We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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here is a cute little bug
needed to blow off some artistic steam
Arcadehero - I love the girl sketch.
Have you guys tried out the free online figure drawing resource Hazardous posted the other day? It is fan. tastic.
daily life at work here
And nice sketches, the detailed one on the left is quite subtle and lovely!
I am more of a Mel Clarke kinda guy though ;P
breakfast sketch
another doodle from my end
want it on my wall in a frame!!
Sketched up a thumb sketch I did at the airport.
I also took one shape and rotated, flipped, and skewed it to see what the angles would do to my perception. It just goes to show the versatility of basic shapes.
Sketched this a while back. Its been a while since I actually painted something and feel really rusty.
I started with ArtRage's pencil tools. ArtRage is great for perspective sketching because you can CTRL + Drag your cursor for a straight line that goes where you want it to. This helps speed up the process of making guidelines for your drawings and is overall much more enjoyable. C+C is welcome
Concept for an ipad game.
did this doodle earlier today