#1 trailer. Also just saw that limited package above posted a few months ago. I am disappoint that the art book is one of those baby ones. I quite dislike those.
To be honest any Borderlands 2 footage I've seen lately is far to busy and noisy, and I put most of that down to the PhysX particle work and goo. It's just too much IMO. Also the texture painting is a bit busy sometimes.
To be honest any Borderlands 2 footage I've seen lately is far to busy and noisy, and I put most of that down to the PhysX particle work and goo. It's just too much IMO. Also the texture painting is a bit busy sometimes.
Andreas: have you played borderlands? if it's not too much you're doing it wrong. fire and guts and psycho parts and explosions and goo everywhere! blessed chaotic gun-happy fun mixed with jokes about scooter's mom.
OK I can see I'm in the minority here lol I only ever watched a friends watch Borderlands briefly but I intend to give B2 a go when I get it bundled with my new 660ti.
do collision of bullets with characters work better than borderlands 1? thats all I wanna know. Bullets seemed to have very little impact on enemys in borderlands 1, made all the guns/gameplay feel rather lightweight and cheap even though the rest of the game was really nicely made.
well with 87 Bazillion guns i'm sure one of them will work properly.
I dunno if they will, honestly because of its rpg nature the game/guns. The enemies dont seem to display any hurt or injured animations while being shot in any of the videos Ive seen so far. They do display cool death animations and attack animations but shooting them is just like shooting a wall, there is no effect as far as I can see just nice damage points fly out to let you know you actually hit it. The game still looks good but Im not so much a fan just because it doesnt feel like a proper fps game to me if the guns dont have impact, look at RAGE or Crysis etc and you can see what I mean, enemies react to where they are shot and stagger and recover etc.
Well, this game is awesome. Soooo much content. I'm gonna have to play through it multiple times since I feel like I missed most of what was going on while trying to figure out the gameplay.
Game is so pretty! Went with the gun nut. First time i played i played Soldier, so i dunno how this is gonna go. So far i shoot and things die haha I can't wait to play this with more people. Anyone wanna play?
I've got my fingers crossed for and early preorder release for Thursday here in ye olde British Isles. All the reviews and more inportantly friends opinions are all stellar. So I cannot wait. I think I'll be rolling with Maya for my first playthrough.
Like the original I'll be playing this alot. So feel free to add me for a few games. You'll find my Gamertag in my profile.
After the initial glitch with the .net install loop, the game is pretty damn awesome.
"Handsome Jack is mining this planet to destruction, or maybe your mom just got out of bed. Zing!"
Haha yeah my friend got that, I was ready to play at like 12:10 or so and my friend said i'll brb I have to get a monster (energy drink) literally took him 20 minutes, and then he comes back and he gets that loop... in the end we ended up starting to play at 1:00... if we only played earlier I would have gotten at least 1 hr more of sleep! ha. Worth it though, this game is even more awesome with PhysX.
i've gone through the first game more times than is really necessary. trying each character..trying different builds with each character...chest running...
I played in on Xbox - but i'm moving to my PC for 2. hope the haxors don't mess it up - course it's not that big a deal since you only play with 4 people and i'm sure i won't have a problem finding 3 friends to play with and keep the random toolsacks out.
oh and this:
borderlands DLC's > COD DLC's x 1,000,000. that is all.
Played it at lunch. It's really fun just like the first one. Looks gorgeous for the most part although there isn't a lot of depth and separation to the environment and characters in place.
Oh, and the interface is absolutely horrible on PC. WTF. It might work better with a controller but with a mouse and keyboard its just awful.
When my friends ask me about this game I am going to tell them, "The game isn’t manga-like enough to be super-hip"lolx1000...oh man, I can't stop laughing. That review has totally entered the so-bad-it-is-good hall of infamy.
Greetings mindless minion! It has come to my attention that you have published a less than generous review of my love-child, Borderlands 2! If I sound excited, please note that it is the way my programmers intended me to sound. I am actually quite dismayed!
Unfortunately, I, Claptrap, cannot condone this slander, especially from a mindless minion such as yourself! HAHAHHH!
Please report to the nearest grinding station for immediate dismemberment!
These grinding type games tend to read your mind and not give you what you want so just picture a shotgun or something when you open a chest and you should get your dream gun arrrr.
I played for about 2 hours last night and haven't come across a single sniper rifle, rocket launcher, or smg. Is this normal?
If you pre-ordered you should start with the gearbox guns - there is a sniper rifle and smg in that pack. Sir Hammerlock also gives you a quest at the beginning to scalp bullymog's for their fur, the reward is a pretty decent sniper rifle - I got a sweet Jakobs rifle with a big bayonette that increases melee damage.
I was reminded a couple of times of the desolate feeling you have on the road while playing Skyrim and struck by how long it took to get from one action point to another. Luckily, the developers built quick-travel machines into the game, allowing you short-circuit some of that boring travel time.
screw the wall street journal. i've got my own review. I couldn't help it... i played for bout 7 hours... level 12 Zero...was picking it apart all night.
this game is awesome. i've really only got one problem - and that's with the jokes.
The jokes are funny as hell. I was laughing my ass off most of the time I wasn't killing something to death - and sometimes while i was.
oddly enough, though, i feel like they're too many. I'll explain:
(caution - a few punch-line spoilers)
The humor was probably my favorite part of Borderlands. the humor in Borderlands 2, though, isn't quite the same - and is no longer my favorite part. this makes me a little sad. I'll highlight the main differences i've noticed in the writing between the two games:
kind of jokes:
borderlands - mostly dry, subtle, tongue-in-cheek humor - or funny stories.
the name of nine-toes pet skags (digit and pinky)
tannis' story about her dead bandit friend named leslie.
the Atlas soldiers getting excited about ice-cream day and leaving something incredibly important behind while visiting the world's largest bullet.
these are usually only good for a chuckle, but the chuckle is still there the second or third time. and there's also the potential of missing them the first time so the next playthrough you pick up on more little bits of funny that you didn't catch before.
borderlands 2 - mostly just jokes. a few one liners, a few longer ones. they're funny as hell but they lack any level of subtlety.
bonerfarts. butt stallions. Zed mentioning his lack of credentials nearly every time he opens his mouth.
They're really, truly funny - they really are. A lot of the time, though, I feel like they're just cramming jokes into every single bit of dialogue and i fear that it might get old and stop being funny - especially on the second playthrough.
purpose of jokes:
borderlands - Most of the humor is mixed in with Lore and character development. Borderlands always lacked a really super strong story - and that was never a problem because the characters were fantastic and the lore of the borderlands universe was fun.
Tannis' progression from scientist to crazy person as heard through the ECHO recordings.
General Knoxx complaining about the smell of pandora and Nepotism in the leadership of Atlas Corp.
all the jokes about scooter's mom - then finding out who she is and what kind of person she is - and her status on Pandora.
All of the development of these characters and little lore treasures were funny as hell, but usually not one-liner, ROFL funny. They served to build the characters and universe to be fun and endearing in the gore-drenched kind of vulgar way that it is.
borderlands 2 - making the player laugh. laugh a lot and laugh hard. then laugh again. set the mood for the game to "adult humor" mode.
again. bonerfarts. "my publisher says i can't call them bonerfarts."
"sorry for saying wall-sphincters"
While it's all funny it doesn't really serve the narrative of the actual story much. While I haven't yet seen a joke break a character I HAVE seen a general lack of dialogue or jokes that build one - so there's a lot less character and lore development going on.
While I wouldn't say that the writing or humor in Borderlands 2 is BAD, I would say that I miss the method and purpose of delivery that was so present in the first game. I wish it were a little less slapstick and a little more lore-centric and character building. There's still some - like hammerlock explaining that the lift doesn't work because clap-trap tried to "integrate" with the mechanism for it.
still...i'm only level 12. It's very possible that a lot more of what i hope for will be mixed in moving forward, but I kind of doubt it'll be quite to the level that i'd like.
I find that this is really common in ANY sequel to ANY media that involves a good deal of humor. they think "people liked that funny stuff. put in more funny stuff!" but they kind of miss what really made the funny bits work so well in the first one.
TL;DR: i love this game. I'm going to be playing it A LOT. I think i liked the writing more in the first one though.
also: not enough people in my friends are playing or have free spaces in their games. add me!
More info on pre-order bonus as well as the different editions.
It would go well with the claptrap I just bought.
You'll be able to fit a small dog inside! Awesome.
To be honest any Borderlands 2 footage I've seen lately is far to busy and noisy, and I put most of that down to the PhysX particle work and goo. It's just too much IMO. Also the texture painting is a bit busy sometimes.
Entries close at 11:59 p.m. GMT on September 6th, 2012.
Awesome Trailer should be #1 of 2012.
I dunno if they will, honestly because of its rpg nature the game/guns. The enemies dont seem to display any hurt or injured animations while being shot in any of the videos Ive seen so far. They do display cool death animations and attack animations but shooting them is just like shooting a wall, there is no effect as far as I can see just nice damage points fly out to let you know you actually hit it. The game still looks good but Im not so much a fan just because it doesnt feel like a proper fps game to me if the guns dont have impact, look at RAGE or Crysis etc and you can see what I mean, enemies react to where they are shot and stagger and recover etc.
Environments are beauuuuutiful.
Great game so far, can't wait to play more tomorrow.
Feel free to add me to your friends list if you're looking for someone to play with:
xbox live: Shiniku
steam: lord_shiniku
Yes, coffee is keeping me alive at work.
After the initial glitch with the .net install loop, the game is pretty damn awesome.
"Handsome Jack is mining this planet to destruction, or maybe your mom just got out of bed. Zing!"
Like the original I'll be playing this alot. So feel free to add me for a few games. You'll find my Gamertag in my profile.
Haha yeah my friend got that, I was ready to play at like 12:10 or so and my friend said i'll brb I have to get a monster (energy drink) literally took him 20 minutes, and then he comes back and he gets that loop... in the end we ended up starting to play at 1:00... if we only played earlier I would have gotten at least 1 hr more of sleep! ha. Worth it though, this game is even more awesome with PhysX.
I've heard Better Homes and Gardens has a pretty scathing review ready to drop as well.
Borderlands and Black Ops are comparable? They have the same target audience?
If its in the internet it must be true.
And clearly The Wall Street Journal is the place to go to on them interwebs for video game advice.
I played in on Xbox - but i'm moving to my PC for 2. hope the haxors don't mess it up - course it's not that big a deal since you only play with 4 people and i'm sure i won't have a problem finding 3 friends to play with and keep the random toolsacks out.
oh and this:
borderlands DLC's > COD DLC's x 1,000,000. that is all.
Oh, and the interface is absolutely horrible on PC. WTF. It might work better with a controller but with a mouse and keyboard its just awful.
Haha exactly what I was thinking! I don't know how anyone can ever place CoD DLC above Borderlands DLC!
If you pre-ordered you should start with the gearbox guns - there is a sniper rifle and smg in that pack. Sir Hammerlock also gives you a quest at the beginning to scalp bullymog's for their fur, the reward is a pretty decent sniper rifle - I got a sweet Jakobs rifle with a big bayonette that increases melee damage.
this game is awesome. i've really only got one problem - and that's with the jokes.
The jokes are funny as hell. I was laughing my ass off most of the time I wasn't killing something to death - and sometimes while i was.
oddly enough, though, i feel like they're too many. I'll explain:
(caution - a few punch-line spoilers)
The humor was probably my favorite part of Borderlands. the humor in Borderlands 2, though, isn't quite the same - and is no longer my favorite part. this makes me a little sad. I'll highlight the main differences i've noticed in the writing between the two games:
kind of jokes:
borderlands - mostly dry, subtle, tongue-in-cheek humor - or funny stories.
the name of nine-toes pet skags (digit and pinky)
tannis' story about her dead bandit friend named leslie.
the Atlas soldiers getting excited about ice-cream day and leaving something incredibly important behind while visiting the world's largest bullet.
these are usually only good for a chuckle, but the chuckle is still there the second or third time. and there's also the potential of missing them the first time so the next playthrough you pick up on more little bits of funny that you didn't catch before.
borderlands 2 - mostly just jokes. a few one liners, a few longer ones. they're funny as hell but they lack any level of subtlety.
bonerfarts. butt stallions. Zed mentioning his lack of credentials nearly every time he opens his mouth.
They're really, truly funny - they really are. A lot of the time, though, I feel like they're just cramming jokes into every single bit of dialogue and i fear that it might get old and stop being funny - especially on the second playthrough.
purpose of jokes:
borderlands - Most of the humor is mixed in with Lore and character development. Borderlands always lacked a really super strong story - and that was never a problem because the characters were fantastic and the lore of the borderlands universe was fun.
Tannis' progression from scientist to crazy person as heard through the ECHO recordings.
General Knoxx complaining about the smell of pandora and Nepotism in the leadership of Atlas Corp.
all the jokes about scooter's mom - then finding out who she is and what kind of person she is - and her status on Pandora.
All of the development of these characters and little lore treasures were funny as hell, but usually not one-liner, ROFL funny. They served to build the characters and universe to be fun and endearing in the gore-drenched kind of vulgar way that it is.
borderlands 2 - making the player laugh. laugh a lot and laugh hard. then laugh again. set the mood for the game to "adult humor" mode.
again. bonerfarts. "my publisher says i can't call them bonerfarts."
"sorry for saying wall-sphincters"
While it's all funny it doesn't really serve the narrative of the actual story much. While I haven't yet seen a joke break a character I HAVE seen a general lack of dialogue or jokes that build one - so there's a lot less character and lore development going on.
While I wouldn't say that the writing or humor in Borderlands 2 is BAD, I would say that I miss the method and purpose of delivery that was so present in the first game. I wish it were a little less slapstick and a little more lore-centric and character building. There's still some - like hammerlock explaining that the lift doesn't work because clap-trap tried to "integrate" with the mechanism for it.
still...i'm only level 12. It's very possible that a lot more of what i hope for will be mixed in moving forward, but I kind of doubt it'll be quite to the level that i'd like.
I find that this is really common in ANY sequel to ANY media that involves a good deal of humor. they think "people liked that funny stuff. put in more funny stuff!" but they kind of miss what really made the funny bits work so well in the first one.
TL;DR: i love this game. I'm going to be playing it A LOT. I think i liked the writing more in the first one though.
also: not enough people in my friends are playing or have free spaces in their games. add me!
steam: reverendFlacid