These grinding type games tend to read your mind and not give you what you want so just picture a shotgun or something when you open a chest and you should get your dream gun arrrr.
so that's how it works...haha
so what are the guns like do they feel meaty to shoot and do the enemys show that they are being damaged when they are hit? if they do I might get it and play with my workmates
@Ged: yes. there are all kinds of animations and such to give a real solid feeling of impact. I've knocked enemies down, they crawl about a bit before they get back up. I've knocked them back, slowed them down. Of course it all depends on the level of enemies and such..the big beasty tanks don't really budge when you put a shotgun round in their face - but i think you'll be please with the majority of the weapon hit animations and general feel of it. at least once you get past the first little bit of the game and get something besides a damn pistol...
What's the story with the versions that come with the Nvidia GTX 660ti? Is there a slip of paper boxed or do I input some serial number on the card into a website? I'm buying a 600ti soon but I very much doubt any one I pick up here in Korea will have the code boxed.
Does anyone know if mouse smoothing/acceleration is actually 100% disabled when unchecked in the options? It still feels like there is something non-linear going on.
Played for about an hour and a half last night. Great freaking game. Love love love it so much already. It's harder, which is AWESOME. I love the bosses (though ive only faught flynt so far). It actually took me a few tries to beat flynt, which i loved. I picked the gunzerker. I think at the start, he feels slow. You cant really run away or anything when firing. I backup and what not. But its hard to dodge anything with him. Dunno if thats what its like with other guys. But I like it. He's definitely the brute type, so taking all the damage. But at the start, with shitty shields and stuff, it can be tough. Ive died a few times. But I don't mind. I rather like that its more difficult than the first. And its not frustratingly hard, which is even better. Just died from time to time. Not every 2 minutes.
One thing I DONT like though... Which they didnt fix from the first game. I wish it would tell you which quest is the main storyline quest. Have a little star beside it on the quest page or something. I didnt do ANY side quests in the first zone because I was working on the main quest and didnt know. Got to the end and it told me to go to the next zone. Didnt want to run all the way back. Small thing, but ya. Wish they did something about that.
Besides that, fantastic game, and 100% better than the first. I love all the new types of weapons. Im impressed already, and i bet i havent even touched the surface. Acts as a grenade when reloading? AWESOME. Though, I have seen a bunch of the same mods on the weapons so far. like... a lot. I wonder if more come in the later game that dont show up in the first part
I have the habit of spamming the reload key when out of combat and I have thrown away a ton of almost full magazines that way. Its bad enough that I don't use those guns anymore.
Yea... i always reload when i get a chance. But i've noticed that some guns take a long time to reload... leaving me vulnerable. It just comes with the type of gun you are using. It's fun figuring out.
Feel spoiled after playing diablo 3, where all loot is mine - in MP people snatch up everything, don't even let others take a look at it. Got trolled for bringing it up with a few people, so I kicked them :P I'm not on when friends are playing generally, so I've had to do pub games... guess it'd be better with people i know. If anyone wants to play, hit me up on steam
@Slipsius - there should be a spot on each missions description that tags it as Optional or Quest. I'm not exactly sure where on the screen it is right off the top of my head, but yeah - i'm 90% sure it's there. and yes...there are many more gun effects. oh my lord how many there are...
is anybody else using steam's "Big Picture" interface for this? i think i'm diggin it...might even be getting a wireless HDMI adapter so i can sit on the couch...
I didn't think I would pick this up - I've didn't play the first one, so for now, just watching a co-op Let's Play of it. It looks awesome though... maybe I will get it.
Why is it almost all the weapons so far have the consumes 2 ammo per shot mod on it?!?! Seriously. I`d say probably 90% of the guns ive found have that mod. Most of which only shoot 1 shot at a time.
Also.... Sniper rifle > Burst shot while zoomed. That is all!
So many easter eggs. There's even a Dark Souls reference. That's pretty cool since I know it sold really well but I still feel like it's played by a small group of people. Praise the sun!
Are there way fewer weapon crates in BL2 or am I just missing them all? I'm level 16 and only find them occasionally. I have been searching ontop of buildings and off the gameplay path to find them.
Ya, there are WAAAAY fewer weapons crates, and almost always guarded by badass mobs. Even ran into 1 super badass. lol.
The first major town, in the middle of it, is a weapon crate witha skuill on it, that you need a key. Im VERRRRY curious as to what kind of badass stuff it gives you... So far, ive been pretty disappointed with teh quality of items in weapons crates. Even red ones. Most my good loot is coming from enemies. But with how rare weapon crates are now, it would be nice to see better stuff in them. But im only on my first playthrough, and not very far into it. so hopefully it gets better
uhhhh, I dunno if I just saw it wrong, but Im pretty damn sure I just saw a mob turn from a badass, into a super badass, into an ultimate badass..... I dunno if thats a bug or not?
slipsius: if you shoot the helmet off of a Goliath he'll go berserk and start attacking everything in sight. He gains XP per kill and will level up to Badass and beyond.
No code included with my 660ti, must be an America-only offer. So no Borderlands 2 for me I guess
If you checked nvidia's website it was mostly through participating retailers for buying specific nvidia gpu's. It was by nvidia, but handing out the keys and everything is the responsibility of the retailer I believe.
I didn't get one initially with my 660 so I had to go back to the store and get things settled up.
One thing that isn't that great is (lack) of animation for some characters, such as the weapons guy, he does the same gesture all the time, in a loop. Could at least had a bit of idle animation in between.
Or else I love it so far.
If you checked nvidia's website it was mostly through participating retailers for buying specific nvidia gpu's. It was by nvidia, but handing out the keys and everything is the responsibility of the retailer I believe.
I didn't get one initially with my 660 so I had to go back to the store and get things settled up.
Yeah I got mine out of an electronics market rather than a store... don't think that's gonna fly I'm afraid I might ask if I go in there again but I have a feeling the answer is going to be that they didn't get codes... I wonder if theres any point in making a post on the helpdesk on the gearbox forums to see if they'll give up a code?
The more and more I play this, the more I love it. Im only lvl 19 right now, so no, I havent beat the game yet. But, even though I love it more and more, I will say, the weapons continue to disappoint me, and I think it's because of all the loading screen tips. The main screen says play coop. more people = harder enemies = better loot. and a loading screen tip says badass mobs always give better loot. I've been playing coop with 2 others, and I really dont notice a difference in loot. And to top it off, badass mobs almost never drop anything good. I think ive only ever gotten 1 or 2 greens from them. A lot of them dont drop anything but health. I dont know if its cause im not a high enough level, or because Im only midway through the game (im assuming? I dunno...I just
faught the boss at the train wreck
). But ya. It's hard to find a good weapon. I've been using the same guns I found 8 levels ago. And holy hell are the weapons crates disappointing. Ive yet to find anything good in them. And about 80% of the time, they just have pistols in them.
Ive had a lot of connection problems with friends. We've had to resort to using Hamachi. Which fixes it until steam disconnects for a second (like it does ALL THE TIME) and we get booted out. Then even hamachi doesnt work and we have to restart BL2 and steam for it to work.
But ya. Lots and lots of good stuff in this game. It really is better than the first. I just hope later on the gear gets better. I know in the first one, the good gear really was in playthrough 2, so I guess i`ll just wait till then.
Yeah , we had the same issue with connection, couldn't get all four players to connect at the same time. We finally got it to work when we used Hamachi. I finally got two purple weapons, when I used my golden key...niiiice sniper with fire effect!
I've been getting great loot - 3 friends & I were fighting in the large area of those Bandits who worship the Firehawk (the compound with the big bonfire in the center) and we came across 3 loot Goliaths, I think one of them leveled up to Ultimate Badass and dropped a chest full of nice guns. I find myself swapping out at least one gun every time I play.
I do find lots of guns... some are better... some are ok.... i sell a lot, and keep the same kind of weapons for different circumstances. It's a lot of fun.
That whole thing with the fire worship people was hilarious. I love making those mask guys into senseless beasts that attack everything on sight.
I do find lots of guns... some are better... some are ok.... i sell a lot, and keep the same kind of weapons for different circumstances. It's a lot of fun.
That whole thing with the fire worship people was hilarious. I love making those mask guys into senseless beasts that attack everything on sight.
matchstick! I lol'd when he came out of the potty. I'd been trying to open it just a few minutes before.
Also It's worth joining Shift. you get a golden key for the chest in sanctuary. I got 2 awesome pistols from it.
i noticed the lack of gun chests - but then i realized that the same density is there that was in BL1 - but the majority aren't chests any more. they're porta-pottys. I've found some awesome stuff in the john, i tell ye what.
also - i haven't had much problem finding nice stuff and i've been playing mostly solo...true though that i'll be using the same weapon for a lot of levels - but that's just because of how badass it was when i found it and how long it takes the majority of the loot to catch up to that. I think the ratio of average/awesome loot is pretty good - especially since i hate comparing and swapping to new weapons once or twice a level. i get kind of attached to my guns
edit* i've been taking screens like mad. some funny stuff and some just admiring the artwork...i'm getting a nice little collection in my previously empty steam screenshot page.
I find the gun chests a lot of time, but often they are hidden away, like on the roofs. Also there is some alternatives to them, like the backend of a car trunk, which has some nice stuff.
Hmm, when I started up Borderlands 2 today I noticed that the game hadn't successfully saved my character from yesterday and I had lost 9 levels + my equipment and quest progression. To make matters worse, I accidently hit the new game (located right below continue game) and that completely overwrote my old character so now I'm back on square one again :P
Hehe... the only time i played the slots i got a really nice fire handgun that i used to burn to ashes the fire worshippers. I found a better hand gun after that mission haha I should gamble more. I feel like i have lots of munny and nothing i can do with it, except refill my ammo every time i see a dispenser.
my first spin on the slot machines, I won about 10 eridium, which was nice, cause it was my first time in the town, so i got to upgrade nice and early But, I got 3 bombs in a row, and killed my buddy next to me. haha. The first one hurt the hell outta him, the second one got him down to like 1 hp, then the third one killed him. I cant remember the last time i laughed so hard. hahaha. So funny. haha.
I've been fighting those guys quite often. I should try to do that. Never really noticed them leveling up. But it sounds like they drop some nice loot then.
so that's how it works...haha
so what are the guns like do they feel meaty to shoot and do the enemys show that they are being damaged when they are hit? if they do I might get it and play with my workmates
One thing I DONT like though... Which they didnt fix from the first game. I wish it would tell you which quest is the main storyline quest. Have a little star beside it on the quest page or something. I didnt do ANY side quests in the first zone because I was working on the main quest and didnt know. Got to the end and it told me to go to the next zone. Didnt want to run all the way back. Small thing, but ya. Wish they did something about that.
Besides that, fantastic game, and 100% better than the first. I love all the new types of weapons. Im impressed already, and i bet i havent even touched the surface. Acts as a grenade when reloading? AWESOME. Though, I have seen a bunch of the same mods on the weapons so far. like... a lot. I wonder if more come in the later game that dont show up in the first part
Feel spoiled after playing diablo 3, where all loot is mine - in MP people snatch up everything, don't even let others take a look at it. Got trolled for bringing it up with a few people, so I kicked them :P I'm not on when friends are playing generally, so I've had to do pub games... guess it'd be better with people i know. If anyone wants to play, hit me up on steam
is anybody else using steam's "Big Picture" interface for this? i think i'm diggin it...might even be getting a wireless HDMI adapter so i can sit on the couch...
another reason to not not play this game.
However, is anyone else having issues joining friends games? I couldn't connect to a buddy. Kinda disappointing.....
Just got to a really
Also.... Sniper rifle > Burst shot while zoomed. That is all!
The first major town, in the middle of it, is a weapon crate witha skuill on it, that you need a key. Im VERRRRY curious as to what kind of badass stuff it gives you... So far, ive been pretty disappointed with teh quality of items in weapons crates. Even red ones. Most my good loot is coming from enemies. But with how rare weapon crates are now, it would be nice to see better stuff in them. But im only on my first playthrough, and not very far into it. so hopefully it gets better
If you checked nvidia's website it was mostly through participating retailers for buying specific nvidia gpu's. It was by nvidia, but handing out the keys and everything is the responsibility of the retailer I believe.
I didn't get one initially with my 660 so I had to go back to the store and get things settled up.
Folks at Gearbox should be super proud if this game!
I agree. Also, Scooter
Or else I love it so far.
Yeah I got mine out of an electronics market rather than a store... don't think that's gonna fly I'm afraid
Ive had a lot of connection problems with friends. We've had to resort to using Hamachi. Which fixes it until steam disconnects for a second (like it does ALL THE TIME) and we get booted out. Then even hamachi doesnt work and we have to restart BL2 and steam for it to work.
But ya. Lots and lots of good stuff in this game. It really is better than the first. I just hope later on the gear gets better. I know in the first one, the good gear really was in playthrough 2, so I guess i`ll just wait till then.
I do find lots of guns... some are better... some are ok.... i sell a lot, and keep the same kind of weapons for different circumstances. It's a lot of fun.
That whole thing with the fire worship people was hilarious. I love making those mask guys into senseless beasts that attack everything on sight.
Also It's worth joining Shift. you get a golden key for the chest in sanctuary. I got 2 awesome pistols from it.
also - i haven't had much problem finding nice stuff and i've been playing mostly solo...true though that i'll be using the same weapon for a lot of levels - but that's just because of how badass it was when i found it and how long it takes the majority of the loot to catch up to that. I think the ratio of average/awesome loot is pretty good - especially since i hate comparing and swapping to new weapons once or twice a level. i get kind of attached to my guns
edit* i've been taking screens like mad. some funny stuff and some just admiring the artwork...i'm getting a nice little collection in my previously empty steam screenshot page.
Wait... mobs have "loot" modifiers? Im guessing they drop more loot than normal? I havent seen those yet. awesome!
loot goliaths are giants that have a gun chest strapped to their back