i'm still using the 2 guns that Moxxi gave me...I thought i grabbed a screen of the SMG but apparently i did not...
i find that just swapping guns every time you see a green arrow in the damage doesn't suit me. example: i prefer accuracy in a shotgun significantly more than damage...been using this one for at least 5 levels now - and the smg i just got - corrosive gonna be on that one for a good long while i think...
Anyone do the slaughter house arena, btw? Got to the final round last night. Hard stuff right there. But says you should be 20, but we werent yet. Man you take a beating in that place
i've gotten to round 3 with my solo char...but i died there 2 or three times and gave up til i get some friends there. Way tougher than the circle of slaughters in the first one - where dying just meant you paid up and came back to finish off whichever badguys were left...
That question of me again:
1 copy = 4 Player LAN ???
(Steam or Retail-Copy required?)
Torchlight 2 recently did just that and realy got my hopes up that Borderlands might feature this aswell. Kudos runic!
I realy miss the old days of Diablo and Warcraft...
It says "LAN support (including OFFLINE mode)" at the bottom.
But in the endless interwebs I only find controversal information
Anyways, anyone tested it LAN (with one copy) yet?
Me and a buddy beat it last night. Gonna have to say that the story is a step up from what I was expecting and the last few bosses did not disappoint! Overall, I fucking love this game :P
Anyone gotten the tribute to a vault hunter achievement? Remember that eulogy that claptrap did for the guy who lost the battle to cancer? Gearbox made him an npc that turns up in sanctuary all the time, and all you have to do is find him and talk to him. EVERY TIME you talk to him, he gives you a blue or better item. Every time.... He spawns in like 12 differnet spots.
Yesterday it did ask me that i was not on the latest cloud save game... i just asked it to download instead of upload. But i am not sure why it would not give you a prompt, and i am sure that you always exit the game with the save and quit. Right? Was it a lot of content missing? i know i was in the middle of a mission, the one with the fire worshippers, stopped in the middle of it. Saved and exit, and when i came back i had to restart the quest again.
save and quit? isnt there only the exit borderlands option when you hit escape? Either way, at home, im 21 or 22. This computer im 14... so, ya, a lot is missing. One of the auto saves would have gotten it.
Anyone gotten the tribute to a vault hunter achievement? Remember that eulogy that claptrap did for the guy who lost the battle to cancer? Gearbox made him an npc that turns up in sanctuary all the time, and all you have to do is find him and talk to him. EVERY TIME you talk to him, he gives you a blue or better item. Every time.... He spawns in like 12 differnet spots.
In console versions, Michael has a 100% spawn chance before Sanctuary is relocated, after which point his spawn rates returns to the default 10%.
By reports in the Gearbox forums, he appears 100% of the time on the Xbox, and extremely rarely on the PC.
Sounds like a fuckup there
I did some reading; apparently it's supposed to happen 10% of the time after Sanctuary relocates. On console there's a bug where he shows up 100% of the time before then. On PC there's a bug where he shows up 1% of the time ever.
Blvd: come on now, let's not encourage that. People hacking their inventory ruined coop in the first game
Hey, I just found it amusing it was cause its the same base ini for Unreal. And fairly, I only used it to get 1 key back cause, I'm sure like many, I ran up and saw the chest and didn't notice the key icon pop up next to it. I think getting unlimited keys like that actually would ruin the fun of finding the next big piece of loot to pick up for me in the game.
On Sunday I looted this sniper rifle that chews through equal leveled (im 23) badass constructors in just a few seconds. Aside from constantly running out of sniper ammo, I am now super overpowered. Critical hits from it 1 shot just about every enemy and it fires off as fast as many of the SMGs...
such an awesome game. Really having a blast. Playing as Zero. Level 19 currently and have found some nice loot so far. A sniper that burns up just about any character with 1 or 2 shots, a pistol that never stops shooting and with bore unlocked on my characters skill tree if it goes through the first guy and hits another the damage is doubled....
It gets really interesting quickly with those combos.
Found Michael in Sanctuary and got the guns from him. Pretty awesome tribute!
Does anyone know if the bug from the first one is still in there where you can toss down all kinds of loot, quit to 360 dashboard without saving and come back into the same game with all of your inventory like you never discarded it?
I used to share guns with my co-op partner this way.
Hey, I just found it amusing it was cause its the same base ini for Unreal. And fairly, I only used it to get 1 key back cause, I'm sure like many, I ran up and saw the chest and didn't notice the key icon pop up next to it.
Blarg, I did exactly that, first time I visited Sanctuary. The weapon I got out of it was also useless
so I bought a jakobs skin from the gun dealer, double clicked it in my inventory and then ran to the customizing station, but the skin wasnt there. I was pissed, it cost 11k.
I saw the tribute guy when i returned to sanctuary after the finale, he was hanging out in the gunstore.
so I bought a jakobs skin from the gun dealer, double clicked it in my inventory and then ran to the customizing station, but the skin wasnt there. I was pissed, it cost 11k.
I saw the tribute guy when i returned to sanctuary after the finale, he was hanging out in the gunstore.
Are you sure it wasn't for another class? All skins are class specific and are labeled so.
i might be grabbing this in a few days, whats the deal for multiplayer? can i join a game randomly with a few others( or steam friends), or am i limited to playing with people in my own skill level?
LOL, got the pizza delivery quest and I didn't really think much about it until the guy answered me from the comm, and then I jumped down the hole and I was like "wait a minute..."
blvd: e-tech, hell yea. Whenever anyone sees that particular purple color, you need to try the weapon, the description doesn't reveal its effect. They tend to be all-crazy. I have found an e-tech corrosive rocketlauncher that has a huge area of effect and mad visual effects... and a slag shotgun that fires bouncing shots (keeps bouncing around and affecting lots of enemies).. but dang I want an e-tech SMG! What does that one do?
Tons of sleg and purple beams. Nothing too fancy. My shotgun I have though shoots out two balls of electricity and they create a large AoE field.
Has anyone else had issues with weapons swapping places when dropping or selling weapons? Plus the whole list moves back up, which is really annoying if you trying to sell/drop stuff in the bottom.
When scrolling trough the inventory with the mousewheel, oftentimes it highlights a 'random' item and then starts to scroll in the oposite direction of your mousewheel. At least thats what happened to me sometimes.
I kinda got used to scroll with the arrow keys instead. Hitting a arrow-key seems to mostly fix it aswell.
I'm rolling with Zer0 but finding him really hard to play, you're encouraged to get up close but I just get minced, and when I'm sniping I'm too far away to get in close. Seems like a hard character to play! He needs a blink ability or something instead (or I need to quit being a noob).
Well, I gotta admit that I luuuuuv my turret, it saved my bacon so many times and can really kick arse now that it got rockets on as well. I want it upgraded with shield and get the second one as well.
I play Zer0 as a sniper, his special ability boosts gun damage as well as melee damage - I'm around level 18 and I've gotten about 1500 damage on a stealthed headshot.
The turret gets rockets!? That's awesome. I'm only level 13 so maybe I'll stick with him, probably just need a better rifle!!:)
You get it on the left path, and its reeeeally nice. But if you go with the right path, you can get shield dome, which also seem nice. But at lvl 44 you can get both and extra turret
I went all out sniper, but they become useless unless you're in a group.
A Lot of enemies are spawned or dropped in at Melee range, and there's not many clear lines of site. Also, they close the gap REALLY quickly, and have too much lateral movement to offset your gun always moving.
Despite the fact I threw all skill points into that sniper tree, I find I'm usually using my rocket and shotgun most of the time.
Yeah, that's why I like my turret, because the enemies always seem to be distracted and start attacking it instead of me, giving me a chance to escape. Doesn't Zero have some distraction traits to use to escape with and make some distance?
Love the game but still think the PC version should have a completely different inventory screen than just the same as console with a mouse pointer. It's still very frustrating (not as bad as BL1 though) and could use someone who's actually played a pc game recently to look at it.
As for loot, it seems im getting boned compared to allot of people here, I've not seen anything better than a blue gun with 3 player co-op and im around 24 (apart from the quest guns like the etech test gun ect).
i find that just swapping guns every time you see a green arrow in the damage doesn't suit me. example: i prefer accuracy in a shotgun significantly more than damage...been using this one for at least 5 levels now - and the smg i just got - corrosive
1 copy = 4 Player LAN ???
(Steam or Retail-Copy required?)
Torchlight 2 recently did just that and realy got my hopes up that Borderlands might feature this aswell. Kudos runic!
I realy miss the old days of Diablo and Warcraft...
It says "LAN support (including OFFLINE mode)" at the bottom.
But in the endless interwebs I only find controversal information
Anyways, anyone tested it LAN (with one copy) yet?
Excited to go back on True Vault Hunter mode
Go to Extras > Shift Code.
These are extra gold keys tweeted by the awesome Randy Pitchford
It should give you a warning if you are having a sync issue... did it prompt you?
Never seen that guy - but I'll be keepig my eyes peeled now!
Sounds like a fuckup there
I did some reading; apparently it's supposed to happen 10% of the time after Sanctuary relocates. On console there's a bug where he shows up 100% of the time before then. On PC there's a bug where he shows up 1% of the time ever.
also - blvd - pitchford said that the key exploit was being fixed and people who used it were going to lose all their junk. so it's a bad idea.
Hey, I just found it amusing it was cause its the same base ini for Unreal. And fairly, I only used it to get 1 key back cause, I'm sure like many, I ran up and saw the chest and didn't notice the key icon pop up next to it. I think getting unlimited keys like that actually would ruin the fun of finding the next big piece of loot to pick up for me in the game.
That's good at least. I hope they figure out to put a prompt up for that chest though.
It gets really interesting quickly with those combos.
Found Michael in Sanctuary and got the guns from him. Pretty awesome tribute!
Does anyone know if the bug from the first one is still in there where you can toss down all kinds of loot, quit to 360 dashboard without saving and come back into the same game with all of your inventory like you never discarded it?
I used to share guns with my co-op partner this way.
Blarg, I did exactly that, first time I visited Sanctuary. The weapon I got out of it was also useless
I saw the tribute guy when i returned to sanctuary after the finale, he was hanging out in the gunstore.
Are you sure it wasn't for another class? All skins are class specific and are labeled so.
Have you done the Tea Party quest yet? I thought she was pretty funny.
4 Player LAN with 1 copy works ;P
You simply need to add the hosts IP to the command-line-parameters in the shorcut.
That way you join the hosts game right when starting up BL2.
Hope the old fashion LAN play makes a little return
Tons of sleg and purple beams. Nothing too fancy. My shotgun I have though shoots out two balls of electricity and they create a large AoE field.
When scrolling trough the inventory with the mousewheel, oftentimes it highlights a 'random' item and then starts to scroll in the oposite direction of your mousewheel. At least thats what happened to me sometimes.
I kinda got used to scroll with the arrow keys instead. Hitting a arrow-key seems to mostly fix it aswell.
Is the soldier the best for solo play still?
Also, ya, I HAAAATE that when you sell something, the inventory scrolls back up... my biggest pet peeve about the game
You get it on the left path, and its reeeeally nice. But if you go with the right path, you can get shield dome, which also seem nice.
Check it out in the skilltree here: http://www.borderlands2.com/us/skilltree/
A Lot of enemies are spawned or dropped in at Melee range, and there's not many clear lines of site. Also, they close the gap REALLY quickly, and have too much lateral movement to offset your gun always moving.
Despite the fact I threw all skill points into that sniper tree, I find I'm usually using my rocket and shotgun most of the time.
As for loot, it seems im getting boned compared to allot of people here, I've not seen anything better than a blue gun with 3 player co-op and im around 24