Yeah, have to agree, the whole thing with not being able to access backpack and your equipment at the same time is annoying. Hopefully some nice modders can do some magic on the interface (and fix some of those other bugs)
Shift codes for a golden key. Twitter says they last for another hour and 40 minutes. These ones didnt come with a set number of redemptions, like others. Just a time expiration. 1 per account.
Finally beat the game. Pretty cool end boss, I must say. I died in coop with about 5% health left on the boss, and I was running back. I thought I was locked out, didnt see the opening to jump back in, and so i was scaling a wall so i could snipe, and I ended up getting stuck. Fully stuck. I had to save and quit after the boss died. Luckily the major loot didnt drop till you hit the quest continue thing. But it sucked having to run all the way back there.
Very happy with this game. very very happy. Cant wait to see what kind of loot drops in true vault hunter mode
Thanks Stefan for those codes! I got some awesome purpley guns. Too bad I got pistols and snipers which I don't use with my Gunzerker
On that note, I LOVE my Zerker! I'm level 22 and going for the Rampage tree. I have dual assaults for one slot and then a slag SMG with an awesome fire shotty in my other slot which is really useful for fleshy enemies probably need a corrosive weapon for the damn bots though
so last night I accidentally threw my +2 grenade, + 15% rocket ammo relic into the grinder, and yes it destroyed it.
been playing true vault hunter mode, and its a constant death-fest. my deaths. I love it, its so bad at some spots I spend all my money to avoid wasting it respawning.
Ive come close to declaring a boss impossible, but persistence and creative problem solving have got me through each time, and grenades, lots of grenades.
Just had steam cloud override all my files from the last 2 days and lost the 2 keys I got and used today. Gentlemen, I know what the devil is and he is a bitch.
Heh, yeah I was doing a quest for the crazy lady scientist, and didn't think much about anything when I ran to collect the last diary, when that ground dwelling boss monster came up and instantly beat my shield down and my health to 100. Second wind my arse in that case.
Plus its getting quite expensive to die now...actually, anyone know what happens if you die and have no money?
The cost seems to be proportional the the amount of money you're carrying. I wouldn't worry though, I've never come close to running out of money at all (actually, I'm carrying around half a million right now) - death costs around 40k for me.
An easy way to dodge death is to carry homing transfusion grenades. Mine are really low level, but they work a treat.
I highly recommend NOT investing heavily into the zEro sniper tree. You're often just thrown into melee range for 90% of your firefights, and most enemies have such great gap control, getting separation is kinda fruitless.
Keep running into new stuff and entirely new (huge) levels and previously undiscovered level areas even though I've completed the game twice over.. that's pretty mad.
yeah. i can't believe the scale of this game - especially compared to the length of the first one. It's ginormous! I'm level 31 and somewhere somewhat near the end game i'm sure...but then again - i thought that about 6 levels and several hours ago.
haven't even finished the first play through and i'm about 70 hours in. (mind you - a good deal of that is spent idling while i chase my children around and such) either way...this is a game for that "what's the value of games" thread a while back. replay value = forever and hours of entertainment is massive compared to most other 60 dollar investments. i am extremely impressed all in all.
can't wait for terramorphous - i'm avoiding spoilers but crawmerax was a bastard back in the day.
perma, is playthrough 2.5 a new mode? or just playing through again, kinda thing
btw.... am I the only one who thinks it's weird that the entire series is built around being a "vault hunter".... yet, we have never been in a single vault? Our characters suck.
The only thing I miss from Borderlands 1 is the ability to replay your ECHO recordings. In 1, you could go back and listen to them. Sometimes I'm listening to one and wandering around like a fool, only to kick in another recording and I miss what the first one was actually trying to say.
perma, is playthrough 2.5 a new mode? or just playing through again, kinda thing
btw.... am I the only one who thinks it's weird that the entire series is built around being a "vault hunter".... yet, we have never been in a single vault? Our characters suck.
After you complete the story in true vault hunter mode, all the enemies get scaled up to above level 50. It's recommended leaving side quests alone (not even acquiring them as that'll lock their level to the playthrough 2 level) as all the quests will be leveled up to give lvl 50 loot (the blue weapons and red text weapons tend to be worth it).
Nothing gets reset with playthrough 2.5 just harder enemies.
Well, the first game, it was all about finding the vault and the treasures inside, if imnot mistaken. the second one is all about stopping the dude from opening the new one and unleashing whatever is inside. I just dont get why we are called vault hunters if we arent actually trying to find the vault ourselves and go into it and find whatever lies inside. Though, the end of this one....
with all those new vaults, I can see them being expansion packs, where we go to them, and its just huge bosses and what not
The ending of this game was far better than the last one, but still. I want to go INSIDE a vault. Otherwise dont call me a vault hunter. :P
Also, only 2 levels away from this bad boy!! She`ll look nice on my zerkers right arm (its a gatling gun)
I was more talking about the History of Pandora Echos and them getting interrupted by other mission Echos as you enter a new area. You can always re-get them later, but it would be easier if all Echos were archived like in 1.
So, in Moxxi's, there is a pizza box on the table. It has a QR code on it. So I used a sniper, zoomed in and scanned it with my phone. It came up with scanned text....
"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza. - captain picard"
Just had steam cloud override all my files from the last 2 days and lost the 2 keys I got and used today. Gentlemen, I know what the devil is and he is a bitch.
heh yeah, that sucks, had it happen to me twice, lost ~10 hours of progress twice : p
I dunno how effective it will be later on, but right now (TVHM lvl 36), its pwning stuff. Im a zerk, so I have the skill that throws two grenades for the price of one. just destroys super badasses.
Found it on a Loot goliath. Got him to level up fully (GOD-liath), then killed him. Almost dying a few times. The grenade dropped from his body. His chest had shit all.
Speaking of which, has anyone killed a one armed bandit (guy with a slot machine on his back). I have once, but didnt have any money on me. I hear they have better odds, and better loot in them?
Speaking of which, has anyone killed a one armed bandit (guy with a slot machine on his back). I have once, but didnt have any money on me. I hear they have better odds, and better loot in them?
I killed one, but he was the first kill in a huge mob so his body laid there for a while. I don't know if it was because I took so long to drop money in it or what, but after paying the $263, it started to spin up and then the machine completely disappeared
Ah well, my luck it would have just come up bandits anyhow...
Also, these are meant for EU prime time. Randy (Gearbox CEO) hinted at another give away for US prime time later tonight. This is where Im getting these codes and info.
Awesome, glad you guys got one! Still going for another hour.
When they first started these tests, they did it by the numbers. So, only 10,000 people could redeem. It looks like they got smart and just made it by time limit, which is awesome.
I started true vault hunter mode last weekend and got through the rescue roland mission. So far it has been easier than expected and the loot isn't good as I had hoped. Does it ramp up later on?
i just got to sanctuary in true valt hunter and i've been amassing tons of awesome stuff...lots of etech stuff, too. luck maybe?
*edit: i have to take a screenshot tonight of the orange grenade that dropped out of a psycho in the middle of the boom bewm fight. it's freaking long as i'm not too close. >_0
Alec, it depends on what level you are. Ive been struggling with friends to get through it. We just got to bloodwing, but we've been struggling a lot. but we also seem to be too low level for it because everything is skulls. Mostly because we are skipping all side quests until we get to 2.5. We ran into toomba and pumone in the wildlife preserve, which also had 2 or 3 super badasses. That fight was easily the longest we've had. took forever. But 2 orange's dropped
rev, definitely luck. I havent seen a single e-tech yet.
Meet Gaige, the Mechromancer, and her pet Deathtrap.
One of her skills is called "make it sparkle". Deathtrap attacks with it's claws, dealing normal damage. With Make it Sparkle, if you shoot Deathtrap with any type of elemental, it's claws will then do that type of ele damage. Pretty cool!
just picked this up today, played for about 8 hours or so. I really like it, but i really dont much care for the inventory system, steering cars with your mouse instead of wasd, and the lack of info on classes at the start. I think i picked the worst character but had no idea what his special was until like 3 hours in.
Overall its great fun so far though, just took some getting used to i think!
Use something like a 360 controller if you have one. The game is so much better that way. Menus, vehicles, everything. It's definitely made to be played with a controller.
But it is a shooter! How can you play a shooter with a gamepad :poly122:
I use my controller for driver and sometimes when i have to do a lot of things in the inventory... but i can't play the game without my mouse... just so less intense...
pretty sure he's joking, reverendK Then again there still are those who cling to the mouse/keyboard combo idea. The mouse part is fine, and the added accuracy feels nice, it's the keyboard part that just falls so very short of analogue buttons and thumbsticks on a controller.
Vehicles are a lot of fun in this game, with a controller. You also get to slouch like a pro and prop the controller on your stomach
ye never know. programmer at work holds just that opinion - must use mouse for shooters! told him he's crazy.
and +1 for slouching. especially with a baby asleep on me. in that scenario keyboard = impossible
ye never know. programmer at work holds just that opinion - must use mouse for shooters! told him he's crazy.
Hes not crazy hes just enjoying the game more than you haha. I buy first person shooting games on pc even though I have a ps3 and an xbox360 simply cause they are much easier to play with a mouse and much more fun! Granted I have a controller plugged in to my pc and just switch to that when I need to drive any vehicles(eg battlefield or borderlands). Unfortunately ui is often console friendly these days which sucks a bit with a mouse but thats not the mouses fault thats just the industry catering to the console fans more but in game shooting is still loads more fun with a mouse!
holy crap it's whitings elephant gun!
Preorder price is at #$34-
I raise you it being on sale for $25 at Amazon!
[ame=""]The Art of Borderlands 2: BradyGames: 9780744014372: Books[/ame]
Very happy with this game. very very happy. Cant wait to see what kind of loot drops in true vault hunter mode
Steam ID. Pixelgent
On that note, I LOVE my Zerker! I'm level 22 and going for the Rampage tree. I have dual assaults for one slot and then a slag SMG with an awesome fire shotty in my other slot which is really useful for fleshy enemies probably need a corrosive weapon for the damn bots though
been playing true vault hunter mode, and its a constant death-fest. my deaths. I love it, its so bad at some spots I spend all my money to avoid wasting it respawning.
Ive come close to declaring a boss impossible, but persistence and creative problem solving have got me through each time, and grenades, lots of grenades.
Plus its getting quite expensive to die now...actually, anyone know what happens if you die and have no money?
An easy way to dodge death is to carry homing transfusion grenades. Mine are really low level, but they work a treat.
I only got one if it makes you feel better :P Thanks for posting them, by the way!
I am level 31 and (I believe) right towards the end of the game. I haven't touched the gambling machines though.
I highly recommend NOT investing heavily into the zEro sniper tree. You're often just thrown into melee range for 90% of your firefights, and most enemies have such great gap control, getting separation is kinda fruitless.
Great game though.
Onto TL2!
yeah. i can't believe the scale of this game - especially compared to the length of the first one. It's ginormous! I'm level 31 and somewhere somewhat near the end game i'm sure...but then again - i thought that about 6 levels and several hours ago.
haven't even finished the first play through and i'm about 70 hours in. (mind you - a good deal of that is spent idling while i chase my children around and such) either way...this is a game for that "what's the value of games" thread a while back. replay value = forever and hours of entertainment is massive compared to most other 60 dollar investments. i am extremely impressed all in all.
can't wait for terramorphous - i'm avoiding spoilers but crawmerax was a bastard back in the day.
btw.... am I the only one who thinks it's weird that the entire series is built around being a "vault hunter".... yet, we have never been in a single vault? Our characters suck.
Guide from Gearbox to setting up Split screen CO OP action on the pc.
After you complete the story in true vault hunter mode, all the enemies get scaled up to above level 50. It's recommended leaving side quests alone (not even acquiring them as that'll lock their level to the playthrough 2 level) as all the quests will be leveled up to give lvl 50 loot (the blue weapons and red text weapons tend to be worth it).
Nothing gets reset with playthrough 2.5 just harder enemies.
Also, only 2 levels away from this bad boy!! She`ll look nice on my zerkers right arm
i think it's a scam.
and holy crap dat launcher!
"Wise man say, forgiveness is divine but never pay full price for late pizza. - captain picard"
bahaha best TMNT reference ever!
Oh no I got one key for signing up for Shift and for another code from a friend at 2K.
heh yeah, that sucks, had it happen to me twice, lost ~10 hours of progress twice : p
I dunno how effective it will be later on, but right now (TVHM lvl 36), its pwning stuff. Im a zerk, so I have the skill that throws two grenades for the price of one. just destroys super badasses.
Found it on a Loot goliath. Got him to level up fully (GOD-liath), then killed him. Almost dying a few times. The grenade dropped from his body. His chest had shit all.
Speaking of which, has anyone killed a one armed bandit (guy with a slot machine on his back). I have once, but didnt have any money on me. I hear they have better odds, and better loot in them?
I killed one, but he was the first kill in a huge mob so his body laid there for a while. I don't know if it was because I took so long to drop money in it or what, but after paying the $263, it started to spin up and then the machine completely disappeared
Ah well, my luck it would have just come up bandits anyhow...
Also, these are meant for EU prime time. Randy (Gearbox CEO) hinted at another give away for US prime time later tonight. This is where Im getting these codes and info.
When they first started these tests, they did it by the numbers. So, only 10,000 people could redeem. It looks like they got smart and just made it by time limit, which is awesome.
It'd be nice to be able to put in the Shift Code online but the website is so bare bones at the moment.
*edit: i have to take a screenshot tonight of the orange grenade that dropped out of a psycho in the middle of the boom bewm fight. it's freaking long as i'm not too close. >_0
rev, definitely luck. I havent seen a single e-tech yet.
Meet Gaige, the Mechromancer, and her pet Deathtrap.
One of her skills is called "make it sparkle". Deathtrap attacks with it's claws, dealing normal damage. With Make it Sparkle, if you shoot Deathtrap with any type of elemental, it's claws will then do that type of ele damage. Pretty cool!
Overall its great fun so far though, just took some getting used to i think!
hit me up if anyone wants to play SteamID: MikeF
But it is a shooter! How can you play a shooter with a gamepad :poly122:
I have always liked playing shooters more with a gamepad. 'course i grew up a console gamer and later migrated to PC - so i suppose i'm biased.
besides - if you're not using a gamepad you'll never get the joke about moxxi's favorite gun!
ye never know. programmer at work holds just that opinion - must use mouse for shooters! told him he's crazy.
and +1 for slouching. especially with a baby asleep on me. in that scenario keyboard = impossible
Hes not crazy hes just enjoying the game more than you haha. I buy first person shooting games on pc even though I have a ps3 and an xbox360 simply cause they are much easier to play with a mouse and much more fun! Granted I have a controller plugged in to my pc and just switch to that when I need to drive any vehicles(eg battlefield or borderlands). Unfortunately ui is often console friendly these days which sucks a bit with a mouse but thats not the mouses fault thats just the industry catering to the console fans more but in game shooting is still loads more fun with a mouse!