biggest one of their type.

    If you headshot a Goliath, he becomes a Raging Goliath. That Raging Goliath will kill three enemies and become a Badass Goliath and so on. If it starts as a Badass Goliath, it'll start two levels down the chain. The progression goes something like this, but I can't recall exactly:

    Goliath -> Raging Goliath -> Badass Goliath -> Super Badass Goliath -> Ultimate Badass Goliath -> GODliath

    Badass Goliath -> Super Badass Goliath -> Ultimate Badass Goliath -> GODliath -> Fatal GODliath -> Hulking Mass of Destruction.

    The one you see with the chest on his back is a Loot Goon Goliath, and the bigger version is the Badass Goon Goliath.

    The best trick with Goliaths is to help one kill other Goliaths, as this will exponentially increase the value of their loot (a raging Goliath that has levelled up is worth three times it's previous. When it kills another Goliath it will get three times the other Goliath's value instead of just three times it's own).

    Wow you guys really study the game before playing it. :poly122: I guess I havent been that far and I am stuck since
    the sanctuary got ported after that "hijack the train" quest.

    I guess I have much to do. Which includes fleeing from the scene so the badasses or raging mob kills the rest of the mob.
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    I've played the game to death, so I'm pretty familiar with it.
    slipsius wrote: »
    And hell no goliaths dont ALWAYS attack the closest thing to them. Ive run by tons of enemies and they stuck on me. It seems like you need to let it do an attack before it switches over. at least, thats what ive noticed.

    They do in my experience, and I've sunk about 120 hours into the game.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I'm on 260+ and no, they don't, lol ;)
  • HitmonInfinity
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    HitmonInfinity polycounter lvl 11
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